How tall are Dutch people? (2024)

According to their own statements, men aged 19years who were born in the Netherlands in2020 are on average 182.9cm tall. Women of the same age born in the Netherlands measure 169.3cm. During the course of the last century we have kept growing taller, but after1980 this growth seemed to have ceased.

Generation born around1980 the tallest

Men born in1930 were 175.6cm tall on average, those born in1980 attained a height of 183.9cm. Inother words, men have grown an average of 8.3cm taller in fifty years. Women have also grown considerably taller. Thegeneration of women from1930 attained an average height of165.4cm; those born in1980 grew to 170.7cm, almost 5.3cm taller. Forgenerations born after the early1980s, growth in height has stopped. Menborn in2001 were on average 1cm shorter than the generation from1980, women on average 1.4cm.

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Show datatableDevelopment of average body height by year of birth, 1930-2001 (Height at age 19, in cm1)Hide datatableDevelopment of average body height by year of birth, 1930-2001 (Height at age 19, in cm1)

Development of average body height by year of birth, 1930-2001 (Height at age 19, in cm1)
birth year Men Women
1930 175.6 165.4
1931 175.6 166
1932 175.7 166
1933 176.5 166.6
1934 176.2 166
1935 176.3 165.7
1936 176.3 165.7
1937 176.6 165.9
1938 176.5 166.1
1939 177.2 166.3
1940 177.3 166
1941 177.5 166.2
1942 177.6 166.4
1943 177.6 166.6
1944 178 166.5
1945 178 166.5
1946 178.8 166.7
1947 179 166.8
1948 179.2 166.9
1949 179.6 167
1950 179.4 166.8
1951 179.9 167
1952 179.9 167
1953 180.1 167.2
1954 180.4 167.4
1955 180.8 167.6
1956 181 167.7
1957 181.1 167.9
1958 181.4 168
1959 181.6 168.2
1960 181.7 168.5
1961 181.8 168.6
1962 182 168.6
1963 182.1 168.9
1964 182.5 169.1
1965 182.8 169.3
1966 183 169.6
1967 183.1 169.7
1968 183.3 169.9
1969 183.4 170.1
1970 183.5 170.1
1971 183.5 170.2
1972 183.4 170.2
1973 183.5 170.2
1974 183.6 170.3
1975 183.5 170.4
1976 183.8 170.4
1977 183.8 170.4
1978 183.5 170.6
1979 183.8 170.7
1980 183.9 170.7
1981 183.7 170.3
1982 183.8 170.5
1983 183.6 170.4
1984 183.4 170.3
1985 183.4 170.2
1986 183.4 170
1987 183.3 170
1988 183.4 169.9
1989 183.3 169.8
1990 183.4 169.7
1991 183.1 169.8
1992 183.1 169.5
1993 183.2 169.5
1994 183.2 169.4
1995 183.3 169.6
1996 182.8 169.5
1997 183.2 169.5
1998 183.3 169.5
1999 183.6 169.5
2000 183.4 169.5
2001 182.9 169.3
1 The figures for the last cohort (birth year 2001) indicate the average height of a 19-year-old person in 2020.

21percent of men taller than 190cm

In the early1950s, tall men were still very unusual. Nomore than 3percent of the generation from 1930–1934 reached a height of at least 190cm. In2020, more than1 in5young men were at least 190cm tall, 7percent were at least 195cm tall. A height of less than 175cm was quite normal for a man in the1950s: 42percent of young men were shorter than 175cm. This height is less common in today’s society: 12percent of young men are shorter than 175cm.

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Show datatableDevelopment of average male height (%)Hide datatableDevelopment of average male height (%)

Development of average male height (%)
birth cohort shorter than 175 cm 175-179 cm 180-184 cm 185-189 cm 190-194 cm taller than 194 cm
1930-1934 42.3 26.2 19.4 8.8 2.7 0.6
1935-1939 38.5 27 20.3 10.2 3.2 0.8
1940-1944 33.5 25.8 23.9 11.2 4.6 1
1945-1949 26.3 25.4 25.7 15.1 5.7 1.8
1950-1954 21.4 25.5 26.7 16.9 7 2.5
1955 -1959 16.4 23 28.2 20 9 3.4
1960-1964 13.9 20.7 28.2 22 10.6 4.5
1965-1969 10.8 18.4 27.4 24.7 12.5 6.1
1970-1974 10.6 17.2 27 24.4 13.7 7.1
1975-1979 9.3 18.8 25.6 24.7 13.9 7.8
1980-1984 9.9 16.9 27.3 24.3 13.5 8.1
1985-1989 11.1 17.7 25.3 25.3 13.2 7.3
1990-1994 11.9 17.9 25.9 23.6 13.5 7.2
1995-1999 11.5 17.7 26.5 24.1 13.1 7.1
2000-2001 11.7 16.8 27.1 23.8 13.4 7.1

The picture is similar for women. Inaround 1950, a woman who was 180cm tall was still rare. Less than 2percent of the female generation from the 1930s attained this height. Nowadays, you see more tall women walking around. Almost1 in10girls born around1980 is at least 180cm tall. This number is declining somewhat in the youngest generation.

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How tall are Dutch people? (2024)


How tall are Dutch people? ›

We don't know if you've realised yet, but let us break the news: people from the Netherlands are tall

This is a list of the tallest people, verified by Guinness World Records or other reliable sources. According to the Guinness World Records, the tallest human in recorded history was Robert Wadlow of the United States (1918–1940), who was 272 cm (8 ft 11 in). › wiki › List_of_tallest_people
. In fact, they're the tallest on the planet — but why? There are four potential reasons. Studies show that the average height for Dutch men is 1.86 cm (over 6′) whereas an average American is 1.76 cm (5'9”).

Is 6 foot 3 tall in the Netherlands? ›

So 6′3″ (190 cm) for men and 5′10″ (178 cm) for women would be the minimum for tall heights. I am 1 meter and 95 centimeters, so not even 2 meters tall, but I am generally considered a tall person in the Netherlands. It mostly depends on the height of the other person and this persons' family to be considered tall.

Is 175 cm short for a guy? ›

The perception of a good height can vary depending on cultural and personal preferences. In general, a height of 175 cm (5 feet 8.9 inches) is considered average or slightly above average for adults. However, it's important to remember that height alone does not determine a person's worth or capabilities.

Is 190cm a good height? ›

It's a great height. Some people dream of making it too 6′. You are above average.

What is the tallest race in Europe? ›

Dutch people are the world's tallest, with an average height of 175.62 cm (5 feet 7.96 inches). Dutch men are an average 182.53 cm (5 feet 11.86 inches) tall while Dutch women are an average 168.72 cm (5 feet 6.42 inches) tall.

Who is the tallest human? ›

Robert Pershing Wadlow, born February, 22, 1918, was and still remains the World's Tallest Man at 8 ft. 11 in. Wadlow weighed 439 lbs. and also holds the title for the World's Largest Hands at 12.75 in., and the World's Largest Feet at 18.5 in.

Is 5 9 short for boys? ›

The average male is about 5 feet 9 inches tall in the United States. 1 Factors like genetics, nutrition, and health conditions can affect where you stand on the growth charts.

Is 5'7" short for a guy? ›

Is 5'7″ average height for a man? If you're looking at global statistics, the answer is yes. The average height for a man worldwide is 5 feet 7.5 inches. The average height for a man in the United States is 5 feet 9 inches.

Is 5 foot 8 short? ›

No, 5'8” is about average for men.

So, at 5'8”, you're taller than about 90% of women and about 45% of men. In other words, you're like most guys. You're not short. There's a lot of assumptions out there that guys who are 6'0” or taller are common.

Is 5'10" tall for a guy? ›

Average Heights of Men Around the World. Average male height worldwide is usually measured in centimeters by doctors and scientists. The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches -- or about 5 feet, 9.3 inches to be precise. That's roughly 176 centimeters.

What height is OK for a guy? ›

Ideal height for men

The average height for males is 5'8" or 177 cm. Factors that may influence your height include the following: DNA: Your genetic make-up influences your height, growth plates, and hormones.

Is 190cm tall for a 13 year old? ›

Assuming that you meant 190 cm instead of 1.90 cm, you're actually taller than average. The average height of a 13-year-old boy is 156 cm. 190 cm is definitely on the tall side, but still normal.

What country has the tallest people? ›

The Netherlands has the tallest people on average. Men born in the Netherlands in the last quarter of the 20th century had an average height surpassing 182.5 cm, making them the tallest in the world. The average height of young males in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also noteworthy, with an average height of 181.2 cm.

How tall is the average German man? ›

The average German is 172.87cm (5 feet 8.06 inches) tall on average. The average German man is 179.88cm (5 feet 8.81 inches) tall.

How tall are Dutch children? ›

According to the study, Dutch boys have an average height of 1.84 m and Dutch girls have an average height of nearly 1.71 m. No comparison with Spanish kids is mentioned.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.