How to build a capsule wardrobe (2024)

        • How to build a capsule wardrobe (4)Maria Cole says

          I LOVE your website. I actually have decided to do wood hangers :) And only keep the pieces worthy of being hung on a beautiful wood hanger ( or clothes I really need, aka my painting leggings)
          Please keep up the amazing work. I have visited many minimal lifestyle blogs and groups and this is the first one that is just lovely!
          Keep shining sister {>

          • How to build a capsule wardrobe (5)Leslie Kozlowski says

            Ditto! Love and Lovely! Today I finally finished the Capsule! I feel so Blessed! So so worth the effort to get there!

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (6)Abilene Sandoval says


        This is wonderful! I love love LOVE your blog. Thank you for all that you share, as I find it so useful!
        I am currently in the process of taking things out of my closet, box per box, donating for now and will later separate according to what you recommend.
        Can’t wait to make my first Capsule! :)
        One challenge, I work an 8am-5pm at a law firm. How you would create a capsule for work? Would you allocate from some of those 37 pieces to work and then have extra for after 5 pm use (casual/dinner)?
        Please advise, I WOULD love to hear from you! :)

        • How to build a capsule wardrobe (7)Fleur says

          I would be interested in tips for creating a capsule for work, too. Especially as I have to wear formal clothing at work, but don’t necessarily like it… So the “keep what you love”-idea can’t really apply.
          Also what to do with clothes I love but don’t wear because I don’t know how to wear them?

          • How to build a capsule wardrobe (8)Caroline says

            Hi Fleur! For a professional wardrobe, I would still start with the capsule planner and use a similar approach. Maybe instead of keeping what you love, you keep what you need and what you’ll get a lot of use out of. (You could also use this as an opportunity to replace a few things with items you DO love!) As for styling clothes that you don’t know how to wear — try reading more style blogs or searching for specific terms on Pinterest. For instance, if you want ideas on how to wear a white button down, you can search Pinterest for “white button-down outfit ideas” and I’m sure you’ll get lots of inspiration that way! Good luck! :)

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (9)Shelly says

      Hey Caroline! Love your style and am so inspired by you! I am on my way to designing my own capsule wardrobe as a nursing mama! Hoping that it’s not going to be too hard! I’m going to be documenting my journey on my blog :) Have any friends who have done the same? Would love some inspiration for nursing friendly cute mom fashion!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (12)KaTie says

      Honestly an answered prayer. Thankful someone put words to my seemingly endless annoyance with my style/discontentment/comparison/and retail therapy. So in!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (13)Mariah says

      I’m totally in!! I just discovered capsule wardraobes a couple of months ago and have been excited to start ever since. I’m going to be making videos on my YouTube channel of my process/experience of creating a capsule wardrobe. Your tips are so helpful!! Thank you!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (14)Karen B says

      I didn’t know this was 37 pieces for each season. I could probably make that work. I can certainly aim to get close to that. I’ve noticed that I’ve done capsule makeup and skin care. put away my fairer foundations and heavier moisturizers that I need in winter (seasonal!) This way I’m not digging through all my products every time I get ready. it’s unbelievably easier.

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (15)Carol says

        You don’t have to have 37 separate pieces for each season unless you want to. If you look at Caroline’s capsules, there are many pieces that appear in more than one season. I’ve limited myself to 80 pieces for the whole year.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (16)Grace lovera says

      I’m so excited to start my very first capsule for the winter season. This will be my very first time doing this, FINALLY. Wish me luck. I have A MILLION things to sort through tomorrow, *sigh* and will be making a sizable run to the local 2nd hand store after.

      Cheers to the holidays, and to everyone celebrating “less is more”

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (18)laura ann says

      I’m into capsule wardrobe, but it takes time and culling to get there. Several colors in tops (blues and greens) and neutral bottoms like grays, khakis, denim. Am retired so I don’t need dress clothes or dresses, skirts. several casual dress pants and tops with two blazers is all. Closet is pared down now.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (19)Missy says

    Caroline, I’m so glad you started a style blog. I love the idea of a minimal closet! I have been slowly trying to do this on my own but all your steps help break it down in an easier way. Count me in!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (20)admin says

      Hooray, Missy!! I’m so excited for you! I’d love to follow along your adventures–use #unfancy so we can keep up. xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (21)Kayla says

    I LOVE this!! Do you find a hard time balancing work and casual clothes? I work in an Events office and need certain things to wear to events and meetings but I don’t really want to wear them in my day-to-day life. Sometimes I feel like I need two separate wardrobes. Any thoughts?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (22)admin says

      Hi Kayla!

      Great to hear from you!

      You are so not alone–I was right there with you at first. I tend to want to compartmentalize everything, so creating two separate capsule wardrobes definitely crossed my mind. But, by trying to live with 37 pieces, somehow I got the hang of it and figured out how to make it work for me. It can be tricky, but I try to look for pieces that can do double duty. Like a really great patterned pencil skirt–casual with a tee and flat sandals, dressy with a button up and heels. :)

      But, we all live in the real world, and sometimes we have to make allowances. I’d encourage you to try the challenge as is, and then if things just aren’t working for your lifestyle, improvise and make up your own rules. :)


      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (23)AJC says

        I’m actually at the opposite end of the spectrum. My job is dirty, and physically hard on clothes. I also have to keep in mind certain criteria such as how short the sleeves are and that all tops must be brew neck. I’m wondering if your advise would be the same, or if you would be more inclined to have a “work wordrobe” in my situation?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (24)Katie Pinson says

    Caroline. Unfancy is AMAZING! I absolutely love the concept, and am so happy that there is finally a style blog that won’t leave feeling the need to just go out and spend more money on things I don’t need. Totally inspiring. This blog is so you! Looking forward to following along :)

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (27)admin says

      Hi Victoria!

      Thanks for your comment! :)

      I played around with the number a lot at first. I ultimately settled on 37 because of how it broke down in each category. I knew I wanted at least 9 pairs of shoes, 9 bottoms, and 15 tops. Then the remaining 4 were just enough for 2 dresses and 2 jackets/coats. To me, 37 felt generous yet still minimal. A very doable number. :)


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (29)Breanna says

    I’ve been so excited to see this blog launch! I’m moving to a new state next month. Seems like the perfect time to clear out the clutter. Thanks for your inspiration and great style!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (32)Hannah says

    Ok, I am IN! Love this idea. I am in love with the idea that less is more. I was anxiously waiting to hear more about your process and how you make it work. Thank you for sharing this concept in a way that makes me want to USE what I have and get creative with it! As opposed to feeling I need all kinds of new fancy clothes to be pretty! ;)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (34)Stacey says

    Thank you for creating un-fancy and for sharing your tips on living with less! It has been SO inspiring to follow your journey. I’ve been wanting to tackle the capsule wardrobe for some time now. Count me in!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (36)Mary says

    I’m a little confused. The time period is called the capsule which is 3 months? And then once that period is over, you shop for the next season (capsule)? Do you just rotate your capsules out every season? Are you buying clothes that will last and stay timeless for multiple years of the same season? (ex: spring 2014, 2015, 2016)?

    I love this idea and it follows along nicely I believe with my version of Nancy Ray’s contentment challenge. Looking forward to seeing this grow!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (37)admin says

      Hi Mary! Thank you for your sweet words! Actually, the season = 3 month time period. The capsule = 37 piece wardrobe. And yes, over a year the goal is to build 4 capsule wardrobes that can be repeated in future years. Of course, they’ll change a bit over the years, with new styles, changes in taste, or changes in lifestyle. But overall, I try to build my capsule wardrobes of pieces that I know are well made and will last over time. :) xoxo Caroline

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (38)Corinne says

        I’m hesitant to go out and buy my missing pieces. My area seems to be limited to Walmart, Target, and expensive boutiques. I have shopped in all of these places but even the expensive places, the clothes fall apart or need dry cleaning. Everything I buy lately stretches out or shrinks in weird ways (Target). You say you buy clothes that will last, where are some places you recommend?

        • How to build a capsule wardrobe (39)patty blaettler says

          I agree. I only buy ‘better’ brands these days, for me and my family. I’ve found Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Nautica are good for casual everyday stuff.
          Online you can find brands like Boden, hannah anderson, etc. Sometimes the Gap does ok, too. Look and think while choosing.
          Also, my gentle cycle on the washing machine has become my best friend. It helps!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (41)Lauren (Jolly) Thomas says

    Caroline! I love this so much! I’ll be going through my closet tonight :) I do have one question, when creating your summer wardrobe, do you include bathing suits and coverups? I can’t wait to read more of your blog posts!


    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (42)admin says

      Hi Lauren! So excited for you! I don’t include bathing suits or cover ups in my capsule wardrobe. :) xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (43)Jessica says

    Hi Caroline!
    I am so excited to have found your blog. Recently I have found myself in complete and utter tears taking over an hour to choose an outfit. I stare at a full closet (with 200+) items with literally 5-7 things I love to wear.
    In your description of the capsule wardrobe, you wrote at the end, “You may be thinking, shopping and clothes are my thing.” Well I’m actually thinking more like, they really aren’t my thing! I’m afraid that I’m completely unable to craft a great wardrobe by myself! I need a consultant (cough, cough–you) or something. I’m also afraid that when I start this, I’ll only have about 5 things to wear! I would love to hear your thoughts! And I completely love your concept, and your wardrobe/photos is/are gorgeous.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (44)admin says

      Hey Jessica! So great to hear from you! And not to worry, because I’ll be blogging at least 90 outfits from this capsule wardrobe (that you can totally copy!). It takes some practice, but if I can do it, you can do it! :) xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (45)Zoe says

    I am SO IN!!! Have just finished the contentment challenge and this is the perfect segue. My only caveat is that I am a lawyer and have to wear a suit every day so that part of my wardrobe is separate but as for the rest of it I love it. Have just restocked for spring and love the idea that I don’t have to think about spending money or waste time looking at clothes online again! Can think about things that really matter. xx

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (46)Rachel D'Annunzio says

    Yay, thanks for the advice about clearing out the closet completely. I am going to do this sometime in the next week and I can not wait…


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (50)Ashley Brooks says

    I love the idea of closet minimalism! I’ve been paring down my own items for a year, but I haven’t gotten focused enough to actually pick a number and stick with it. This could be just the motivation I need! I’m thinking I’ll wait until winter rolls around again to get started though. I’m 22 weeks pregnant right now, so I need to hang onto anything and everything that still fits–even if it’s a “maybe” item!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (51)Stephanie says

    I totally need to do this.
    I did something similar like a month ago… but I definitely held on to way more than I should have. I know I’ll still end up with more than 37 pieces (summer’s here in florida are HOT and I’ll definitely need a lot of tanks still!) but as long as I’m not holding them because I want to see my closet full, I’m fine with letting them go!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (56)Jordin says

    I absolutely LOVE your blog and the capsule concept! I have been trying to figure out how to simplify my closet so that everything feels like me and this is it :). Love love love and can’t wait to get started. Hoping that this exercise will bring me some clarity around our home as we begin redoing pretty much our entire house. Nothing better than simplifying. Thanks!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (58)Lauren Jones says

    Hey Caroline! I just now am finding your awesome blog! I love everything about it! I already told Ryan about how amazing you are doing and how I am going to be making a capsule wardrobe, like TODAY. We recently (by choice) moved from a 4 bed 2.5 bath house to a small 2/2 apartment on the water. We got rid of tons of STUFF and SIMPLIFIED. A lot got donated or sold from my closet then too but I love your simple steps and system and can’t wait to try them out!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (59)admin says

      Lauren! I’m so happy to hear from you! I love that y’all just downsized–doesn’t it feel so good to simplify? Hope y’all are doing SO well! :) xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (62)Courtney Lucier says

    This is just what I needed!! Just had a baby and we are currently downsizing homes so this is the perfect time to find my new style with what I already have! Besides everything I own is in boxes and garbage bags. Although it’s hard when you work at a clothing boutique :-/

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (63)HRJF says

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in! I had a meltdown over my wardrobe this morning because it is fragmented between clothes I’ve worn out, holes and pilling — my wardrobe has seen better days. (You’d never believe I use to work in retail.)

    Excited to get to work this weekend and clean it out my closet! I

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (64)Jessica says

    I just stumbled upon your site and I was so happy to find it! I’ve been toying with this idea for a long time but have been hesitant because I don’t feel like I know what my style is. I’m pretty drawn to neutrals but tend to buy colors because it seems more fun. I love looking at your neutral outfits and seeing how fun they are! You’ve given me the motivation to try – I just printed out your planner :)

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (65)Caroline says

      Hi Jessica! Awesome! I know–I used to feel the exact same way about neutrals vs. color, but I found if I just take a little time to style an outfit, it becomes interesting no matter the colors (or lack of colors) used. :) Enjoy the planner! xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (66)Katie Sjogren says

    Hey Caroline!

    I’m really getting excited about this and started going through my closet. I was just wondering…do you have a capsule wardrobe number for men? I am trying to purge my husband’s things too and wondered if you have helped your man with his wardrobe and fashion?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (68)Brooke says

    Just found your blog through … it’s beautiful and inspiring. I love the way your minimal layout corresponds with your minimalist approach to style.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (69)Sarah Sweeney says

    I just discovered your blog and I love it! This concept of the capsule wardrobe is tempting me. I typically shop lots of sales and end up with a bunch of pieces that I have trouble working into outfits that I like. I feel that I would be much happier and not so stressed about getting dressed if I would just invest in some really nice pieces and keep the clutter out of my closet. I have wayyy to much right now. My only question is, how do you dress for nicer events where you are going to be seeing the same people everytime. For example weddings with friends, or my husbands family is very social and often has parties. Basically, I feel like I have to have lots of party dresses for these types of things. How do you handle that? Also, this is silly, but do you have more casual pieces for beachwear or anything? Sorry for all of the questions, I’m just really interested in pursuing this lifestyle!! Thanks :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (70)Natalie says

    I just found your blog and I love it!! I’m definitely in. I’m going to try it out a little early and do it for a month and then do the full three months starting on 1 July.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (71)Joy says

    Hey there! I found your blog through The Tiny Twig’s recommendation the other day, and I’ve been a bit obsessed with it since. (Totally not in a creepy way, of course! ;-). ). I’ve been slowly trying to create a capsule wardrobe over the past year, after reading/ following first Lessons from Madame Chic/ The Daily Connoisseur, and then this blog (and a couple other posts from blogs I don’t love as much, but anyway, they’re also motivating). But here’s my issue. I live in Hawaii right now (husband is in the military so it probably won’t be forever). So there really aren’t any seasons. How would you approach the capsule wardrobe in this case? Just make it a little bigger? Divide seasons strictly by colors? Other??? So far, I’ve been going by “making it a little bigger,” but I’m interested to hear your thoughts. It’s still significantly smaller than it used to be, waaaay smaller than most women’s, and I’m really learning to narrow down my style, buy only what I love and wear just that.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (72)Christel says

      I have this question too. I live in Florida and it’s either hot and humid, or slightly less hot and humid. Except for a couple weeks every Dec./Jan. where I might need a sweater, I don’t use a jacket/coat all year. So if you only have one season, how big should your capsule be? Should it be 37×4 (148) items for the whole year? Should I try to have distinct capsules that I rotate in and out just for variety’s sake even though there’s no reason to do so from a weather perspective? At the moment I am way under the 37 items for even one season so the thought of shopping for so much is somewhat overwhelming, but at the same time I feel like if I wear a small number of items over and over, they wear out much more quickly. Any suggestions appreciated.

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (73)Caroline says

        Hello Christel and Joy! I think the most important thing to remember going into this is that it has to work for YOUR life. There’s no right or wrong way to do a capsule. The main thing to take away is being mindful of your purchases and wasting less dollars on trendy, one-time-use items. If you don’t have many weather changes, I would still fill out the capsule planner to see what direction you’re going, what you love, and what you no longer need. If you want to make subtle changes each season (maybe colors or fabrics) that’s one way to get some variety. But overall, it’s an individual experiment (one that I hope you enjoy!) :) Good luck!

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (74)Carol says

        It was never intended to be 148 items for the whole year. There is overlap between capsules, so even if you did have four different seasons, there would still be items that you used for more than one season, not 37 separate items for each.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (75)Jen says

    Wow! Just came across this in a desperate attempt to simplify. Less could be more stylish, I’m thinking and with a little googling I ran into this. By 53 you can end up with a lot of clothes and yet nothing to wear- how is that even possible, you ask yourself. I’m a bit late to the party but I made a start and will do my summer capsule wardrobe this weekend.
    Honestly, I think a bit of wine may be needed and I may have to just bag some stuff but I am culling, too. Thanks for this. I think it’s a great idea.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (77)Kelsey says

    I love your website and your style! I just discovered it and now I want to try the capsule wardrobe thing. I read a lot about minimalism, but some things are too extreme (Jen Hatmaker experimented with 7 pieces of clothing) to sustain, but this seems sustainable. I’m going to build myself a capsule for my first summer in Arizona. I need to think about the extreme heat and my lifestyle (a stay-at-home-mom who is nursing). I really simplified my closet in my move here, but as I look through my closet I realize there is no consistency in terms of colors, even with neutrals! I think having less pieces to choose from will really clarify my style, which I’m still discovering. Wish me luck!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (79)Deanna says

    I’m in! I think what’s been frustrating for me is that I can appreciate all different styles and I have a hard time paring down what really works on me. I also get out to shop on my own so infrequently that I feel like I need to buy something even if I don’t find anything that I love. Only buying something that would be a Top 37 really creates the right mindset. It will also help me not to buy something that I doesn’t “go” with anything in my closet (I can’t be the only one who does this!) Once I pared down my closet, I realize that there are only a few outfits that I really, truly love and everything else is forced.

    Thanks for pushing me in the right direction! Love your blog.


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (80)Sara says

    I’m doing this to get ready for the summer season! (Thou I will postpone buying things till the sales are on, so I can grab a few good quality items I would not be able to afford otherwise – But this shopping will be extremely meditated and with a shopping list in my hand!)
    Thanks for doing this!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (81)Nicola says

    Hi, Thank you for sharing, I have found your blog so inspiring and I have been gently paring down over the last month ready to build a capsule for summer!

    Just one question: I live in the UK and from the look of your outfits it is much hotter where you are than here in London! Wearing a fewer number of clothing items each day in warmer weather will mean you can still make fresh combinations and not look ‘worn out’…. I’m imagining that if I went through any season other than summer here I would need a ‘bottom’ and two ‘tops’ every day, and it wouldn’t be too long until everything became a bit too familiar.

    Of course I have yet to try this so I am only guessing…. I can try and find out! But have you heard from anyone with similar queries, and what have they done? Or do you have any ideas?

    Thanks so much. I’m loving following along and getting inspired :-)

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (82)Caroline says

      Hi Nicola!

      That’s an awesome question. I think I’ll be able to better answer it when winter rolls around for me. :) I know it’ll be a bit more challenging, but I think it’s totally possible. And I’m always all for people making the challenge their own, so if you feel like adding in a few extra pieces for winter, I say do it!


    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (83)Edi K. says

      I’ve inadvertently started something like this, but I’ve been floundering in finding my zen style. Now I understand I’ve got to EMPTY my closet. It makes complete sense now and I can totally see applying this to my makeup/skin care products and even my kitchen and pantry! Creating my capsule this next weekend as my birthday project! Great present to myself!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (84)Emily says

    I am fascinated by this concept of living simply! I have been trying to do this for the past year but always find it difficult to get rid of my favorite pieces. I may give this a shot!
    I do have a question though! I have been trying to clear out the clutter in EVERY aspect of life…so pretty much my entire house! Do you “live simply” just by your clothes and style or do you implement this into other areas of life as well?
    Thanks!! Looking forward to reading your blog!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (87)Laura says

    I’m in July 1, and I’ve been getting ready. I was telling my 15 year old daughter what I was up as I cleaned out my closet. She thinks I’m crazy! I can just imagine by next summer she might join me in simplifying. I can’t wait to see what you’ll be wearing next week! How many new items are you purchasing, Caroline? Is there an opportunity for followers to post their capsules? I’m curious about what others will be wearing.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (88)Caroline says

      Hi Laura! So fun! :) :) I ended up purchasing about 14 new pieces. And that’s a great idea about creating a space for you all to share your own capsule wardrobes…maybe a Facebook group? I’ll see what I can do about that in the next few weeks. xo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (89)Julie says

    I found your blog through the Southern Weddings home tour, and I’ve been contemplating the capsule wardrobe all through most of June. I also was reading 7 by Jen Hatmaker- great combo! I can now say that I think my capsule wardrobe for summer is just about ready! I love this idea as a way to start living more simply. When I cleaned out my closet, I couldn’t believe how big a pile of clothes I had on my bed (well 4 HUGE piles actually). I am a working girl in a professional university environment, so I am trying to mix the business casual work clothes with clothes needed for outings in this Oklahoma summer heat. I’m excited to see how it goes!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (90)Diana says

    Hi Caroline! Your blog idea is so inspiring. I’ve been having troubles figuring out what to wear all the time. Meanwhile, I barely have any room in my closet. In the end of the day, I tend to wear a little number of clothing items I absolutely adore. I’m moving soon and it was a great chance for me to go through my wardrobe and get rid of things I don’t wear. Working in the business environment makes it a little hard to minimize the wardrobe to 37 pieces though. I’ve also noticed you don’t have much color in your capsule wardrobe. Do you have any reason for it? :) I love colorful pieces, especially in spring and summer. But neutral items are always the win and go with anything!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (91)Caroline says

      Hi Diana! It’s true — my wardrobe is SO neutral. Sometimes I laugh at how colorless it is, but it is actually my style. It’s not a capsule wardrobe strategy or anything — just what I prefer. :) xo Caroline

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (92)Julie says

      Diana, I didn’t think it would be possible in the business environment either, but I am giving it a go! My office is more of a business casual style though (a university), so I may be able to get away with things more than you can! This summer is my first capsule wardrobe, so we’ll see how it goes!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (93)Liane Tait says

    Hi, my friend Jenna Carey ( you shot her wedding last May) recommended your website after a disastrous shopping trip I had today. Money burning a hole in my pocket and no idea what to look for/what I needed.

    Love your advice and capsule wardrobe. Went through mine straight away!

    My problem is, I live in Scotland. Although it is meant to be summer, one day is warm and sunny and the next is cold and rainy. Finding it hard to cut things down. Managed to get 37 items of clothes excluding shoes. Help!!!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (96)Laura says

    Hello! I’ve just discovered your website and I’m really inspired to sort my wardrobe out! I’ve downloaded the worksheets and have been assessing my lifestyle and wardrobe but the thing that I’m struggling with the most is that the clothes that I love and make me feel like ‘me’ don’t really suit my lifestyle now (I used to work full time in a creative industry and am now a SAHM). How do I go about redefining my style with confidence without falling back into my comfort zone of yoga pants? Thanks!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (98)tiffany says

    i am OBSESSED with this idea (and your sense of style!) so excited to go home tonight and get started! :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (99)Jenn says

    Just found your site (through Into Mind) and love the idea of a capsule wardrobe. My problem is that I’m not even sure I own 37 pieces and I can count on one hand the ones that I love. Any thoughts/suggestions for building up to a 37 piece wardrobe? I don’t really have the time or funds to dedicate to starting from scratch.

    I DL’d the planner and I’m excited to take a run at it. I’d love to flesh out my personal style and move forward with it.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (100)Kristi says

      Hey Jenn,

      Unlike the vast majority of women considering the capsule wardrobe, I (like you) am needing to build UP to 37 items. I think I have 6 right now. I just added a new dress for 7. And that’s it. My budget for clothing is minimal and I’m frustrated. I hate just about everything in my closet because I am purchasing the cheapest items just to “get by.” My strategy going forward is to start looking into my personal syle and what types of clothing I really need to have. I’ve looked through a couple of “must-have” lists, so that when I do find something within my budget, I know that it’s not redundant. I’m also looking for style basics rather than statement pieces because I can’t afford those. My goal is to have two capsules- cold weather and warm weather, each with 3-5 bottoms, 5-7 tops, and 2-3 dresses, and 2 pairs of shoes. For cold weather, I’ll add a sweater and a coat (maybe, coats are usually optional for me as I don’t spend a lot of time outside or get cold quickly, even though it gets plenty cold and snowy here).

      Anyway, that’s what I’m working up to. I want items that I love and don’t just cover my body, so I’m planning on sewing things for myself. I think once you have a foundation of clothing to choose from, that can roll into a variety of seasons, making a true capsule would be easier. Also, if I recall, there is another capsule wardrobe that calls for 7 items. She doesn’t include basics like tank tops and t-shirts in that number, so it’s a good place to start, looking just for 3 (7, if you can) new things to refresh your wardrobe at the beginning of each season. I kinda just laughed because back in April, when the weather started warming up, I bought 3 new things- 3 Wal-mart t-shirts. That’s my entire wardrobe. I cut off the cheap pants I had been wearing all winter, so that was the 2 capris for super hot weather, plus a pair of jeans that don’t fit very well. That’s what I’ve got to work with, so do what you can do. Maybe thrift stores?

      Just to be clear, I LOVE this idea and I desperately want to increase my wardrobe so that I can mix and match and feel confident and comfortable in every season. Have you had any success in the last month since you posted this?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (101)Kimi, twenty-something simple says

    Hi Caroline! I found your blog via Into-Mind and I cannot wait to read every single post of yours. I’ve been considering trying a capsule wardrobe myself, but I actually love so many pieces in my closet that I feel like it might be difficult to pare it down! I do have a question, though. I get the feeling that you translate your summer wardrobe into your fall wardrobe, then to your winter wardrobe, etc. Are there any pieces from, let’s say, your summer wardrobe, that you won’t include in your fall wardrobe? Do you hold onto those pieces? I can imagine myself wanting to include chunky cardigans in my fall/winter/spring wardrobes, but I obviously won’t be wearing those in the summer. Do you just store them elsewhere? Thank you so much for providing this wonderful resource; I can’t wait to see how the rest of your summer goes!

    xo Kimi

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (102)Caroline says

      Hi Kimi! There are definitely pieces that don’t get rolled over into the next season — but as long as the pieces are in good shape, I keep them. I store them neatly in under-the-bed boxes for future use. :) xo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (104)Rochelle says

    I’m in starting Fall 2014! I gave birth in June and know I’ll need the summer to stabilize in size, and am spending it planning my wardrobe for when I go back to work.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (105)Harriet says

    This is the best blog I’ve found in a very long time, I’ve wanted to slimline my wardrobe for years and everything here has really helped. It make so much sense as well, when I think about it, there are probably only 37 items I look forward to wearing each season, the rest is just for when I’ve forgotten to do the washing.

    I can’t tell you how happy I am to have found un-fancy, looking forward to seeing your A/W capsules.

    Great work :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (106)Mason says

    Hi Caroline!

    Your idea is amazing, and I can’t wait to try it! ….but just one question, where does work clothes (office appropriate) fall under?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (107)Patti Burnett says

    Hi! I am so very new to minimalist-style and capsule wardrobe but I am loving what I am reading here. I just started my capsule wardrobe this week and don’t feel entirely “wonderful” about the pieces I’ve chosen, but am determined not to shop until it’s time to choose the next capsule (fall/winter). I will need to really think about my style and what I need to keep and I’m confident that I will gain a lot of insight into choosing the correct style for me by reading your site. (Hopefully I will make better choices next go round)! :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (108)Mady says

    Hi! I just discovered your blog! You made me think a lot about my fashion choices and what I can do to truly find my style and how to express who i really am through my style. I’ll beginning my wardrobe capsule this weekend and see where it takes me!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (109)fanta says

    I am not sure about one thing, once you complete your capsule wardrobe for one season, for example summer, what do you do next summer, if I continue to buy another few items every year for that season, after few years I will have mess in my wardrobe again?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (110)Caroline says

      Hi Fanta! Great question! :) So, no matter what, I always only have 37 pieces in my wardrobe. Meaning, next year I’ll only buy pieces if they replace worn out / outdated pieces. So it’s a one in, one out kind of thing. I donated 4 pieces from my spring wardrobe that wore out / shrunk / etc. so next spring I’ll buy 4 pieces to get my wardrobe back up to 37 pieces. xo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (111)Ali says

    I love your blog!

    My issue is that I really only wear jeans, t-shirts/tanks, and jackets/cardis. I don’t have the prettiest legs (very white and some cellulite on the back of my thighs), so I avoid shorter skirts and shorts. I really don’t feel like myself in dresses. This means the rule of threes is lost on me.

    Maybe I need to branch out! :)

    I can’t wait to see what you do for the fall. Thanks for the wonderful advice and inspiration!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (112)Jenny says

    I just came across this – it the most perfect time – I am moving to London from Scotland and need to sort my my clothes – I am so weak willed with these things. A sentimentalist, to be fair, I only just donated a t-shirt I bought half my life ago (16 years). Oft…

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (113)Carla Davis says

    I have been trying to do this for a while, thanks for the easy numbers breakdown, maybe I will finally get it right now! The only thing is I’ve just moved to Singapore where it is 32 degrees and humid every single day of the year, no seasons, so maybe I’ll just rotate out worn out pieces every 3 months, or if I’m bored of them.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (114)Wendy says

    erm I hate to rain on the parade but 4 seasons x 15 tops per season equals sixty tops in a year. That to me seems an incredibly high number of clothing items. Or am I being utterly dense, and instead you take some of your (say) summer tops and roll them into your autumn capsule, and just add a jacket etc to make it seasonally appropriate?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (115)Caroline says

      Hi Wendy!

      Actually, I don’t buy 37 new pieces for each wardrobe (or 15 new tops). Each capsule wardrobe is pieced together from three sources: (1) pieces I already own that I pull from storage, (2) pieces that roll over from last season’s capsule, (3) pieces that I purchase new. Since this is my first year at it, I think it’ll be the heaviest buying year. My hope is to build 4 really solid capsule wardrobes this year so that next year I can just pull them out of storage, maybe add in 4-8 updated pieces, and go! :)


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (116)Alison says

    Wow I so wish I found your blog post before I did my summer shopping. Like you, I always felt like I wasn’t spending that much, but all the $40, $50, and random $60 purchases started adding up! As a graduate student (and personal style blogger), I always thought having a wide range and bulky closet was a good thing.

    I just started doing this and am simultaneously excited and scared. Having a garage sale this upcoming weekend, I have pulled so so so SO many clothes it almost makes me want to cry. But I know they are no longer my style, and I don’t wear them.

    Thanks so much for the inspiration. Plus, glad to see a fellow Austin gal in the blogosphere – even if I am a displaced Austinite who now lives in Michigan. :)

    XO Alison

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (117)Alyson says

    Okay, found my weekend project. I’m going to get a capsule wardrobe together for the rest of the summer season (through the end of August), then start thinking about the fall capsule. Looking forward to minimalizing my life.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (118)Jemma says

    Hi Caroline! I just discovered this blog and I have to say I’ve fallen in love. I don’t think I could pull off a capsule wardrobe personally, and I’m happy not to, BUT you have made me see things more clearly with my own wardrobe choices. After reading through your blog for a good hour (I love everything!), I felt inspired. I have already had a massive clear out and gotten rid of so many clothes I know I don’t ever wear and wont. I have organised all my clothing better and planned and paired lots of pieces together to make weeks worth of outfits already. This might not seem like a big deal, but as someone who regularly gets so upset and frustrated at trying to find clothes/pick out outfits at the last moment, this has made me feel so much better! I enjoyed spending the time pairing nice, flattering outfits together that I would actually wear, and hanging them ready to be grabbed even in a rush. I also feel if I keep doing this, I will learn more about my own style and what I like. And this will hopefully make shopping easier too, knowing exactly what I need & what will actually get worn! So sorry for rambling, but I’ve really appreciated this! I love this blog and think you’re inspiring. Keep it up! xx

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (119)Jen says

    I’m so excited about this! I’ve been trying to get my closet down to what I need and not random things I can’t part with, don’t fit, etc.

    I love this idea and can’t wait to get started for fall!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (120)Chantal says

    This is an awesome idea!! I have a question though: When you first go through your closet, do you separate pieces by season? Like make 4 piles of clothes, and store 3 of them for the appropriate season? Or just pick 37 items that will work for all 4 seasons?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (122)Lovisa says

    Hi Caroline!
    I was surfing across the internet yesterday and came across Project 333 and thought it was a nice idea to declutter my wardrobe (like most i’m not using everything anyway), my only problem was the very hard restrictions – only 33 items including shoes and accessories. But today I found your wonderful blog and got really excited! The only problem is that I live at two places at the time – which means that I have two wardrobes that needs a makeover. Any ideas? about how many items do you think is enough and should I look at the wardrobes as two separate or one whole? I would really like to be able to mix the clothes at both places but don’t know how to do it. Any tips?
    Love and Light

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (123)Madeline e says

    I came across project 333 and your IG feed separately but around the same time and I was an instant fan of both. I love the idea of project 333 and the capsule wardrobe but you make it real and beautiful. I’m totally on board. I’ve done my ‘pre-purge’ and took out an embarrassing amount of clothes I’ve just been hanging on to for years! I’ve never been a big shopper or bought the latest most exciting clothes but I love a good deal and I can’t pass up a basic grey T-shirt. I feel 10 pounds lighter now so I can’t wait to see what 37 items will feel like! I think my most favorite thing about this is the idea of more time to spend on more valuable things. It all boils down to spending my time here on this planet wisely while I have it and standing in front of my jam packed closet or at a check out counter with an arm full of ‘deals’ isn’t how I want to spend it! Thank you so much for what your doing, it’s a beautiful thing. We don’t have to consume consume consume to feel good and do good, we’ve usually already got what we need we just can’t see it with all the clutter!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (125)Victoria says

    This is EXACTLY what I’ve been needing! As a shopaholic with an overstuffed wardrobe, I am so happy I found you and your blog! Can’t wait to start right now!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (126)Caroline says

      Yay Victoria! I was a shopaholic with an overstuffed wardrobe too — there’s hope! You’ve got this! xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (127)Carolyn says

    Just found your blog via instagram and I LOOOOVE it. I’ve been doing a monthly rotation of 35 items, trying to figure out what I really wear and it’s been amazing how much it’s simplified my life. I’m ready to pare my closet down to a seasonal set and this post is incredibly helpful!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (129)Eliza says

    So..I’m confused…a bit. We all have different walks of life, right? So how does this possibly work? Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat+Sun 7am-2pm I’m in dressy business clothes…how would my pie in your workbook look? I have down time, but not a lot. Any help? Suggestions? 37 still works?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (130)Caroline says

      Hi Eliza! You’re right — we do all have different walks of life. Our pie charts would look very different — yours would be mostly business clothes with a few casual pieces in the mix. The beauty of it though, is that the heart of this isn’t about a number — it’s about simplifying and trying something new if we don’t like our current clothes situation. 37 is the number I like, but if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of 37, you can always pick a different number and play around with it until you find one that’s right for you. Feel free to experiment and have fun with it. If you want it to work, you can do it. :) xo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (131)Valerie @ Bubbles and Gold says

    Brilliant, just brilliant. I cleaned out my closet at the beginning of summer and it just felt good. Ya know? Then I started to accumulate more stuff and realized I wasn’t even wearing for whatever reason. Why am I keeping these clothes? Ridic.

    I promised myself I would work on my closet tomorrow and I’m literally so excited to minimize my wardrobe! Since I’m in Texas too, your season break downs are PERFECT :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (133)Dana and Aaron Holmes says


    My husband and I want to thank you and your husband for being an inspiration in our lives.. We are both extremely visual people and it is evidence that you guys are simply happy and satisfied with the minimum.. We have made a drastic change in our budgeting plan thanks to you guys and have taken on the challenge of the capsule wardrobe and are excited to see what is next in store for the things we are destined for. It has been a wake up call and I can relate to your concerns when starting the capsule, but it puts life in perspective.. I was making clothing and “stuff” my idol in my life.. I no longer wanted that and I had prayed for something or some one to do what you did. Thanks to my friend Kate she told me about your blog that she read and it finally hit her after she arrived home from a trip that she and her husband wanted to do this too.. So we are all in it for accountability. Thank goodness for community right. We are so blessed by your sweet words and honesty with this and thank you for what you are doing. It’s inspiring.

    Much love,
    Dana Holmes

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (134)Caroline says

      Hi Dana! Your comment means so much to me! Thank you for sharing so openly. I’m so excited for you as you pursue freedom in this area. And YAY for accountability friends — hugs all around! xoxo Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (136)Kristina says

    I cannot count how many times I’ve freaked out in a changing room because I didn’t know what to buy or I wanted to buy it all but not spend so much. I am totally preparing to do this for the fall season. I have over the summer been weeding out my wardrobe but this will give me a frame work to keep going. THANK YOU!!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (137)Renae says

    I am in! I go back to school on Monday, so it’s the perfect day to do this! I lost 30lbs several months ago. I already had a lot of clothes in a smaller size boxed up and I’ve since supplemented them with new ones. But, I love buying new clothes for the changing seasons. This would work well for me.

    Anyone have tips for resisting buying clothes in between seasons?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (138)Ruthan says

      Set a date on your calendar when you’ll swap out this season’s wardrobe for the next and don’t wear anything new until then.

      Don’t even go into clothing stores (no websites, either!) unless you’re actually planning what you’re going to buy.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (139)Alessandra says

    I just signed up for Fashion Project where you can donate your clothes to charity and get a Nordstrom gift card in return. Then Fashion Project sells your clothes online! This is the PERFECT push I needed to do a big clean out and donate a bunch of clothes. I’m also thinking of having some friends over for a swap – so fun that we’re all the same size!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (142)Lauren says

    I have been looking for something like this for a long time. The idea of such a minimal wardrobe is so freeing.

    Thank you for doing this and making it such and easy process to go through.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (143)Renae says

    I did it!! All done within 5 hours and I even cleaned out my husbands drawers, lol!
    I decided to cap my clothing at 50 items and I have about 40 hanging in my closet. The rest are t-shirts and stuff.

    Alessandra, I will have to look up Fashion Project! I divided my clothes into Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter and was going to list the Fall/Winter ones on eBay into a few different “lots” for sale. But, I am intrigued by your post.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (144)Rebecca K says

    Moving into a new apartment this weekend–can’t wait to try this!! I want our apartment to feel open and clean so I’m super excited about finding your blog! (Thanks Kate with smallthingsblog)

    I love that you add the storage safety net :) I’ve always hated shopping and clothes but I’m confident about these methods– I’m sure a month into this I’ll be donating many items! Thank you!
    And I love that you are from Texas!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (145)Emily says

    We are moving into our new home next week and this will be a perfect way to start out in our house with an organized closet!!! And I am very sure my husband and our bank account will appreciate no new clothes for a few months.
    Love this! Going to start prepping tonight.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (146)Helen says

    Hello from Australia! I absolutely love your website – I can’t dress the way you do (due to a different shape and lifestyle) but I love how you’ve framed style into a set of guidelines I can easily understand (I have zero fashion sense!). I have culled my wardrobe to <40 items but find I now have 'more to wear' because it works together. Thankyou!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (147)Kristen says

    I so want to do this!! I recently lot a lot of weight, so I have a closet full of poorly fitting clothes! I was dreading having to buy a whole new wardrobe, but now that I think about it – most of the clothes in there I didn’t wear when I was fitting in them anyway! I think this is perfect for my personality!! I might do the breakdown a little differently (I’m boring when it comes to shoes, so I don’t think I’d need 9 pairs) but will need more variety in clothing to accommodate work/mom life. I am so excited!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (148)Sharayah says

    I just found this blog through Kate (The Small Things Blog). I really want to try this out for Fall/Winter. I’m trying to lose weight so I’m not sure the logistics of it when it comes to that. I think I will just start it for where I am at now, and worry about the future if I lose weight when it comes to that. Since i’m not very happy with where I am at body-wise now I tend to shy away from jeans. Can the capsule be more dresses and skirts if thats what I wear more of?? I feel like that is a stupid question, but I thought I would ask. I can’t wait to get to a point where I enjoy a good pair of jeans… Anyways, I am really excited for a day off work so I can start this process.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (150)Alison Gold says

    Hi Caroline –

    I’m a first time reader & I’m hooked! Everything you described about feeling overwhelmed while shopping or standing in your closet..that’s me. And for a long time thought it was only me. You’ve totally inspired me to clean out my closet and really take inventory of what I have. Thank you so much- can’t wait to see & feel the difference!


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (151)Jessica says

    I LOVE this for so many reasons. As someone who loves fashion and clothes but also desires a simple and minimalist lifestyle, this is so inspiring. I went through my closet this weekend and purged… it felt AMAZING! I’ve got a makeshift summer capsule wardrobe now, and I’m planning for fall. I love my wardrobe more than I ever have, and I didn’t even buy anything to make it that way… just got rid of all of the noise. Its like a weight has been lifted. Now, I’ll be in control of shopping, and doing it for a specific reason at a specific time, instead of using it as a reaction to a feeling or emotion, and ending up with a bunch of clothes I never wear. And my creativity is sparked – I can’t wait to make outfits and use accessories to dress up or down… its gonna be a blast. THANK YOU for sharing this!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (152)Elisna says

    Hi Caroline!!
    I am SOOOO loving your blog!! I can’t wait to figure out what my style is and getting all that unwanted clothes out of my closet!!

    I want to ask you – I am from South Africa and our seasons are a bit different than yours for ex. our Summers are 6 months long, Spring only 1 month, Autumn 2 months and Winter 3.
    What would you recommend for a capsule wardrobe in terms of the amount of clothes I buy for each season (because a Summer of 6 months can be verryyyyyyy long!!)?

    Can’t wait to hear from you!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (153)Natalie says

    Caroline – your blog is simply awesome. I think I’ve read every post in the last few days and I’m feeling inspired. My wardrobe is currently overflowing with stuff, yet I seem to wear the same three outfits day in and day out. I went shopping today and bought the first couple of items for my spring capsule (I’m in Australia, so spring is imminent!) and for the first time, I was extremely conscious of what I was buying. I made two very considered purchases, plus some accessories. Also for the first time, I feel like I’ve actually got some direction in my style. Thank you so much!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (154)Amy says

    I found this from a link on, and I think it’s pretty brilliant! I took an hour to write out a capsule wardrobe plan, another hour to clean out my closet, and that’s it. Done! I have a few bags to donate to people who can use them, one bag to throw out, and a wardrobe that I’m very happy with. I look forward to saving a ton of money by not purchasing so impulsively because I know exactly what I need. Thank you!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (155)Sage says

    I recently learned about your blog by way of the FB group 2014 in 2014 (it’s a place to receive encouragement as we go through each room in our home and donate 2014 items, at least) For the past two seasons, I’ve been donating things from my wardrobe because, like you’ve’ said, we reach for our favorites time and time again, even if we have 100s of garments.

    So excited to join in! I’ve never had such an easy time getting dressed. :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (156)Anna Lena says

    Wow! I found your blog through a link from and I’m hooked!! This is exactly what I needed. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to spend less money on my wardrobe while still feeling fashionable. I’m so going to do this! It’s really scary though. Wayyyy out of my comfort zone, but I really think that I will feel so much better in just a couple of weeks. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (157)Laura says

    I life this idea. But what do you do if you are between sizes? I’m trying to lost pregnancy weight now and it’s coming off slowly. But I’m 2 sizes bigger than normal so just trying to make random pieces work. Nothing fits great. Would you wait until closer to ideal size or try to so this now?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (158)Brooke says

      Hi Laura, as a mama of 2, I would highly recommend purchasing a few inexpensive, mix-and-match pieces in whatever size you are right now. Having kids is such hard work and involves giving so much of yourself on a daily basis, I think that doing something simple for yourself (like feeling good in your clothes) is so important. It even helped me motivate myself as I lost the baby weight. I didn’t feel like I was constantly “too big” or “the wrong size”.

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (159)ARC says

        I totally agree with Brooke! Also, since this capsule is only for 3 months, I think it’s worth buying some nice things to dress yourself NOW. Even if you are losing weight, they’ll probably still fit reasonably well over three months and you’ll feel a lot better having cute outfits.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (160)Ashley says

    Couldn’t have come across this at a better time! I’m about to have my first baby and am sick to death of my maternity clothes and will need to shop some after the baby comes. Looking forward to my fall capsulated wardrobe!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (163)ARC says

    I can’t tell you how excited I am to have found this, thanks to a friend on Facebook. My wardrobe is a mess these days after 2 pregnancies/nursing and not being my pre-babies size or shape anymore. I love the idea of making outfits and though my style (such as it is) is very different from yours, I love seeing your photos as an example of how a mostly neutral wardrobe can still be interesting and fun!

    I live in the Pacific Northwest, so I’m planning for 3 capsules a year – Fall/Winter is pretty much one that will last 6 months. I am working out the details for fall now, and have bought a couple of pairs of shoes that I’m anxiously awaiting :)

    Thanks so much! (I also feel like your “rules” are easier than the much more strict Project 333.)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (164)Mrs Marieta says

    This is exactly what I was looking for. I hope it’s not to late to start! :) I’ve been uncomfortable with my closet since last year. I can’t find cute things to wear in my wardrobe and, at the end, I always wear the same clothes. I’m so happy I found you!!!!!! :D Thank you!!! Greetings from Spain!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (165)Frea says

    I’m so glad I found your blog. I need to ‘makeover’ my closet because i keep wearing the same outfit over and over while i have so many clothes that don’t get much love. I’m a bit confused though how to apply this to my life. I live in Indonesia, which has tropical climate, meaning there’s only 2 seasons: dry and wet. Both of the seasons supposedly last for 5 months. Should I stick with the 3 months system or should I follow the season here?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (168)Viv says

    I AM OBSESSED WITH YOUR STYLE! I started stalking *ahem* following your IG after seeing your gorgeous engagements and honestly, your impeccable style (the Vespa certainly didn’t hurt). Thrilled to see you’ve started this movement and very inspired! So thankful for your heart to share this passion and way impressed by ALL the content you’ve written for it – that’s no small task! Do you still photograph? Anyhow, thanks for this! You’re incredible!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (170)JILL says

    I love this idea! So intriguing… a few questions:
    – Does this include shoes? Purses?
    – About how many items do you have that overlap from one season to the next? 5? 10? More?
    – What if you find something you really like NOT in the two week window?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (171)Natalie says

    I started my capsule wardrobe on Monday. I’m doing September to November in NYC. Just started a new job after graduating college and fashion has always been important and I knew I had to make some compromises for my budget…moving into an apartment has me strapped! This is a great fit for my lifestyle. I really cannot wait to see how this goes.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (172)Rosa says

    I love the idea, but I definitely need more items in the winther. I live in Norway, and I wear three layers of clothing on my upper body (wool tank-top, top and wool cardigan) and 2-3 bottom layers (stockings + pants or two layers of stockings plus a skirt) in the coldest months.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (175)Sara Liddle says

    I have been trying to create a capsule wardrobe for the last two years, I know I have too many clothes but hate throwing anything away……… this article is great as rather than being too prescriptive about the types and quality of clothes it’s all about a number and you can split it how you like. I really like this approach, when I will try it is a different conversation. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (176)Kim J. says

    Did this yesterday! My Fall capsule wardrobe is almost ready to go. :) The interesting thing is that now, looking at my closet, I know exactly what’s missing from my wardrobe: a black pencil skirt, a black or charcoal blazer, and a lightweight gray button-up cardigan. Wow. And I have enough space left in my 37 pieces that I could easily add those and be ready to go until December.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing me to this concept!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (178)Maribel says

    Hi caroline,i’ve been reading your blog for a couple of days and love it!!! I feel like my style is also neutral,not sure if it’s because I’m afraid of using the wrong colors or just because i feel more comfortable and put together.anyway,I was actually kind of doing the 333 challenge but I really like yours so,I’m doing it

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (180)Niki says

    Dear Caroline,

    What a beautiful blog in more ways that one. I was first intrigued by your capsule idea, since I too have a love of shopping and an inclination to de-clutter and live simply. But, what really touched me was your candidness around your anxiety. That was so powerful to me because I too deal with anxiety and have found my own ways, like yourself, to manage it. I loved your idea about writing something down when you feel yourself spiraling that pulls you back, I will definitely steal that. So I have started the first run through of my wardrobe and am inspired to try a capsule collection not only to simplify, but to inspire myself to feel my best.


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (182)Erica says

    I am so totally in love with this idea! I’m doing it this weekend! Perfect timing for Sept to Dec capsule. Next step for me, SEW my own capsule!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration to find my style and live simply!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (183)Lana Lou says

    I’ve been wanting to minimalize for SO LONG. I feel anxious trying to get rid of clothes, yet I wear the same stuff over and over and over again, and leave a lot just hanging up. I need to be brave and do this! I am a clothes addict. It sounds so hard!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (184)joanna says

    just came across your blog via @heynataliejean AND I AM SO GLAD I DID!!! I love this! I’m obsessed with this idea but am having a hard time committing :/ so your whole blog is incredibly helpful!
    My main problem (?): I am an avid Target shopper
    Question: to do this, do I need to be shopping better quality clothing? Where are your go-to places?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (185)Maribel says

      Hi joanna i’m no expert here but i don’t think you” have to”buy high quality,it’s whatever clothes you have/want/need…I think she buys at places like madewell,AE..can’t remember other brands right now but she sure has a great style

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (186)Leslie says

    So I just discovered your blog and this capsule wardrobe is genius! I am highly considering doing it for the fall. You lay it out and describe how to build a capsule wardrobe so well, so thank you! I will probably be mentioning your blog and the capsule wardrobe on my blog soon if that’s okay! I will be sure to give you all the credit :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (187)Ruthy says

    SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!! I just cleared out EVERYTHING…even Winter clothes…EVERYTHING!!! NOW WHAT???? Do I create all my capsules NOW? I AM FREAKING OUT!!! (but i really want to–er, NEED to do this!) I posted on Instag the cleared out mess for accountability! @_classycoset_

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (191)Carol says

    Caroline, I’ve always wanted to do this because I thrive on structure, but I needed the framework you laid out. I need more jackets than you, but less shoes. So my capsule wardrobe will be 15 tops, 8 pants/skirts, 7 jackets/cardigans, 2 dresses and 5 pairs of shoes. I’m going to start organizing what I have today.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (193)Solveiga says

    I have been following your blog lately and I always thought that capsule wardrobe is way too daunting for me – I love having my overstuffed wardrobe and finding something new every time I open the wardrobe doors! I am on my linch break, and I thought – just for fun – I’ll plan my capsule for autumn, on paper, no visuals in sight. I also allowed myself 50 pieces just in case, not to put too much pressure on myself. And guess what – I managed to narrow down my capsule wardrobe to 36 pieces without even trying! I am not including pieces that I probably won’t wear but if the need arises I will still have them in my wardrobe: e.g. my formal co*cktail dress, or my super warm arctic coat that I wear if I go away to freezing places.

    The issue I have with my capsule wardrobe is that for it I need to knit 3 sweaters and sew a dress, so it will be a massive rush for me to get them done by October.. Probably impossible, but at the same time – two sweaters are like 2 hours each from being finished, so it will be a proper motivation for me to get them done!

    My capsule is going to be:
    – 4 skirts
    – 3 jeans
    – 2 jackets
    – 6 sweaters
    – 1 fur vest
    – 10 tops
    – 2 dresses
    – 6 pairs of shoes
    – 2 coats

    Suddenly I feel very excited about my autumn wardrobe! Thanks for inspiring me.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (194)Sarah says

    Hi Caroline,

    Just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying your blog – I look forward to reading your posts every day! Fall is my favorite season and the time of year when I get the most excited about fashion. This past month I’ve been planning and selectively shopping for my Fall wardrobe, guided by your structure and templates. They’ve really helped me customize my closet to my lifestyle, hone my color palette, and explore new proportions/outfit combinations. I’ve recently dropped a few sizes and I’m entering a new phase in my academic/work life, so now is the perfect time to edit and revamp my wardrobe with the new clarity and focus you’ve inspired. Plus, the weather in the Pacific NW is finally cooling off enough to enjoy wearing the fall clothes I eagerly anticipate all year! Count me in for the Fall capsule wardrobe phase!


    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (196)Carol says

      I believe it’s 37 pieces per season, but not necessarily 37 completely different pieces. Some pieces are carried over from the previous season.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (199)Sarah says

    My amazing best friend shared this blog with me and I couldn’t be more excited to try it. My husband and I plan to get pregnant next year so our goal for this year is to minimalize! This couldn’t have come into my life at a better time.
    Thank you for all the helpful information! I can’t wait to love every outfit I wear every day!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (200)Lindsay says

    I am in! Trying to narrow down my wardrobe now but I keep having the urge to “cheat” and not count dresses (because I have space to hang them), shoes (because I hardly have enough anyway, so I won’t put away the ones I rarely use, coats (because may as well wear them if I own them–and I do wear them), etc. pretty soon it’s not going to be much of a capsule wardrobe at all! Must be diligent!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (203)ines says

    also, i’d like to do fall this weekend. but question – what if i have stuff that’s already for summer, like next summer? do i just get rid of my shorts or keep them until i get to next seasons and they become part of that 37?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (204)Maribel says

      Hi,just my opinion and what i have read from Un-fancy,you don’t have to get rid of all your other stuff,just store them and you can use them when spring/summer arrives…don’t be scared,it’s really exciting! ;)

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (205)ines says

        thanks! i poked around a bit more and see that she stored some stuff so i think you’re right. some things i use in the fall will roll over into the winter and so on. but this will definitely help me eliminate things that i don’t see in the big picture and fit with the other 37. so some stuff has to go.

        • How to build a capsule wardrobe (206)Maribel says

          Yeah!! You got it right! ;)…just do it and have fun with it,i wish i could do it but i’m just too bored with my clothes :/…Can’t wait for may to arrive!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (207)Makenna says

    Hi! I just stumbled across your blog and this concept, and I am in LOVE! I am so excited to do this! Do you have a post about your very first capsule wardrobe you built? I remember reading that you didn’t spend any money on your first one… I am curious! I am a college student, so money is definitely tight!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (208)Jess says

    I love you blog + am so happy I found you on Instagram!

    I’m a minimalist except when it comes to shopping, I just can’t stop and am never satisfied. I totally relate to your reasons for trying a capsule wardrobe.

    I stayed up until 5am last night going through my closet and am so so close to having my fall capsule complete. And thank goodness there’s only one item I need to buy (a blazer).

    Not shopping for three months will be difficult, but I’m ready for the challenge.


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (209)Sora says

    I’m IN! I’ve just discovered your blog through bloglovin’ and I’M LOVING IT!
    I’ve just moved to a new apartment and have been struggling to get everything organized.
    Thank you so much for such inspiration! x

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (210)Cara says

    I love this blog, thanks Caroline! I’m working on my capsule wardrobe planner & am at the colors page. I’ve found some fab colors that I love, now not sure how to distribute them into categories of major, minor, and accent. Please advise!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (211)Leslie says

    I absolutely love this and can hear my daughter going through her closet now!! My turn is tomorrow!! Many thanks again!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (212)Danielle Hope says

    Thank you so much I needed this! I began pursuing a capsule wardrobe last year and ended up being fed-up with trying to find the balance of how much is too much. Today, I have renewed motivation from finding your blog 1.5 months ago and worked through the capsule wardrobe how-to. I am able to see a clearer picture of my personal style and it is evolving more and more into something that’s truly ‘me’. I admire your taste, simplicity, and honesty and find great enjoyment from reading your daily posts!
    Keep inspiring,
    Age 20

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (213)Kelly says

    Found you via Jess Lively this morning. Loved hearing your story and am going to set aside time next week to tackle this project! I’m drowning in clothes I don’t love, and I’m sure my husband would enjoy me taking 3 months off from shopping. ;)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (214)Deborah Taylor says

    Been lurking on your blog for a while! Finally sitting down and planning out my capsule wardrobe! Love your blog so much!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (216)Jen says

    This is a great idea! I had seen a few IGers talk about their capsule wardrobes and thought it was a neat idea but hadn’t read about how anyone actually did it. I’m 24 wk pregnant so I feel like pairing down what I have would leave me nakey but I am super interested in doing this once I’m in my normal clothes. I’m kind of a hoarder so I’m sure it would be good for me to purge those no’s and maybe’s. hope I remember all this post-baby!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (217)Jackie says

    I’m just stumbling across this and I’m intrigued – I definitely always go back to those few favorite pieces. I have a job where I dress up in business professional/casual wear M-F. I try to find pieces that I can wear for both work and weekend, but that’s typically limited to blouses. What do you recommend for someone like me who has two different wardrobes?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (219)Lauren says

    I’m doing it!! So excited! Ready to shop my closet and literally put stuff in storage. Eeeek! Someone where on your blog you recommended an app that can help with planning your outfits but now I can’t find where you said it or what it’s called. Help?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (221)Janet Grimes says

    Im moving on Sunday so thought during the packing process this is the perfect time to try this out, packing is always a good reminder of how much stuff we have and how much we don’t NEED.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (222)Jemma says

    This is just wonderful!! I live on a farm and am a stay at home mum- i wonder how i can make it work for me..? Think I’ll be making it my goal to have a serious go at this. :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (223)Aly says

    I pulled everything out of my closet yesterday and am starting my Fall capsule today! Well, sort of today – I will have to have a separate work capsule and am looking forward to getting started on that as well. This has been really inspiring and thought-provoking, and I’m looking forward to where it leads me. :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (224)christina says

    I did it! I have 40 items because apparently I need more sweaters than the average human. (I’m using the fact that I live in Montana where lots of cozy clothes are a necessity as my excuse.) :) 8 pairs of shoes, 1 winter coat, 2 jackets, 2 dresses, 1 skirt, 3 jeans, 3 other pants, 3 leggings, 4 long sleeved tees, 5 short sleeved tees, 7 sweaters, and 1 sweatshirt. I donated one large bag of clothes to a local thrift store and am sending another off to ThredUp. Now I need to get storage for my seasonal clothes, and I’m done! Feels SO good. Thank you for the inspiration.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (225)Amanda says

    Hi Caroline, I love this concept and am excited to give it a spin. I struggle more with the accessories. Do you have any “staples” that you mix and match? Maybe an accessories capsule? Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (226)Sarah Anne Hayes says

    Well, I’d been contemplating ways to pare down my current wardrobe, as I’m in the midst of reading “Seven” by Jen Hatmaker. I’m officially inspired to do a capsule wardrobe. Since I’m in the midst of losing weight (and hope to lose a good bit more before the end of the year), and we’re already a month into fall, I think I shall wait until January to “capsulate” my wardrobe, but I’m quite excited. :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (227)Tania says

    I really want to start but super nervous cause i’ve been addicted to shopping and having WAY too much stuff and yet not happy with 90% of it. The hardest part will be not shopping or even looking at fashion for 3 months. My main issue is staying out of stores, i feel like i have to keep up, and prepare for the next season ahead of time, how do you do it? Do you really only start looking at stores & websites during the last 2 weeks??

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (228)Lauren says

    I’m 100% doing this ASAP. I’ve been wanting to live a less-is-more lifestyle, but can’t seem to let go of my need for stuff. This feels like a practical–but not torturous–way to do it!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (229)jennifer brynteson says

    I have three daughters and NOTHING TO WEAR says all of them! I am going to do this challenge for myself and encourage them to participate as well. It makes me sick to think of all the money ive spent on clothes just to end up feeling unpolished. I have some great pieces, but too much clutter…cant wait!! Today is the first cold and rainy fall day here in Colorado, its a good day to empty my closet!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (230)Carolyn Richardson says

    Thank for teaching us this! I just hired a colour consultant to help me with what colours to wear. Have been wearing all the wrong colours. This will get me on the right path to simplification, saving money and ease of picking out something out quickly. (AND stopping throwing things on the bed that I tried on, turning it into a mountain….)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (231)Helena says

    This is beyond brilliant! I love everything about Un-Fancy, and I’m so excited to start narrowing down my wardrobe! I didn’t realize it at the time, but I created a capsule wardrobe when I packed for my honeymoon – all blues, reds, ivories, and black!

    Thank you so much for the inspiration and the wardrobe planner! I can’t wait to try this!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (233)Tara says

    Love this! Exactly what I’m looking for. In fact, I might cry. Do you think the same concept could work for my husband as well?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (234)Loïs says

    Yesterday I found out about your website via Pinterest.
    I am a sixteen year old girl from The Netherlands and I’m rather sloppy.
    So when I read your idea I thought it was amazing!
    So at this very moment, all my clothes are on my bed (and believe me, there’s are a lot of them!).
    Cleaning everything and sorting it all.
    Eager to find out if the number of 37 pieces is enough for me haha

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (236)Erica says

    I’ve just come across your post via ‘Into Mind’s’ blog and love this idea:)
    Just wondered what you did about accessories – hats, scarves, gloves, jewellery etc?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (237)Solveiga says


    So I had a go at the capsule wardrobe for the autumn season, and it’s going great so far, but.. my capsule has shrunken due to unforeseen circ*mstances. I found two pairs of suede shoes covered in mould, so I threw them out (they were cheap pairs anyway), and one blouse with a tiny hole in it, and since we had moth infestation over the summer, I’m too paranoid to keep it even though I love it and wear it a lot. So my question is – what are your rules regarding mid-season capsule adjustments?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (238)Emmi says

    Thank you thank you thank you!
    I found this and I am so excited to try it. I am that person who buys clothes she never wears. I have wanted to feel fashionable for ages but I always look at my clothes and think, I have nothing nice to wear. My mum has told me so many times to buy fashionable but timeless outfits and i never listened. But no I am so excited to start my winter clothes capsule.
    Hopefully, for once I will feel fashionable and happy.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (240)Neima says

    Been planning to do this for a while, thanks for the guidelines. Everything is coming out of my closet by the end of the week!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (241)Kelsey says

    I’m SO in! I’ve been sorta following your blog for like six months and LOVE your style. The capsule wardrobe instantly intrigued me, but I didn’t think I could handle restricting myself that much. But I really do only wear the same things over and over again and the rest just gets in my way. Plus, I’m a stay-at-home Nanny and I mostly wear yoga pants anyways. I’m going to try the capsule for at least a month starting in January (if I can wait that long to start it). So excited! <3

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (242)Mary says

    I’m totally in! Love the minimalist look and I hate to have a closet full of clothes that I know I’m not gonna wear ever! I donated a ton after summer was over, but never heard of a capsule wardrobe concept until now. I do have a question though: I work at an office and that’s not my everyday style, but I really only get to wear what I like on the weekends. Do I include my work clothes with my 37 pieces then? I’m over the office look so I try not to shop for work very often, I believe that’s almost a capsule of its own LOL…. So what are your thoughts on that?
    PS: So glad I found you BTW :-)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (243)Nikole says

    I’m a doggie mommy and my closet is out of control! I am going to empty it today, put back in only items that I love and go from there. I keep all 4 seasons though so the planning part might be more difficult. Maybe when I box up the maybes- I do one box spring/summer and one fall/winter?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (244)Shannon says

    Love this idea and will definitely try it!
    Just having trouble understanding something. In your most recent post you stated that winter will be your fifth capsule wardrobe. So is that 37 pieces for each capsule? And what were the other four capsules? One for each season?
    I apologize for all the questions. Im just trying to understand because I want to do this right. Love your blog and I can’t wait to give this a try!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (245)Ashley says

    I love this idea. I’ve been having the same issue with my closet lately. Feels like a lot of it is just OKAY stuff, but not really ME anymore. I live in Chicago, so our winters are really long seasons. Do you have any suggestions for that?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (247)Bibbizz says

    Love your website and I’m getting ready to dig into my wardrobe(s) and start! It’s going to be a little different for me down here in Arizona, since our seasons are bizarre. Basically we have Summer, “Oh My Gosh It’s Still Summer!,” November (it’s its own season) and “It’s Almost Summer.” I know I need separate wardrobes for work and play… but how many has yet to be determined. Any suggestions?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (248)Bryanna says

    Really wanna do this!!… I really need to clean out my wardrobe anyway. Hopefully I will be able to find some awesome pieces at SalVal or Savers.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (249)Stacy says

    I love this idea and could do this no problem but I work on a farm…. my clothes get ruined and stained daily. Should I have a separate work wardrobe… which could really be just a couple outfits that I wear till they fall apart and then have my regular capsule wardrobe. I think that would work no problem. I only have 8 pairs of shoes already so I am on my way. Any suggestions?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (250)Dallas says

    I laid everything out on my bed I dont own 37 pieces I even counted undies, sox & 3prs of shoes as 6 items However I threw out a shirt I dont like

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (251)Nikki Miller says

    I love this idea and I am so excited to try it in the new year. However, what do you recommend for someone whose work clothes are completely separate from their weekend clothes. I teach middle school at a pretty conservative school. I usually wear a lot of dresses (way more than your aforementioned two). Side Note – Middle schoolers have NO self edit button, my kids have totally called me out and said things like “Mrs. Miller you wore that dress last Friday.” Anyway I have apologize if you have already answered this question in the comments, but I thought I would try.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (252)Anthea Goodman says

    Hi, I just found your blog via SewMamaSew and just wanted to say ‘Thanks!’. I am a larger lady and have been holding onto clothes ‘just in case I lose weight’, but over the last few weeks I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate having stuff in my wardrobe that I can’t wear and wearing stuff that I hate (but at least they fit). I’ve realised that I survive with 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair smart black trousers and maybe 8 or 9 tops! Time to get rid of the stuff I don’t wear and get a wardrobe that I love! I love your idea of a Capsule wardrobe, I think that is going to make a huge difference! The only change I’m going to make to your plan is that I want to make my own clothes because I’m tired buying clothes that stretch or shrink in weird places, I’m tired of squashing myself into clothes I don’t like because that’s all there is available in the shops and I’m tired of shops thinking that all larger people want to wear is a huge black tent!

    Right, I’m off to start sorting! Thanks!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (253)Laura Elizabeth says

    Ok – here we go! I’m giving this a try. I’ve gotten down to 37 – not including shoes or outerwear – because I live in a cold climate and need the layers and to rotate winter boots, or they tend to wear out quickly from the snow and salt. I’ll try my first season like this, and then re-evaluate. Thanks for giving guidelines, but also encouraging everyone to do what is right for them. After following your blog for many months, I’m excited to join !

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (254)Maggie Marshall says

    Caroline, I LOVE your blog.
    1. I just discovered all the craziness that happened Tuesday. As a writer and occasional blogger, we open ourselves up to lambasting don’t we? But you handled it so well… and I have to say I love what you did to bring awareness to H.O.P.E. You did what you do best — fashion — to get the word out about something you care about. Props and hugs!
    2. I want to start a capsule wardrobe so bad! I’ve tried a few times and really struggle with it, largely because it’s hard to get rid of what I already have. Suggestions?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (258)Julia says

    This idea is just wonderful and would be an awesome project for the new year! My little problem is that I’d never get over 15 pieces a season – my wardrobe is way too small. :( Buying a lot of new items is not an option either (poor student here!)
    So, I reckon this is a project to start step-by-step during the new year.


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (259)Michelle says

    Hi Caroline,

    Like many others I stumbled upon your blog on Bloglovin’ and I have to say I’m so excited to give this mindset a go! I feel the same way that you describe you did at the start of your wardrobe capsule – so many clothes, but nothing to wear. One of my themes for 2015 is to simplify and I think this process will help incredibly! I like your approach since I feel like fashion blogs can sometimes really promote the urge to ‘buy, buy, buy’ since they are always wearing new + exciting pieces.

    I look forward to reading more of your journey!
    Happy New Year,

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (260)Kaiulani Anderson-Andrei says

    I saw this was linked from A Beautiful Mess, and I tried it. Only I tweaked it for me (since I layer so heavily, especially in the winter).

    15 top layers. 15 bottom layers (excluding workout clothing, accessories, etc.;) and 10 pants. That wasn’t hard. I’m into creature comforts and familiar items when it comes to pants. Shoes, the same, coming in at 5. So excited, to see where this goes.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (262)Emily says

    I love this! I might use this when I move into my new house! I have way too many clothes… (mostly underwear… is that strange?) Thanks for the tips!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (263)Bell Santiago says

    Omg that is the best idea I’ve heard in a long time! I have so many nope pieces but I always keep them because I just can’t get myself to throw them away! Gunna try this new wardrobe idea right now ♥

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (264)Courtney says

    L.O.V.E. THIS!!!! It’s totally the “fix” I’ve been liking for re:my style/wardrobe!!!!!!! Do you have a list of basics you reccomending/see flowing between seasons? I’m still building my basics and would love to know what you think!!!! HOOORAY FOR UNFANCY IN 2015!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (265)Michelle says

    This is so intimidating… But most of my tops are tshirts so maybe it won’t be too difficult. I need to take a risk and purge my closet for sure!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (267)Carol says

      You keep some of them for the next capsule, store some for a future capsule and donate the items you don’t think you’ll wear again.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (268)Samantha Roberts says

    I set up my capsule wardrobe over the weekend, and am so excited to start this adventure! I have been intending to pair down and simplify my life for some time, but just didn’t know where to start. Stumbling upon your blog was just what I needed. Thank you for your work!

    (I photographed my entire capsule wardrobe and wrote about my thoughts in a recent blog post at

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (269)Tammy says

    I think I’m jumping on this tomorrow too! I’m a little cautious and might be a little slow, using this season as a slow transition/test out season. I think I’m gonna end up having 4-6 capsules, 2 work capsules and 2-4 casual capsules. I find that my work clothes rarely change…so I think I can pull that off in 2. Really excited to see where this takes me! Hopefully it’ll help me stick with some other goals for the year, like spending less money! Thanks for the inspiration!

    p.s. I found you through abeautifulmess :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (270)Kiersten says

    I started my own capsule wardrobe journey a month ago based on the info and planners I found here on your website. I am SO SO happy. I had a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear but now I have so many outfits I find my self saying “I have so many shoes and clothes!” instead of “I have nothing to wear!”.
    Love it. I am currently looking forward to my 2015 Winter capsule that I am planning now (a little in advance I know but I am excited!) and also I’m looking forward to the little seasonal shopping spree I am going to go on to kit myself out. Just happiness all around. Thanks Caroline :)
    Take the challenge guys! You won’t regret it.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (271)Paulina R says

    17 yr old trying to (finally) find her style here! hahaha, I definitely think this website will help at least a bit? Im forever grateful for the people like you who decided to do a blog about this kind of stuff, its really great to be able to find the tips and the thoughts of many other people with the same problems i have and the way they solved them, it makes me feel full of hope :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (273)Jane says

    I can’t wait to begin tomorrow! I bought an under bed storage box. My question is you do have more than 37 articles of clothing because other seasons are stowed away, right? You just have 37 in the closet at any given time?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (274)sara says

    I’M DOING IT! this sounds like the perfect plan for me to pair down the craziness that is my closet and finally kiss a few of those piece i’ve held on to (but never wear) goodbye! i’m an impulse shopper, so i’m hoping this will help me exercise some self control when it come to that and really look forward to those 2 weeks of shopping at the end of a cycle. I’ll be posting on instagram about it, so don’t be surprised if you are tagged! xoxo

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (277)Gisele says

    Hey I have been following you for months on your different capsules and now I have time to do it myself and am super Excited. i just have a question as i live in australia and in the mountains where summer and winter pretty much the same season with my seasonal pieces is it ok to get them out for a day if its really cold or hot or does that defeat the purpose of minimising your wardrobe. Finally i also go to school and only where outfits other than school uniform on weekends. Do i include school and work uniform into my capsule or have them set aside.
    Thanks you are gorgeous
    Gisele xox

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (279)Kayla says

    I can not express how excited I am to have found your blog! As my husband and I have started setting goals to live a more simple lifestyle but there has been just one area I have not fully committed to: my wardrobe! I am the GM of a Platos Closet (a gently used young adult resale store) and so felt there was no way to minimize my closet since my career is to know trendy new styles and teach others how to buy for our store. My closet doesn’t contain a ton of items but a lot of them are items I don’t necessarily love but just bought or kept because I felt I would have less to wear if I got rid of it. I’m always on a tight budget and trying to be mindful of our minimalist journey so I always end up just buying basics instead of items I actually love! Reading through your blog seriously was a true “light bulb” moment for me! I also love the fact you live in Texas, we live in Oklahoma so I know you understand the crazy weather patterns and the unpredictably of it! I will apply this to not only my closet but also my 2 year old son’s! Thank you!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (281)Nina says

    I’ve been accidentally dressing in a capsule style currently, but not on purpose… but I intend start on this as I purge my wardrobe, etc….

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (282)Helen says

    Hi I love this but I love colour too! I have recent lost lots of weight & in need of new clothes. I have caedigans and tops with purples and teal cours which I love but can’t seem to work those colours into a capsule. All the examples are quite neutral and that’s just not me!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (283)Emily Blythe says

    Came across the photo of your winter capsule on Pinterest and thought gee’s isn’t this great, wonder who put this together. Once on the blog I fell in love with the 37 piece wardrobe, and knew I had to take the challenge! I live in a tiny apartment with my husband and my cat and I take up way to much space in the closet with clothing I feel pretty meh about. I’m in, I’m going to pull out all the clothes tomorrow (when my husbands away) and I am getting on board with the challenge! THANKS!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (285)Sharon says

    Hello :)
    I have absolutely been searching for a post like this. You have officially made my day :)
    I did have a few questions though which would really, really help me with my capsule wardrobe (which I plan to start soon after seeing this!).

    So my lucky capsule wardrobe number is 20.

    Do you find that you use certain pieces for multiple seasons?
    I don’t wear any accessories and only like owning 2-3pairs of shoes at most – what would you say are the top 5 wardrobe basics/essentials for EACH season?
    Once the year is completed – do you keep all for seasons for the following year? Or start again?
    Do you get bored with your capsule wardrobe?
    Finally, I do find that my staple clothes are black and white – as in tops with like black jeans or blue jeans etc. I’m not a grungy style sort of person it is just more of a very basic look. I would love to integrate more colours into my wardrobe when I create my capsule wardrobe but not with shirts or pants. What would you suggest? Coloured cardigans? Scarves? etc.

    Thank you :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (287)Renee says

    Ok, so, here it goes. My friends are going to love this. I HAVE to try it, because I am seriously addicted to shopping, even though I tend to wear the same things over and over. Ok, some of those things once were new, but still. Do I really need another colorful sweater? Or another skirt? Anyway, I love a challenge and I really need to get clean (as in, get rid of my addiction). Let’s start with unsubscribing from fashion emails. Next step: buy a big Ikea storage box and start on my wardrobe… Wish me luck!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (288)Susanna says

    Awesome I’ve always been a planner & tidier with my wardrobe & spend ages organising my seasonal outfits, but never knew how many outfits were too many or too few so this has given me a great reference point. Love the idea of actually moving out the non seasonal items too, out of sight then there back & its like you’ve been shopping already lol can’t wait for spring now, even need to buy a few bits thinking of an image shake up so using pintrest for inspiration soooo excited xxx

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (289)Randy says

    i am doing this tomorrow, however I just looked at a clothes shop website and thought to myself – that t-shirt would count as pyjamas, surely?!

    This is going to be my issue!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (290)Lisa says

    I found your site this summer and I lurv it! I’m a new mumma, and recently someone said to me, “you were so chic when you were pregnant” and I just stared at her. I had, literally, 3 outfits that fit at the end of my pregnancy. Bells went off. Since finding your site, I’ve eliminated 75% of my wardrobe, and I don’t miss any of it. I STILL have too many things. Such fun. I’m applying Unfancy rules to everything in my house. Less really is more. Cheers, Lisa.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (292)Janet says

    I have been meaning to do this for awhile now and your blog post explained it so nicely. I am a self employed artist and because I hate to shop for clothes I have a lot of second hand and hand me downs in my closet that don’t ever quite “cut it”. They always wind up on the bedroom floor and I wear the same 6 pieces over and over again. I want to look nicer and more put together so tomorrow I am going to purge the closet of all my wonky fitting clothes and make a list of what I need for my Spring capsule. Then I am going shopping with that list so I don’t panic. lol Wish me luck.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (293)Sarah says

    I’ve just stumbled upon your blog, and I cannot wait to give this a go.
    Your non style – style is so similar to mine, (I’ve got a bit of a vintage / mad woman flair added though) and I’m loving your choices.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (294)Jenna says

    I just wanted to say thank you so much for your blog. I’ve been feeling pretty bogged down every day when I look in my wardrobe and find that it’s bursting with clothes but it seems like I’ve got nothing to wear. Although I try to be as minimal and organised in other areas of my life I think my wardrobe has been neglected for a long time. I’m really excited to start my capsule wardrobe!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (297)Amy says

    Help! I’m interested in trying this but I’m having trouble applying it to my climate. I live in New Orleans, so we don’t have four seasons like more northern areas do. How do I divide up the year when most of it is really hot and humid and even in the winter you have to have shorts handy for the occasional 80 degree day next to your sweater for the 50 degree day? Three summer capsules and a fall/spring capsule?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (298)Danielle says

    I have fallen into the freelancer’s slump of leggings/sweats every day, especially as I’m enduring my first *real* winter, and I am so excited to do this for the spring! Thank you for the encouragement!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (299)Sylvia says

    I think for people with a very active social
    Life and a job with to many meetings is not
    Suficiente” What do you think?
    Otherwise is great to do it FANTASTIC

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (300)Lin says

    I was watching my husband get dressed one day for a meeting and I
    Realized that he has suits and shirts …. Casual shirts and jeans .
    A couple of pairs of dress
    Shoes and gym shoes…. And he varies and rotates these clothes and
    Gets dressed very quickly in the morning. So I had been thinking
    That I would mock his wardrobe. The 37 item closet is almost the same
    Principle….. So I am going to try it!!! It makes PERFECT SENSE TO ME!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (301)Jackie Swann says

    Hi Caroline!
    I like your Capsule Wardrobe idea — especially the part about taking all your clothes out of the closet and then selecting.
    Here’s my question: I live in a tropical country where it’s mainly sunny and warm all year round, with a short rainy season. So, my wardrobe really is not seasonal in nature, and since there is basically one season, my clothes are always season appropriate. But I do so want to try your ideas.
    Should I just follow a quarterly timetable (sort of like pretend-seasons) — and then shop for my next season’s (quarter year) capsule wardrobe during the last 2 weeks of each quarter? But then I still have the quandary of what clothes from the previous quarter are not “season appropriate” for the next quarter so I can keep within the Rule of 37. Oooh. I’m going round and round. I can’t see the forest because of the trees. Maybe you can give me a better view of my problem?
    Hope to hear from you.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (302)bridget says

    I had a bee in my bonnet this morning and tackled my TWO closets! paired my stuff down to about 50 items (so far including my shoes and summer dresses, which I need to go through further come summer). but thank you, i’ve been so inspired and feel so much lighter! plus, helping my wallet :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (303)Miranda Van Styn says

    Am doing it, and loving it! Spent a couple weeks planning my autumn capsule wardrobe, and discarding lots of clothes. Today was the first time I have gone shopping with a specific list of clothes I wanted to buy. It was do much fun, and so easy. Driving home I felt so happy that I didn’t have to think about buying another piece of clothing again for a very long time…I’m thinking my autumn will easily morph into winter (Our melbourne (Aust) autumns are very close to our winters…)
    Thanks Caroline, you have been an amazing inspiration. I’m so excited to get dressed in the morning!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (304)Koreena says

    Im so so in!! I’m having baby number 2 in 6 ish weeks, i remember with baby 1, i had nothing to wear once he was born and after waiting for my body to settle i went n bought watever fit my budget n fit me enough. I ended up with a heap of cheap uncumfy unflattering crap. And i kept up that cycle till now, 3 years later haha. I’m not wasting any more money on things i dont like or dont flatter me or dont make me happy. I’ll vary the proportions slightly as i am more of a cardi n jacket girl than pants and shoes. I’ll also be getting that app to put together outfits without having to try them all on everyday haha

    Thanks for this!! Wish me luck :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (306)Heather S says

    So I pulled everything out, sorted it, donated and I’m realizing my already small wardrobe is now barren. I realized I wear the same two pairs of jeans and about 4 different shirts. I’m a boring dressed mum. Haha once the spring capsule is released, I’ll go shopping using it as my cheat sheet. Thank you, Caroline!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (308)Brianna Lee says

    I’m in! We are getting ready to put our condo on the market and move to a town house. I’m totally paranoid that bigger house will equal more stuff and I do NOT want that to happen. I’m making my summer capsule this weekend and then only taking my basics (in storage) for the rest of the year to the new place. I’m looking for simplicity in many aspects of my life- why not start with my closet. My biggest challenge will be that I have must have a business wardrobe and I’m pretty hippie on the weekends, plus have a lot of clothes for specific activities (skiing, yoga, hiking, etc) Any suggestions?? I’m SO excited to have found you all.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (309)Sammy Holland says

    I just came across your website after reading another favorite blog of mine and this is amazing! I’ve been looking for more direction on doing a “capsule” wardrobe. I live in San Francisco so I don’t really have seasons (it’s like Spring/Fall all the time), that’s why it’s hard for me to build wardrobes based on seasons. I also have a TON of graphic tees from working at Lucasfilm and looking to pair those with other things like cardigans and blazers. Suggestions? Tips?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (310)Brandi says

    Hello– I found out about this blog after watching youtuber Lavendaire’s video on “Minimalism: 3 ways to declutter your closet” and she mentioned you as someone to follow for Capsule Wardrobe’s. I really love your blog and am excited my own journey on living a more minimal life and starting off with a capsule Wardrobe. Thank you for the tips!

    Can’t wait for the next blog!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (311)Freya says

    I’m about to move into a caravan for 3 months whilst our home is being done up! After stumbling across (if you’re looking to renovate a mobile home these people have got it on point!), Angela shared her tips with dealing with the reduced space, and my biggest fear, the lack of wardrobe space, which lead me here. Having read the concept and seen the outfits created, I am about to embark on a huge wardrobe cleanse, I feel calm and organised already, thanks for leading the way Caroline!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (312)Nicole J. says

    Started this process two days ago. My 5 year old jumped into a piles of clothes like they were leaves. We had a lot of fun pairing down. The tough part begins finding what stays and storing what’s not in season!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (313)Cindy says

    Oh Caroline, help! What happens if you have basically emptied your wardrobe completely and quite literally need to build your wardrobe back up from nearly nothing? The outlay would be horrendous if one had to buy even a simple wardrobe in full, but I guess the point should be to buy a few basics per season and just go slow?? Keep wearing the same 10 items until it’s time for planning and shopping in prep for the next season?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (314)Maribel says

      Hey Cindy,I’ve seen this blogger from Into mind (who Caroline likes).She wrote a post about exactly what you’re asking about!!!
      Have a nice day!!

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (315)Cindy says

        Hey Maribel, thanks. I should delve a little more into the Into Mind blog. I haven’t had a chance to read it in full yet, but excellent starting point!

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (317)Cindy says

        Hey Robin, I know, right! That and how do you classify the style of item so that you don’t end up buying the same item of clothing in multiple colours. Or maybe that’s the point and you only have them in like, 3 colours, and then mix and match according to the season…?!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (320)Melissa says

    I’m in. I have way too much that doesn’t fit or I don’t like or isn’t appropriate for what I do now vs. then. :-)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (321)Lizzy says

    Thank you. I currently have 3 wardrobes going, also clothes are stashed all around our house in various suitcases. Still I seem to claim that “I have nothing to wear” all too often. The capsule wardrobe idea is fantastic and something I desperately need to implement. I am sure that my partner will be appreciative when he gets to reclaim some wardrobe space! Currently his favorite saying is “why don’t you just go shopping in your other cupboard” !!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (322)Laura MacAulay says

    Phase one has started…. I now have a pile of clothes on my bed and it’s much bigger than I thought it would be! Let the clear out commence!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (323)Jessica says

    I’m in love with this whole idea!

    Question for you: How much money do you spend per item typically?
    And how much money do you usually end up spending for each new season?
    Just looking for tips to make it affordable!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (324)Anja says

    Oh my… im ging to give it a go! Very tired of not knowing what to wear. ..not to mention the impulsif shopping days (makes me feel confused aaaaargg) i want to be sure about my style for once…
    Yay im getting exited!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (325)fiiffy says

    Hi! i lived in a country where it is hot/rainy all year round. Do you have any additional advice on creating a capsule wardrobe since the climate is pretty much hot and the same throughout the year.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (326)Emilie says

    Starting right now! It’s a sunday, so it’s the perfect day, even though it is in the middle of april.
    But thanks! excited to try this out!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (327)Fiona says

    I love, love, love this and will do it!!!! I had a question? So when a new season rolls around again do you keep your capsule or do you get Rid of everything and buy a whole new wardrobe? I hope that makes sense—- Thank you, Fiona!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (329)Julie says

    I am about to do this in my closet.. I know you said loungewear and workout clothes aren’t in the 37. But I have SO many tshirts, and comfy shorts/pants. what is a reasonable amount of each of these to hang on to?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (330)Carolyn says

    Stumbled upon your blog this morning and WOW! It’s like your pointing right at me and saying, “DO THIS”…and it’s scary! But what’s scarier, is that I’m paralyzed every time I walk into my closet because it’s so overwhelming. This would bring ‘shopping with a purpose’ to a whole new level. And LOVE LOVE LOVE that it would cut the ridiculous habit of unnecessary spending. Ok, I like the idea of boxing up the “maybe” stuff and keeping it out of sight, rather than just letting it go completely. (insert happy face, not panic attack face) And I’ve been longing for a well organized closet, with room to breathe! I’m feeling motivated…empty it out and start fresh. Gonna take some deep breaths and go for it. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this… YIKES!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (331)Juliana says

    Hi Caroline,
    I’ve just real about you in a Marie Clare article here in Brazil. Great ideas that I’d love to try out, but my only “problem” is that where I live is always summertime. Sometimes it rains during the winter, but it still hot. Could you give me a hand how I could adapt the 37 clothing items for an all year around summer??? Thanks a lot

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (332)Hannah says

    Can’t wait to do this! My new year’s resolution was to purchase no new clothes…so next year’s challenge is capsule wardrobe!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (333)Elizabeth says

    Excited to try this… I am also planning to pare down my fridge by making a list of just my favorite staple foods I can’t live without and which can be mixed and matched into just about anything you could want to eat.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (334)dawn robyn says

    Great blog and I am going to try! I think others have brought up the question of work/non-work capsules and you encouraged them to try and meld the two. A few years ago I moved from the city to the country and you know what they wear in the country for farm work day in and day out? It’s depressing. My city wardrobe is hiding in my closet, claiming most of it, waiting, and aging out of style. I am holding onto an idea, and I am holding onto pieces I spent a small fortune on that I cannot ever replace. Any words of advice? I realize this is a mental block. Most of the cashmere has been destroyed already anyway… :(

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (335)Christi Pinkney-Owens says

    So Uber excited!! I am doing this,this week I am off and we’re moving soon I spend far too much on new stuff that sometimes never gets worn. I’m so excited to do this when I get home!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (336)Eva says

    I read about this on another blog. I’m a teenager, and was wondering, if I grow out of something essential or it rips, does the no buy rule still count, or can I replace it?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (337)Helena says

    Hey! I really love the idea of a capsule wardrobe and this post is really helpful, but I seem to have a sort of opposite problem with my closet. I have very few items in my closet (less than 30), but I only LOVE three of them: my coat, a sweater, and a shirt. What should I do about this?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (339)Liz says

    I will do this, this weekend, I need it desperately we are on the season I don’t love, WINTER!!!! and I always lack of something also I have a tiny space for storage, so this is the answer, thank you for shared it.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (340)Celeste says

    I have been trying to do something like this for the longest time. This post gave me a good reminder to just GO for it. Can’t wait to start. Writing at the top of my to do list now

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (342)Shera says

    My issue is pairing UP. I literally hate shopping and I don’t know what to buy so I just wear the same things over and over. I will be scouring through your site to see if I can find a helpful answer! Thanks so much for this article! I so appreciate it!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (343)Nicole says

    As a teen girl I didn’t know if this capsule wardrobe method would work for me, It seemed like only trendy minimalists in their late twenties could truly benefit. I must say though, after cleaning out my closet and picking 28 clothing items and 6 pairs of shoes that I loved for the season, I found that this approach completely worked for me! It takes me less than five minutes to get dressed now, and instead of spending time and money in stores with low quality clothes that I didn’t really love, I have more time for myself

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (344)Beatrice says

    So, I’m a bit scared to start this in the new year… I usually am the boring type of girl with like… 2 dresses, 2 pairs of black jeans and 2-4 different tops I switch (or don’t switch) between… I would love to have a nice looking closet with things that fit me and my style, but since gaining a lot of weight and not being able to get rid of it (or lacking the strenght to do it) I feel like shopping is the most boring thing ever. However, I would love to own a few new, nice pieces, so maybe I’ll do this with even fewer pieces and have an excuse for shopping some things new!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (345)Anna Meade says

    I did this two days ago. I had gotten rid of several garbage bags full of clothing over the last 2 years in an effort to rid myself of things I wasn’t putting to good enough use. I thought this would be crazy hard but it was actually not bad. I live in Louisiana where there are really only 2 seasons…how D^&m hot is it going to get and constantly fluctuating. The last 2 weeks saw record December highs near 80 and today the high is barely 50. I am also disabled and don’t work (except full time motherhood…uh yeah you know what I mean); so, I changed the rules slightly I included my active wear (aka yoga pants that have never seen yoga) and pajamas (cute matching comfy pjs are a stay at home staple for me…I live in the boondocks), BUT I upped the number to about 45 items. I picked out a few items I had been meaning to upcycle which will bring the total up to about 50 items when I finish them. That’s for late September to late April/first of May wear. Not shabby. I was really worried about it considering I’m plus size and a thrifty shopper and it’s hard to let go of items when I pay $5-10 for a pair of jeans or a nice blouse AND it fits right . However, we’re planning to turn my room into a bathroom in a month or two and doing this may be just what I need to really simplify and a good way to put away anything I don’t need to get by on until May. I’m actually enjoying the added space and I’m cutting down in other areas too.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (346)gigguno says

    Your blog is so helpful. I just graduated and moved back to my home and I realized that I have more than 100+ clothes in my wardrobe that I actually wear like 7-10 pieces. It’s time for big cleaning.
    I’m going to do this right now, but my country has a tropical climate almost all year.
    Do you have any suggestion? thank you.
    P.S. sorry for my broken english I hope you understand.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (347)Janel @nelliebellie says

    I stumbled across your site quite awhile back (2 years?) and am so thankful! Although my approach to the capsule wardrobe has become much looser than the traditional rule-oriented version it has been life-changing simply to understand the value simplifying such a basic part of my life has made. I didn’t understand how much my closet was controlling parts of my world. Thank you!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (348)Henrieke says

    Stumbled upon this while searching for Minimalism.. I’m a little late to the party but I’m making this my January challenge! It fits right into my other goals and the new year is a perfect time to start doing this.

    I’m going to do this! Which might be difficult, for a 21 y/o student on a tight budget, but I’m going to try hard!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (349)Catherine says

    I have started minimizing almost a year ago with my boyfriend and we love this lifestyle. Your blog is awesome and just inspired me to try the capsule closet!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (350)Carrie says

    I just finished purging my closet … round one. I’m not down to 37 items yet, but a lot of “3-of’s” for sure. Tomorrow I’m taking a 2nd look, cuz I know I’m emotionally attached to a few things that probably need to go, too. Wish me luck!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (351)Lucy says

    SO excited to start this project. I am constantly buying bits and bobs and then realising I either a) don’t need it or b) it doesn’t go with anything else in my wardrobe. So it’s finally time for a change, and I cannot wait to start!


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (352)Jennifer Phelps says

    I’m a Professional Organizer and am always dealing with clients and their closets. The stress and shame that people of both sexes experience around wardrobe is crazy. We seem to equate Choice with Freedom and Success when, in fact, too many choices usually results in Overwhelm and Paralysis. All self-imposed, yes?!
    I saw this link on FB in conjunction with another wardrobe minimalist article – love it!. I’ve signed up to receive your blog by email and am looking forward to the next one. My website is being revamped and I’d love to link to you. Also, I do a do a monthly segment on a local morning TV show and this would be a very fun topic.
    Thanks for the fun blog – will be sure to share!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (354)Margot says

    Funny how things go. I saw a post about Tiny Houses on Facebook and this intrigued me. And makes you think how many things do you really need. And as I have a lot o clothes, this seemed the best way to start. Thanks for your great guidance. I am in the middle of deciding upon the 37 items, and actually in doing so, I find it fascinating how easy I can decide what HAS TO be in. And most of my stuff doesn’t fit that category. I’ve got 24 items now, making it feel like a luxury to add on the additional 13 to end up with 37. A great experience, and I’m really looking forward to what the experience is going to be in the coming months!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (355)N Wolff says

    Love this idea, definitely going to try it!!
    Also, I recently discovered, a great place to sell or recycle clothes you’re getting rid of. They send a free clean out kit and provide a postage paid bag to send your items to them. It’s also a great site to find great deals on gently used clothes.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (357)Barbara says

    Wow! I’ve heard of this, but haven’t really done it. I have weeded out my closet but not like this. And yes I do have clothes that I’ve had for years & don’t wear. Can’t wait to get started.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (358)Ambika says

    So i discovered “capsule wardrobe” idea a couple of days ago,,, and i was taken by it. I have denims and only denims in my wardrobe, being on the heavier side i have not been able to indulge in dresses and skirts,,which i so want to! So i am planning to take this challenge,to sort my wardrobe, get myself to wear what i keep in my wardrobe and gain the confidence to wear dresses and skirts.
    However i do have a question…since i don’t have any dresses or skirts,should i buy some to start with my capsule wardrobe? I am sure i am going to have way less than 37 items in my wardrobe after the sorting out.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (359)Stacey says

    I’ve been pinning and pinning (on Pinterest) ideas and inspiration on Capsule Wardrobes for ages and I even had a clear out using the Marie Kondo Method but after reading your blog, I am ready!
    Wish me luck!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (360)D. Elisabeth says

    I’m currently in the middle of a move from Cali to Oregon and I was packing up my clothes. I have 8 medium-ish size boxes of clothes and shoes. WHAT? I’m only in high school and have this much clothes!? And I don’t even wear half of it! I’m super happy to have found this site. I’ve wanted to down the size of my wardrobe for forever, but I never knew how to start. After we officially move (just a few days!) I’m going to make my capsules and never go back! This is super informative and put together super well. Thanks, Caroline!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (362)Kendall says

    You made me realize that, while I probably have ~30 pairs of shoes, I don’t even have 9 that I wear throughout a season. I probably have 3 that I wear everyday. If i got rid of the ones I don’t wear and bought more that I really like, it would probably be easier to decide to wear the 9 that I have!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (363)CRYSTAL says

    This I have to do.Have been trying for the past “2 years” to clear out my closet.Pieces from a different life are lovely, but not worn.My closet is filled with them.Would take pieces out,lay them on the bed..fold and get them ready to go..but my second look would do me in.Back into the closet they went..memories swirling around them, but sadly hanging with no place to go.So glad I stumbled across your site.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (364)Laura says

    Thanks for the inspiration! I definitely have to try this! I hate that my closet is full of clothes I don’t wear. As I am working in a bank, I have to dress more chic for work as I would in my free time. Do you have any tips for planning the wardrobe for this ‘situation’?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (365)Natassia says

    So happy I found your site! After avidly reading everything, I got to work and was shocked + amazed at how easy it was to tear apart my wardrobe. I’ve always held onto everything — but this time I was ready for some actual change. Seriously, this philosophy and organization strategy is apparently the magic bullet. Simple and totally revolutionary.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (366)Kristin says

    I’m so excited to try this! I was really inspired by your interview on The Lively Show and although I wouldn’t consider myself a shopoholic, I would love to be able to go to my closet and love the things I see. I tend to buy clothes that are on sale (how can you pass up THAT good of a deal! Right?!) but I think it’s a great concept to make more intentional purchases less often so you’re actually excited about the things in your closet.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (367)Veronica g. says

    Excited to start this weekend! I’m planning to have at it with my closet and be ready for spring! I love that you live in Texas. So do I! Peeks into your wardrobe help give me inspiration for how to prep for the season with my first capsule.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (368)The Home-work clash says

    Hi Caroline,
    I need some help, please! My style and what I HAVE to wear at work totally clash. My personal style is almost identical to yours – neutrals, casual, comfy, with some fancy accents to bump it when when need be. For the work side of life – I’m a business professional and spend time in a laboratory for part of most days. Here I have to wear long pants and closed toed shoes all day everyday. It’s a business casual environment and I’m hesitant to wear pieces I love for fear of getting them dirty etc. I’m thinking the only solution is a home capsule + a work capsule. Do you see any way around this? Or how to mold them together?

    Thank you!
    The Home-Work Clash

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (369)Sandy says

    I have next week off from work and plan to swap my big bin of Spring/Summer clothes for my Fall/Winter ones. AND I have gained almost 10 pounds that doesn’t seem to want to leave (so lots don’t fit great now). AND I lost my big closet and now have one that is a 1/3 the size. AND I LOVE SHOES!!! Perfect time to challenge myself, free up closet space, and embrace that my closer to 50 body shape shift isn’t all that bad…I can finally invest in some flattering fit clothes. Thanks for the challenge!!!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (371)Caroline says

      Hi Amalia, when I swap out each season, the other clothes that I’m not currently wearing are stored away :) Hope that helps! xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (372)Amy Broadhead says

    I’m joining this revolution a little late in the game, and somewhat at an inopportune time… I’m 7 month Pregnant. BUT, you bet your favorite sweater, that I will be trying this method out as soon as I can fit into my clothes again.

    I downsized my closet a couple months ago when I realized that looking at a closet full of things I could no longer wear, made me want to cry. So most of my stuff has been placed in storage boxes, and I’ve made a few maternity friendly purchases (3 pairs of maternity jeans, 2 pairs of maternity leggings, 4 pairs of cankle accepting shoes, 1 maternity friendly army jacket, and a few tops). I’ve almost created my own Maternity Capsule if you will. And it felt pretty good to get all that other stuff out of sight for the time being.

    I have been wanting to do something like this for a long time, just never found the motivation or structure needed. Thanks Un Fancy! I can’t wait to try this out. And please, please, please do not delete all this great info from your blog. The rules are easy to follow, but I will need to reference all your good advice come Fall 16, when I am able to begin dressing using my own capsule. I’m so ridiculously excited it’s going to be torture waiting that long. But this I’m sure will be a life changer :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (373)Theresa says

    I’ve been feeling a bit cluttered lately and have been wondering how to get rid of some clothes. I, too, just had a shopping spree…two weeks in a row. I have to stop the madness!! I have printed the planner and will give it a try this weekend. I may have more than 37 pieces, but at least it’s a start/guideline. this couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (375)lea says

    I recently (well, it took me over a year actually) lost almost 40 lbs and have spent the past year looking like garbage because nothing really fit anymore but I didn’t want to purchase new items while I was still losing weight. I finally reached my goal weight and have kept myself there for five months so I’m ready to start dressing like a grown up (I’m 35 after all) instead of a poor college student. Trouble is, when I cleaned out my closet, ridding myself of the items that were either really worn or didn’t fit, I found that all I had left was one pair of jeans, one tank top, two tee shirts and one plaid button up! I feel so overwhelmed with where to even begin because I literally have no clothes so I’m feeling extra pressure to just go shopping and attempt my first capsule but I have no idea what to put in it! What are some good staple pieces I can start with so that I have something to wear through this next season while I try to figure this whole process out? I don’t want to waste money buying items that won’t work with my capsule. Ugh! I know I will LOVE having a capsule wardrobe once it’s completely done but right now, I’m just feeling super stressed.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (376)Caroline says

      First of all — a big congratulations to you on your transformation! :) What an accomplishment.

      As for good staple pieces, I think if you keep you silhouettes simple and your color palette neutral, you will be on the right track! You can never go wrong with a great-fitting pair of jeans, a chambray and/or white button down top, a denim jacket, and a striped tee. These things never seem to go out of style, they will be easy to layer/mix + match, and you can build from there.

      If you browse through my past capsules you can see the things that have had staying power. Really hope that helps.

      Good luck! xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (379)Cianna says

    I need this. 100% need this. I tend to wear thing because I can grab them. I struggle with finding my own style outside jeans and tshirts. I might need a capsule workout wardrobe too, because I continue to add more workout clothes to my mountain of normal clothes, and no where to put them.

    So I’m doing this. This weekend. This is happening. I need someone to hit me if I don’t! ;) I have too much stuff, and not enough space.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (381)May says

    I have a question and I apologize if you’ve already answered this question (I’m new to the blog and the idea of capsuling). When you pared down did you get rid of most of your clothes or did you put some of your clothes in storage with the possibility that you would reintroduce them at some point?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (382)Caroline says

      Hi May! Yes I absolutely have clothes in storage that I pull out for the appropriate season. I rotate my wardrobe regularly to make “old” items feel new again! :) xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (383)Gretchen hall says

    Hi, Caroline. I’m a bit new to the capsule wardrobe, but as a habitual organizer/planner, I feel like it’s right up my alley. I have purged my wardrobe off and on for years, but I fall back on habits of emotional shopping and failing to define my style. I’ve always been a bit all over the board: boho, menswear, western, ultra-feminine. I like them all! That’s my current goal, and I want to thank you for your tips and references here. I have been on a shift to more basic pieces over the last few years, but there’s this nagging little voice that shouts, “BORING!” and is tough to ignore. But, with some fun, funky, and fearless accessories, I’m prepared to take my essential wardrobe down to the bare bones. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and advice!! Fingers crossed!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (384)Victoria Hassink says

    I so want to do this. We are moving and building a new home…but will be living in a small apartment for about 4 months and taking minimal everything, the rest goes into storage. So this is perfect timing!
    The hard part…I already hate almost every piece of clothing I have but I don’t want to spend a dime on clothes in my current size! Maybe this will be the “cleanse” I need to get healthy and take a few months to decide on a style and lose some weight…frumpy 50 something stay at home mum just isn’t cutting it any more!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (385)Abigail @They're Not Our Goats says

    Hi! Question for you… I totally want to do a capsule wardrobe, but I find myself struggling with the wardrobe requirements that my lifestyle necessitates. We have a homestead/mini-farm, in which I am always getting pretty gross outside, so I need clothes I can beat on. I’m also a musician in several contexts, including choral work, solo work (for which I need gowns), and indie/folk duo stuff I do with my husband. Then I teach privately in the evening at a pretty casual office. Then of course there’s the every day stuff- kids, work from home, errands, etc. Any suggestions for streamlining when I feel like I need separate wardrobes for farm/daily life/concerts/professional life?!? Thanks in advance. I love your inspiration.

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (386)Caroline says

      Hey Abigail! Maybe instead of seasons, you could break yours up into occasions?Once you start organizing and minimizing, you might find that a few pieces cross over and can be used for multiple things. Obviously not gowns, but some of the other stuff. Haha! I don’t think there’s any “right” way to do it, it’s mostly about using what you have and being mindful of what you have, as well as thoughtful purchases. Good luck!! :) xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (387)Stephanie Parker says

    My daughter and I are going to use your Capsule planner to do create our capsules together over the next few days. Thank you for the inspiration! I’m always on the look-out for fun projects like this, especially those that help me with parenting (in this instance, redirect my daughter’s shopping habit). Many Thanks!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (388)Lucy Karashigo says

    That sounds so great and I want to start it right now – oh, no, can’t, am in the office… I will, because I have to. I am a “chunky” kind o’ girl, always hoping to lose weight – and working on it, failing, starting again, …. My closet depicts my hopefulness, my successes and also my sad resignation shopping. So it’s double hard to decide what will stay, go oder come – because then I have to accept how I am today.

    Caroline, you have a fantastic style and I admire your natural elegance. I am far away from that. But your blog gives me inspiration to try to find my own chunky kind o’ style.
    I only wonder: with this number of pieces one needs to be well organized with clothes fitting together. But sometimes I am in a colorful mood and sometimes in a “decent” black-greyish mood, especially when I feel like hiding. Can you give advice how to handle different moods/colors?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (389)Caroline says

      Hi Lucy! I would recommend working different moods into your capsule. I am not so different in that way, where I need to hide sometimes. So I have options that allow me to do that. If you decide to use my wardrobe planner, that will help you map out your needs. And maybe you can have separate capsules even – work, lounge wear, casual, fancy – to cover all occasions and moods. Good luck! Hope it helps you feel good about where you are right now, in this stage of life. Because no matter what size you are, you deserve to be celebrated! :) Good luck! xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (390)Tânia Sousa says

    I’m so exited to try this!!! But only after my baby is born… Trying clothes while pregnant… not a great idea! :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (391)Annie Boggess says

    Loving this idea and feeling like it could be possible! Here’s my dilemma: I teach kids, and the things I love to wear in my personal time are not necessarily work-appropriate. The clothes I feel comfortable wearing to work aren’t quite flattering enough for me to wear out to dinner or on a date. I wind up keeping things I don’t love just for the sake of wearing them to work. Sometimes it feels like I need a double wardrobe for a double life! Any advice on how to consolidate?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (392)Caroline says

      Hi Annie! Since the whole idea is to try and make the capsule work for your lifestyle, I would say to try doing two separate capsules — one for your professional clothes and one for your casual clothes. The number of items you keep should be in line with what you need. I think as you start purging, you’ll figure out what works best. Good luck! :) xo, Caroline

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (395)Tim Martine says

    You are such an inspiration! Thank you for this post and all of your posts about blogging. I have a passion for my faith and homeschooling and I am trying to earn some income for my family starting a blog in the last couple weeks. I feel completely overwhelmed with all there is to do! I’m trying to not let it take over my life, but it seems it has to if I want it to succeed. I don’t need or expect to make $10,000 a month (my husband is a great provider!) but I do want to help us pay off our house in the next couple years and save for my children’s college education. Any advice?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (396)Michaela says

    Been thinking about this for quite some time now – a change of flat seems like the ideal opportunity since with packing, I realised how much clothes I really have (& how much I really don’t wear). Thanks for the guidance, I’m starting just now!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (398)Julia says

    I’ve been reading your blog for some inspiration and clarity, and for some reason, I found myself tearing up at the thought of parting with my things. It feels like a Herculean task even though I know it really isn’t! I’m going to be a big girl and start my capsule wardrobe. It might just be the kick up the ass that I need for the fresh start that I’ve been wanting to do. I hope it all goes well for me. :)

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (400)Fayola says

    I want to try this so badly, but I live in the Caribbean. No seasons, just hot. All. The. Time. Does this mean I would wear 37 items all year?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (401)Caroline says

      Hey Fayola! You can do 37 items a year, 37 items per season (so you don’t get too bored with your clothes) 50 items every 6 months, or even have capsules for different occasions… the possibilities are endless! The point of the challenge is not so much set on a specific number, but it is to live with less and be more mindful of what we are purchasing, while figuring out our style and how to remix the clothes we already own in new ways. I don’t have a set number in my wardrobe anymore, but I am definitely still living with less and learning to buy items that I’ll love and will get a lot of use. Hope that helps! And hope you’ll give it a try :) xo, Caroline

      • How to build a capsule wardrobe (402)Shana says

        Caroline, I love the flexibility that you promote with a minimalist wardrobe. I have read a lot about the benefits of minimalism, but don’t agree with the often touted cookie cutter approach of ‘allowing’ only x number of items.
        My current work has a very strict uniform – exact same attire, head to toe, Monday-Friday. While I plan on being at this job for another 3-4 years, I’m not about to ditch my business casual capsule that I invested in prior to starting the uniformed job. For now, it just stays in easily accessible storage. Cheers!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (403)Veronika says

    Hi Caroline!
    So exciting, so freeing and simple. After a month I have only 58 items =) But I count e.g. all knee socks as a one item. And I love to open my closet and see that space there!
    I´m really greatful to you.


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (404)Elena says

    I just went to count my clothes pieces and found out that I have the perfect number of 38 pieces in it right now, without any intention for capsule closet. The issue for me is that I am still not happy with my closet since nothing seems to match each other. With such a small closet, I will probably end up weeding out some pieces ad buying things that match the rest! does anyone have a problem of their closet being too small?

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (406)Alice says

    I just discovered your website! I’ve done a variation of Project 333, but I don’t limit myself to certain dates on the calendar. After all, in central IL where I live, the weather can be pretty unpredictable! So when the weather begins to change, that’s when I’ll switch over my clothing. My goal is to have only 33 items (or so) in my closet/dresser no matter when I switch over to new ones according to the weather.

    I started my 33 piece wardrobe in the fall, but have gotten lazy with it. I include my accessories like fashion scarves and jewelry (besides my wedding ring), but don’t include my coats/jackets.

    I’ve never had tons of clothes, so it’s not as drastic as someone with a huge walk in closet. Today I’m going to go through my clothes again and toss what I don’t like. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (407)Laura says

    What if you hate all your clothes? My current wardrobe says that I’ve been living on hand-me-downs from women whose style is not mine, and that I am unwilling to figure out what my style is…
    I could get rid of everything I own, and not miss it.

    What do you do if THAT’s your situation?

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (408)Caroline says

      Hi Laura! I think that’s actually a more common problem than you realize. That’s when an experiment like this can come in handy to help you learn what you love. I would start by investing in a few basic pieces (thrift stores can be great if you’re on a budget) and start from the ground up. Look at others for inspiration, and be intentional with each purchase, and eventually you’ll have clothes that you love to wear. You will figure it out as you go! If you’re unwilling to figure it out, that’s a whole other thing. But if you truly want to love your wardrobe, you gotta start somewhere! Good luck!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (409)Samantha says

    I am doing this tonight. I’m sick and tired of clutter and cleaning consuming my life. I’m sick of consumption! I want to be with my children before it’s too late. I’m doing my closet tonight and then the rest of the house over the weekend. It’s time.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (410)Julie says

    So here I am reading this in 2017 – recommended by Denaye at Simple Families!
    I practically live with using a capsule wardrobe, but you should actually SEE my wardrobe! Definitely not capsule size. I have so many clothes that I don’t wear! Really looking forward to getting into this. We’ve just started Autumn this month in Australia, so great time to get started me thinks :) Thanks for making this look so easy, you blog post is by far the best I’ve read on capsule wardrobes!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (411)Sally says

    Ha!!! I’m like three years late to this blog and post but have been wanting to revamp my mess of clothing/shopping addiction to a refined capsule wardrobe for years! Thanks for the guide here! I pledge my allegiance today to the “un-fancy challlenge”!

    Super pumped!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (412)Cristiana couto says

    I came across your blog yesterday in a very interesting way, I was searching for how can I change the world using science for an essay I have to write for a contest. In one of the articles I was reading, after clicking on so many sites, they suggest your blog and building a capsule wardrobe as a way of transforming the world. I find it quite challenging!
    I think I’ve always had a problem with my wardrobe. When I was thirteen I would never use a dress or a short, or anything that could possibly make me look like a feminine girl. I used to hate my clothes and my style (actually I don’t think I had one at that time), and I was always questioning why I would private myself to use those things, maybe this all had to do with my really low self-esteem.
    I think just now I am discovering myself, who I am and what I would like to wear, what makes me feel comfortable. I don’t need so many things in my wardrobe that I don’t use anymore.
    Probably I will make just two capsules for the whole year since here we don’t really have the four seasons, just summer almost the entire year and a few cold days.
    Let’s see if I will make it through!
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
    Greetings from Brazil!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (414)StePh says

    I am so glad I found this blog and I appreciate this idea. I have a huge shopping problem that is not only affecting my closet space but is starting to affect my bank account. I was looking for a way to streamline and reapproach my love of clothes. Starting tomorrow! Thank you!!!!!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (416)Tanya Johnson says

    I’m in! Inspired by the opportunity to have “more time and energy for what actually matters.” My friend Jess completed this challenge and I am next. I SO appreciate all the guidance that is outlined on this site. I am putting this process on my calendar for next weekend, 4.29.17. Wish me well!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (419)Niki says

    I’m in! Wanna try this out! My wardrobe is so crazy full. Since I’m at my parents place now I’m going to make a list of my favorite 37 peaces. The stuff I can not remember ist not worthy to stay longer in my wardrobe… that’s the plan!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (420)SL says

    I just started this last week… i thought the hardest part was going to be getting rid of shoes or tops… turns out i’m hung up on jackets and cardigans!!! haha how to choose???

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (421)Michelle Lisle says

    Hi Caroline

    I’ve just discovered your blog through Simple Families and after reading her post I decided to check out your blog…..I already stated emptying my closet yesterday and whittling down my tops….I’ll be doing the rest over the next few days…..I’m glad you said that pj’s, workout clothes etc don’t count as a lot of other capsule blogs don’t really cover this area of clothing…..though I’ve decided to cut down my workout gear too as I’ve just got too much of it… biggest problem is finding bottoms I’m happy with…..we’re in winter at the moment and honestly the last two pairs of jeans I night I’m not too happy with….any tips.? I’ve just printed off your free planner and am about to start it….thanks for the great ideas.

    Beyond Beauty – Beyond the Mirror

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (423)Maria says

    Hi :)
    I’ve been playing with this concept a bit for a while now… And a couple weeks ago I finally decided to commit to the idea of having a capsule wardrobe, but with a twist! Taking into consideration everything you explained here, I kinda adapted it into a week’s worth of clothes, just enough to make me give it a try.
    It’s been more than a week now and hands down, this was the best idea I’ve had in a while.
    It ended up making me realize how I always end up not really using certain pieces, and that I end up choosing a certain style no matter what – mostly because I feel comfortable in them.
    Anyway, I’m getting off track here! Just wanted to say that I love your post and sorry for the long comment!


  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (424)Rachel says

    I really neede to read this, as I’ve always struggled with having too much stuff. I love color and expressing myself with what I wear, which over 25 equals an ungodly mountain of clothes. After becoming a mom I’ve realized that I pretty much wear whatever is on the top layer of my drawer- shirt, leggings, skirt… and out I go. So why can’t I fit my laundry back into the drawer if I only wear the same things over and over? I’m not having much fun with what I wear anymore either. I’m tired of it all, it’s a burden. I need the 37 number otherwise I just don’t know how much to keep- it really is a problem! So thank you, I really look forward to having an easy and fun time putting clothes away and getting dressed!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (425)Tanna says

    LOVE LOVE LOVE how simply you have broken this process down!!! I am SO thankful my friend shared your blog with me! Printed out the Wardrobe Planner and am getting to it! I have been toying with the idea for a LONG time. But haven’t found a site that broke it down in a way I could wrap my head around! Thanks SO much! SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE (of the pile of clothes on my bed, bahaha)!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (426)Morgan says

    I am starting my capsule wardrobe, and have gotten to the point where Ive picked out my “Loves”. I am looking at 9 tops right now and cannot discern any specific style except that theyre all lomg sleeves!(but its winter so what do you expect?)

    So what now? I have a mix of plain, plaid, floral and stripes. Colors range from black and white, blue and red, olive green, purple, and mustard. Ive got cotton, blends, and soft heavy acrylics. Its seriously the most hodge podge attempt at a capsule! Help!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (427)Laura says

    I just found your site and LOVE IT! For numerous reasons, I have to get and entire new wardrobe (as in, ENTIRE); therefore, it will be quite easy to “weed out” the old as I have nothing. Now, I really need direction as to the absolute basic core essentials I should purchase first. One might think this would be exciting, but honestly, it gives me heart palpitations as I’m overwhelmed. Ha! Thanks for your informative and beautiful site!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (429)Aria says

    I’m working on this right now! It feels really overwhelming but my living room has ALL OF MY CLOTHES IN IT and I MIGHT START CRYING because it feels like that bad-but-good-but-bad-but-good feeling of something I need to do but have resistance toward, or like a good massage.

    And, I’m sad to realize, I only have two LOVE IT! pieces.

    Thank you for the blog, it feels like a beacon.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (430)Ariel says

    Wow. I wished I’ve read this sooner. Thank you for laying down the steps. I’m so going to try this out.

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (431)Jess says

    Hello :) I recently listened to your episode on The Lively Show and you have inspired me so much! I simplified my apartment months ago and am loving it, but even after minimizing my wardrobe I still felt alot of discontentment. I had taken everything that I didn’t wear out of my closet and I wasn’t left with much. After listening to the podcast and reading this blog post I went thru my closet AND my box of clothes waiting to be donated and because of you, something just clicked! This is going to sound so silly but I never considered mixing and matching before now. I had several tops in my donation box that I loved but were too short on me. I also had some gorgeous flowy lace tank tops that I never wore because I honestly just don’t like sleeveless tops. And while going thru all of these items a lightbulb went off and I layered the too-short tops with the flowy lace tank tops and BAM! Ridiculously cute outfits left and right. I feel so silly that I hadn’t considered this before! But the idea of a mixing and matching with a small wardrobe to create tons of outfit combinations just made more sense to me somehow the way you said it haha. I also had an olive green utility button up that was too short and it seems to be the most versatile thing in my closet now! Instead of not wearing it on its own because it’s shorter than I would like, I’ve found tons of ways to wear it like a jacket! I was going to give away a beautiful sleeveless floral dress because I don’t like sleeveless clothes, but layer on that utility shirt and it’s a million times cuter anyway! I’m so glad I hadn’t gotten around to donating those clothes. Procrastination for the win! :P

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (432)Maria Paula says

    Hello! I am just starting to plan my capsule wardrobe, but I have some questions that haven’t been aswered here.

    1. I live in a tropical country (Colombia), so we don’t have seasons here. I live in a cold city (yes, not all tropical cities are hot and by the beach), but I find quite hard to live a year round with only 37 pieces! What advice do ypu have for people who live in countries where there are no seasons? Maybe a wardrobe with more pieces, but that ypu wear all year?

    2. I have already done a closet cleanse (so to speak) and I find myself with 45 items (excluding outwear AND shoes) that I really, really love and wear all the time (remember, I only live in one season so maybe today is sunny but a bit chill, and tomorrow there will be rein, and so on). What should I do? Should I trie to reduce even more my wardrobe and change it every three months so I get to wear all my clothes?

    Thank you, great blog!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (434)Laura says

    OK, I’m in, I have had a lot of weight fluctuation and have spent a lot on clothes that almost fit. It’s going to take some time!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (436)Jane says

    I do not know exactly how I happened upon this gem of a site!! But I am thrilled that I have. My closet situation is one that could fill a pretty good book, but I will utilize this method tweaked to this unusual situation today!!!!!!! Going to empty closet and pare now!!!

    Be back to check in with progress soon!!!

    • How to build a capsule wardrobe (437)Sherri Kelly says

      Wow! I have been doing a lot of purchasing to try to redefine my style a bit as I leave my 5th decade behind. Unfortunately, buying a bunch of new clothes does not solve one’s fundamental life issues re. clothing — such as what looked wonderful when I was 35…well, now, not quite so much. Sorting my closet into 4 piles was an instant epiphany and yes, my new style did SCREAM at me. Lost 15 lb this summer so I also had fun trying every single item in my closet on and was happy to see that many of my favorites fit perfectly again! Got rid of many lovely things I just never wear– b/c the fit, color or something a little off. However, the target of 37 items elluded me — it’s currently 75ish counting shoes, but that’s a *huge* step for me. I also have small capsules or remaining items sorted by season–they seemed to find their place when grouped together and now I can visualize styling options where I could not before. Even better, I had a few items set aside in online shopping carts — looked at them and realized “I don’t really need that. ” Best of all, I feel ready to better style my own wardrobe–the items I have already collected are really “enough” for me to look well put together every day. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  • How to build a capsule wardrobe (2024)
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