How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (2024)


How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (1)


How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (2)

Poor Little It Girl™ partners with several affiliate programs, meaning that I can earn a commission from purchases/clicks by those who visit this site at no additional cost to you!
NYFW 6 months ago

It’s been a few years since I attended my last New York Fashion Week. Not for any other particular reasons then, ya know, a pandemic and having a baby. But do I miss going to New York every September and February and seeing the shows and feeling the excitement the city has to offer during those weeks? Absolutely. And clearly y’all do too. Every year around August and January (the months before NYFW starts) I get an influx of questions about how to attend NYFW if you’re a blogger and what it takes to get into shows.

That’s where this blog post comes in. I sent out a Tweet asking y’all if you wanted me to share my tips and tricks on how to attend NYFW. Basically breaking down everything I know on how to get into shows and ways to make the most of this week-long event that happens twice a year. The response I got was overwhelming since, while New York Fashion Week seems so common to some, a lot of bloggers really aren’t sure how it all works exactly.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (3)

A Timeline On How to Attend NYFW: Everything You Need To Know!

Before I started Poor Little It Girl, I worked at a few fashion magazines in NYC for about 4 years, having attended the shows (first at Bryant Park and then Lincoln Center) multiple times. And I will say, my experience going to shows as an editor as opposed to a blogger is totally different! Basically, as a magazine editor, you’ll get invited to loads of stuff without having to lift a finger. But for us regular old small to middle-tiered bloggers, you have to put in the grunt work well before the start of New York Fashion Week to get into just a handful of shows. So here I am, sharing all my secrets on how I make NYFW work for me as a blogger…enjoy!

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (4)
How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (5)

2-3 Months Pre-NYFW

NYFW is not really something you can say “Oh I want to attend NYFW this year!” the week it starts. It takes planning. So about 2-3 months prior to the shows I put the pedal to the metal and started pitching hotels. (Obviously, this step doesn’t apply to those that live in NYC, the Tri-State area, have a friend with a comfy couch they’re happy to let you crash on, or have enough money in your bank account to afford the crazy hotel prices of NYC!). What this means is I reach out to a handful of hotels asking if they would host me for a certain number of days in exchange for social media/blog promotion.

Pitch New York City Hotels

Now, this is a crazy busy time of year and you’ll get a lot of “Unfortunately due to the high volume of guests this time of year we’re not able to collaborate at this time.” emails. Which is OK! If they can’t comp your stay, ask if they have a media rate. Get a group of bloggers to stay with you to help split the cost and expand the coverage. NYC hotels are super expensive (and I’m super cheap) so I pitched probably 30 hotels each season hoping one with bite.

When you do this though, be realistic about what you’re going to get. Like, don’t pitch the Plaza Hotel (I mean, if you’re a big ass blogger then go on with your bad self and do that!), but stick to boutique hotels that have a small social media presence that could use the extra coverage. I usually head to Trip Advisor and search “best boutique hotels in NYC” and start emailing them all. Sometimes I call asking for a PR contact, sometimes I email their info@ hotel name accounts, or sometimes I find a direct email and do that. Really, it just depends on the hotel. (You can usually find all that info on the hotel’s website.)

In your email, all you really need to include is your blog name and highlights of your brand (were you featured in a magazine, named a city style-setter, etc? Something that makes you different from the million other bloggers emailing them), dates you’re in town, your social media reach and what you’re willing to do in exchange for a stay. I’d keep this email short and sweet, maybe 1 paragraph, and that’s it! They don’t need to know “It’s been my dream to attend NYFW since I was a little girl and blah blah blah” so keep it professional and concise. And don’t attach your media kit unless they ask….they’ll never open it.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (6)

1 Month Before New York Fashion Week

About a month or so before the shows (This coming 2022 fall New York Fashion Week is September 9-14th) you’ll start seeing the schedule fill-in for what shows are when during NYFW. You can literally just google “NYFW (insert season) Show Schedule” and you can find it that way. I like to look up the previous seasons’ schedule and make a “wish list” of shows I’d like to attend, and then research PR contacts off of that.

Remember though that a LOT of shows/presentations are NOT listed on the official schedule, so you’ll have to do some digging. What I usually do is request just about anything and everything, and then see what fits into my schedule and then RSVP YES to those specific shows. It’s a lot of work and emails to attend NYFW, so be prepared.

Request NYFW Show Tickets

So what do I mean by “request” when it comes to NYFW? Like I said in the beginning unless you’re a top-tier blogger or a magazine editor, chances are you’re going to have to request tickets to get invites to shows. Now, some shows do their NYFW ticket requests in-house (i.e themselves) and some brands hire PR agencies to manage their attendee list for NYFW. Basically, the best thing to do is to email everyone. Over the years I’ve built up a long contact list for shows I like to go to, but sometimes you have to search.Again, it’s a long process and there’s no one way to do it.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (7)
How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (8)

Now, I know some bloggers will apply for press credentials to shows in hopes of getting tickets, but I prefer to go straight to the source and just send an email to ask. Again, whatever works for you, go for it. Actually, I’ve never heard of a blogger having a great experience applying for press/media credentials for NYFW so I’d skip that altogether personally.

When you send a request email (each season I probably sent around 200 emails, not kidding), keep it short and sweet, just like the one you did for your hotel pitch. I keep mine SUPER generic so I can send the same email to a bunch of brands, but for shows that I’ve attended a bunch of times and have a great relationship with the brand, I’ll personalize it. These people are getting hundreds, if not thousands of emails asking for invites to the show, you rambling on and on (again, skip the “it’s been my dream since I was a little girl to attend…”) isn’t going to make you stand out.

I usually divide up the emails I send out to PR Agencies and then directly to brands since the verbiage is going to be a bit different. For PR agenciesI send a somewhat generic email asking for invites to any shows/presentations they’re coordinating this season (if I’m not sure what they all are) and for brands, I’ll directly ask to attend their show/presentation.

2 Weeks Before New York Fashion Week

Follow up! Every single ticket request you sent (if they didn’t respond) should get a follow-up email. Nothing long, just simply saying you’re following up on your request. I usually get more responses from my follow-up emails than I do my original pitch emails…so this is an important step not to forget.

Follow Up And Make Your Schedule

As you get invites to shows/presentations, make sure you don’t RSVP YES to something that you know you won’t be able to attend! Brands know when you’re a no-show and you don’t want to get the reputation as the blogger that says they’re going to come to things and always flakes. Only say YES to things you know you’ll be at.

This is also the best time to download the Launchmetricsapp. Not sure if brands and agencies still use this app to send ticket requests and seat assignments but it’s good to have on hand. In this app, fashion shows you RSVP’ed yes too will pop up there and it’s an easy way to keep your schedule organized. When you arrive at the shows, a lot of times you’ll need to scan your barcode thing, which can be found right in the app. It’s foolproof and makes life a lot easier.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (9)

In between shows, it’s smart to set up showroom appointments or meetings with brands. Now, I know you’re excited to go to New York and attend NYFW, but don’t forget the importance of your sanity and the lack of cabs in NYC – so don’t schedule so many meetings your head falls off. I really only reach out to 3-5 brands/PR agencies that I’ve cultivated a great relationship with and see if they want to set up a breakfast meeting or if I can pop by for a showroom visit. This is a great way to make face time with brands you love and get to know each other on a personal level.

1 Week Before New York Fashion Week

Start packing! Depending on how long you’re going (I usually go for 3 or 4 days, the entire week is just too much for my grandma self), you’re going to want to start planning out outfits. Don’t forget, February shows are COLD, September shows usually bring rain, so you’re going to need loads of layers and again, cabs aren’t that easy to find when everyone is trying to snag one.

I brought heeled boots one season that are usually super comfortable, but 9 hours on my feet said otherwise, so for the rest of the shows I ended up wearing sneakers, jeans, and a big coat. And honestly, my new vow for any future NYFW trips is to always dress comfortably! Forget the heels, forget the uncomfy clothing, just be yourself. In a sea of a million bloggers and wannabe’s trying so hard…it’s refreshing to stand out for NOT going overboard. Your feet will thank you.

A Few Of My Favorites To Pack for NYFW In September

Other little tidbits to do at this time are to confirm your hotel reservation, train/plane ticket is set to go, and make sure your blog/social media posts are all scheduled out since you may not have time to do all that while in NYC. Also, make sure your show schedule and your meeting schedules are organized and move anything accordingly. You can receive ticket invites to shows literally up until the day before, sostay on top of your schedule and make sure you don’t double book. This is also a good time to set up some brunch, lunch, and/or dinner reservations with your friends/fellow bloggers while in town. The hot places fill up fast so it’s best to be prepared.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (10)

Other Things To Keep In Mind When You Attend NYFW

So you get tickets to a few shows and you’re so excited, then you see that you don’t have a seat, but are handed a dreaded “Standing” assignment. Don’t stress! Standing tickets are actually sometimes better than those who get actual seats because 10 out of 10 times not everyone shows up to the show, so they use the Standing people to fill in the empty chairs. I can’t tell you how many times my standing self got a front-row seat at a show because of this reason. Just make sure you’re standing near the stairs/on the side so you can slide right in.

But this also means don’t be the asshole that just sits in another person’s seat without knowing if they’re there or not. Some bloggers do this and I personally disagree because, having been on the fashion magazine editor side of things, there’s nothing worse than seeing some wannabe influencer in your spot who’s acting like they own the place. Just be respectful.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when influencers blast all over social media “Oh my gosh, my week is crazy!” or “The craziness of New York Fashion Week is here!” or whatever else they say to act like they’re just too stressed out when really, they’re just complaining to make themselves sound cool and important. Aren’t we past the hustle culture and girl boss attitude? No one wants to hear a privileged influencer complain about NYFW…it’s not a good look.

How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (11)

Also, be mindful that not all of your readers care that you get to attend NYFW, so you want to make sure not everything you’re doing is so focused on this trip. Sure you need to be doing your social media promotion and such for the hotel you’re collaborating with, but make sure you’re still mixing in some non-New York Fashion Week posts on your blog and social platforms so you’re catering to everyone.

And I guess most importantly, have fun! New York Fashion Week is a great time to connect with bloggers from across the nation that maybe you’ve been friends with on Instagram or TikTok but not IRL, so make those brunch reservations, do some touristy sightseeing, and remember that while you’re there for work, NYC is also the most amazing city in the world and you want to soak it up as much as you can.

  • Poor Little It Girl™ partners with affiliate programs, meaning that I can earn a commission from purchases/clicks by those who visit this site at no additional cost to you!
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      1. So glad you loved the post! xoxo Cathy


    1. This is such a great post, Cathy! Thanks for sharing all your insider tips–I’ll definitely be putting these to use some day :)


      1. That’s great to hear! xoxo Cathy


      1. So glad you loved it!! xoxo Cathy


    2. This is a great post filled with helpful tips! I attended a few NYFW shows last February and definitely want to go again. It’s a great experience!


      1. OH yes you must go again!! xoxo Cathy


    3. I’m so glad you’re the worlds greatest hotel pitcher on the planet. Can’t wait for my 2nd and FINAL fashion week. And I’m totally wearing sneakers the entire week.

      xo Jessica
      My Style Vita


      1. Hahaha! Yes, ONLY sneakers…heels were a dumb idea. xoxo Cathy


    4. This post is fantastic! Working towards attending next February, and these tips will come in handy!

      xx, Bri ||


      1. That’s so great to hear! xoxo Cathy


      1. Glad you enjoyed the post! xoxo Cathy


      1. So glad you found these tips useful! xoxo Cathy


    5. Wow I never realized how intense the planning could be- but it sounds so fun! I want to try attending next year, thank you :)



      1. It’s a lot of work but totally worth it! xoxo Cathy


    6. So many things I want to say – 1) Thanks for sharing this!! I have always been a fan of sharing knowledge with others in this business but know that some will take advantage of that which can be discouraging. Glad you decided to share this how-to guide! 2) Could not agree MORE with the second to last paragraph. Blogging is work but still so fun and your readers don’t want to hear complaints the whole time! Great attitude about the whole process, Cathy!

      How 2 Wear It []


      1. You are so sweet, so glad you loved this post and thanks for your feedback! xoxo Cathy


    7. I love posts like these and how open and honest you always are :) See you later girly :)


      1. Thank you, you’re so sweet! xoxo Cathy


      1. So glad it was so helpful for you!! xoxo Cathy


    8. Thank you so much for posting this. I was always wondering how to do it! I also love that you are so honest, you are never afraid to say what bugs you about the industry! I love hearing your opinion, thank you!



      1. Thank you so much! xoxo Cathy


    9. I love reading your blog and the comic relief that it offers (go on with your bad self has cracked me up!) Any who, this post was so helpful and maybe someday we will all be headed to NYFW cause, who wouldn’t wanna go? Thanks for sharing!



      1. Haha! So glad you found this useful and funny! xoxo Cathy


    10. This is actually quite insightful! Things I’ve thought of, but not quite exactly sure where to start. Can’t do September, but I’ll definitely be putting these things in to action for February!


      1. So glad you found this post so helpful! xoxo Cathy


    11. I loved that you shared this and really appreciate it. It’s cool seeing successful bloggers be so open and sharing their tips like this. I was curious about other’s approach to attending and this answered so many questions!

      Love your blog by the way!



      1. So happy you found this so helpful! xoxo Cathy


      1. So glad you liked it! xoxo Cathy


    12. Wonderfully informative! Thankyou for sharing!


      1. You’re so welcome! xoxo Cathy


    13. Thank you so much for sharing your tips with us! As a blogger thats pretty new to the scence it’s so nice to hear your about your experince!



      1. So glad you found it so informative! xoxo Cathy


    14. These are great tips! As a small blogger I have wanted to attend fashion week but honestly felt overwhelmed with where to begin, you have made it much easier to digest!




      1. So glad to hear that! xoxo Cathy


    15. Thanks so much for taking the time to pull this together :) Such great info!!

      xo Bree


      1. Glad it was helpful for you! xoxo Cathy


    16. Very helpful post for those that aren’t experienced with NYFW but want to be a part of it. I also love the funny parts of this article. ?

      Thanks for sharing!


      1. Glad you enjoyed it! xoxo Cathy


      1. I have no idea I’ve never used a press pass before. xoxo Cathy


    17. This made me feel really good! This will be my first fashion week as a non-intern of sorts and I’ll be representing a digital magazine I’ve been helping build. It’s been a really stressful set up and I feel bad that I’m getting everything in so late but this post definitely made me feel better!


      1. So glad to hear your found it helpful! xoxo Cathy


    18. This was a really good read. You’re really the only blogger I know to share this information. Thank you so much!


      1. You’re so welcome! xoxo Cathy


    19. I just came across your blog/this post and this was SO insightful! Thank you for being straight up in this post and giving us lots of inside information! I’m hoping to go to NYFW this February (fingers crossed- definitely going to use these tips) and your post has been the first one I’ve read to actually share so much info! Thanks for the help!

      XOXO | Aubrey


      1. So glad you found it so helpful! xoxo Cathy


    20. I love thus, I am trying to make it thus February and I had nay idea where actually to begin and you helped me more than ever. Thanks so much. I will be starting this process tomorrow.


      1. SO glad you found this post so helpful! xoxo Cathy


      1. That’s a great online resource too!! xoxo Cathy


    21. Pingback: NYFW Schedule for Spring 2017 is coming together | New York Fashion Week

    22. This was such an informative post! I wish I would’ve read it before I made the trip last September. It will be so helpful for next time!


      1. So happy you found it so helpful! xoxo Cathy


    23. This was really great and well put together. Thanks for the write up!


      1. So glad you found it helpful!! xoxo Cathy


    24. What a great blog post. I was at a launch party during NYFW in Sept and am gearing up for my first real fashion week experience. I have a press pass as a blogger. Any suggestions for meeting brand reps and other bloggers? I’m a little intimidated.


      1. I’d try joining any blogger/NYFW FB groups or just putting it out there on social media! A lot of bloggers are usually in the same boat and want to meet other people! xoxo Cathy


    25. I’m literally almost in tears reading this. Thank you so much. So much. I feel like an entire weight of figuring things out just got lifted off my shoulders. Thank you thank you thank you.


      1. Oh I’m so glad you found this post helpful! xoxo Cathy


    26. I love your transparency. This was funny but real! Thank you for the tips.


      1. You’re so welcome! xoxo Cathy


    27. Dear Cathy,
      thank you so much for being so generous by sharing these amazing tips with us all! I’m a new blogger, and i’ve never before been to nyfw, your post has helped me understand the process so much. I’m planning on attending the fall 17 shows, and I wanted to ask you, for someone as new as I am when I send the emails to request tickets, do the brands/pr agencies look at my blog, or the number of followers I have? What do they base their selection on?
      Again thank you so much for your incredible tips, you rock!


      1. So glad you love the post! And honestly, they’ll base it on a number of different things so I’d work from now till ticket request time really bringing consistent, quality content to your blog and platforms so that way they can see your work! xoxo Cathy


    28. This was so helpful!! Thanks so much!


      1. Glad you enjoyed it! xoxo Cathy


      1. So glad you found it so helpful, thanks of sharing! xoxo Cathy


    29. This was so helpful! Thank you so much for this post!


      1. So glad you found it so useful! xoxo Cathy


    30. Cathy, does this work as well for two?? I’m a social blogger and would love to bring a friend.


      1. Hmm…I wouldn’t recommend asking to bring a friend to shows that’s not in the industry. Seating is VERY limited, especially for September shows. I wouldn’t encourage it. xoxo Cathy


    31. Thank you for letting us know so much more about NYFW and debugging the mystery of NYFW!


      1. You’re so welcome! xoxo Cathy


    32. This is prob the most helpful article ive read on this matter last year was my first time.


      1. So glad it was useful to you! xoxo Cathy


    33. This is such a great post! Thank you for sharing all your notes, tips and realness.


      1. So glad you found it so helpful! xoxo Cathy


    34. Love how thorough this post is! Definitely found some gems in there that I’m going to use. Thank you so much for sharing so generously :)


      1. So glad you loved this post! xoxo Cathy


    35. Great tips. Thank you’


    36. Hey! I love your blog ..

      I am a new online boutique owner. I am flying out to NYC (alone) on 10th sept until 13th. I just really want to get inspired, meet new people & of course network.

      Obviously NYFW is my main reason for visiting. Really wanna get into my first fashion show..

      Could you point me in the right direction? Or any tips would be amazing!

      Thank you


    37. Sooo extremely helpful! Thank you for all the amazing tips!! Definitely will do this for next year coming up!!


    38. This post was super helpful to read! “It’s been my dream since I was a little girl to go to Fashion Week” (I had to, lol) , but I’m completely clueless on where to start/ how to even dip my toe in! This post helped, so thank you!

      XX -KK


      1. Hahaha! I know but it’s the truth…never want to use that in a NYFW pitch! So glad you found this post so helpful! xoxo Cathy


    39. This is extremely informative! I plan on reading it again.
      Such an education and learning experience for sure


      1. So glad you found it helpful! xoxo Cathy


      1. Glad you found it so useful! xoxo Cathy


    40. Hi, so im currently following fashion week this year more than i ever did and theres definitely so much going on i was just wondering how do you know which shows to choose


      1. It’s just based on what designers you like and what you’re able to get tickets too! xoxo Cathy


    41. Hi! Quick question, when you mention meetings and showroom tour etc. what does that entail? I have never been to fashion week and am going this February. What is discussed in these meetings and how do you pitch to brands about borrowing their clothes to showcase during FW? Thanks girl!!


    42. This is amazing! Thank you for your very honest and smart tips!!! I was browsing on the fashion week, your page shows up the first.


      1. Thanks so much! xoxo Cathy


    43. If I’m not a blogger how would I go about the same method, save requesting for collabs with hotels? I happen to have a brand and want to implement this strategy for Miami swim week


      1. Not entirely sure exactly, as I’ve never done it from a brands perspective. But I’d say still utilizing the same method of finding contacts, sending emails, etc. xoxo Cathy


    44. This was such a great post! thanks so much for sharing all your tips!!


      1. Glad you enjoyed it!! xoxo Cathy


    45. Pretty amazing post!


    46. Amazing. Thanks so much for sharing! Will try my luck.


    47. Thanks Cathy!! I want to join you some day?


    48. I personally think your article is fascinating, interesting and amazing. I share some of your same beliefs on this topic. I like your writing style and will revisit your site.


    49. This is such a great article, thank you so much for spending the time sharing your tips and tricks with us. I myself just went to NYFW and I was just invited for one show and I wish i had read your article perhaps I would have been more prepared and watched more shows. ; )

      Next time I come to NY, I would love to set up a brunch with you. : )


    50. Hi Cathy,

      Thank you so much for your insight! I went to my first NYFW last year in September, but not as a blogger. I worked backstage for the Art Hearts Fashion group. I’m working to go this February as a blogger, which I’m excited about, and I was researching on the topic and your blog post came out first! Thank you!


    51. Thanks so much for the information!! (: what shows were your favorite?!


    52. This was great info you shared! I am not a blogger or editor but I am a small boutique owner in DC and one of those girls you spoke about who always wanted to be in attendance at fashion week lol. Your article definitely gives me hope that I will get there one day soon!
      Thanks Much!


    53. Wow thank you so much. This was beyond useful. I just moved here, a fashion designer trying to get in Nyc. Thank you so much, much appreciated.


    54. Your information is very helpful for my daughter who is trying to get into the modeling industry! Thank you!


  • How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (14)
  • How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (15)
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    How To Attend NYFW - New York Fashion Week | Poor Little It Girl (2024)


    Can normal people go to NYFW? ›

    How do I get tickets to New York Fashion Week 2023? NYFW includes two types of shows: Industry and open-to-the-public shows. Unless you're a buyer or work in press, it is unlikely that you'll be able to snag a seat to the heavy hitters. However, you can nab tickets to the public shows here.

    How much does it cost to show at NYFW? ›

    Christian Siriano — who has shown his collections in 18 seasons of NYFW, and often opts for a custom venue — shared a financial breakdown of the cost of producing a NYFW show in an interview with Vogue Business. $40,000-$60,000 — Models. For a model with a big name & following, add $20,000.

    Who can walk in New York Fashion Week? ›

    Admission to shows at New York Fashion Week is typically in the form of accreditation, with specific events by invitation only. Most of the time attendees are other designers, celebrities, and social media influencers.

    Is it hard to get into NYFW? ›

    Several thousand people apply, and only a small percentage are accepted. There's also sometimes an application fee. And even if your application is approved, that still doesn't guarantee admission.

    Do NYFW models get paid? ›

    The designer behind the show confirmed that models were not paid, and said that they had to pay a designer's fee of thousands of dollars to the platform that puts on the show in order to participate. Sometimes, the designer claims, platforms will use some of this money to pay models, but sometimes, they do not.

    Can you sneak into a fashion show? ›

    Sneaking into a show is an unofficial rite of passage for most bright-eyed, eager, fashion-obsessed young folks in, or trying to wedge into, the industry. But it's also taboo, since there's nothing that pisses off the various gatekeepers and crowd-herders guarding entré to the runway more than crashers.

    Do people pay to go to fashion shows? ›

    Depending on the designer, the average cost for a ticket falls anywhere between $200 and $1,000. Here we find a reprieve from all the money being tossed around to fill the audience at any given runway show: Editors are paid nothing.

    How can I walk in a fashion show? ›

    When walking, your back should be straight, core tight, and shoulders back and down – but in a relaxed, not a forced, way. As you walk, your arms should swing slightly and you should keep your hands relaxed. This will help you keep a strong pace. Don't move your hips too much, they should stay straight.

    Do you have to be invited to fashion shows? ›

    It is highly publicized, but most events are by invite only. There is an exclusive club of fashion industry professionals that attend Fashion Week. It is very difficult, and for some shows, near impossible to attend if you are not a somebody in the fashion industry. But don't fret.

    What should I wear to NYFW? ›

    The best thing about NYFW is that there's not a dress code. You will see people wearing tees and jeans or the most extravagant outfits. In the end, NYFW is a place for you to showcase your own sense of style.

    Where is the best place to sit at a fashion show? ›

    Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour and other V.I.P.s will almost always sit near the end of the front row in the section to the left of the runway—sometimes known as the "A" section. This is considered the best vantage point because it is the first place where the models turn.

    Can kids be in NYFW? ›

    The law in NY now states no one under 18 can walk a runway, so what does that say about the show you just paid for your child walk in during NYFW, one it is illegal and two it is not a legit fashion show, your child is being used to make a buck.

    How much do you get paid to walk in a fashion show? ›

    You could earn between $200–$1,000, or, instead of payment, get to keep some clothing from the show. Gabriela Pierantoni, the owner of Corestone Models, says experienced runway models could earn $500–$2,500 per show. Supermodels, on the other hand, could make up to $20,000 for a runway show.

    Do celebrities just walk around New York? ›

    New York City is the major East Coast hub for entertainment. Hundreds of celebrities roam the streets, and there are many ways to go about seeing them. Thankfully, you don't have to go to somewhere fancy or private to catch a glimpse of your favorite celebs.

    How do you get front row at Fashion Week? ›

    Before you can sit down and take pictures, you need to get on the invite list. "The best way to score a seat is to befriend the fashion PR girls that run all the lists, so they can get you the seat you need," he revealed. Networking is key. Here's the thing: You want the best seat at the best show.

    How tall are NYFW models? ›

    ​ Female Models must be 5 ft 8 or taller. (We are looking for sizes 0-6 and Plus Size Models sizes 8-14.)

    Who earns more Gigi or Bella? ›

    The sisters are among the highest-paid models of 2022, with Gigi already earning an estimated $20 million, and Bella right behind her with $19m, according to Forbes.

    How old do you have to be to model in fashion week? ›

    The typical age is 16-21. Models can be younger than this, but many agencies will require models to be at least 16. Likewise, models can be older but agencies and clients tend to like their models looking younger and more youthful.

    How much money do you get a day for being a model? ›

    You can expect around $100 per hour if you are doing well. Starting model salary may be much lower, even $20 per hour, and you may have to work for free at first to get your portfolio. This type of modeling can be very well-paid, with an average of $200 per hour.

    Can you take photos at a fashion show? ›

    Make Sure You Can Bring a Camera to the Event

    Many big events often don't allow spectators to bring cameras at all. Their reason is to keep their content exclusive. But there are also some smaller shows allow certain types of cameras, and others even let you bring whatever you want.

    Do people clap at fashion shows? ›

    Toward the end of the show, when the grander looks exit, nearly half the audience might get up from their seats and clap. The American press remains firmly in their chairs, scribbling notes, unfazed.

    How many hours does a fashion show last? ›

    But the show itself usually last just few minutes, in average between 10-15 minutes depending on the quantity of styles belonging to the collection. Note that this is how long they lasts now currently, but in the past years, a few decades ago, they could have been much longer, reaching also one hour of time.

    Do celebrities get dresses for free? ›

    They're not bought. You'd think all the clothes they wear, they buy. BUT, that's usually hardly ever true. Even if they can afford it, mostly all celebrities and influencers have their clothes sourced by their stylists or styling team.

    What happens to clothes after fashion show? ›

    Models generally do not keep the actual clothes they wear in the show, as those pieces will be needed for sales appointments or magazine shoots. But they do order clothes, which are sent to them later.

    Why do models cross their legs when they walk? ›

    Mostly used by models, who are by definition tall and slender, the crossed legs is the standing sister of seated crossed legs. The pose can make a dress of any length look demure – even the shortest of minis – and by a trick of the eye, makes the legs look half the width.

    How to walk like a girl? ›

    How to walk like a woman
    1. Turn your elbows in towards your waist. This will turn your palms more towards the front. ...
    2. Lift your chin a little and look forward. ...
    3. Take smaller steps.
    4. Thrust the hips forward slightly.
    5. Glide. ...
    6. Smile. ...
    7. Take in the sights. ...
    8. Swish your hips a bit... .from left to right in rhythm.
    Nov 21, 2010

    What do you wear to a show? ›

    The simple answer is anything. Most theatres no longer have dress codes, so it doesn't matter what you wear. As long as you have a ticket for your performance, you'll be allowed into the venue.

    What do NYFW volunteers do? ›

    The fashion week volunteer's job is to help with all the practical tasks to make sure that the show goes smoothly. Most of the time working as a volunteer at a fashion show means working as a backstage dresser so mainly taking care of dressing up your model.

    What is the point of NYFW? ›

    It was created as a way to for designers to showcase their creations through presentations and runway shows for fashion editors and journalists, store buyers, celebrities, and consumers to preview their collections.

    What should I bring to Fashion Week? ›

    If it's fashion week, still bring your heels, cards, portfolio, water, and snacks. You never know when there might be a last minute casting. Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself the day before to look your absolute best.

    What is dress day dress code? ›

    Day wear, day attire, or day dress may refer to: Day dress or morning dress, a dress code in Western dress codes. Black lounge suit, a men's day attire semi-formal intermediate of a formal morning dress and an informal lounge suit.

    Who sits in the front row at Fashion Week? ›

    Benches become your best friend. Usually someone ends up not showing up, and someone who didn't RSVP shows up.” The magic formula of an enviable Front Row consists of editors, influencers, VIPs, as well as friends and family of the designer.

    How should I dress to get noticed? ›

    How to dress to get noticed
    1. Only wear clothes that fit you. ...
    2. Invest in the right pair of jeans. ...
    3. Pick out adult outerwear. ...
    4. Upgrade your shoe game. ...
    5. Say goodbye to those funny meme t-shirts. ...
    6. You need a few good dress shirts. ...
    7. Don't slack on your day to day grooming habits.
    Mar 21, 2018

    What is the most famous fashion show in the world? ›

    Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week are the most known Fashion Weeks around the world, attracting buyers, the media, celebrities, top models and designers who proudly present their latest collections.

    Who is the youngest person to walk in NYC Fashion Week? ›

    10-Year-Old Girl Becomes Youngest Trans Model to Walk NY Fashion Week. 10-year-old Noella McMaher is already making her dreams come true.

    Is there any fashion show for kids? ›

    India Kids Fashion Week (IKFw) is an event held quarterly at Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai and Bangalore by IKFW Organization.

    How can I spend my kids day in NYC? ›

    Here are the 15 Best Things to do in New York with kids
    1. The Ride NYC. We have been on our fair share of bus tours throughout the years. ...
    2. Central Park. ...
    3. 9/11 Memorial & Museum. ...
    4. Empire State Building. ...
    5. Rockefeller Center. ...
    6. Legoland New York. ...
    7. Big Bus Hop On/ Hop-Off Tours. ...
    8. Statue of Liberty.
    Dec 5, 2022

    How can I get invited to a fashion show? ›

    Getty Images.
    1. Be a Celebrity. Click here to read the full article. ...
    2. Be a Fashion Editor. Fashion editors, writers and freelancers usually don't ask for invitations (though there's no shame in the game). ...
    3. Be an Influencer. ...
    4. Work in PR or Volunteer. ...
    5. Be a Model. ...
    6. Be a Hair Stylist or MUA. ...
    7. Be a Stylist or Buyer. ...
    8. Be a Photographer.
    Feb 7, 2023

    Do female models get paid more? ›

    But in fashion modeling women are paid a 25-75% premium over men's wages (Mears 2011). This gap is even larger at the top—for a high-end fragrance or fashion campaign, a man may earn as little as one-tenth as the women next to him in the ad (Mears 2011). Why is it that in certain contexts, being female pays?

    How much do Zara models get paid? ›

    How much does a Model make at ZARA in the United States? Average ZARA Model hourly pay in the United States is approximately $7.54, which is 66% below the national average.

    How to spot a celebrity in NYC? ›

    Anytime a celeb is in town, like Dua Lipa, they always stop by Ray's for a drink. If you're in Manhattan and you're in Soho or if you're in the West Village, you have a better chance of spotting. NoHo, SoHo or the West Village, those are the best spots where you'll have the best chances of seeing celebs.

    What hotel in New York do celebrities stay at? ›

    Soho Grand Hotel: 310 W Broadway, New York, NY 10013, USA

    The Soho Grand Hotel In New York is well known for celebrity sightings. Starting off with what is considered to be NYC's first luxury boutique hotel is Soho Grand Hotel.

    What is the most exclusive nightclub in New York? ›

    Behind The Velvet Rope: The Most Exclusive Clubs In NYC
    • theblondnyc. Blond. View profile. ...
    • june.yeo. Make Believe. View profile. ...
    • thepalacenyc. The Palace NYC. View profile. ...
    • electricroomnyc. Electric Room. View profile. ...
    • fleurroomny. The Fleur Room. View profile. ...
    • jasminefontaina. The Boom Boom Room. View profile. ...
    • 1oaknyc. 1 OAK NYC.
    Jul 19, 2022

    Do you have to be invited to Fashion Week? ›

    It is highly publicized, but most events are by invite only. There is an exclusive club of fashion industry professionals that attend Fashion Week. It is very difficult, and for some shows, near impossible to attend if you are not a somebody in the fashion industry.

    Can kids be in fashion week? ›

    While reminiscent of traditional fashion weeks, FW4K is just as much for children as it is for families, fashion aficionados, designers, and media. Our mission is to create a playful event filled with imaginative experiences featuring fashion, high-quality entertainment, and interactive activities.

    How do you walk in fashion week? ›

    When walking, your back should be straight, core tight, and shoulders back and down – but in a relaxed, not a forced, way. As you walk, your arms should swing slightly and you should keep your hands relaxed. This will help you keep a strong pace. Don't move your hips too much, they should stay straight.

    How old do you have to be for NYFW? ›

    The law in NY now states no one under 18 can walk a runway, so what does that say about the show you just paid for your child walk in during NYFW, one it is illegal and two it is not a legit fashion show, your child is being used to make a buck.

    Which fashion week is the biggest? ›

    Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week are the most known Fashion Weeks around the world, attracting buyers, the media, celebrities, top models and designers who proudly present their latest collections.

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