From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (2024)

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From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (1)

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Heliyon. 2024 Mar 15; 10(5): e26757.

Published online 2024 Feb 27. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26757

PMCID: PMC10920155

PMID: 38463879

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In line with Sustainable Development Goals, firms are increasingly incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in their investment strategies. The effect of firms' climate change risk (FCCR) on firms’ Value (FV), and how such investment engagements moderate this effect, is a prominent subject of debate among scholars, investors, and policymakers. To examine these dynamics, we analyze a dataset of 1771 United States (US)-listed firms from 2006 to 2021 to quantify the effect of FCCR on FV. We use the generalized method of moments model to achieve our objectives. The major findings are summarized as follows: First, FCCR has a negative and significant effect on FV. Second, ESG investments positively and significantly influence FV. Third, ESG investments significantly moderate the FCCR-FV relationship. We confirm our estimations are robust under different estimations strategies. Finally, this article provides a fresh perspective on risk management with significant policy implications for investors, managers, and regulators in the US. We suggest that ESG investing is an important strategic catalyst for US firms.

Keywords: Climate change risk, ESG investments, Growth-option, Machine-learning approach, United States

1. Introduction

Climate change risk is one of the most pressing issues worldwide, since its impact is being felt by everyone, from individuals to multinational organizations [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]. Extreme weather events, including storms, floods, and rising sea levels, can damage businesses. Physical risks damage assets, disrupt supply networks, and lower the productivity and demand [7]. The low-carbon economic revolution has led to financial instability for many enterprises. Therefore, the existing laws, technologies, and markets may need to be modified to adapt to the effects of climate change and lessen their severity [8]. Moreover, existing literature reveals a significant correlation between climate change and political instability, influencing both the operations and strategic decisions of firms [9,10]. Therefore, climate change risk has become a focal issue, drawing attention from researchers, academia, and policymakers alike.

Global climate change devastates the US economy by posing a severe threat to the safety of US residents and businesses [11]. Recent headlines, such as dam failures and vineyards at risk, underscore the wide-reaching consequences reported in various sources like the Boston Globe,, Forbes, and the Kathmandu Post. Despite skeptics, the undeniable impact of climate change demands urgent attention, affecting both individuals and multinational corporations [[1], [2], [3]]. Scientific research indicates that without action against global warming, the US could face a 10% drop in GDP [12,13]. The World Economic Forum identifies extreme environmental events as the foremost global threats to corporations, with a projected cost of climate risk reaching $1 trillion, half of which is expected within the next five years [14]. Notably, the US has committed to investing $1.7 trillion over the next decade to combat climate change, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030. Additionally, the European Commission's European Green Deal targets achieving net-zero GHG emissions in EU member states by 2050 [15].

From an investment standpoint, corporations face substantial exposure to climate risks, incurring costs related to technology adoption and legal ramifications for breaching environmental regulations [16]. Stakeholders emphasize sustainability, prompting research attention on climate change risk and its effects on investment decisions, pricing, and hedging [1,12,17,18].

Past studies have investigated the impact of macro-level climate change risk on economic growth financial policy uncertainty, and company performance [15,19,20]. Other studies have delved into areas such as firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) and its connections with firms' leverage adjustments and information efficiency [21], Climate change and firms' financing choice [22], and its association with political instability [9,10]. Additionally, there is inquiry into whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) can reduce FCCR [4], firm-level climate change exposure (FCCE), and CSR [23], FCCR's relationship with CEO Equity Incentives [24], FCCR in the context of climate disasters [25], firm-Level Climate Change Exposure (FCCE) [3], stock returns and risk factors [26], Ex-ante litigation risk and FCCE [27]. While there is a growing debate on the effect of FCCR on diverse corporate domains, however, the specific link between FCCR and firms value (FV) has not been thoroughly studied until now. Thus, the first objective of this study is to investigate the effect of FCCR on US publicly listed FV.

Next, regardless of the favorable appraisal of investors, academia expands to engage in a lively discussion regarding the effect of environmental social, and governance (ESG) investment on FV [28]. Society's call for corporate sustainability, backed by regulatory pressures, the Paris Agreement, and UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) has propelled the surge in sustainable investments. Nevertheless, the link between ESG investment and FV remains a topic of rigorous debate. The relationship between ESG investment and FV presents a puzzle, ranging from a positive correlation [29,30], to a non-linear one [31]. Moreover, some studies find no statistically significant connection [32], while others even detect evidence of financial underperformance [33]. In this context, the second objective is to examine the effect of ESG investments on US publicly listed firm's value.

Subsequently, we argue that the advantages of risk management stemming from engagement in ESG investments are pertinent in alleviating the expenses linked to climate-related risks. ESG investments offer a comprehensive alternative to conventional CSR, effectively addressing ESG factors' materiality to long-term performance and risk mitigation [34,35]. There are compelling reasons to believe that incorporating ESG could effectively reduce FCCR while simultaneously enhancing FV. These include proactive risk management, cost efficiencies, enhanced reputation, access to capital, innovation, and alignment with long-term sustainability goals. Therefore, we believe that ESG investments may act as a potential mechanism, influencing the strength of the association between FCCR and FV. Within this context, the third objective of this article is to examine the moderating role of ESG investment in the relationship between FCCR and FV in the US. To understand the context, it is important to note that the US is the world's largest economy by nominal GDP. As a major economic actor in the global arena, the US has a noteworthy influence on the issues of growth and stability, as well as environmental challenges. One of the most pressing environmental problems is pollution, especially the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. The US handles a large share of global CO2 emissions, which makes it a key player in addressing this problem. Therefore, the US should take the lead in finding solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and mitigate the impacts of pollution, both domestically and internationally.

In summary, in this article we aim to examine the following: (1) the effect of FCCR on FV (2) the effect of ESG on FV, and (3) moderating effect of ESG investment on association between FCCR, and FV. To achieve these aims, we analyze a large sample of 1771 US-listed firms with yearly data from 2006 to 2021. Continuing towards objectives, we exploit static and dynamic panel data models for quantitative analysis. The overall results show that: (1) FCCR negatively and significantly influences FV (2) ESG investment has a positive and significant impact on FV, and (3) ESG investment positively moderates association between FCCR and FV. Next, we perform multiple robustness checks using alternative estimators, and sensitivity checks. Besides, we diversify our analysis by dissecting FCCR into three components: opportunity, regulatory, physical risk, and ESG factors linked to climate risk. These thorough evaluations reinforce the credibility and validity of our findings.

This article enriches the related literature in the following ways. First, to the best of our knowledge, this article brings new evidence by analyzing the interaction between FCCR and FV in context of US. Prior research in this vein has predominantly focused on country/macro-level analyses, relying on CO2 emissions and traditional performance metrics, produced plenty of anecdotal evidence. Second, we investigate to what extent the ESG investment contributes to FV. Third, we introduce a more integrated approach than CSR as ESG invests in the same analytical model and underpin how ESG investment moderates the FCCR-FV nexus. Fourth, unlike past studies, we employ two important proxies for FV, namely, the Tobin's Q model, and growth-option value (GV) based on options approach. In contrast to prior research emphasizing a firm's existing performance metrics, such as ROA and ROE, constrained by accounting limitations. In addition, we use recent corporate conference call FCCR data constructed on the machine-learning approach by Ref. [3]. Moreover, methodologically, to deal with statistical challenges we employ FGLS and GMM models. Regarding, robustness, this study conducts multiple checks, such as change regression, Driscoll-Kraay techniques, sensitivity assessments, and alternative proxies. We further diversify our analysis by decomposing climate change exposure and ESG factors, employing quantile regression to assess their influence across different conditional distributions.

Finally, this article provides a new perspective on risk management with significant policy implications for investors, managers, and regulators in the US. We suggest that ESG investing is an important strategic catalyst for firms.

The rest of this paper follows this structure. Section 2 offers a Theoretical lens, past reviews, and develops hypotheses. The research approach is outlined in the Data and Methodology section III. The “Results and Discussion” section 4 includes empirical findings and robustness checks. Finally, the “Conclusions” section 5 summarizes the article, identifies shortcomings, and suggests future research.

2. Theoretical framework and hypothesis Formulation

Over the past few decades, there has been significant focus on corporate environmental responsibility in literature. This line of research delves into the relationship between environmental risks, exclusively FCCR and FV. One key area of investigation within this research stream is the impact of climate change on the financial performance of corporations. According to the findings of the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)," global warming is unequivocal and attributable to human activities. Consequently, businesses worldwide are facing increasing pressure to diminish their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the challenges posed by climate change. The following section provides a review of existing literature related to climate change risk, ESG and firm value.

2.1. Climate change risk, and firms value

It has long been acknowledged and thoroughly documented that climate has a significant impact on financial and economic outcomes, as evidenced by studies such as those conducted by Refs. [15,20,[36], [37], [38]].These studies have predominantly focused on scrutinizing the country-level climate-related risk at various geographic levels, ranging from nations to cities. The escalating global concern regarding climate change has spurred investigations into the ways in which the environment can influence the valuation of companies, with research contributions from scholars like [22,39,40]. Using a large sample of enterprises in 35 countries from 2001 to 2021, they found a negative correlation between climate risk and firms' performance [15]. In a related line of research, the researchers investigated climate change risk & firms' leverage adjustments and information efficiency. They concluded that firms in countries with more robust environmental protection and higher quality policies have a stronger favorable association [21]. Using a sample of 42 developing countries, they demonstrated a strong correlation between climate change risk and the unpredictability of monetary policy [20]. US firm-year sample from 2002 to 2018 documented that CSR mitigates climate change risk by employing regression-based modeling. It passes several econometric validation tests, including a difference-in-difference test, propensity score matching, entropy balancing, system GMM, and modified regression. CSR reduces FCCR more for enterprises with higher ESG disclosure. The study findings support CSR's value-enhancing paradigm [4]. A recent study was conducted to examine how corporations respond to natural disasters in terms of ESG disclosure. They demonstrated that corporations strategically raise their ESG disclosures after natural disasters to change investors' perceptions of the firm [41]. Some studies tested the linkage between bond returns and climate change-related news [42]. For instance, few studies demonstrated a mixed association [43].

Recently [44], investigate the impact of FCCR on FV, utilizing publicly listed US firms' data for the period 2012–2021. The results of this research suggest a negative relationship between FCCR and FV. In a related study within the energy industry [45], analyze panel data from 2010 to 2020, revealing a negative association between FCCR and market capitalization, while also noting a positive correlation between dividend yield and FV. In brief, the relationship between FCCR and FV is inadequately explored, underscoring the necessity to investigate the impact of FCCR on FV. We utilize an innovative FCCR developed by Ref. [3].This measure assesses a company's exposure to climate-related opportunities, physical impacts, and regulatory challenges. In addition, As our literature review reveals, past studies predominantly focus on a firm's existing performance metrics, such as ROA and ROE, subject to accounting limitations, rather than on FV [46]. In this study, we apply two measures two measure Value. First, we use Tobin's Q is often used as an indicator of investment opportunities [28,47]. Second, according to the real options approach, a company's overall value is determined by combining the value of its current businesses with the value associated with its growth opportunities, and it is a more direct measure of GV [23,28,48,49]. To address first gap, we formulate our first hypotheses is as under.

Hypothesis 1

The firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) negatively affects FV.

2.2. Environmental social and governance (ESG) investments and firms’ value

Sustainable finance entails integrating ESG investments into a company's business strategy. Investors with a social conscience evaluate potential investments by examining a company's alignment with a set of standards about Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. This approach, commonly referred to as Environmental, Social, and Governance investment/practices or performance in the literature, allows investors to assess a company's dedication to sustainable economic development and the fulfillment of its social responsibilities [44,50,51]. The environmental aspect (E) of ESG cover a company's environmental performance, including areas such as emissions, energy efficiency, renewable energy, pollution, greenhouse gases, fossil fuel, and biodiversity [50,52]. The governance facet (G) encompasses a broad spectrum of practices, including openness, management structure, corporate board, policies, compliance with information disclosures, audit-related matters, board diversity, company standards, and risk management [[53], [54], [55]].

Regardless of the favorable appraisal of investors, academia expands to engage in a lively discussion regarding the effect of ESG investment on FV [28]. Nevertheless, the link between ESG investment and FV remains a topic of rigorous debate. The relationship between ESG investment and FV presents a puzzle, ranging from a positive correlation [29,30], to a non-linear one [31]. Moreover, some studies find no statistically significant connection [32], while others even detect evidence of financial underperformance [33]. Besides, the conceptualization of growth option value (GV) originates from the foundational contributions of [56,57] in the field of financial economics [56]. formalized the theory of corporate valuation, suggesting that a firm's overall value comprises two fundamental elements: the value of existing assets and the potential value associated with future growth option (GO). Extending this framework [57], proposed that a firm's potential GO can be understood as GO, granting the firm the right, without obligation, to make decisions about investing in these opportunities in the future. Real options theory, as presented by Ref. [29], is derived from financial options and provides a strategic framework applicable to ESG practices. Emphasizing flexibility in ESG strategies, this theory allows companies to adapt initiatives in response to changing conditions and uncertainties, such as regulatory shifts or evolving industry standards. The timing of ESG practices is deemed crucial, with real options theory guiding companies to strategically implement initiatives when conditions are most favorable [58]. applied the principles of this theory in valuing ESG opportunities, assessing the long-term benefits and risks associated with specific ESG practices. Real options theory 1proves instrumental in managing uncertainties tied to complex ESG challenges, aiding companies in making resilient and sustainable decisions. While many studies underscore the strategic significance of integrating ESG practices, recognizing their essential role in reinforcing core business functions and acting as a foundation for the growth of firms [59] the existing literature has predominantly focused on the impact of ESG on a firm's current operations. This focus has often neglected explicit consideration of ESG's influence on a firm's GO. Substantial evidence suggests that the value of numerous major strategies revolves around this particular value component [46]. In short, there is a growing repository of empirical work on CSR or ESG elements and corporate performance, although results are mixed. Some studies have found mixed or negative relationships between these characteristics and financial outcomes. Studies have found positive, negative, and neutral associations between CSR and corporate financial performance [60]. Meta-analyses showed that CSR improves accounting-based and market-based profits, although some studies found negative [61] or mixed results [62] ESG or CSR and corporate value are challenging, since empirical research shows inconsistent results. Some research revealed a favorable correlation, while others discovered a negative impact. This article relies on Refinitiv ESG Scores, which have set up collaborations with industry leaders like MSCI, Sustainalytics, and Bloomberg, thanks to their exceptional data integration capabilities. These scores play a pivotal role in evaluating a company's ESG performance. They empower investors, businesses, and stakeholders with valuable insights, enabling informed sustainability-related decisions [63]. We expect that ESG investments significantly affect a FV, acknowledging their potential to shape a firm's long-term prospects and opportunities. Building on this discussion, our second hypotheses is under.

Hypothesis 2

ESG investments significantly affect the firm's value.

2.3. The moderating role of ESG investments between FCCR-firms value association

Outside of the realm of CSR, there are several risk-mitigating strategies linked with these risk variables that might be researched [4]. CSR as ESG investments assess whether environmental, social, and governance factors are important to long-term portfolio performance. CSR as ESG investments has the potential to offset the adverse effect of firm-specific risk [4,15,34]. ESG investment is an integrated approach compared to CSR. It has the potential to reduce the impact of firm climate change risk on business performance and value. ESG investments can moderate the connection between climate change risk and market value, influencing a company's market performance. In this article, we argue that engaging in ESG investments can help mitigate climate-related risks, offering a comprehensive alternative to traditional CSR. The incorporation of ESG practices is suggested to potentially reduce FCCR while enhancing FV through proactive risk management, cost efficiencies, reputation improvement, access to capital, innovation, and alignment with sustainability goals. The article posits that ESG investments may function as a mechanism influencing the relationship between FCCR and FV, with the United States, as the world's largest economy, serving as the contextual backdrop. We propose two hypotheses.

Hypothesis 3

ESG investment moderates the relationship between FCCR and FV.

2.4. Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework for the study is drawn upon the interdisciplinary nature of ESG investment in the context of FCCR and its implications on FV. Extensive literature supports the exploration of these relationships, integrating insights from various theories such as resource-based view (RBV), institutional theory, and stakeholder theory [64]. Institutional theory [65] to examine how a firm's response to environmental risks, including climate change, influences its overall performance [66]. institutional theory emphasizes compliance with external expectations. The Resource-based view emphasizes adaptation to environmental changes for prosperity [[67], [68], [69]]. Stakeholder theory suggests that firms managing relationships with various stakeholders, including those concerned about climate change, can positively influence firm value [70]. In addition, building on established climate change research, we investigate the financial implications of FCCR on FV. Studies by Refs. [15,36,40] highlight the negative correlation between climate risk and firms' performance. Employing an innovative FCCR measure [3], and FV using Tobin's Q and GV we address gaps by evaluating FCCR's impact on FV. Second, building on sustainable finance, and stakeholder theory in this article we explore how ESG investment and FV are interconnected [[71], [72], [73]]. To enhance FV and ensure profitability, it is crucial to recognize the inverse relationship between ESG and FCCR. The literature, spanning [28,29,53], presents a mosaic of findings on the relationship between ESG investments and FV. Third, This awareness can be utilized for effective risk management, with researchers [48] argue that investing in CSR engagement functions as a form of insurance-like protection against firm-specific idiosyncratic risk, thereby contributing to improved FV. Together, these theories underscore the necessity for businesses to manage climate change risks for competitiveness [74]. The study literature indicates that beyond CSR, ESG investments are positioned as holistic risk-mitigating strategies and can moderate the association between FCCR and FV [4]. Based on substantial theoretical support lays the groundwork for the rest of the study Figure (1) provides an overview of the theoretical foundations.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (2)

Theoretical framework.

In summary, given the caveats above, this article fills this vacuum in the literature. It looks to deepen comprehension of the complex interplay between FCCR on US-listed FV and how ESG investment moderates this association by incorporating a unique perspective. This theoretical grounding directs our empirical research, expanding our understanding of sustainable business practices and their implications for businesses and other interested parties. More specifically, we expect to add to the ongoing discourse about the effects of FCCR on FV by introducing a potential strategic mechanism linking FCCR and FV, thereby aiding leaders in developing more environmentally and socially responsible practices within their organizations.

3. Data and Methodology

3.1. Data and sample construction

The study sample size made up 1771 US-listed firms with 19,443 yearly observations from 2006 to 2021. Given the US' status as the world's largest economy [4], its significance in global economic growth and stability is undeniable [44]. Furthermore, as one of the major contributors to pollution, particularly in terms of annual CO2 emissions, the US has become a pivotal starting point for understanding and addressing environmental concerns. This recognition stems from its role as the primary home to a substantial number of polluting entities, accentuating the importance of examining the intersection between corporate activities, environmental risks, and sustainable practices in this influential economic landscape. We applied sampling criteria to ensure a robust dataset, including the following steps: Firms included in the study were part of recent corporate conference calls on FCCR, firms with disclosed governance scores, filtering out observations with total negative assets or equity, excluding dysfunctional firms, financial or utility companies with distinct capital structures regulated by different agencies to avoid survivorship bias, and removing outliers. Data for this study was sourced from Refinitiv's Eikon platform, CompStat, and WDI, and the sample distribution is categorized by major sector and year according to the Standard Industrial Classification.

3.1.1. Variables description

We employed machine learning methods2 for FCCR earnings conference calls climate change data developed by Ref. [3]. In equation form, we can express it as follows:



According to Sautner et al., in Equation (1), a higher FCCR score shows a greater climate risk. FCCR uses the vast collection of climate change bigrams C to capture climate change at a certain time, and the variable "r" is a risk, uncertainty, or any equivalent concept.

For FV3 we use two measures, the first measure is the Tobin's Q ratio (TQR) which is widely used. Our analysis incorporates a similar approach parallel to Refs. [28,44,47,75,76]as to measure TQR given in equation (2).



Secondly, adhering to the real options approach, a firm's overall valuation is derived by combining the worth of its existing ventures with the value linked to potential growth opportunities “a more direct gauge of a firm's growth-option” (GO) [23,28,48,49]. We apply the real-options framework to evaluate the GV in line with [28,48,49,77]. The computation of GV involves subtracting company's assets-in-place attributable to equity from its market capitalization and then dividing this result by the market capitalization, as per the approach of [77].

In the first stage, we calculate the value of assets in place to equity by employing equation (3):



In the second stage, we figure out the GV using the following equation (4):



To ascertain the value of a firm's equity assets-in-place in a specific year (t), we compute the present value of earnings (net income) for that year, assuming perpetual continuation, and discount them at the cost of equity (Ke). We prefer the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) for determining the cost of equity, given its incorporation of market risk [77]. For ESG investment following the study by Refs. [28,63] we utilized firm's ESG overall index4 using the Refinitiv ESG score. The score range is categorized as follows: Scores ranging from 0 to 25 (0–0.25) show poor relative ESG performance and a lack of transparency in disclosing relevant ESG data. Scores between 26 and 50 (0.26–0.50) suggest satisfactory relative ESG performance with moderate transparency in public ESG data disclosure. Scores from 51 to 75 (0.51–0.75) signify good relative ESG performance and above-average transparency in showing relevant ESG data. Lastly, scores from 76 to 100 (0.76–100) represent excellent relative ESG performance coupled with a high degree of transparency in showing relevant ESG data. In our analysis, we employed standardized values to ensure that variables with different units and scales were placed on a common scale. Further, following recent literature we incorporate firm, and macroeconomic fundamentals in our all-models specifications. The detail of the variables is given in appendix A.

3.1.2. Econometrics models and empirical approach

For empirical testing the study employed the Two-stage dynamic panel generalized method of moments (GMM) general equation (5) is as below.



To examine the relationship between FCCR and FV focusing on ESG investment the following precise dynamic panel two-stage GMM models are constructed to evaluate the study hypothesis as given equations (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)) below:













In subscripts, [i] represents firms, and [t] designates time. TQR=Tobin's Q ratio a measure of a firm's market value, and GV=growth option value with subscripts [t-2] are lag-dependent variables. FCCR=Firm's climate change risk, assets tangibility=TANG Tangibility; operating cash flow=OCF; Firms size=SIZE; Sales growth=SAG; Financial leverage=LEV; Gross domestic product growth=GDP; Inflation=INF, δ dummy, ε=error term.

Our empirical analysis commenced with descriptive statistics and correlation, followed by baseline regression. To deal with serial/auto-correlation, heteroskedasticity, and cross-sectional dependence5concerns we used a superior framework the Feasible generalized least square (FGLS) [78]. Next, we continue to consider omitted variable bias owing to data heterogeneity by adjusting for other factors that may be connected to the predictors but are not directly observable, accessible, or measurable [79]. In an asymptotic sense, the generalized method of moments (GMM) is most reliable econometrics methods for dealing with endogeneity and ignore supplemental data in terms of accuracy and consistency [4]. GMM automatically creates instrumental variables & eliminates endogeneity/reveres-causality [80].,6 Besides, the study employed quantile regression equation (12), we split the variables into high and medium quantiles (90th, 75th, & 50th, respectively) to obtain heterogeneity in analysis as used by Ref. [81].7



4. Empirical Results and Discussion

4.1. Summary statistics and correlation

Table (1) contains the standard statistical properties of the variables including total number of observations, the mean, and standard deviation, indicates that there is a sizable variation in the data, to determine the effect of firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) on the firms' value (FV) measure by Tobin's Q and growth options value (GV). FCCR is our primary explanatory variable of interest, and FV is an explained variable, while ESG investment acts as moderator. Our VIF and correlation are under an acceptable threshold. Our variables are free of multi-collinearity following the criteria IF>10. The description of the variables can be found in Appendix Table A. Table (2) and Fig. 2 reports correlations & VIF estimations. We employ VIF and correlations to identify multi-collinearity. Our VIF and correlation are under an acceptable threshold.

Table 1

Descriptive statistics.

VariableObs.MeanStd. Dev.MinMaxVIF1/VIF
ESG Index19,4430.40690.19490.00000.94121.090.917
Mean VIF1.97

Note. Table (1) summarizes the standard statistical features of variables. We report the number of observations means, standard deviation, and VIF) of the variables used to the effect of climate change TQR=Tobin's Q ratio, TQR, and GV=growth option value, FCCR=Firm's climate change risk, assets tangibility=TANG Tangibility; operating cash flow=OCF; Firms size=SIZE; Sales growth=SAG; Financial leverage=LEV; Gross domestic product=GDP’ and Inflation=INF. VIF's values are under an acceptable threshold. VIF >10 is considered multi-collinearity. The sample includes a span that starts from 2006 to 2021.

Table 2

Correlations matrix.

(1) FCCR1.000
(2) ESG Index0.0181.000
(3) TANG0.0120.5881.000
(4) OCF−0.003−0.005−0.0051.000
(5) SIZE−0.0110.0010.0040.0431.000
(6) SAG0.010−0.076−0.097−0.033−0.0161.000
(7) LEV0.0070.0320.023−0.0320.013−0.0011.000
(8) INF−0.0040.0080.0100.0020.001−0.010−0.0021.000
(9) GDP−0.002−0.022−0.010−0.0030.016−0.1170.050−0.1051.000

Notes, In Table 2, we employ a correlation matrix to evaluate potential multicollinearity among explanatory variables. The results from the correlation analysis show that our models do not exhibit multicollinearity issues. Fig. 2 visually presents the correlation matrix.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (3)

Visual presentation of the correlation matrix.

Appendix Table (2) presents the testing results for stationarity using both first- and second-generation unit root frameworks. The ADF-Fisher and IPS test for stationary is adequate for unbalanced panel data sets [82]. It presumes that cross-sectional units are entirely independent of one another. The second-generation PCIPS test accommodates cross-sectional reliance unit root results, thus solving the cross-sectionally unique problem. The findings confirm the hypothesized order of integration for the variables in the study. Therefore, in contrast to the cointegration method, we use OLS models based on the unit root.

4.2. Regression analysis results

Before heading to the baseline estimation, the study fulfills the prerequisites and avoids spurious regression, diagnostic and post-estimation tests presented in Table (3). To evaluate the hypothesis, we undertake baseline estimation. To decide whether OLS or panel effect estimate is appropriate, we employ the Breusch–Pagan (LM) test, assume no effect. The Breusch–Pagan test p-value is less than the threshold value showing that LM test is significant and indicates panel data estimate technique has merit, unlike.8 Next, we run fixed and random effects, and it is preferred to employ a fixed effect model as the Hausman test hypothesis is rejected. The Modified Wald and Wooldridge tests are significant indicate our models have serial/autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. We employ a fixed effect with a robust function to deal with heteroskedasticity and serial/autocorrelation.

Table 4

Feasible Generalized least Square (FGLS) Estimation.

FGLS estimation:Direct effectModerating Effect
ESG index0.0780***0.0642***0.0712***0.0470***
FCCR* ESG Index0.0121***0.0102***
Year/industry effectYesYesYesYesYesYes
Firm clusterYesYesYesYesYesYes
Wald chi237.13***17.19***77.01***47.04***54.12***74.12***

Notes: Using variables defined in Table 1 of Appendix A, Table (4) provides fixed effect robust estimation to accommodate Heteroskedasticity—cross-sectional or "spatial" dependence issues. Columns (1–4) provide a fixed estimation for the direct effect of firms' climate change risk (FCCR) on two important business metrics: firm total value (TMV) and growth-option value (GV). Next, we test the moderating effect of ESG investments between FLCCR and on two important business metrics: firm total value (TMV) and growth-option value (GV) association, and provide the moderating effect results in (5–6) moderating effects. Standard error () ***Significant at ***p<00.01, **p<00.05, *p<00.1.

Table 3

Fixed effect robust: Direct and moderating effect.

FE robust EstimationDirect effectModerating Effect
ESG Index0.0681***0.0456**0.0674***0.0615***
FCCR* ESG Index0.0064**0.0047*
Industry/year clusterYesYesYesYesYesYes
adj. R20.1590.2210.2860.2140.2590.289
Breusch–Pagan χ2434.46***934.06***534.96***1134.46***834.48***1434.46***
Hausman Test χ20.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000
Modified Wald test0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000
Wooldridge testF=314.42***F=513.21***F=453.25***F=627.22***F=109.42***F=541.37***
Wald test0.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.0000

Notes. In Table 3, Columns 1–4 display fixed-effect robust estimations for the direct impact of firms' climate change risk (FCCR) on key business metrics: firm total value (TMV) and growth-option value (GV). Subsequently, we assess the moderating role of ESG investments between FLCCR and these metrics, presenting results in Columns 5–6. The table also incorporates various diagnostic/post-estimation tests. Refer to Table 1 in Appendix A for the list of variables used in this estimation. Significance levels are shown by asterisks in parentheses (***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1).

4.2.1. Fixed effect robust regression estimated results

Table 3 presents the results of our fixed effect robust model, offering valuable insights into the direct influence of firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) on firm value (FV), measured through TQR and GV. The empirical results reveal that FCCR negatively and significantly affects FV reveals, supporting H1 that means FV decreases on average in response to FCCR. In columns (1–2), the results indicate that, with all other variables held constant, a one-unit increase in FCCR is associated with a −0.0503 and −0.0406 unit decrease in TQR and GV, respectively. These empirical findings align with the conclusions drawn by Ref. [41].

Next, we examine the impact of ESG investment on FV. The results, detailed in Table (3) columns (3–4), reveal positive and statistically significant outcomes, indicating that, on average, ESG investment enhances FV measured by TQR and GV. These findings align with previous research by Refs. [28,63,67]. Based on our findings, we accept our H2. Finally, we introduce the interaction term (FCCR*ESG index) in columns (5–6) to examine our third hypothesis. The results show that the interaction term contributes positively to FV. This supports our H3 that the interaction between FCCR and ESG investments can mitigate the adverse effects on FV. Our findings suggest that companies can alleviate the impact of climate change risk on their financial metrics by actively engaging in ESG initiatives. These results not only confirm the potential of ESG investment to enhance firm value but also highlight its particularly beneficial role for companies facing higher climate risk [15,44]. We also confirm that control variables are included in our all-empirical specifications,9 the findings show that some variables are significant with negative impact accounted for asset tangibility (TANG), firm size (SIZE), Leverage (LEV), and inflation (INF) and positive impact of sales growth (SAG), operating cash flow (OCF) and GDP on FV. Overall, FCCR negatively affects firms' value in all our specifications10. Besides, F-test values are significant in all our fixed effect models' specifications indicating the study models are correctly specified. According to the literature on corporate finance, climate risk is just one of several elements that affect a company's value [28]. Therefore, our econometric modeling considers both firms and the economy, in line with recent publications in the field [47]. Limiting potential confounding factors increases the reliability of a study [83]. In brackets, we report the standard error of the cluster. All variables are time-shifted by one year and clustered standard errors are presented in brackets.

4.3. Feasible generalized least square (FGLS) regression estimated results

Since the modified Wald and Wooldridge tests are significant, our fixed effect models are prone to serial/autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity issues. Although serial/autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity problems are addressed by fixed effect with robust function, it does not consider cross-sectional dependence. So, we ruled out the above-fixed effect robust and OLS-based technique and switched to generalized models. We implement a more effective framework named FGLS, a more superior framework as it considers (1) serial/auto-correlation, (2) heteroskedasticity issues, and (3) cross-sectional dependence [78]. FGLS results in Table (3) columns (1–2) offer similar insights. In the first stage, the negative and significant estimated coefficients values −0.0621, and −0.0570 of FCCR validate our H1 that FV evaluated by TQR and GV decreases on average. The results agree with [41]. Next, we evaluate the direct effect of ESG investment on FV. The ESG-index has positive and significant coefficients are in Table (3) columns (3–4) suggest that ESG investment increases the TQR and GV and our findings are in line with [28,63,67]. In the third stage, we add the interaction term (FCCR*ESG index). Our findings, as illustrated by the substantial and statistically significant coefficient values of 0.0121 and 0.0102 in columns (5–6) of Table (3), provide strong affirmation for our H3. This suggests that the interaction term consistently exerts a positive and significant moderating influence on the relationships between FCCR and FV. Our study demonstrates that ESG activities play a pivotal role in mitigating the negative impact of FCCR on FV, thereby substantiating H3. Furthermore, our results align with the notion that enterprises facing higher climate risk stand to gain more from the value-enhancing potential of ESG, in line with the insights presented by Ref. [15]. This underscores the strategic importance of ESG initiatives in fostering resilience and value creation, particularly for businesses operating in environments marked by elevated climate-related challenges.

4.4. Dynamic panel 2-stage generalized method of moments: endogeneity concern

We acknowledge the potential existence of endogeneity and reverse causality in the empirical estimates provided. Even with the inclusion of diverse control variables, there is a possibility of oversight in our initial analysis. This includes the potential neglect of factors such as macro-level climate change risk or behavioral influences like climate change sentiments on both FCCR and FV. Considering the potential bias in our initial estimates, we address endogeneity using the generalized two-step method of moments, a robust econometric approach recognized for automatically generating instrumental variables and alleviating issues related to endogeneity and reverse causality.

The results obtained through the generalized two-step method of moments (GMM) are presented in Table (5) columns (1–2), revealing negative and significant estimated coefficient values of FCCR. This supports our initial hypothesis that TQR and GV, on average, decrease. Furthermore, Table (5) columns (3–4) highlight the positive and significant effect of ESG investment on FV. This finding aligns with our hypothesis and underscores the potential positive impact of ESG on FV. The interaction term positively and significantly moderates the FCCR and FV relationship. As demonstrated in Table (5) columns (5–6) further supports our initial model H3, reinforcing the validity of our hypothesis. Additionally, the Autoregressive (AR) (2) test serves as a check for residual autocorrelation of the second order.11 In conclusion, despite the acknowledged challenges of endogeneity and reverse causality, our study employs robust econometric methods like GMM to address these issues, providing meaningful insights into the relationships among FCCR, FV, and ESG investments.

Table 5

Two-Steps Dynamic panel System Generalized Method of Movements estimation.

Two-stage GMM estimationsDirect effectModerator's effect
ESG index0.0691***0.0523***0.0541***0.0474**
FCCR* ESG Index0.0292***0.0138***
Year/industry effectYesYesYesYesYesYes
Number of ids177117711771177117711771
AR (1)-1st differences−23.217***−13.201***−21.211***−11.201***−12.201***−15.201***
AR (2) – 1st differences2.1153.1013.0153.1474.2010.985
Sargan Test p-value0.0810.1200.1980.1010.1490.123
Hansen test (p-value)0.1550.1110.1490.1230.1090.088

Notes: Table (5) holds the GGM model's direct effect of FCCR and ESG investments on firms' total and growth option value in columns (1–4). We report the moderator's effects of ESG investments on the FLCCR and firm market and growth option value association and results are reported in columns (5–6). AR (2) refers to a test of residual autocorrelation of the second order. The Sargan test is used to decide whether various restraints have been overidentified. The joint null hypothesis asserts that the tested instruments are authentic, that the error term is unrelated to the instruments, and that the untested instruments have been properly eliminated from the equation. Asterisks represent statistically significant standard errors in parentheses (***p0.01, **p0.05, *p0.1).

The results are summed up: (1) We find FCCR negatively and significantly influences FV. (2) ESG investment positively and significantly affects FV, and (3) ESG investment moderates FCCR-value association and improves FV. Our results support H1, H2, and H3,Figure (3) presents the visual summary of our empirical findings.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (4)

Visual summary of our main empirical findings.

This article begins by examining the impact of firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) on firm value (FV) in the context of US-listed firms. Utilizing fixed-effect robust, FGLS, and GMM estimation techniques, we consistently observe a negative effect of FCCR on firm value, aligning with the prediction in H1. This finding is consistent with prior research by Refs. [15,44,84], supporting the notion that climate change risks may diminish corporate value due to associated environmental costs, as proposed by Ref. [85]. Next, we investigate the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments on firm value within the context of US-listed firms. Employing fixed-effect robust, FGLS, and GMM estimation techniques, we consistently find a positive effect of ESG investments on firm value, in line with H2 and supported by previous [63,67,[86], [87], [88]]. ESG can influence firm value through various channels, such as enhancing reputation, attracting customers and investors, or driving innovation and efficiency. In the third part of our analysis, we explore the moderating effect of ESG investment on the association between FCCR and FV. The results indicate a significant moderating effect, with the interaction term FCCR*ESG index positively and considerably influencing the relationship between FCCR and FV, demonstrating that ESG investments can mitigate the negative impact of climate change risk on firm value. Specifically, ESG investments decrease the FCCR and improve firms' value. Considering these findings, climate finance policies, including green subsidies and tax credits, could facilitate the transition to green investments.

According to Refs. [34,35] the advantages of risk management stemming from engagement in ESG investments are pertinent in alleviating the expenses linked to climate-related risks. ESG investments offer a comprehensive alternative to conventional CSR, effectively addressing ESG factors' materiality to long-term performance and risk mitigation.

Importantly, the results highlight the positive outcomes of ESG initiatives. Stakeholder-oriented companies can benefit from participating in such initiatives, as ESG factors have the potential to enhance a company's value through increased public trust, financial support, brand recognition, reputation, and a competitive edge that leads to enhanced sales and company value.

4.5. Robustness check

Assessing the resilience of our study primary outcome is a fundamental requirement. To ensure the robustness and credibility of our findings, we conducted a thorough evaluation. This involved employing alternative estimation methods, such as the Driscoll-Kraay robust technique and contemporaneous approaches. Additionally, we conducted sensitivity checks and examined alternative proxies. Additionally, we decomposed firm-level climate change exposure and E and S (environmental and governance components of ESG investment following [23] furthering more heterogeneity in analysis.

4.5.1. Ruling out with alternate estimator: simultaneous quantile bootstrap estimates

First, to incorporate diversity into our analysis, this research uses another estimator to broaden its heterogeneity. Since our OLS estimates may be biased due to heteroskedasticity and can be easily skewed by extremely outlier data points. Thus, we employ a simultaneous quantile bootstrap estimate12to gain more insight into the distribution of results by focusing on the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles as used by Ref. [81]. Figure (4), Figure (5) reports a stepwise visual demonstration of the direct effect of FCCR, on FV, and moderating effect of ESG investments on TQR. The quantile estimates indicate that the effect of FCCR, and (FCCR*ESG investment) is pronounced more variance at high and medium percentiles (90th and 75th, respectively) than at the low.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (6)

Moderating effect dependent variable TQR.

Figure (6-7) reports a stepwise visual demonstration of the direct effect of FCCR, on FV, and moderating effect of ESG investments on GV. The quantile estimates indicate that the effect of FCCR, and (FCCR*ESG investment) is pronounced more variance at high and medium percentiles (90th and 75th, respectively) than at the low. The solid line represents the linear regression coefficient, while the dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals. When comparing quantiles, a regression analysis's parameters and confidence intervals are always the same. The use of QR models rather than OLS ones is supported by this remark. Concisely, we quantify the differences in the conditional distribution of outcomes using high, moderate, and low regimes of FCCR on firms' value. FCCR reduces FV and displays more significant variance and stability at conditional (90th and 75th, respectively than at the low) distributions. Our robustness findings are unchanged, and the coefficient values confirm further evidence that the relationship is like the original.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (7)

Moderating effect dependent variable GV.

From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (8)

Direct effect dependent variable GV.

4.6. Sensitivity analyses: change regression estimators and sub-sample period

We perform sensitivity analyses for further heterogeneity and stability of our main findings. We split the sample into subprime crisis years (2007–2008) and the covid-19 Pandemic period (2020–2021). Besides, we add additional control and alternate measures of our independent variable13 and change regression. We use firm-level climate change exposure (FCCEXPO) [3] alternative proxy of FCCR and it is given in the equation. In brief, b represents the values 0, 1, and so on. B i, t refers to the bigrams, which are two-word sequences, found in the earnings call transcript of firm i during quarter t. Function 1[·] is an indicator function. Transcripts are scored to determine three climate measurements: C Opportunity, C Regulatory, and C Physical. The subsequent action involves quantifying the climate bigrams C in the quarterly transcript of firm I at time t. Call length is determined by scaling the count using transcript bigrams. The annual measure of each firm is calculated as the average of its four quarterly measures. This paper employs equation (1) to represent FCCE as an alternative climate change risk variable, while equation (13) represents FCCR as the primary FCCR variable.



4.6.1. Sensitivity analyses: subprime crisis years (2007–2008)

Table (6) provides a sensitivity analysis, including subprime crisis years (2007–2008). Global financial Crises (GFC) led to a deep slump. To ensure the longevity of our primary specification outcome, we replaced our primary assessment line and fixed effect with Driscoll and Kraay's standard error.14 Columns 1 to 4 report stepwise direct effect estimates, and columns (5–6) estimates, including moderator (ESG investment) effect.

Table 6

Sensitivity analyses: Subprime Crices period (2007–2008).

FE estimation DKSE Method:Direct effectMethod Moderating effect
ESG index0.0646**0.0702**0.0520***0.0622***
FCCEXPO* ESG Index0.0079***0.0078***
Equity multiplier−0.0174***−0.1630***−0.0601−0.1640***−0.0401−0.1630***

Notes. Table (6) provides a sensitivity analysis, including subprime crisis years (2007–2008). Global financial Crises (GFC) led to a deep slump. To ensure the longevity of our primary specification outcome, we replaced our primary assessment line and fixed effect with the standard error approach developed by Driscoll and Kraay. Our results are unchanged and consistent for the sub-sample as well. Columns 1 to 4 report stepwise direct effect estimates, and columns 5 to 6 include moderator [ESG investment effect]. Standard errors in parentheses ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1, respectively.

4.6.2. Sensitivity analyses: Covid-19 pandemic period (20202021)

Table (7) contains more sensitivity analyses, including the COVID-19 pandemic period (2020–2021). We swapped our prior assessment and fixed effect with the Driscoll & Kraay Standard error approach for the endurance of our previous specification outcome. Our results are unchanged and consistent for the sub-sample as well. Columns 1–4 report stepwise direct effect estimates, and columns 5 to 6 estimates, including moderator (ESG investment effect). Including subprime crisis years (2007–2008). In summary, the influence of FCCS on TQR and GV is more significant during the COVID-19 and Subprime Crisis periods than in the full sample period. Notably, the impact is particularly pronounced during the COVID-19 period as compared to the Subprime Crisis.

Table 7

Sensitivity analyses: Covid-19 Pandemic period (2020–2021).

FE estimation DKSE Method:Direct effectMethod Moderating effect
ESG index0.0590***0.0537***0.0586***0.0473***
FCCEXPO* ESG Index0.0142***0.0036***
Equity multiplier−0.0896***0.0134***−0.0897***−0.0134**−0.0123−0.139***
Number of ids177117711771177117711771

Notes. Table (7) contains sensitivity analyses, including the covid-19 Pandemic period (2020–2021). We swap our central assessment & fixed effect with the Driscoll & Kraay Standard error approach for the endurance of our primary specification outcome. Our results are unchanged and consistent for the sub-sample as well. Columns 1 to 4 report stepwise direct effect estimates, and columns 5 to 6 estimates include moderator [ESG investment effect] and Standard errors in parentheses ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1, respectively.

In a final validity check, the study conducts a detailed examination of climate change exposure and ESG factors, as displayed in Table 8. We decomposed firm-level climate change exposure and E and S (environmental and governance components of ESG investment following [23] furthering more heterogeneity in analysis. Columns one and two elucidate direct effects, while columns three and four provide moderating effects. Study results are consistent across our main estimation approaches.

Table 8

Decomposition of climate change exposure and environmental and governance performance.

VARIABLESDirect effectModerating effect
Opportunity FCCEXPO0.014*0.009***0.024*0.019***
Regulatory FCCEXPO−0.021*−0.003***−0.015*−0.006**
Physical FCCEXPO−0.038**−0.031*−0.028**−0.027*
Opportunity FCCEXPO*ENS0.055***0.022*
Opportunity FCCEXPO*GS0.042*0.039***
Regulatory FCCEXPO*ENS0.026***0.029***
Regulatory FCCEXPO*GS0.021*0.014***
Physical FCCEXPO*ENS0.001***−0.040***
Physical FCCEXPO*CG−0.002*0.007***
Control variables includedYesYesYesYes
Year/industry/firm fixedYesYesYesYes

Notes. This table examines firm valuation using Tobin's Q model (TQR) for market value and the Growth Option Ratio for growth options. Climate change exposure is divided into opportunity, regulation, physical exposure, and E&S factors related to climate risk. Columns one and two show direct effects, while columns three and four display moderating effects. Variables are lagged by one year. Standard errors in parentheses ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1, respectively.

5. Conclusion

This study examined the effect of firm climate change risk (FCCR) on firms' value (FV), focusing on the moderating effect of ESG investments. We analyzed a sample of 1771 US-listed firms with 18790 yearly observations from 2006 to 2021. We used a recent corporate conference call climate change risk data constructed on a machine-learning approach. Firm value is measured by TQR ratio and GV for ESG investments; we used Refinitiv's overall score. Panel fixed effect, feasible generalized least square, and dynamic-panel GMM estimators are used for estimation. The results are summed up: (i) We find FCCR negatively and significantly influences FV. (ii) ESG investment positively and significantly affects FV and GV, and (iii) ESG investment moderates FCCR-value nexus by improving the FV. We performed a robustness check using alternative estimation approaches. Particularly, the quantile regression shows that FCCR reduces FV and pronounced more significant variance and stability at (different conditional distributions) high and medium percentiles (90th and 75th, respectively) than at the low. Besides this we employed the Driscoll Kraay standard error clustering approach for endurance of our primary specification outcome and found persistent results. Finally, we performed sensitivity analyses by dividing our sample into the subprime crisis period (2007–2008) and including the COVID-19 pandemic period with added control and alternate proxy of variables, and result are found robust.

On the policy side, this study holds essential policy implications for corporate managers, and policymakers in the US. First, the study's results offer strategic guidance for decision-makers. The negative impact of FCCR on FV underlines the need for proactive risk management. Moreover, the positive effects of ESG investments on FV highlight the tangible advantages of integrating ESG practices into corporate strategies. Second, firms can use the study's findings to enhance their corporate sustainability practices. The positive moderation effect of ESG investment on the FCCR-FV nexus suggests that active engagement in ESG initiatives can contribute to mitigating the monetary impact of climate change risks. Third, the findings may be used by investors to take relatively informed investment decisions. The negative influence of FCCR on FV highlights the financial implications of climate change risks for these firms. In addition, the investors may consider evaluating companies' climate risk management and ESG initiatives as part of their investment strategies.

On academic side, the study contributes to academic literature by advancing understanding of the impact of FCCR on FV. The application of machine-learning in constructing corporate conference call climate change risk data reflects a methodological innovation, offering a comprehensive perspective on climate risk assessment. The empirical findings provide validation for climate finance models, particularly in the context of US-listed firms. The negative and considerable influence of FCCR on FV aligns with existing theoretical frameworks and contributes empirical evidence supporting the adverse impact of climate change risk on financial metrics. Finally, the study confirms the moderating effect of ESG investments on the FCCR-FV nexus.

This study is subject to a few inherent limitations that deserve attention and consideration. First, this study's exclusive concentration on US-listed firms limits the broader applicability of its findings to a global context, potentially overlooking diverse international dynamics. Second, we rely on earnings conference call climate change data, which may affect the comprehensiveness of the study's insights. Hence, for future research there is grey area for expanding the scope to international or cross-country samples to enhance the external validity of results and capture variations in global contexts. Further, setting up standardized metrics for FCCR would enhance comparability across studies and industries, facilitating a more consistent evaluation of climate risk.

Data availability

Data will be available on request.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Tanveer Bagh: Writing – original draft, Software, Methodology, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Jiang Fuwei: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Supervision, Project administration, Investigation. Muhammad Asif Khan: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Methodology, Data curation.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


1The roots of real options theory, originating from Miller & Modigliani (1961) and Myers (1977) in financial economics. This theory conceptualizes growth opportunities as options, granting flexibility for strategic decisions. Drawing from Bagh et al. (2024), Awaysheh et al. (2020) and Lins et al. (2017), we link real options theory to ESG practices, highlighting adaptability and the crucial role of timing. Insights from studies like Hart & Milstein (2003), Alessandri et al. (2012), and Estrada et al. (2010) stress the strategic importance of ESG, reinforcing core functions and contributing to firms' growth options. The real options perspective connects strategic and financial analyses, emphasizing the central role of Growth Options in managerial decision-making. We are Grateful for the feedback from an anonymous reviewer.

2The process utilizes a machine learning algorithm for keyword discovery to identify and capture exposures associated with climate change, including those related to opportunity, physical, and regulatory shocks. If the FCCR score is high, it is likely to suffer negative consequences due to climate change.

3Equation the calculation process for Tobin's Q ratio and equation, Growth option value is given in Appendix 1.

4We used a company's environmental, social, and governance performance -ESG overall index.

5We utilize Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and implement Fixed Effects (FE) robust options to address concerns related to serial/autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity.

6To preserve space, we do not report OLS and FE robust Equations. The main reason for GMM models as they automatically create instrumental variables & and eliminate endogeneity/reveres-causality, unlike OLS and FE models.

7To explain variables behaving at varying levels, we utilized the simultaneous (QR) quantile regression bootstrap (20) method.

8We undertake OLS estimation as benchmark regression. To conserve space the OLS outcomes are not reported, and all OLS models' estimations are available upon request.

9Control variables are included in our all-empirical specifications see Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7. Only a few control variables lose their significance. To preserve space the control variables explanation is not reported and are available upon request.

10All-empirical specifications grouped together into two parts (1) Direct effect: firm-level climate change risk (FCCR) and ESG investment on firm's value measured by TQR and GV Stage-wise estimates are presented in columns (1–4) and (2) Moderating effect: Effect of interaction term FCCR*ESG index on firms' value measured by TQR and GV & Stage-wise estimates are presented in columns (1–6). At the thresholds explained by the asterisks (***=0.01, **=0.05, and *=0.10), the outcomes are deemed statistically significant. Standard deviations typically cluster at the firm -level.

11The joint null hypothesis asserts that the tested instruments are authentic, that the error term is unrelated to the instruments, and that the untested instruments have been properly eliminated from the equation.

12Provides an in-depth practice for drawing out the regression picture beyond just obtaining the conditional mean by allowing one to test the link between the response variable and the covariate at each quantile of the conditional distribution function. It can be a viable replacement for our earlier estimations.

13In endurance check the study replaced two control variables Cash flow and financial leverage with financial slack (FSLK) & and equity multiplier. Besides, we firm-level climate change risk measure with firm-level climate change exposure (FCCEXPO) data created by.

14We employ Driscoll and Kraay's approach to accommodate Heteroskedasticity—cross-sectional or "spatial" dependence issues. Our results are unchanged and consistent for the sub-sample as well.


Table A1

Variables Description

VariablesHow to measureSources
  • Firm Total Value (FMV)

Equation (1).CompStat
(1) Tobin's Q Ratio,Equation (1).
(2) Firms' growth option Value (GV)Equation (1). Based on real-option frameworkRefinitiv
ESG Investment Index (ESG Index)Refinitiv Eikon's ESG indexes the company's environmental, social, and governance performance, namely the ESG overall index, by averaging its three primary pillars and weighting them equally.Eikon
Firm's climate change risk (FCCR)A machine learning-based firm's climate risk measurement using earnings conference calls conversations. The method utilizes a machine learning algorithm for keyword discovery to identify and capture exposures associated with climate change, including those related to opportunity, physical, and regulatory shocks [3].
Control Variables
Firm-Specific factors
Firm Leverage (LEV)Debt to equity ratioCompStat
Firm size (SIZE)Natural logarithm of sales
Cash flow (OCF)Net Cash flows
Assets Tangibility TANGtangible Assets/Total Assets
Sales Growth (SAG)% change in annual sales
Macroeconomics dynamics
GDP (annual)Gross domestic product growthWorld Bank Database
Inflation (INF)Annual Inflation
Robustness Check
Climate change Exposure (FCCEXPO)Firm-level climate exposure [3]. A machine learning-based firm's climate change exposure measurement using earnings conference calls conversations. The method utilizes a machine learning algorithm for keyword discovery to find and capture exposures associated with climate change, including those related to opportunity, physical, and regulatory shocks.
Additional controlFinancial Slack and Equity Multiplier

Notes: TQR=Tobin's Q ratio, TQR, and growth option value, FCCR=Firm's climate change risk, assets tangibility=TANG Tangibility; operating cash flow=OCF; Firms size=SIZE; Sales growth=SAG; Financial leverage=LEV; Gross domestic product growth=GDP; and Inflation=INF.

Table A2

Panel Unit Root Results _Cross-Sectional Dependence & Independence

ADF – FisherIPS W-Statistics
Explained Variables
Independent variable
ESG Index−22.13***−3.11***
Firm-level factors
Economy-wide factors

Notes. Appendix B presents the testing results for stationarity using both first- and second-generation unit root frameworks. The ADF-Fisher and IPS test for stationarity is adequate for unbalanced panel data sets. It presumes that cross-sectional units are entirely independent of one another. The second-generation PCIPS test accommodates cross-sectional reliance unit root results, thus solving the cross-sectionally unique problem. The findings validate the hypothesized order of integration for the variables in the study. Therefore, in contrast to the cointegration method, we use OLS models based on the unit root.


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From risk to resilience: Climate change risk, ESG investments engagement and Firm's value (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.