Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+ - Make a Living Writing (2024)

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+ - Make a Living Writing (1)Wondering where to find your next freelance writing jobs during COVID-19 craziness?

You’re not the only one. It’s a volatile time for almost everybody. But businesses, magazines, and digital publications still have freelance writing jobs they need to fill.

In many niches, the demand for well-written articles and writers who know how to dig up solid research, interview sources, and hit tight deadlines is even greater than pre-pandemic.

How do you get some of that work? There’s an old-school skill that works in any economic environment. Pitch great story ideas to editors.

And if you don’t get a response right away…keep going. Just about every editor is scrambling to fill their editorial calendars right now.

Show up in their inbox with a fresh idea, and you’re a lot more likely to land freelance writing jobs than if you sit back and do nothing until “things get better.” Make sense? Good.

To save you some time, we’ve compiled a list of 39 digital magazines you can pitch right now. Check out the list and get to work.


1. Cosmopolitan

Cosmo has an annual readership of 16 million. Last year they were paying as much as .25 a word for digital content in alignment with their brand, which is focused on the empowerment of young women. Senior editor Emma Barker accepts pitches at

2. Good Housekeeping

The majority of GH’s 25 million readers are women who are married, have children, and work outside the home. You can pitch digital director Lauren Matthews via Twitter. They reportedly pay as much as .67 a word for short narratives on “blessings” and overcoming health challenges.

3. Glamour

Into women’s style, beauty, entertainment, wellness, or culture? You can reach digital editor Perrie Samotin on Twitter about contributing to Glamour. There are no published guidelines for pitching, but they’ve paid .27 a word in the past.

4. Oprah Mag (digital version)

Oprah Magazine is launching a new digital version this fall to continue inspiring women to live their best lives – online. No guidelines are available, but you can reach out to digital director Arianna Davis via Twitter. The print version has paid $2 a word, but expect less for digital.

5. LiisBeth

LiisBeth publishes content focused on feminist entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders committed to gender equality. Writers of all gender expressions can email pitches to Margaret Webb or reach out to her on Twitter. They have pay rates listed in the guidelines, the lowest offer being $250 for personal essays to $800+ for policy/issue analysis.

6. Teen Vogue

Have a teen or connect well with teens? You can reach out to editor Samhita Mukhopadya at Teen Vogue via email to pitch topics related to teens taking on the world. Average pay is $0.30 a word for digital publication.


7. Audubon

Calling all birders. You can reach editor Martha Harbison via Twitter. They’ve reportedly paid as much as $0.40 per word for stories on birds and their habitats.

8. Discover

Like to geek-out on science? Writers with proven expertise in medicine, physics, technology, space travel, paleontology and other science-based topics can pitch ideas to editor Eric Betz via Twitter. The pay rate for digital has varied widely, but the most reported was $0.52 a word. Discover encourages writers to keep pitching if not accepted the first time around.

9. Hakai Magazine

Hakai uses short- and long-form journalism to report on coastal ecosystems. This magazine publishes work from freelance writers in two different sections; News & Views (300-800 words) and Features (1,000-1,500 words). On Twitter, you can find managing editor Adrienne Mason or senior editor Shanna Baker. They’ve paid as much as $1.05 a word.

10. Smithsonian Magazine

Unsolicited proposals are accepted by Smithsonian Magazine from experienced freelancers pitching stories on art, history, science & innovation, and travel. You can reach editor Brian Wolly on Twitter. The pay rate varies, but the average is .36 a word.

11. National Geographic Travel

Love to explore the natural world? This online magazine has several sections with various editors. Check the guidelines for the right editor to pitch your ideas on beautiful, unique, and wild places to visit. You can also try pitching to, and they’ll direct you to the right section. Pay varies by section as well, but the lowest is $0.50 a word.


12. Dwell

Established writers with a beat on the architecture of homes can pitch to editor Mike Chino on Twitter. Dwell reportedly paid $1.00 a word for an article that appeared in print and online. Pitches must include photos of lived-in dwellings – no staged images. Follow-up is encouraged, including resending your pitch a few weeks later if unanswered!

13. Architectural Digest

Write about architectural gems near and far – the houses, interiors, gardens, and landscapes of iconic places, designers, and celebrities. You can email your pitch to Digital Editor David Foxley. They’ve paid as much as 1.00 a word for digital articles.


14. Early American Life

New writers and photographers are encouraged to submit queries on American life from colonial times to the mid-1800s on topics related to antiques, architecture and decorating, history, studio crafts, and travel. You can pitch editor JeanMarie Andrews at The guidelines state they promise to pay and estimate $500 for new writers.

15. High Country News

There are multiple editors for multiple sections, so check the guidelines for names, contact information, and details. The reported pay varies between .50 and $1.50 a word for stories on the modern American West.

16. Hoofbeats

Hoofbeats is 70 percent freelance written, so submit your ideas and photos on Standard breds and harness racing to editor Kim French at They pay upwards of $500 for features.

17. New York Magazine

Pulitzer Prize winning New York Magazine publishes freelancers! You can pitch your articles to the editor at Average pay is around $0.70 a word.

18. The NY Times Magazine Online

Check out this interview with Paul Tullis on how to become a contributor for the digital version of this iconic pub. You can find editor Isabel Wilkinson on Twitter. The pay is reportedly $0.50 a word.

19. Harper’s Magazine

The oldest general-interest magazine of its kind, Harpers accepts both nonfiction and fiction submissions. You can pitch to editor Rachel Poser via email. The average pay is reported at $0.70 a word.

Stories and Essays

20. Longreads

Longreads publishes personal essays and narratives, longform journalism, features, investigative projects, and even book excerpts. There are various editors to pitch to, so check the guidelines for names and contact information. They pay an average of $0.23 a word for articles.

21. The Sun

Send daring personal essays, fiction, and poetry to this ad-free magazine. Yes, you read that right — you might be able to get paid to write poetry by The Sun. You can pitch editors Sy Safransky or David Mahaffey by submitting online. The Sun has various sections, and they outline pay rates on their submission page. They’ll pay as much as $2,000 for longform essays.

22. The American Scholar

The magazine of the Phi Beta Kappa Society accepts nonfiction submissions from new and established writers. You can pitch editor Robert Wilson via email or through the link on Submittable. Wilson says they pay more than $100 per article.

23. Boston Globe Mag

New freelance writers can contribute to the Perspectives and Connections columns of the Boston Globe Magazine. You can find editor Veronica Chao on Twitter. Pay is reported around $0.78 a word.

24. Buzzfeed News

Pitch longform personal essays and cultural criticism that wows to BuzzFeed Reader. You can find editor Samantha Henig on Twitter. Pay is around .50 a word.

25. Pacific Standard

This magazine is looking for narrative journalism on social and environmental justice that promotes critical thinking about societal issues. You can find editor Jonah Newman on Twitter. Pay is at least $100 per piece.


26. Wired

Wired’s online content includes science, culture, gear, politics, and security. You can find editor Michael Calore on LinkedIn. Send pitches to The average pay for digital content is .50 a word.

27. Popular Mechanics

Explain how things work for Popular Mechanics readers. You can pitch to editor Alexander George on Twitter. Pay has been as high as $0.40 a word.

Business News

28. The Atlantic

The Atlantic is interested in pitches that address areas they haven’t adequately covered, especially in the education space. You can email your pitch to Editor Don Peck. Pay has been as high as .56 a word.

29. Vox

Vox publishes “provocative” personal narratives with an interesting slant on modern life in their First Person section. Follow the guidelines to pitch. Reported pay is $0.50 word.

30. Time Magazine

Write for a magazine with a 96-year history and over 100 million readers worldwide. You can reach editor Brittany Robins on Twitter. Digital content goes for $0.22 a word on average.

31. Forbes

Pitching to Forbes will take time and connections. But, it can be done! Just ask Carol 😉 You can send an idea to Once you get in, they pay more than $100 per digital piece.

32. Foreign Policy

Find a unique angle on an issue in politics, culture, and world events that challenges readers. Do some original reporting, then pitch editor James Palmer via email. Average pay is $0.33 a word.

33. Fortune

Have connections to a business exec or company that needs no introduction? If so, pitch digital editor Andrew Nusca via email. Fortune pays anywhere from $0.35 to $0.67 a word.


COVID-19 stay-home orders have hit the travel industry hard. For example, Delta Sky magazine laid off it’s entire staff, ceased operations, and poof went all their freelance writing jobs, too. But you can still go outside…sort of. And eventually, those restrictions will be lifted. Some online travel publications to pitch include:

34. Afar

Love to immerse yourself in foreign lands? Join Afar’s cadre of creative ambassadors. Read about one of them, Matt Gross, who expounds on his love/hate relationship with travel writing here. Then pitch editor Julia Cosgrove on Twitter. Pay is around .50 a word.

35. Hemispheres

“We’re writing about our favorite places in our favorite cities, some of which are making the best of hard times and continuing to bring joy into our homes,” says Hemispheres Executive Editor Nicholas DeRenzo. This in-flight magazine for United Airlines is geared toward the affluent traveler.

Hemispheres accepts freelance pitches for captivating features as well as compelling content for their Navigator and Diversions sections. You can pitch to Editor Nicholas DeRenzo via email. Pay averages around $1 per word.

36. Travel + Leisure

For when we’re able to travel again, this T&L article on how to become a travel writer is a must-read. You can find editor Deanne Kaczerski on Twitter. They pay $0.50 a word.


37. Runner’s World

An avid backtracker, adventure runner, or ultramarathoner? Write about all things running for Runner’s World. Hailey Middlebrook is the digital editor. They pay $1 per word for content that runs in both print and online.

38. The Development Set

Financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Development Set publishes stories on global health and social impact. You can reach out to Editor Sarika Bansal on Twitter.

39. Scrap

Have expertise in the recycling industry? Scrap is the trade magazine of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. They pay freelancers for content on market trends, new regulations and legislation, new processing and handling equipment, and management and operational techniques. You can pitch editor Rachel Pollack via email. Better writing and experience will you get more, but you’ll walk away with at least $100 for your article.

Pitch editors to get freelance writing jobs

Want more freelance work? Make pitching editors a regular part of your day or week.

  • Study the online magazine.
  • Pay attention to headlines, formatting, style and voice.
  • Get familiar with the audience and the types of articles the magazine publishes.
  • Then pitch the editor. It’s that simple.

When you’re done, pitch another story idea. Do this consistently. You’ll get better and start landing more freelance writing jobs. And don’t forget to check out our tips for proper freelancer invoicing so you get paid for the work you do!

What online magazines do you write for? Let’s discuss in the comments below.

Kathie Bullard Harrisis a freelance health and wellness writer living in the Southern United States. When she isn’t writing copy, she’s working on her forever-in-progress first novel.

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+ - Make a Living Writing (2)

Freelance Writing Jobs: 39 Online Magazines That Pay $100+ - Make a Living Writing (2024)


How much do magazines pay freelance writers? ›

Generally speaking, most print publications pay at least $1 a word—many $2 a word and up. (These types of freelance writing can also pay $1/word and up!)

Can you make a living writing for magazines? ›

Making a Living Writing for Magazines is Absolutely Possible.

Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing? ›

If you're serious about making a career change, there's no faster way to make money online than freelance writing. The best part is that if you do it right, you can blow past the $1K a month mark in no time. Freelance writing offers much, much greater earning potential.

Which freelance writing pays most? ›

Freelance Writing Niches: 9 High-Paying Content Types
  • E-Books. ...
  • White Papers. ...
  • Case Studies. ...
  • Email Writing. ...
  • Sales Pages or Landing Pages. ...
  • Video Script Writing. ...
  • Online or E-Learning Courses. ...
  • Book Writing (Ghostwriting) “The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.” –
Jan 4, 2024

What online magazine will pay writers $1 per word? ›

Contractor Magazine: Focuses on construction-related topics, paying $1 per word. Dwell Magazine: Covers home design, paying $1 per word via PayPal. Psychology Today: Publishes articles on mental health and psychology at $1 per word. Hoof Beats Magazine: Offers $500 for 500-word articles on horse racing.

Which magazine pays the most for articles? ›

Paid Publications
  1. Atlanta Tribune. They pay $2 a word per article. ...
  2. AARP. They pay $1 per word per article. ...
  3. ALLURE. They pay $1,500 to $4,000 for stories ranging from 1,700 — 2,000 words (it depends on the story). ...
  4. Men's Health. ...
  5. BuzzFeed. ...
  6. High Time Magazines. ...
  7. Redbook Magazine. ...
  8. Workforce Magazine.
Jan 24, 2022

How much does narratively pay? ›

Narratively pays $200-300 for 2000 – 2500-word essays.

Does EatingWell pay $1 per word? ›

EatingWell Pays $1 per word. That means a 2000-word story equals $2000. However, topic word count may vary.

How can I make a living writing online? ›

These are the five best ways to make enough money writing online that you can afford your rent, cell phone bill, and book obsession:

Is it hard to get into freelance writing? ›

Good writing skills, strong research skills and grammatical knowledge are all essential for getting started as a freelance writer. Knowledge of common style guides is also beneficial. Knowing how to run your business and manage your finances are crucial skills as well.

Can you survive as a freelance writer? ›

Many freelance writers manage to make a good living writing for institutions, publications, and brands, and earn upwards of six figures per year. This step-by-step guide will help you get started as a successful freelance writer with a steady income and a flexible career.

How much do beginner freelance writers make? ›

We recommend beginner freelance writers charge no less than $0.05 to $0.20 per word. If you consider the example of a 1,000-word blog post, this means you'll range from $50 to $200 per post. In reality, many beginning writers make $0.01 to $0.04 per word, which is an unreasonably low fee.

What website pays you to write? ›

Textbroker gives you a fast, reliable, and competitive way to earn money by writing. We're transparent about what you can earn writing on our platform. We understand the importance of reliable and timely payments, so you can trust that your efforts will be compensated promptly.

What kind of writing is in demand? ›

Emails aren't going anywhere, and email copywriters will always be in-demand. There are two major types of emails: promotional (sales, new products, new blog posts, etc.) and transactional emails. Transactional emails are automatic emails from the business that are sent to customers based on certain parameters.

What is the most in demand niche in freelancing? ›

Looking at industry trends, here are some of the most profitable niches you should consider diving into if you are just starting or changing course.
  • Finance and Investing. ...
  • E-Learning and Online Education. ...
  • Content Marketing and SEO. ...
  • Travel and Adventure. ...
  • Remote Work and Freelancing. ...
  • Parenting and Family. ...
  • Food and Culinary Arts.
Sep 12, 2023

How much do writers get paid for magazine articles? ›

Some publications pay a flat fee per article, while others pay per word. The rate can range from a few cents per word to several dollars per word. According to a survey conducted by the Freelancers Union, the average rate for freelance writers in the United States is around $0.25 to $1 per word.

How to be a freelance writer for magazines? ›

How to increase your freelance magazine writing opportunities
  1. Start a blog. As an independent writer, creating a personal blog can be a valuable tool when seeking professional opportunities. ...
  2. Use social media. ...
  3. Maintain a portfolio. ...
  4. Develop a specialty. ...
  5. Monitor job boards. ...
  6. Join freelance writing groups.
Jan 26, 2023

How much can you make writing a magazine article? ›

For freelance writers, the average rate can range anywhere from $0.10 to $2.00 per word, which can translate to $50 to $500 or more per article. Some established writers or those writing for high-end publications can earn even more, sometimes reaching rates of $1,000 or more per article.

How much does New York Times pay freelancers? ›

Fees: The Well section of The New York Times pays freelancers $1 per word. Submit to: Send your pitch to one of the editors below.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.