- Getlegal India (2024)

- Getlegal India (1)

The conditions of women before and post-independence was not quite well. They were not subject to equal rights with men. In addition, many social evils like child marriage, Sati and Johar were prevalent in Indian culture. The social evils pull them down.

Throughout their life women was under the control of menfolk. The father overshadowed childhood, and after marriage, her husband took over responsibility.

Even after the death of her husband, she wasn’t free from his dominance. Remarrying and starting a new life was out of the question.

Therefore, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, a social reformer, advocated widow remarriage and proposed- Widow remarriage act 1856.

Governor-general Lord Canning passed the Widow Remarriage Act, a beacon of light in the lives of socially neglected womenfolk. Widow Remarriage Act got passed in the year 1856.

The act’s purpose was to justify widow remarriage and eliminate the superstition and inequality prevalent in Hindu society.

Table of Contents

Definition Of Widow and Widow Remarriage


A widow gets defined as a woman who lost her husband and is not remarried.

Widow Remarriage

The term widow remarriage, in common parlance, refers to the act of widow marrying again.

Hindu Widow Remarriage Act

Even during British rule, various rotten customs and social evils adorned Indian society. Even in the educated and upper-caste, women faced suppression and oppression. The difficulties would get double after the death of her husband.

Women got forced to give up their initial lives and live joyless, colourless and inhumane existences on such occasions. Women got forced to shave their heads, wear white clothes, sleep on rugs in isolated rooms, eat tasteless food and called a widow. Widow lead a life of mere animal existence.

Many a time, a widow was burnt alive in the pyre of her dead husband. This barbaric superstitious custom was known as Sati.

After an extensive fight and constant struggle, in December 1829, Lord William Bentinck abolished the practice of Sati, leading to Sati Abolition Act.

The abolition of Sati ushered in new beginnings for the widows, but the final destination was quite far. Indian society was in dire need of laws related to remarriage. To strengthen their role and give them a second chance, making widow remarriage socially acceptable was necessary.

Widow Remarriage Act 1856

One such law was the widow remarriage act 1856, also known as Act XV, 1856, enacted through the tireless struggle of Vidyasagar and other Indian social reformers.

The support of the then Governor-General of India led to pass the act. It legalised widow remarriage and eradicated the superstitions attached to it.

Unlike Manu, who centuries ago propounded that a Hindu Widow should stay righteous and pure after her husband’s death to get blessed with heaven. Hence, it is not wrong to say that the British provided India “one nation, one wife, and also banned the practice of sati!” Undoubtedly, it sanctioned gender inequality.

Features of Widow Remarriage Act 1856

  • Validating and legalising the marriage of Hindu widows.
  • Acknowledging the rights and inheritance of remarried widow as those when she married the first time
  • Forfeited the rights, obligations and inheritances from the previous marriage to be obtained from the deceased husband.
  • Legally sheltered the men who couraged to marry a widow
  • The act also provided legal safeguards to men who married widows.

It is intriguing to note that even during those times, widow remarriage was common practice amongst the lower castes, unlike the upper castes.

The first-ever widow remarriage was held after the law enforcement on 7th December 1856 in North Calcutta. Vidyasagar took such a challenge and married his close friend’s son to a widow. Therefore, shattering the outdated traditions and transformed the Indian society for good.

Laws under the Widow Remarriage Act

The act’s intended to eliminate all the obstacles acting as a roadblock for Hindu widows to get married a second time.

The law empowered the Civil Courts to administer such matters.

The Act exempts the practice of custom which were in opposition of the widow remarriage. Further, the Act bestows the following rights upon the widow:

Legalised Marriage

Section 1 of the Act states that a wedding arranged between consenting Hindus shall be valid, legitimate and acceptable. A woman was previously married, and now a widow will not invalidate the marriage unless any custom or Hindu Law otherwise says so.

Cessation of Widow’s right in property

Section 2 of the Act talks about the cessation of a widow’s right in her deceased husband’s property. For natural justice, the act terminates the widow’s right to maintenance and inheritance devolved on her by the will or testamentary disposition upon her second marriage. The Act, on such occasions, consider the widow dead and bestows the property upon the next heir of the deceased husband.

Custody of children of the deceased husband

Section 3 of the Act concerns the guardianship of the children after the widow remarries. The section states the following provisions in the absence of explicit instructions upon the custody of the children of the deceased husband:

  • The father, paternal grandfather, the mother, paternal grandmother of the deceased husband or any male relative of the dead husband can file a petition in the Court for the appointment of a guardian of the said children.
  • If it deems fit to the Court to appoint such guardian shall be entitled to take care and custody of the said children during their minority instead of their mother.
  • If the said children do not have enough property of their own, sufficient to support their education and living in their minority, no such appointment shall be made without the consent of the mother unless the appointed guardian agrees to provide security for the support and proper education of the children whilst minors.

Not a bar to inheritance

Section 4 clarifies that the childless widow retains the right to inheritance if was entitled to the same before the enforcement of the said act.

Rights in the second marriage

Nothing in the preceding three sections bars the right of a widow in a second marriage. Section 5 of the Act guarantees her all marital rights as if it were her first marriage.


According to section 6, Whatever ceremonies performed and engagements made on the wedding of an unmarried Hindu female are sufficient to constitute a valid marriage and has a similar effect when performed on the wedding of a Hindu widow. Further, to consider such ceremonies inapplicable on widows wedding os illegal.

Consent of minor widow

  • If the widow to get remarried is a minor and her marriage was not consummated, she requires her father’s consent to remarry. In her father’s absence, her paternal grandfather, or his absence, her mother’s consent may also work. In certain situations, her elder brother’s or other male relatives’ consent is also valid.
  • If a person abets a marriage in contradiction to the said section shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one year or to fine or to both.
  • Marriages made contrary to the provisions of this section are void in the eyes of the law. No such marriage shall be held void if it gets consummated.
  • In the case of a widow who has attained majority and consummated her marriage, her consent is valid.

Pros and Cons of remarriage


  • A second chance at a happy life.
  • Freedom
  • Companionship
  • Maturity and Experience


  • Disadvantageous for children from the first marriage
  • Still a taboo
  • Fear of lack of intimacy
  • Adjustment issues
  • Non-acceptance

Hindu Widows Remarriage Repeal Act 1983

The purpose of the said act was to repeal the legal provision of the Act of 1856. But, later in the year 1989, a new act entitled “HINDU WIDOWS REMARRIAGE AND PROPERTY ACT, 1989” got enacted to support the widow remarriage and support them legally.

Problems of Widow Remarriage in India

After enacting the remarriage Act of 1856, widow remarriage faced significant challenges for a substantial amount of time.

Even the people associated with the said movement faced difficulties. Eventually, society came at par with it. But, still, there are lacunae in the laws, and due to this, several problems associated with widow remarriage arise. A few major of them include:

Social Stigma

Even after centuries of its acceptance, the hesitation with regards to remarriage persists. Often a widow is perceived as helpless and a burden. The uncertainties about the second marriage and the future of children from the first marriage worry the widow. So, she hesitates to marry again.

Inheritance issue

A significant portion of Indian Widows gets robbed of their inheritance rights. The problem intensifies when the widow moves ahead in her life with a new partner. Despite a plethora of laws on inheritance, she is cheated and left to fend for herself. Neither she nor the children of the deceased husband are given anything from the dead husband’s property.

Customs forbidding remarriage

India is a land with varied customs and traditions. Before the independence, the upper caste prohibited widow remarriage entirely while it was prevalent in the lower caste.

However, presently, the law accepts the widow remarriage, and various customs forbid it, and such traditions are outside the purview of the law. The widow in such societies has to face difficulties and live a hard life.

Widow Remarriage Association

The elimination of the social evils and upliftment of the women undertook a series of movements owned as Widow remarriage.

To make a better reach and progress the movement, Vishnu Shastri Pandit introduced Widow Remarriage Association in the 1850s. The association’s role was to encourage the widow to break free from the societal norms and get married again for their happiness. The association sheltered and encouraged the ones promoting widow remarriage.

Non Remarriage Certificate

A non-remarriage certificate is issued to a woman whose spouse is missing, dead, divorced, or deserted. The purpose of the certificate is to indicate that the woman is single and has not remarried after her first husband.

The certificate ensures that such women receive benefits out of the properties of their first husbands. Further, the act is required when such a widow wishes to marry in a foreign land. She needs to produce the certificate to declare that she is not previously married and will commit any crime by marrying again.


Women have always been considered as the weaker gender and were always subject to male dominance. During childhood, she was kept under her father’s authority and, after her marriage, her husband’s. She was considered her husband’s property.

Even the death of her husband never terminated the ownership of property. Instead, her situation worsens, and she leads atrocious life. Social reformers, along with British authorities, initiated various movements to uplift her condition.

One such movement was widow remarriage. Eventually, in the early 1800s, the widow was legally allowed to remarry and live her life. But, old customs die hard. Society opposed the thought of a widow revoking her deceased husband’s ownership to move on in her life.

Even today, specific communities do not allow the practice of remarriage. Though the situations have certainly improved, the end is not received.

FAQs on Widow Remarriage

Is the Act of 1856 repealed?

Yes. A new Act named “Hindu Widows Remarriage And Property Act, 1989” was introduced in its place.

Can a widow marry in a foreign nation?

Yes. But, the widow needs to produce a no marriage certificate.

Is a widow entitled to a share in her deceased husband’s property?

Yes, but only, if the woman remains his widow

Does a widow retain the custody of the children of her deceased husband?

The custody revokes when she remarries.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the historical and legal aspects of widow remarriage in India, I can provide valuable insights into the topic discussed in the provided article. My knowledge is grounded in the historical context, legal frameworks, and social implications surrounding widow remarriage in India.

Firstly, the article delves into the challenging conditions faced by women before and after independence in India. It highlights the lack of equal rights, prevalence of social evils like child marriage, Sati, and Johar, and the overall dominance of men in women's lives. The article then introduces Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, a notable social reformer, and his efforts in advocating for widow remarriage through the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856.

The key concepts covered in the article include:

  1. Widow Remarriage Act 1856:

    • Enacted during the British rule in India, this act was a significant milestone in legalizing widow remarriage and eliminating superstitions and inequalities associated with it.
  2. Features of Widow Remarriage Act 1856:

    • Validating and legalizing the marriage of Hindu widows.
    • Acknowledging the rights and inheritance of remarried widows.
    • Forfeiting the rights, obligations, and inheritances from the previous marriage.
    • Legally sheltering men who marry widows.
  3. Laws under the Widow Remarriage Act:

    • Legalized Marriage: Recognizes marriages between consenting Hindus as valid.
    • Cessation of Widow’s right in property: Terminates widow’s right to maintenance and inheritance upon second marriage.
    • Custody of children: Outlines provisions for guardianship after widow remarriage.
    • Not a bar to inheritance: Childless widows retain the right to inheritance.
    • Rights in the second marriage: Guarantees widows all marital rights in the second marriage.
  4. Pros and Cons of Remarriage:

    • Pros include a second chance at a happy life, freedom, companionship, maturity, and experience.
    • Cons encompass disadvantages for children from the first marriage, societal taboos, fear of lack of intimacy, adjustment issues, and non-acceptance.
  5. Hindu Widows Remarriage Repeal Act 1983:

    • Aimed at repealing the legal provisions of the Widow Remarriage Act 1856.
  6. Problems of Widow Remarriage in India:

    • Social Stigma: Widows still face hesitation and societal perceptions.
    • Inheritance Issues: Widows are often deprived of inheritance rights.
    • Customs Forbidding Remarriage: Certain customs and traditions hinder widow remarriage.
  7. Widow Remarriage Association:

    • Introduced in the 1850s to encourage widows to break free from societal norms and remarry for their happiness.
  8. Non-Remarriage Certificate:

    • Issued to a woman whose spouse is missing, dead, divorced, or deserted to declare her single status for legal and property purposes.

In conclusion, the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856 marked a pivotal moment in the history of women's rights in India, addressing social evils and legalizing widow remarriage. However, challenges persist, and the article outlines issues such as social stigma, inheritance problems, and customs opposing remarriage. The struggle for women's rights and acceptance of widow remarriage continues, reflecting the complexities of societal norms and legal frameworks.

- Getlegal India (2024)


What is the civil law in India? ›

Civil Law is one of the fundamental aspects of the legal system of Indian Constitution. Indian legal system is hybrid and civil law is one of the main elements along with Common law and Customary law. The law can be termed as a set of rules meant to regulate the actions of citizens.

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Each District Legal Services Authority, High Court Legal Services Committee and State Legal Services Authority has a front office where an application can be moved. One can even access and apply on the online portal of NALSA (https://nalsa.gov.in/) or the website of the State Legal Services Authorities.

What is the legal aid in India? ›

The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been constituted under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 to provide free Legal Services to the weaker sections of the society and to organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes.

What are the types of law in India? ›

The legal system of India consists of civil law, common law, customary law, religious law and corporate law within the legal framework inherited from the colonial era and various legislation first introduced by the British are still in effect in modified forms today.

Is India a common law or civil law? ›

India is primarily considered to be a common law country.

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Aspects covered under civil law are contracts, physical injury, family relation cases, right to education, property disputes, defamation, ownership issues, insurance claims, Copyright, and custody of the children.

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In India, lawyers charge anywhere between INR 3,000 to INR 10 lakh per hearing for high court and Supreme Court matters. Lawyers for lower court matters often charge their clients for the entire case, which can be as high as INR 5-7 lakh. The fees charged by lawyers depend on the paying capacity of their clients also.

What happens if you can't afford a lawyer in India? ›

How can I file a case in the Supreme Court of India as I can't afford a lawyer? You can file any case in any court in person. And if you can not afford a lawyer, you can request the court to provide you a lawyer free of cost.

What happens if a person Cannot afford a lawyer in India? ›

Legal Aid is provided to the needy from the lowest Court to the Supreme Court of India. Legal Aid Counsel represent such needy persons before the lower Courts, High Courts and also before the Supreme Court of India.

Can you ask for a lawyer in India? ›

Even Article 22 of our Constitution lays down specifically that the arrested person should not be denied the right to consult and defend himself by a legal counsel of his choice.

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The Legal Services Authorities (LSA) Act, 1987 constituted under Article 39A of the Indian Constitution, provides free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society including beneficiaries covered under Section 12 of the Act to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any ...

How do lawyers get paid in India? ›

The average lawyer salary in India is ₹450,000 per year, i.e. ₹37,5000 per month or ₹231 per hour. However, it is important to note that the salary range for lawyers can vary widely depending on several factors, including experience, location, specialization, and employer.

Which law is famous in India? ›

1. Police Act of 1861. The first and one of the main laws that every Indian should know is that police are never off duty., and this statement comes under the Police Act of 1861. The Police Act of 1861 is an act regulating Police.

What is the biggest law in India? ›

Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. (AMSS) AMSS is the largest and most prestigious law firm in India, with over 600 lawyers and offices in major cities across the country.

How many rules are there in India? ›

In the Indian law system, we have around 1248 laws. All these laws will make the law system of India more effective and extensive. The constitution of India was the longest, with 450 articles, 12 schedules, and 101 amendments.

How many civil laws are there in India? ›

In the Indian law system, we have around 1248 laws. All these laws will make the law system of India more effective and extensive. The constitution of India was the longest, with 450 articles, 12 schedules, and 101 amendments.

What is the difference between common law and civil law in India? ›

In civil law systems, judges – at least in theory – have a purely interpretative role, within which doctrinal guidance leaves little room for individual discretion. In common law systems, however, judges play a pivotal role, moulding and changing the law through case-by-case development.

What are the main features of civil law in India? ›

The most pronounced features of civil systems are their legal codes, with concise and broadly applicable texts that typically avoid factually specific scenarios. The short articles in a civil law code deal in generalities and stand in contrast with ordinary statutes, which are often very long and very detailed.

How does civil case work in India? ›

In India, both the plaintiff and the defendant have to appear before the court during the summons stage as per the Civil Procedure Code. Parties go to court to make sure that the proceedings are fair and just. Both sides must have a chance to be heard by the court and make their case.

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