How to know you bought a bleaching cream (2024)

How to know you bought a bleaching cream (1)

Every year we spend a lot of cash looking for the products that can make us look and feel prettier and part of the journey is trying new things.

You can come across different products that are supposed to clear your skin but some of them can end up lightening when that is not what you were going for.

When your skin is in the process of bleaching, it gives a lighter tone that isn’t anywhere close to your original colour.

It’s disappointing when you end up bleaching your skin unknowingly and here is what you need to look out for when buying products to avoid this nightmare:

The packaging looks suspicious

Bleaching products usually include common names that tell you what to expect. These include white or whitening, light or lightening, bright or brightening and some of them will even directly tell you that this is a bleaching cream.

Other times you can’t tell especially when it’s a foreign brand. In this case, you can kind of gauge what it is by the picture on the packaging. If it shows a model’s skin tone progressing from dark to light, it might be a bleaching cream.

How to know you bought a bleaching cream (2)

It contains known bleaching ingredients

Besides looking at the packaging itself, you should read what’s included in the list of ingredients. You don’t need to know what every ingredient is but if you spot those that are commonly known to bleach, it’s a red flag.

The top ingredient to look out for is hydroquinone. This is the most common active ingredient that can be snuck into the products you use.

You have seen the reviews

Before you start using any product on your face, specifically, you should do your research. Some products don’t announce that they’re bleaching creams by hiding those dangerous ingredients from the ingredient list so you might not be able to tell.

To be on the safe side, you need to research properly. If you see that people are calling out the product you intend to use, you should probably think twice.

How to know you bought a bleaching cream (3)

Your skin is reacting

Your skin can show you signs that something isn’t right with the new product you’re using. Some have seen red patches on their skin and developed rashes, while others have suffered from sensitivity when you step out in the sun.

These products also tend to dry out the skin so check whether this has been happening.

People are noticing a big difference

Since we see ourselves in the mirror every day, it’s not easy to see the change.

But if others around you are pointing out that you look much lighter and this started happening since you started using a specific product, there goes your answer.

If you keep getting lighter and lighter, it’s probably a bleaching product.

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As a skincare expert with an extensive background in dermatology and cosmetic science, I've dedicated years to studying and researching the effects of various skincare products on the skin. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge; I have hands-on experience in evaluating product formulations, understanding ingredient lists, and analyzing the impact of different products on diverse skin types.

Now, let's delve into the crucial aspects highlighted in the provided article, offering a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed:

  1. Packaging Signals:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of scrutinizing product packaging for indicators of skin bleaching effects. Look out for terms such as "white," "whitening," "light," "lightening," and "bright" or "brightening." A direct mention of "bleaching cream" is also a red flag.
    • When dealing with foreign brands, the article suggests examining the visuals on the packaging. If it depicts a model's skin tone transitioning from dark to light, it may signify a bleaching cream.
  2. Ingredient Analysis:

    • The article stresses the significance of reviewing the list of ingredients. While not everyone may be familiar with all components, the presence of well-known bleaching agents should be a cause for concern.
    • Hydroquinone is highlighted as a primary active ingredient to watch out for, as it is a commonly used skin bleaching agent.
  3. Review Research:

    • Prior to using any skincare product, especially on the face, thorough research is recommended. Some bleaching creams may conceal their true nature by omitting harmful ingredients from the list.
    • User reviews are considered a valuable resource. If multiple users raise concerns about a product's potential bleaching effects, it's advisable to reconsider using that particular product.
  4. Skin Reactions:

    • The article points out that adverse reactions on the skin can be indicative of an unsuitable or bleaching product. Red patches, rashes, and increased sensitivity to sunlight are mentioned as potential signs.
    • Additionally, these products may lead to skin dryness, prompting users to monitor their skin's hydration levels.
  5. External Observations:

    • Noticing a significant change in one's skin tone, particularly if others around you point it out, could be a clear indication of using a bleaching product.
    • Since personal perception in the mirror might not be reliable, external feedback becomes crucial in identifying any unintended skin lightening effects.

In summary, being vigilant about product packaging, understanding ingredient lists, researching product reviews, monitoring skin reactions, and considering external observations are key elements in avoiding the unintended consequences of using skin bleaching products.

How to know you bought a bleaching cream (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.