Greek Mythology Story Athena Birth (2024)

Zeus came to lust after Metis, and chased her in his direct way. Metis tried to escape, going so far as to change her form many times.Turning into various creatures such as hawks, fish, and serpents. However,Zeus was both determined and equally proficient at changing form. Hecontinued his persuit until she relented.

An Oracle of Gaea then prophesied that Metis first child would be a girlbut, her second child would be a boy that would overthrow Zeus as had happened to his father and grandfather. Zeus took this warning to heart. When he next saw Metis he flattered her and put her at her ease.Then with Metis off gaurd Zeus suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed her.This was the end of Metis but, possibly the beginning of Zeus's wisdom.

After a time Zeus developed the mother of all headaches. He howled so loudlyit could be heard throughout the earth. The other gods came to see what theproblem was. Hermes realized what needed to be done and directed Hephaestus to take a wedge and split open Zeus's skull. Out of the skull sprang Athena, full grown and in a full set of armour. Due to her manor of birth she has dominion over all things of the intellect.

Greek Mythology Story Athena Birth (1)


Greek Mythology Story Athena Birth (2024)
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