How Social Media and its Influencers are Driving Fashion (2024)

As our dependence on social media grows, and it becomes more integrated into our lives, we’re becoming more influenced by what we see online than ever before — especially when it comes to fashion.

In years gone by, fashion was presented to us through glossy magazines and catwalk shows. Through these controlled channels, fashion was kept exclusive, determined by designers and magazine editors. Fast-forward to 2018 and it’s a very different story.

With platforms like Instagram, we can essentially become our own magazine editors, sharing our personal style with potentially millions of users. While catwalks and glossies still remain a part of today’s fashion sphere, fashion is more fluid and interactive than ever before — changing the way fashion brands connect with their core audience.

A new market

No longer do fashionistas rely on the latest issue of Vogue to tell them what’s hot this season. It’s all about social media — what products are online retailers pushing this season? What going out dresses are all your friends wearing in their latest tagged photos? And, what’re the bloggers and influencers on your news feed into this month?

On a whole, millennials are thought to be less trusting of traditional forms of advertising — often perceived to be over-planned and misleading. In the world of fashion, this means that magazines and advertising campaigns don’t have the influence that they once did — they’re now seen as quite distant from the reader as many are aware of the editing that goes on behind one shot. Instead, peer recommendations are more valuable and accessible than they once used to be. Of course, we’ve all heard of the power of word-of-mouth, but with social media and its ability to spread at a rapid speed across countries, it’s more important than ever before. Of Instagram’s total audience, 200 million users follow at least one fashion account. 45% of Instagram users in Britain say they follow these fashion accounts to gain inspiration for looks they can buy or create themselves. Sharing their own looks is a part of this process too, with #fashion mentioned a huge 13 million times a month and #ootd (outfit of the day) featuring in 140 million posts to date.

The need for peer validation most likely stems from a rise in online ‘likes’ and ‘followers’ that many social media users strive for. Many of us are used to reading user-generated reviews about an experience or product before making a purchase now. In fact, research found that 71% of people are more likely to make an online purchase if the product or service has been recommended by others. In addition to this, 84% of millennials are likely to be influenced into making a purchase based on the user-generated content by strangers who have experienced the product or service.

With this in mind, it’s no surprise that so many fashion brands are centring much of their marketing strategy around Instagram — and indeed digital avenues more widely. Even luxury brands — that once shunned social media for fear of it cheapening their image — are jumping on the digital bandwagon. While 72% of luxury fashion brands’ marketing spend is still attributed to print marketing, digital is quickly gaining pace — reaching a total digital ad spend of $100 billion in 2016.

If fashion brands can make their way onto the news feeds of users, they become exposed to a demographic that has already expressed interest in them.

Increased brand involvement

Social media allows fashion companies to interact with their customers on a level that they could never do previously. Founder and editor in chief of independent publication, the Business of Fashion, Imran Amed, says: “The one thing that has changed dramatically in recent years is the direct relationship brands now have with their consumers. In this new hierarchy, the consumer has the ability to amplify or negatively impact on business, through sharing positive or negative responses.”

One example of this is fashion shows. Once an exclusive event for the elite and top names in fashion, many shows on the catwalk can now be viewed live by millions. Access to the designers’ latest fashion lines was often something that we could only hear about through magazines and the press. Now however, we can keep up with the latest through monitoring the content attached to a hashtag.

When social media first became a global phenomenon, it was mostly about Facebook and Twitter. But, now there’s a new player on the scene — and it’s taking over. Instagram reached 800 million monthly active users in September 2017 and these users have the highest level of engagement (time spent using the app) compared to other social media sites.

Instagram has become a platform for fashion brands to connect with their audience directly, rather than through a catwalk show or print advertising campaign. This encourages brands to think more about ‘real’ people, with different bodies, skin tones and fashion preferences — it’s opened a whole new world for fashion marketers.

Now, Instagram users can shop directly through the channel. Brands are able to tag products in their posts which can then lead users to a point-of-sale. Early adopters of this, such as Natori and Magnolia Boutique, have already found that traffic and sales from Instagram have increased after implementing the shopping service.
Another successful tactic used by fashion brands that are active on social media is encouraging people to post photos of themselves wearing the clothes. This is another form of user-generated content and it allows others to see what the outfit looks like on real people. In some cases, users are given the chance to feature on the main social media page.

The role of the influencer

Generating a wider conversation around your brand is important and one reason why many fashion brands have incorporated influencer marketing into their digital strategies. The influencer economy of Instagram alone is valued at $1 billion and 94% of businesses said influencer marketing was an effective campaign strategy.

Influencer marketing involves working with influential personas — for example, a blogger or user with a high social following — to increase awareness of a brand or influence the purchasing patterns of a target audience.

For example, Adidas recently unveiled supermodel Kendall Jenner as its new Adidas Ambassador. With a total Instagram following of 89.2 million compared to Adidas’ 19.2 million, the partnership will significantly increase Adidas’ social reach and position the brand in front of Jenner’s younger fashion following.

From a consumer perspective, influencer content is almost like a recommendation from a friend. Seeing the people we admire or look up to wearing a particular outfit or using a certain product is a vote of confidence in a brand that makes us more likely to purchase the particular product or interact with the brand in the future. This sense of community is something that brand accounts struggle to deliver; a third-party is needed to validate the products for consumers.

Influencer marketing does not have to involve a celebrity partnership, although their high exposure levels and number of followers will naturally help. It can involve any profile that can add value to a brand but generally, this value is measured in terms of volume of followers.

However, for maximum benefit, an influencer’s followers should be closely linked with a brand’s target demographic. Influencer relationships can be expensive, so the associated spend needs to be justifiable — yet doing so can be problematic for fashion brands, when you consider the difficulty surrounding success measurement.

Whether brands are able to gain a clear-cut measure of influencer marketing success or not, there’s no denying that building these relationships does ultimately benefit fashion brands, through either increased exposure or sales.

Research found that 5% of the influencers that were offering product recommendations were driving 45% of social influence.

As we can see, social media has changed the face of fashion as we know it. We’re now more connected with our brands than ever before and are proud to publicly post about the names we love. With the implementation of Instagram shopping already changing the process of fashion retailing, who knows what the future holds?

By Autumn Wilberg, senior copywriter at Quiz Clothing

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How Social Media and its Influencers are Driving Fashion (2024)


How social media influencers affect fashion? ›

The age of influencers in marketing has built large engagement with brands as well as loyalty towards both customers and the product, i.e. clothes. They have provided a platform for designers to showcase their work to a global audience and have made it easier for consumers to discover and purchase new styles.

How do influencers influence fashion? ›

Fashion Influencer Ecosystem

Every party benefit from one another. Brands and retailers have adopted fashion influencers to promote new trends and reach a wider audience. In fact, fashion influencers help brands to present their new products to consumers in an authentic way.

Are influencers responsible for fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion takes inspiration from celebrities and the catwalk, making styles inexpensive and accessible for many. Prices are low and options are wide. Companies turn to influencers to promote their brand and products, and in return, they can earn a lot.

How social media is transforming the fashion industry? ›

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have made it possible for fashion brands to connect with consumers in a more personal way. This has led to an increase in the number of followers and engagement for fashion brands, as well as an increase in the number of consumers.

What are the 5 ways social media affects fashion? ›

  • The rise of Fashion Influencers. ...
  • A new Marketing Frontier. ...
  • New Pathways, New Circulations. ...
  • Innovative Media. ...
  • A New Way to Shop. ...
  • Cultivated Brand Image and Increased Awareness. ...
  • Connection with Customers. ...
  • Increased Traffic.
Mar 31, 2022

How impactful are social media influencers? ›

Teenagers often use social media to learn about and explore their interests. Influencers can encourage their audiences to advocate for causes by providing information. They can also give young people the resources and inspiration to engage with their communities.

How social factors influence fashion? ›

Social factors affecting fashion include cultures, norms, lifestyle, demographics and population changes. For example, a small clothing manufacturer needs to create styles that appeal to those of different cultures, especially if those cultural groups represent large enough segments of its market.

What are the benefits of fashion influencers? ›

How Brands Can Benefit from Influencer Marketing
  • Influencers help you know your audience better. ...
  • Allows the audience to connect with your brand. ...
  • Influencers help you reach an undiscovered audience base. ...
  • Influencers help create a need/desire for your product/brand. ...
  • Helps you gain an edge over your competitors.

What influences fashion the most? ›

Social factor is one of the most significant factors that influence fashion frequently and expansively. Its area is pretty wide and includes many factors, such as place of living (urban area or rural area), educational and cultural background, status in society, gender, profession, and, of course, occasions.

How does social media encourage fast fashion? ›

The influencer impact

Social trends such as 'Hauls' and more recently on TikTok, 'What I'd wear to…' videos, involving creators showing the masses of products they've purchased for the sake of a 30-second video. They may seem like a fun, creative video, but videos like these can lead to more people bulk buying fashion.

What are the social influences of fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion promotes the throwaway culture, excessive consumerism, and makes clothes disposable commodities. Many consumers make purchasing decisions based on their emotions. Retailers use that behavior and tap into the subconscious of consumers.

Who are the biggest contributors to fast fashion? ›

Fast Fashion Leaders

Major players in the fast-fashion market include Zara, H&M Group, UNIQLO, GAP, Forever 21, Topshop, Esprit, Primark, Fashion Nova, and New Look. Many companies are both retailers and manufacturers, though they often outsource the actual production of clothing.

What is the conclusion of social media in fashion industry? ›

In conclusion, social media is a powerful tool for fashion retailers to connect with consumers and drive sales. By utilizing effective social media strategies, brands can increase their visibility, build a loyal following, and ultimately grow their business.

How technology has influenced fashion? ›

Technology in fashion enables fabrics, patterns, and pieces to be virtually created at first. That makes the process much more sustainable. The designers can work on all the creations online, then approve and test them. That means a significant reduction in textile waste within the industry.

How has Instagram changed the fashion industry? ›

Overall, it was found that Instagram is indeed one of the most used platforms by fashion brands to advertise their products. Furthermore, participants agreed that fashion influencers are the new marketing tool for fashion brands to increase their online presence and engage with their audience.

What are the 3 key influences on fashion? ›

Fashion Designing Basics: Factors Influencing Popular Fashion
  • Fashion Forecast (Colour & Fabric) Deciding the colour, fabric and look for the upcoming season is something that every designer works on. ...
  • Movies & Music. The entertainment world is a major influencer of fashion. ...
  • Fashion Stylist. ...
  • Economy of a Country.
Dec 20, 2017

What are 3 things that influence fashion? ›

Fashion trends are influenced by several factors, including cinema, celebrities, climate, creative explorations, innovations, designs, political, economic, social, and technological. Examining these factors is called a PEST analysis.

What is social media key role in fashion? ›

Social media platforms such as Facebook fan pages enable customers to communicate with each other and build online communities relating to common fashion interests. Customers rely on the opinions of other customers in online communities to make purchase decisions.

What makes influencers so powerful? ›

Influencers are people who, through their hard work and passion, have built a reputation for their expertise. These influencers have a sizeable and trusted network of engaged fans and followers. Based on this trust, influencers can create trends and influence the buying decisions of their followers.

What are the benefits of having social media influencers? ›

7 Benefits of Influencer Marketing
  • Influencer marketing has high ROI. ...
  • Influencers help you save money. ...
  • Influencers are more trusted than friends and family for Gen Zers. ...
  • Influencers help you establish social proof and build awareness. ...
  • Influencers inspire purchases. ...
  • You can establish long-term relationships.
Nov 18, 2022

How do influencers affect customers and brands? ›

Influencers create a unique trust with their audience, oftentimes even more than well-known celebrities. Teens feel as though they can relate, trust, and find comfort in their favorite influencer. 4 in 10 Millennials reveal that they believe their favorite influencer understands them better than their friends.

What are the driving forces in the clothing industry? ›

What are the main drivers of the industry? Personalization, price reduction, sustainability, reorganization of the store network and full commitment to Rfid are some of the drivers of the fashion business, which is in the middle of an uncertainty scenario marked by political and economic uncertainty.

What factors influence the clothes we wear? ›

The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation.
  • Climatic Factors. People living in cold climate need to wear woollen clothes to keep warm. ...
  • Occasion. ...
  • Age. ...
  • Income. ...
  • Occupation.
Dec 29, 2018

What do fashion influencers do with all their clothes? ›

An influencer may wear an outfit in just one post before banishing it to the depths of the closet. It may stay there, unworn and unused, until it's time for the occasional wardrobe cleanout. At best, the garment will be resold or donated. At worst, it'll end up in a landfill.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using influencers? ›

We're going to look at the major pros: It's easy to set up. Building trust and credibility. Immediately expanding your reach.
And balance them against some of the cons:
  • Choosing the wrong influencers.
  • Losing control over your brand image.
  • Difficulty measuring results.
Jan 16, 2023

How impactful is fast fashion? ›

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

How has Instagram influencers accelerated the growth of fast fashion? ›

The pressure to remain relevant drives fashion influencers to constantly purchase and advertise new clothing with the sole purpose of posting photos or videos for their grid. This accelerated cycle of purchasing, posting and discarding of clothing leads to fast consumption.

How does fashion influence pop culture? ›

Fashion has long been a way for people to express their individuality and creativity. Pop culture is its primary driver. It influences fashion because of its power to influence our preferences, lifestyles, and choices. Pop culture affects our fashion choices by shaping society's trends and how we communicate.

How has TikTok affected fast fashion? ›

According to a Marketing Charts survey of Gen Zers, 39% were directly influenced to buy a product after seeing it on TikTok. And garment production continues to grow annually by 2.7%, while 25% of garments remain unsold and less than 1% are recycled into new garments, per the 2021 State of Fashion report.

Who dominates the fashion industry? ›

France is the leading country for the fashion industry in the world, according to the Brands Countries IPX by IFDAQ.

Who is the most influential person in the fashion industry? ›

Anna Wintour is quite literally the most powerful fashion magazine editor in America.

Is fast fashion destroying the fashion industry? ›

These unsold garments are often burned, as it's cheaper and easier for the company than finding a way to reuse or recycle them. Apart from wasting resources, the fast fashion industry pollutes waterways with toxic dyes, and increases the number of microfibres in the ocean through the use of fossil fuel-based fabrics.

How social media is revolutionizing the apparel industry one message at a time? ›

How Social Media Is Revolutionizing the Apparel Industry -- One Message At A Time. Apparel brands and retailers are connecting with customers at a quickening pace on the social web to spread brand messages, boost loyalty and drive commerce.

What is the impact of fast fashion conclusion? ›

Conclusion. The impact that fast fashion has on our planet is vast. From extreme climate changes to socially unacceptable work environments, fast fashion is destroying the Earth. It is important to do our individual part to decrease the environmental and social impacts that fast fashion presents.

What are the benefits of fashion shows as an advertising media? ›

They help attract buyers and media attention

Runway shows are the ultimate way for a designer to showcase their brand, and they often help attract some major players! Buyers flock to these events to get a glimpse of the new collections, while the media buzz around hoping to get that exclusive story.

How digital technology is changing the fashion industry? ›

Artificial intelligence. In recent years, brands have used AI to improve the shopping experience of their customers, analyze data, increase sales, forecast trends, and provide inventory-related guidance. Chatbots and touchscreens are being used in stores to improve customer experience and customized product suggestions ...

How has social and technological change influence the fashion industry? ›

Technology has made it easier for fashion brands to showcase their fashion trends to a broader audience. Technology is not just a benefit to the brands but to consumers as well. Fashion products have become more accessible and the process more convenient.

Why is Instagram important for fashion? ›

Influencer Marketing for Fashion Brands

They generate empathy and create trends that people follow if they can feel relatable to that person. This way, when a brand works with an influencer, not only they are a great vehicle for advertisem*nt, but they also help increase sales.

Why is Instagram so important for brands? ›

Using Instagram for business can drive brand awareness, boost sales, and build and track audience engagement. It's an excellent way to find customers where they're already spending time. It can also provide valuable audience insights to use with all your marketing plan strategies.

Why has fashion changed so much? ›

As per as fashion is concerned, it is a dynamic by nature which keeps changing in time and space. Since, human mind is always looking for change so; it seeks changes in terms of place of living, food, and of course cloth or fashion. People always want to have something new styles and new fashions.

How social factors affect fashion industry? ›

Social factors affecting fashion include cultures, norms, lifestyle, demographics and population changes. For example, a small clothing manufacturer needs to create styles that appeal to those of different cultures, especially if those cultural groups represent large enough segments of its market.

How do influencers affect brand image? ›

In my opinion, using Influencers for marketing communication allows brands to advertise a product or service in an innovative, more effective and credible way than traditional ads do, and influencer marketing is the best tool for creating a brand image on the internet today.

How does Instagram affect the fashion industry? ›

Studies show that around 50% of Instagram users follow fashion accounts to find inspiration for their outfits. This includes fitness influencers and their associated brands, too. A circle is created, one inspired from the outfit an Instagram model shares and they are sharing their look to their followers.

What is the role of social media in fashion forecasting? ›

Social media-based trend forecasting

Using data drawn from social media, brands could know more about their audience's geography, age, interests, values, style, and more.

What are the 4 factors that influence fashion? ›

There are certain factors that influence fashion, such as psychological factors, socio-cultural factors, economic factors, environmental factors, etc.

Do brands benefit from influencers? ›

Influencers help you establish social proof and build awareness. According to HubSpot's 2022 Marketing Industry Trends Report, influencer marketing is the most popular and effective trend (with the highest ROI) in generating authentic content for your business, establishing social proof, and building brand awareness.

How does social media affect brands? ›

Social media has multiple positive impacts on business in terms of brand recognition, customer engagement, revenue, and customer service. It also is a great tool to evaluate your competitors and how they are using social media for their growth.

How has social media impacted branding? ›

Social media offers a platform for a company to interact with their customers and form a sacred bond, making social media marketing an important part of digital marketing. It eliminates the middlemen (retailer, wholesaler) between brand and customer, making communication precise and clear.

What is the impact of the fashion industry? ›

The fashion industry consumes a large amount of water to produce fabrics and manufacture garments every year. The global fashion industry uses 93 billion cubic meters of water per year, or 20 trillion gallons. This is four percent of all freshwater withdrawal globally.

How TikTok is affecting the fashion industry? ›

TikTok has been the driving factor behind both broader trends in style — like the move away from skinny jeans — and the popularization of specific products, like the Gap logo hoodie and the Skims dress.

How has social media negatively affected the fashion industry? ›

Negative social media

Unfavorable reviews — genuine or orchestrated — can appear on multiple websites and dampen demand for a particular product. A customer may complain to her friends on Facebook about an ill-fitting garment or post photos on Instagram of a product that arrived damaged.

What are the social responsibility in the fashion industry? ›

The following are some CSR activities being implemented by the textile sector: Reducing carbon footprint. Dealing in fair trade products or services. Investing in social and environmental projects.

Why is fashion media important? ›

Mediais the main reason of such increasing acceptance for fashion and brands amongthe masses. New trends are constantly being introduced by the stars of silverscreen and small screen. Fans tend to imitate their role models in every way. Copying their fashion and style statement is no exception!

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.