How to Block Neighbors Security Camera - Useful Tips- ZOSI (2024)

Is your neighbor pointing his CCTV security cameras at your backyard or house? How can you block or blind the security cameras from viewing your property? What are the most effective methods to disrupt security cameras?

Although there are many ways to blind a neighbor’s security camera, there are only a few legal and effective ways of doing it. First, we will cover effective and practical ways to blind your neighbor’s security camera, and then we’ll cover how you shouldn’t blind your neighbor’s security camera and why.

In this post, we will list and explain the useful and practical tips about how to blind security cameras.


Top 9 Most Effective Ways to Blind Security Cameras

There are many ways to blind the neighbor’s camera from your home. Below are some of the steps you can take.

Method 1. Have Security Cameras Legally Installed in Your Property

A user in the forum complained that his neighbor pointed an outdoor surveillance camera at his house and even broadcast him online in the back yard.

What a disgusting act it is!

For these offensive security camera owners who deliberately use an IP camera to spy on you, reasoning with them often doesn’t work.

And there’s no better way to disrupt their security cameras than serving them with the same sauce – put up a legally placed security camera in your property as well.

You can mount aPTZ security camerahigh enough on your house, somewhere in an attic vent facing out or wherever your neighbor will be captured causing trouble.

The biggest advantage of a PTZ security camera is that your neighbor will never know where the camera is pointed and you can also zoom in to identify details.

Note that the inferior cameras will shoot grainy pictures at night. It is more recommended for you to choose high-qualityinfrared security cameras.

This tactic has proved to be quite effective to blind your neighbor’s security cameras. Here is the feedback of a user who adopted this way:

“We had a very annoying neighbor pointing his camera to watch us. He was the reason why I got into video cameras in the first place. As soon as the cameras went up, ALL problems went away.”

Important Note: If you are a tenant, readthis postto learn if you can install security cameras inside and outside your apartment.

Method 2. Tell Whether the Security Camera is Fake

It’s not rare for people to buy fake security cameras so they can scare off potential burglars. Because there is no need to jam fake cameras, you can save yourself from a lot of useless effort simply by doing a little research on the camera your neighbor is using.

The biggest sign that a camera is fake is that it will lack a short cable, an infrared light indicator, and won’t have a proper brand name. Of course, many unknown brand names selling security cameras do exist, but they usually have a narrower field of vision and produce images of poor quality. In other words, there is no need to worry about second- or third-rate products, but you must be wary of cameras offering HD footage.

Also, your neighbor’s security camera may be off or not working at all. Learn how to tell whether a security camera is onand then decide if you need to disrupt the security camera or not.

Method 3. Talk to the Security Camera Owner

The most straightforward and effective method to blind your neighbor’s security cameras is to have an open conversation with him.

Maybe your neighbor is even oblivious to the fact that his camera is aimed at your window or back yard.

So before messing up or jamming the security camera, talk to your neighbor about what troubles you and your distress. Ask him whether he is using a fake security camera or a real one.

Also, you can confirm with him whether your house is within the blind spots of his security camera. (Learnhow to find the security camera blind spots.)

If not, tell him that you are not comfortable with his camera pointing at your property. Be cool and polite and ask him if he could reposition his cameras.

Method 4. Search Information Online

It also proves to be a practical way to blind or disrupt security cameras by searching related information online.

You may visit the forums to see if there are people having the same problems and how they disable or disrupt a security camera.

Learning your country/state security camera privacy laws can also help you learn whether your neighbor has violated certain laws or regulations. And then you may take advantages of this to negotiate with your neighbor again.

Method 5. Seek Help from Mediators

Sometimes talking to your neighbor may not offer tangible benefits. This can be a huge problem if you’re sure that the neighbor is spying on you. In such situations, it’s best to bring in arbitrators and local mediators to resolve the issue. Many communities have local mediators that tone down escalating issues and help people reach amicable solutions.

Some closely-knit neighborhoods even have mediation centers where people raise their concerns over the behavior of their neighbors. The main purpose of these centers is to find the best solution for an impending problem within the community. Mediators from these centers can help both parties reach an understanding.

Method 6. Consult the Lawyer or the Police

Local mediation is a nice option, but there are some neighbors who you cannot reason with. If that’s the case, you should consider calling your attorney and proceed with the case in court. In the worst cases, you may also want law enforcement to intervene.

Although deploying a security camera is not a crime in itself, using thatcamera to spyingon your neighbors is a criminal offense. Therefore, if you have definite proof that your neighbor is spying on you, then the police can intervene to resolve the problem.

Method 7. Obstruct Security Cameras with Physical Objects Like Grown Trees or Fences

Court cases can take a while to get going. So it’s best to obstruct the camera physically while the case is still in progress. However, it would be better if you just obstruct the camera from a distance for now. Growing trees and hedge fences can help you a lot in blocking the camera.

When you grow shrubbery in strategic areas on the fringes of your yard, it’s easier to prevent the neighbor’s security camera from capturing anything other than the canopies. It’s also useful to buy obstacles such as big trampolines, lawn furniture, or other things that obstruct the view physically.

Moreover, you can switch to thick, sturdy curtains to maintain the privacy of your living room. Tinted window glass is also a viable option if you’re concerned that your privacy is being violated.

Method 8. Blind The Camera By Installing Film On Your Windows

For daytime privacy during the hours when you want your blinds or curtains to be open.

When it’s dark outside, and your lights are on inside, people or security cameras will be able to see through this, but at those times, you should have your blinds or curtains closed for privacy.

If for some reason, you don’t want to use blinds or curtains during the night, you can get a powerful light and use it as per the instructions below to blind the neighbor’s security camera during the night.

Method 9. Install A Powerful Light Facing Towards The Camera Lens

This technique can be useful in blinding your neighbor’s camera without damaging it.

If you set up a powerful light like this one in your property and face it straight to that security camera, it will blind the camera during the night.

It just won’t be beneficial during the day, but if you have the privacy film listed above for the day time privacy and the light at night for night time privacy, you should be ok.

6 Not Recommended Ways to Blind Security Cameras

Understandably, your neighbors pointing cameras at your property is annoying as hell, but there are still a few things that are either impractical or too out of line to consider. You should avoid doing the following things while blinding the neighbor’s camera.

  • Blind Security Cameras with LEDs or Laser Pointer – It’s possible to point LED lights or laser pointers at the camera lens to disrupt it for a while. But there are many problems with adopting this approach. You must ensure that the laser light is pointed towards the camera lens, at the perfect angle, and hold the infrared flashlight steady for a long time. Even so, You may be captured by the security cameras until you get the laser aimed correctly. This means that the neighbor can gather evidence and sue you for trespassing and interfering with property.
  • Disable Security Cameras with Jammers — Using a jammer may seem like a good option, but again, it is expensive and requires too much work. Before buying the jammer, you must be aware of the type of camera the neighbor uses as well as the broadcast frequency of the device.
  • Jam a CCTV Security Camera by Hacking Into It – It’s possible, you can learn how to hack a security system easily online. Perhaps only require the neighbor’s e-mail address to infiltrate the security system and access its digital data. However, doing so cannot prevent the camera from recording physically. Most importantly, you can be arrested for cyber-crime if caught hacking into the security system.
  • Blind Surveillance Cameras by Cutting Cables – Trying to cut the cable powering the security camera might make sense to you, but you need to use basic logic to resolve this problem effectively. When you approach a functioning security camera carrying a cable cutter or pair of garden clippers, the camera will record you. If you carry on with the action and cut the cables, you might be sued for damaging your neighbor’s property. In contrast, you will have a higher chance of conviction since the camera has recorded you.
  • Blind Security Cameras with Spray Paint – Just as cable cutting, trying to smear the security camera with jam or butter on the lens will expose you to the camera’s recording. Covering the camera with cloths or spraying paint is also similar to cutting cables. All these actions are categorized as tampering with someone else’s private property, so you can get charged with it in court.
  • Blind Security Cameras by Breaking – At this point, it makes no sense to mention something this extreme, but we have to because many people still attempt it. It’s frustrating to let a security camera record you while your neighbor does not listen, but once you lose your cool and break the neighbor’s camera, you will be subject to a lot of trouble.

FAQs about blinding or jamming security cameras

Q1:Is it legal to point a camera at the neighbor’s house?

CCTV security camera laws are different in most countries. For instance, the CCTV laws in the United Kingdom were made public in 2012, as they developed a Code of Conduct in the following year. Furthermore, the Data Protection Act protects each tape-recorded by the security cameras.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the majority of camera surveillance legislation is derived from the state. Therefore, the United States has at least 50 different CCTV security camera laws neighbors across the country must watch out for. Of course, these laws can sometimes overlap each other as well.

However, in most of these places, no law forbids people from pointing a security camera at anyone’s home. Unless you are intruding the person’s private life or specifically recording a neighbor’s movement, the law doesn’t forbid you from pointing a camera at a neighbor’s house.

Q2: Can my neighbor legally point a security camera at my property?

The law regarding allowing neighbors to record or point camera at your property depends a lot on what the security camera is overlooking, why it is used, which acts is the neighbor capturing, and what the neighbor does with the video footage.

As long as the recording videos don’t hurt your privacy, and the recording is done for lawful purposes such as preventing package thefts or monitoring suspects, the neighbor can legally point a camera at your home. That said, the law regarding this is different in every country.

Q3: Can my neighbors record me on my property?

Technically, yes. Security cameras nowadays have wide coverage and can record in high-definition quality. They can have a clear overview of your yard. Nevertheless, many of these cameras can record the entire part of the street, something that includes the front yard of the neighbor.

These high-tech security cameras have both benefits and setbacks. The biggest advantage of these cameras is that they cover a large area. So if a break-in happens, you can rewind the footage and watch everything in detail, making it easier for you and the police to identify the perpetrator and capture him/her.

For instance, many cameras allow you to record the face of anyone who passes by, their vehicle, as well as the faces of other potential collaborators. However, the downside of installing the camera is that you may capture the neighbor’s front yard, as well as everything happening there.

This can be bad since many powerful cameras can even record with amazing clarity by watching through the window. Although it’s a scary thought, it’s entirely possible with today’s technology.

Of course, recording video is just only a single part of the problem. There are many security cameras that also record audio, which makes it even more difficult to address the problem. However, many states in the US provide you safety against intrusive recordings.

Q4:Can you block the security cameras?

Yes, there are many ways to block security cameras. Some of these are legal, whereas others can get you in trouble with law enforcement..

We have discussed some ways to block cameras physically or through other means above. Some blocking techniques are easy to implement while others are difficult, cumbersome, and can even be illegal.

Q5: Can infrared light blind a camera?

Infrared light is present all around us. Although we can’t see these lights on our own, cameras can. Infrared light indeed affects a camera’s ability to record normal things correctly. However, the majority of manufacturers employ IR blocking filters over digital camera sensors to stop the infrared light from disrupting recording. This means that IR light can stop your neighbor from recording as long as the camera isn’t high-tech.

Q6:Can you disable a camera using a laser pointer?

Yes, you can disable cameras from using a laser pointer, but as we mentioned before, the laser light has to be pointed at a perfect angle to disrupt recording. Trying to shift the laser light to ensure its always pointing at the camera is extremely tedious. Also, if you are physically pointing the light at your neighbor’s camera, they record your actions and can endanger you to a lawsuit.

Q7:What is a camera jammer?

A camera jammer is a device that disables spy and security cameras based on wireless LAN, wireless video, and Bluetooth bands. It is an excellent way to block spy cameras from recording things on your property and maintain your privacy. It can block signals across a frequency range covered by the jammer. Jammers are usually small and can easily be hidden.

However, camera jammers can be problematic for you. First off, they are expensive and require significant effort to set up. Before buying a jammer, you must know the type of camera the neighbor uses as well as the broadcast frequency of the device. Moreover, if someone catches you using jammers to disrupt security cameras in your neighborhood, you can potentially get sued.

Q8:Does aluminum foil block thermal imaging?

Thermal imaging is a technology for improving the visibility of objects based on the heat signatures an object or person is radiating. Many security cameras have thermal imaging employed to capture footage in darkness.

However, thermal imaging cannot see through aluminum foils. Any electrically conductive material will block infrared radiation. The more electrically conductive something is, the more it will block IR radiation. Since aluminum foil is made from a highly conductive material, it stops all kinds of infrared radiation.

Q9:How can you detect a hidden camera?

Many people malevolently install hidden cameras and microphones in all various places to spy on unsuspecting people. Although it is illegal to record someone without their consent or proper notice in most places, that doesn’t mean that someone is not recording you.

There is more than one way to detect hidden cameras. One of them is to look for them physically. Most times, cameras have reflective surfaces that shine when exposed to light, especially the camera lens.

Moreover, you can search for electrical signals to detect a camera nearby. It’s possible to detect the RF broadcast of a camera using RF signal detectors that automatically start beeping as soon as they find signals from a hidden camera.


It’s essential not to do anything to your neighbor’s cameras that may get you into trouble. Even though you feel that they have invaded your privacy, you should always try to handle the situation in the best way possible. The top 9 methods recommended above would definitely help you disrupt the security cameras.

How to Block Neighbors Security Camera - Useful Tips- ZOSI (2024)


How do I disrupt my neighbor's security camera? ›

Block the Security Camera with Your Curtain or Fences

Installing fence extensions and hanging curtains over the window are effective methods to physically blind the security cameras from your neighbor. Also, trees and barriers can work. You can plant trees or barriers high enough to block the view of the cameras.

What will blind a security camera? ›

You can blind a camera in the dark using a LED, an infrared laser day or night, or how to cover up the lens of the camera.

Is there a device that can interfere with security cameras? ›

A wireless camera jammer is a device that prevents a wireless camera from communicating with an internet router or Wi-Fi access point. This prevents the camera, which is internet-dependent, from recording, transmitting audio and video, or sending notifications and alerts.

How do people jam security cameras? ›

Signal Jamming

It involves using specialized electronic devices that generate strong signals at the same frequency as those used by wireless networks. As a result, any device connected to that network will be unable to send or receive data, effectively rendering it useless.

How can I jam my neighbor's camera? ›

Another good way to blind your neighbor's security cameras is to plant a grouping of shrubs or grown trees that are tall enough to block off where the camera is aimed. Also, you can close the curtain or shade on the window to block security cameras.

What kind of light will block a camera? ›

Infra Red lasers can blind your camera for sure, but the criminals must have a perfect aim of the camera lens to do this. So using dome cameras with shaded/smoked glasses will make it very hard to target the lenses. Also keep it in mind, this lasers work best at total darkness while your cameras using IR lenses.

What material blocks cameras? ›

Aluminum Foil

Any electrically conducting material blocks infrared radiation. The more conductivity there is, the more blockage there is. All infrared radiation will be blocked by aluminium foil since it is a highly conductive material.

Can laser pointers disable security cameras? ›

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. All surveillance cameras are susceptible to this problem and disabling security cameras with even low-powered laser pointers is possible.

How to view neighbor security camera? ›

Ask to see your neighbor's camera feeds: If you're concerned about the position of your neighbor's security cameras, you can always ask to see their camera feeds. This way you'll be able to see exactly what your neighbor is recording.

How do you block hidden cameras and listening devices? ›

How to Block Out Listening Devices
  1. Distort the sound that reaches the device by talking quietly or speaking only when there is loud ambient noise.
  2. Use another sound to mask your voice, like white noise, blaring music, or a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Block the sound completely using an audio jammer.
Sep 13, 2023

Can someone jam your security camera? ›

Many popular security camera systems rely on Wi-Fi. It's convenient and easier to get these cameras up and running. But this isn't as secure as you might expect. Crooks can jam the Wi-Fi signal, rendering the cameras blind.

What security cameras cannot be jammed? ›

Unlike their wireless counterparts, wired cameras aren't easily susceptible to jamming.

Can someone jam my security camera? ›

Many popular security camera systems rely on Wi-Fi. It's convenient and easier to get these cameras up and running. But this isn't as secure as you might expect. Crooks can jam the Wi-Fi signal, rendering the cameras blind.

Can someone disable my security camera? ›

Anyone Can Disable a Security Camera

There are plenty that are hardwired to a more advanced home security system, and those may sound an alarm and alert your security company when the camera is disabled illegally. But there are plenty of other security cameras that don't have that sort of support.

Is it illegal for neighbors to have cameras pointed at your? ›

For the most part, your neighbor is legally allowed to have security cameras installed on their property, even if those cameras are aimed at your property. However, your neighbor does not have the right to record you or anyone else without consent in areas with reasonable expectation of privacy.

Can a laser damage a camera? ›

Yes, lasers can damage video cameras. This is due to the very focussed rays. A video camera has a very sensitive sensor to transform the immitting photons to electronic impulses. Laser beams have a very high energy density in the point where they hit the camera sensor.

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