How does Fast Fashion Fuel Capitalism? (2024)

Frannie Gonzalez '23, Writer
January 18, 2022

Fast fashion companies have gotten themselves in such deep water, they could be the next Atlantis. It’s no secret that fast fashion companies like Fashion Nova, Shein, and Pretty Little Thing thrive off of worker exploitation, and the commercialization of rapidly changing fashion trends. The trend cycle has transformed from decadally to seasonally to monthly because of the unrealistic capitalistic expectation and standard of success which perpetuates the idea that if you cannot keep up, you do not deserve a spot at the table. Fashion trends used to be only influenced by external forces like the weather, geography, politics, and social movements. Therefore, it made sense that fashion trends would change with the seasons, as you don’t want to wear a swimsuit in the snow. Fashion would also change with the decades, because up until the 2010’s, each decade had a distinct style that separated them from the fashions of decades past.

Now, we are seeing a shift from those types of external factors to systemic external factors such as capitalism, and the incessant exploitation of the working class. Because capitalism has created an environment that only rewards the rich and successful, fast fashion brands have not only become the norm where the average consumer shops for their clothes, it has become the fashion industry business model blueprint. It checks all the boxes for capitalist expectations; it involves the opportunity for cheap labor exploitation, there will always be a demand, and you can make more money than you will know what to do with. Capitalism has created a non-existent need for the average consumer to constantly be changing and buying new clothes; that your style is not individual, but rather it is whatever the corporation wants you to wear and needs you to buy to fit their CEO’s quota. The capitalist fashion industry feeds on the fact that the average consumer, which makes up the majority of the external participants, rely on their advice, so when Vogue says mini skirts are in mini skirts are in. But the problem is the average consumer does not have the funds to be buying quality pieces that are upwards of $40 a garment for every new trend that pops up as rapidly as monthly to weekly.

This is where slimy fast-fashion companies come into play. They realize that the average consumer can not keep up with the trends if they buy garments at a retail price, so by making the same trendy garments fit better to the average consumer’s budget, each piece becomes as high as $15 to as low as below a dollar; the consumer wins and the corporation wins. But how long will this capitalist success last? Capitalism has sped up the trend cycles so fast that these fast fashion companies cannot even keep up. The time of production has exceeded the lifespan of modern trends; by the time a garment has been sewn, shipped, and received by the consumer a new trend is already in the works, and reaching consumers world wide. Fast fashion companies have not necessarily dug themselves this hole, they just exist in a capitalist society whose eyes are larger than its stomach.

How does Fast Fashion Fuel Capitalism? (2024)


How does fast fashion contribute to capitalism? ›

These workers are forced to work for 14 to 16 hours a day, every single day. This is the result of wild capitalism. Clothes get made very fast to meet demand and current trends, but the workers are paid as little as possible so that the company can inflate their income.

Why consumer capitalism is the real problem in fashion industry? ›

These brands do not take responsibility for their unethical and immoral practices, disguised by the fact that they do not own any factory or employ labor directly — thus perfectly orchestrating and engineering a business model that leads to worker exploitation and mass impoverishment.

How does fast fashion help the economy? ›

Fast fashion's benefits are affordable prices and instant gratification for consumers, more profits for companies, and the democratization of stylish clothing. On the downside, fast fashion is also associated with pollution, waste, the promulgation of a "disposable" mentality, low wages, and unsafe workplaces.

How can we solve fast fashion problem? ›

Here is what you can do right now to reduce fashion pollution:
  1. Buy less and more durable clothes—choose slow-fashion;
  2. Avoid fast-fashion companies and support small local businesses instead;
  3. Rent clothes you're only likely to wear once;
  4. Buy pre-owned items;
  5. Swap clothes with friends;
  6. Repair and upcycle your clothes;
Sep 29, 2022

Is fast fashion good or bad for the economy? ›

Fast fashion has a huge economic impact. It's responsible for the recent growth (on average 4.78%) and future growth (5.91% in the next three years) of the apparel industry. A world without any textiles is very difficult to imagine nowadays. The clothing and footwear industry plays a huge role in the global economy.

What impact does fast fashion have on society? ›

Fast fashion is severely criticized for its negative social impacts. It doesn't promote decent work conditions, gender equality, diversity, or inclusivity. Instead, retailers foster a culture of discrimination, harassment, and violence.

What is the biggest problem with capitalism? ›

Capitalism has been criticized for establishing power in the hands of a minority capitalist class that exists through the exploitation of a working class majority; for prioritizing profit over social good, natural resources and the environment; and for being an engine of inequality and economic instabilities.

How does consumerism benefit capitalism? ›

Advantages. Advocates of consumerism point to how consumer spending can drive an economy and lead to increased production of goods and services. As a result of higher consumer spending, a rise in GDP can occur.

What is the negative effect of capitalism to consumers? ›

In capitalist economies, there is limited government intervention and reliance on free markets. However, market forces ignore external costs and external benefits. Therefore, we may get over-production and over-consumption of goods that cause harmful effects to third parties.

Does fast fashion help poor people? ›

While these companies prey on the poor, they especially prey upon children in poverty. A report investigating mills in India found that 60% of the workers were under 18 when they began working. Trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty, these children are extremely susceptible to forced labor in sweatshops.

How does slow fashion help the economy? ›

Slow fashion is often produced locally: This reduces the environmental impact of transportation, as well as supports local economies. Slow fashion brands have a commitment to fair labor practices: This means that workers receive livable wages and safe working conditions.

What are 2 problems that are caused by fast fashion? ›

Yet, fast fashion has a significant environmental impact. According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.

How can we reduce fast fashion waste? ›

Top 10 ways to reuse, reduce and recycle your clothes
  1. Increase the number of times you wear your clothes. ...
  2. Repair your existing clothes. ...
  3. Look after your clothes. ...
  4. Buy quality over quantity. ...
  5. Buy clothes made out of eco-friendly materials. ...
  6. Rent. ...
  7. Shop preloved. ...
  8. Donate.

What is the main issue of fast fashion? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

Who does fast fashion affect the most? ›

Fast fashion also impacts many different human rights areas, especially in the global south where fast fashion companies and their suppliers can exploit cheap labour and lax environmental laws and regulations. According to non-profit Remake, 80% of apparel is made by young women between the ages of 18 and 24.

Can fast fashion really be sustainable? ›

Fast fashion still has a long way to go when it comes to sustainability. In fact, the nature of fast fashion - the intense turnaround times for new ranges and products - almost makes it impossible for fast fashion to ever truly be sustainable.

What are 3 impacts that fast fashion has on the environment? ›

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

Why is fast fashion so successful? ›

The clothes are easy and quick to purchase, and delivery times are also reasonably short. This shopping experience makes it seem like the clothes “come out of nowhere,” and consumers don't have to think about who made their clothes and where they will go after they are no longer wanted.

How does the fashion industry affect the economy? ›

In addition, fashion week brings in $11 billion in wages and $2 billion in tax revenue annually. This industry opens jobs in marketing, design, research, manufacturing, and more. Fashion accounts for over 6% of the city's workforce and additionally brings in multiple jobs overseas.

Who benefits in capitalism? ›

3. Profit motive: Private individuals and companies in capitalist societies are strongly incentivized by economic self-interest—whether through more money, rewards, or other benefits—to continuously produce their goods and services that benefit themselves, and may, directly and indirectly, benefit society.

Is capitalism good or bad for society? ›

While capitalism helps propel innovation and prosperity in modern society, it can also create inequalities and contribute to market failures. Capitalism is the direct opposite of communism, which is a system that is controlled by the government.

What is better than capitalism? ›

Advocates of socialism argue that the shared ownership of resources and the impact of central planning allow for a more equal distribution of goods and services and a fairer society. Both communism and socialism refer to left-wing schools of economic thought that oppose capitalism.

How is consumerism tied up with capitalism? ›

Consumerism is the central point of the globalization. Global capitalist system is to promote consumerism among people with no regard for their own ability to pay for what they are consuming. At this point return to our central question „Consumerism is the core ideology of the Capitalism‟.

What are 3 benefits of consumerism to our society? ›

  • Increases economic output and creates jobs.
  • Leads to increases in wealth for companies.
  • Promotes competition between companies.
  • Allows for a large variety of goods and services.
  • Improves the quality of life for people.

Can you have capitalism without consumerism? ›

Consumerism and capitalism are not the same thing, nor are the two necessarily connected. The anti-capitalist left, of course, does want to make this connection, and it does want to generate public opposition to consumerism that will then serve as generalized opposition to markets overall.

What are 3 bad things about capitalism? ›

  • Creates inherent class conflict between capital and labor.
  • Generates enormous wealth disparities and social inequalities.
  • Unequal conditions lead to poverty and unemployment for some.
  • Can incentivize corruption and crony capitalism in the pursuit of profit.
  • Produces negative externalities such as pollution.

How does capitalism affect everyone? ›

About Capitalism

As an economic system, one of the effects of capitalism is that it breeds competition between countries and perpetuates poverty among developing nations due to the individual interests of private corporations rather than the needs of their workers.

What are 2 negatives of the capitalist system? ›

Disadvantages of Capitalist Economy

Capitalism leads to inequalities in income. In capitalism, firms can get monopoly over workers and consumers. A high profit-earning motive of a capitalist economy is to use resources in such a way that it leads to environmental problems by destroying the natural balance.

Who benefits from fast fashion? ›

The fast fashion industry plays a huge role in the global economy. It employs 300 million people around the world. It offers jobs to farmers and workers in the poorest countries. But fast fashion has a disastrous social and environmental impact.

Why is fast fashion unfair? ›

Fast fashion has an enormous environmental footprint for both its production and disposal. Clothing production requires a considerable amount of energy and resources, while it depends on toxic fabric dyes and other chemicals that contaminate fresh water. Fashion produces a tenth of the world's carbon emissions.

When did fast fashion become an issue? ›

Fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon. During the 1990s, retailers began to introduce trendy, cheaply-priced, poorly-made clothes on a weekly basis, intending to match the breakneck pace at which fashion trends move.

What would happen if fast fashion stopped? ›

If the consumers lower their demand, it might lead to job cuts. It will lead to the downfall of entire ecosystem mentioned above. It subsequently creates a domino effect to other industries. At this point, the industry is too big to fail.

How can we stop fashion industry pollution? ›

Sustainable Fashion: how to reduce your environmental impact
  1. #1 Choose organic or recycled fabric. ...
  2. #2 Repair your clothes instead of buying new ones. ...
  3. #3 Second-hand shops are useful. ...
  4. #4 Buy clothes made with organic flax or hemp. ...
  5. #5 Choose locally-made clothes. ...
  6. #6 Choose transparent brands. ...
  7. #7 Wash your clothes correctly.
Sep 19, 2022

How do we make fashion more sustainable? ›

5 ways to make the fashion industry more sustainable
  1. 5 ways to make the fashion industry more sustainable. Share. ...
  2. Customised clothing. ...
  3. Reduce environmental impact. ...
  4. Ethical practices. ...
  5. Sustainable packaging. ...
  6. Change the brand's message. ...
  7. Let us help you make the change to a more sustainable future.
May 31, 2022

Why fast fashion is morally wrong? ›

Fast fashion doesn't pay workers a living wage

In Colombian mines, Bangladeshi factories, or Vietnam textile mills, labor standards are so low that even though apparel is the largest employer of women globally, less than 2% of these women earn a living wage, according to The Huffington Post.

What would Marx say about fast fashion? ›

The exploitative fashion industry today

Marx also had an extremely negative view of the fashion industry. Even in Victorian England Marx called the fashion industry's frequently changing styles “murderous”- with the creation of machines only increasing workers hardships further.

What kind of economic impact does the fashion industry have on society? ›

It draws in thousands of people, generating about $887 million per year. In addition, fashion week brings in $11 billion in wages and $2 billion in tax revenue annually. This industry opens jobs in marketing, design, research, manufacturing, and more.

How does fast fashion relate to political globalization? ›

By providing consumers with a more affordable alternative to traditional haute couture, fast fashion allowed the fashion industry to cope with the rapid changes and demands of the market. The consumers in dominant Western countries benefit the most from globalization.

What does fast fashion have to do with globalization? ›

Moreover, as globalization has revolutionized the fashion world by creating the concept of "fast fashion", the real cause of this consumption, we owe it to fast fashion, this segment of the industry of clothing impacts the environment as one of the main polluters on earth, as well as the impact that it has on the ...

Why fast fashion is a problem in modern society? ›

In addition to environmental issues, fast fashion garments spark a lot of ethical concerns. They are often made in sweatshops where underpaid workers are employed for long hours in unsafe conditions and are exposed to harmful chemicals used in textile production.

Who dominates the fast fashion industry? ›

The benchmark: Zara

With around 1,600 stores in 58 countries, Zara is a mammoth retailer that has become the benchmark model for fast fashion by selling their own-label clothes in the latest styles, frequently updating their ranges and cutting the time between design and production.

Does fast fashion cause poverty? ›

Fast fashion retailers are motivated by how much profit they can turn, and by paying so little in wages, not only is the profit margin increased, the workers are also trapped in a cycle of poverty.

How much does the fashion industry contribute to the US economy? ›

Fashion is a highly sophisticated, $2.5 trillion global industry. In the United States alone, consumers spent nearly $380 billion on apparel and footwear in 2017.

Does fast fashion help developing countries? ›

This kind of apparel production negatively impacts developing countries. These impacts are not only caused by the physical damage via the production methods themselves, but also via the increased pace at which consumers are purchasing fashion items. In the last 20 years, production has increased by 400%.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.