How to Make Hard Candy in High Humidity (and Soft Candy, Too!) (2024)

It may be hard to understand how to make hard candy in high humidity, and soft candy is just as challenging. Most recipes are already temperamental, so if the weather isn't ideal, perfecting a sugary candy recipe is even trickier. But you don't necessarily have to wait for the cold, dry days of winter to make a batch of your favorite candy.

With some knowledge about how humidity and the weather affect candy making, plus a few tips for combatting the effects, you can make your own candy in almost any climate. If you're preparing a candy in summer or live somewhere warm all year round, use this advice to help your next batch of candy turn out just the way you like it.

How to Make Hard Candy in High Humidity (and Soft Candy, Too!) (1)

How Does Weather Affect Candy Making?

Candy recipes usually call for precision, such as heating sugar to a specific temperature and cooling it quickly. When the weather is hot or humid, it may take longer for the candy to cool, or it can absorb excess moisture from the air, which might cause the sugar to crystallize or the texture to soften instead of becoming hard and crisp.

That's part of why candy making is so prevalent in winter; the best climate for making candy has a relative humidity of less than 35%, and cold air usually has less moisture than hot air. But if you live in an area that's hardly ever that dry (or if you're craving a batch of peanut brittle when the weather is warm), you can always use your air conditioner or a portable dehumidifier for about a day or so before making candy.

How to Make Hard Candy in High Humidity

If the weather conditions are less than ideal, you can still make a great candy recipe with a few tweaks. Because excessive softness in candy results from high relative humidity, cook hard candies, such as nut brittle, to 2 degrees higher than the temperature your recipe calls for. The additional 2 degrees in cooking temperature will compensate for moisture in the air, so your candy will still have the correct texture.

Accuracy is also essential for candy, especially if you're adjusting a recipe for the weather. Always be sure to use a candy thermometer for precise readings, and check the thermometer you're using (even if it's brand new) to make sure it's giving the correct reading.

To double-check, before you start making candy, clip the thermometer to a pot of water, ensuring the tip isn't touching the bottom of the pan. Then, heat the water to a rolling boil on the stove. Check the temperature on the thermometer once the water is boiling; it should match the boiling point of water in your region (at sea level, water boils at 212°F, but the boiling point decreases as the altitude increases).

If the thermometer gives the correct temperature for boiling water, you know it will provide accurate measurements as you're heating sugar and water. If the thermometer is wrong (say it's off by 5°F), you'll know to add or subtract that amount from the reading to get the right temperature.

How to Make Hard Candy in High Humidity (and Soft Candy, Too!) (2)

How to Temper Chocolate in Hot Weather

If you're tempering chocolate for a candy recipe (slowly melting and then cooling chocolate to give it a glossy finish), humidity also affects that process. Just like any other candy, you'll have the best results if you do it on a cool, dry day. However, if you're tempering chocolate on a warm or humid day, cooling the chocolate to the right temperature is the most likely spot for trouble.

Hot weather might make chocolate cool too slowly; however, you can help gently cool it by dipping the bottom of the bowl into room temperature water (don't let any water touch the chocolate itself). This will allow the chocolate to slowly cool to the correct temperature without letting it get too cold. Don't use cold water or place the bowl in the fridge; this could cool it down too quickly, causing the chocolate to crack or lose its shininess. Once properly tempered, the chocolate will look even more appetizing.

Storing Candy

Whether the weather is humid or not, how you store your candy will also affect the texture and how long it lasts. Keep different types of candy in separate, airtight containers in a cool, dry place like your pantry or the refrigerator. This is especially important if you live in a humid climate since the finished candy could absorb moisture from the air, which will cause it to go soft sooner.

As a seasoned candy-making enthusiast with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved, let me assure you that crafting the perfect candy is not only an art but a science. Having delved into the nuances of candy making, I can attest to the challenges posed by varying weather conditions, particularly high humidity.

To address these challenges, let's break down the concepts embedded in the provided article:

1. Weather Impact on Candy Making:

  • Precision in Candy Recipes: Candy recipes demand precision, often requiring specific temperatures for heating and quick cooling. High humidity or hot weather can hinder the cooling process, leading to undesired outcomes such as crystallization or softening.
  • Prevalence in Winter: Candy making is traditionally associated with winter due to lower relative humidity and less moisture in cold air.

2. Combatting High Humidity in Candy Making:

  • Temperature Adjustment: In high humidity, especially when making hard candies like nut brittle, increase the cooking temperature by 2 degrees more than the recipe suggests. This compensates for the moisture in the air, ensuring the candy achieves the desired texture.
  • Use of Candy Thermometer: Precision is crucial. Always employ a candy thermometer for accurate readings, testing its accuracy beforehand by boiling water and ensuring the thermometer displays the correct boiling point.

3. Tempering Chocolate in Hot Weather:

  • Best Conditions for Tempering: Tempering chocolate involves melting and cooling it for a glossy finish. While a cool, dry day is ideal, warm or humid weather can complicate the cooling process.
  • Gentle Cooling Technique: To counter slow cooling in hot weather, gently cool the chocolate by dipping the bowl's bottom into room temperature water. Avoid cold water or the fridge to prevent rapid cooling, which can lead to cracks or loss of shine.

4. Storing Candy:

  • Airtight Containers: Regardless of weather conditions, how you store your candy is crucial for texture and longevity. Store different types of candy in separate, airtight containers.
  • Consideration for Humid Climates: In humid climates, airtight storage is especially vital to prevent finished candy from absorbing moisture, which could lead to premature softening.

Armed with this comprehensive knowledge, you can confidently tackle candy making in any climate, be it the chilly days of winter or the warmth of summer. Whether it's adjusting temperatures, verifying thermometer accuracy, or employing gentle cooling techniques, these insights will empower you to master the sweet art of candy making under diverse weather conditions.

How to Make Hard Candy in High Humidity (and Soft Candy, Too!) (2024)
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