Fashion History : Mass Market. (2024)


It refers to :-

  • The market for goods that are produced in large quantities.
  • Ready to wear garments in mass.
  • Cheap material of fabrics creatively used to produce affordable fashion.
  • Uses simple production techniques therefore to sell at cheaper rates.
  • Consists of fashion available for both — brands and street.
Fashion History : Mass Market. (1)

Mass market is not possible without mass production and thus the sewing machines emerged.

The manufacturing of Sewing Machine was a very gradual inventive step that spanned over an exorbitant amount of time.

By the year 1900 over 20 million sewing machines a year were being produced from factories all over the world.

No single invention was as eagerly accepted by people in all parts of the planet as the humble sewing machine.

Fashion History : Mass Market. (2)

The Mass Production of clothing began roughly in the mid –nineteenth century,When some manufacturers began to produce garments that did not require fitting , but fashion did not become an established industry in the institution sense of the world until the 20th century.

Fashion History : Mass Market. (3)
Fashion History : Mass Market. (4)

The rapid shift of custom-made readymade clothes during the industrial revolution was stimulated by the growth of the middle class & a large increase in foreign labour, mostly jewish & Italian Immigrints who bought their tailoring skills from Europe.

The industry grew exponentially by 1915,apparel was the third largest in America after steel & oil . In the late eighteens & early ninteens large mills & factories produced fabric & garments including overcoats , peticoats , shirts , trousers , gloves , hats & footwear.

In the late nineteen century the department store introduced the idea of consolidating large amount of mass produced goods for public consumption.


Fashion History : Mass Market. (5)
Fashion History : Mass Market. (6)

As we moved into the 1900s men’s clothing was predominantly utilitarian and rather unimaginative. The long, lean, and athletic silhouette of the late 1890s persisted, and tall, stiff collars characterize the period. Three-piece suits consisting of a sack coat with matching waistcoat and trousers were worn, as were matching coat and waistcoat with contrasting trousers, or matching coat and trousers with contrasting waistcoat. Sounds familiar, right? Trousers were shorter than before, often had “turn-ups” or “cuffs“, and were creased front and back using the newly-invented trouser press.

Fashion History : Mass Market. (7)

The period between 1901 and 1910 was known as the Edwardian era after Queen Victoria’s successor, King Edward VII. It was considered a time of great change. Early 1900’s fashion was dictated by time of day and followed a general rule of morning coats till noon, lounge suits until 6 o’ clock, then evening clothes depending on the specific occasion.


•Skirts elongated at the back to form a train.

•Skirts silhouette slim at the hip

•Fullness of the skirt confined to below the knee

•Decorations with long and short tucks, hem ruffles , buttons and lace insertion.

•Evening dresses were off shoulder with or without sleeves

Fashion History : Mass Market. (8)


  • Hobble skirt & lampshade skirt were trending.
  • Edwardians took interest in asymmetric draping techniques.
  • For daywear suits were fashionable.
  • First world war provoked skirt hems to ankle.
  • Bodice lean towards higher waist.
  • Other popular were bat-wing sleeves, over-drapes and flying panel skirts.
Fashion History : Mass Market. (9)


  • Founder- Harry Gordon Selfridge
  • Started — Selfridges & Co. is a chain of high end department stores in United Kingdom, operated by Selfridges Retail Limited.
  • The flagship store on London’s Oxford Street is the second largest shop in UK which opened on 15th March 1909
  • Selfridges was one of the first shops in Britain to introduce window dressing as a way of enticing customers into the store, in the second half of the Victorian era.
  • Selfridges were blamed for the increased levels of shoplifting.
Fashion History : Mass Market. (10)

Current status,One Group,Four Businesses 33 Stores , Annual sales totalling over 2 billion pounds . Over 10,000 Team Members


  • Founder- Anderson and Sheppard
  • Started — 1906
  • It is Savile Row bespoke clothing firm established in 1906.
Fashion History : Mass Market. (11)
  • The fluid style of the legendary cutter Frederick Scholte was from the start the distinguishing feature of the house style. Scholte was the Duke of Windsor’s Cutter and trained Per Anderson.
  • A high small armhole with a generous upper sleeve permits the jacket to remain close to the neck while freeing the arm to move with comfort.
  • Anderson & Sheppard kept Prince Charles in double breasted suits for years.

Colours- Pale, ranging from browns to whites

Material used- Flannel, linen, wool, silk, muslin and cotton, the cotton, muslin and linen were often starched heavily but it was very uncomfortable for children because it restricts their motion. Clothing was held together with buttons.

Wool-formal clothing.
Elastic-more flexibility.

Fashion History : Mass Market. (12)

Girls fashion- Mimicked their mothers, decorated with lace frills and ruffles. Under the dress, long black socks covered any exposed skin. On some patterns a deep “V” appeared on the front and back, showing some of the blouse underneath.

Boys fashion- Boys wore tunics and Russian blouses, in which motion was possible. They also wore knee shorts or knickers, until reaching their high socks. Younger boys had romper suits, one-piece garments which were designed for play. For formals, suits with Eton collars.

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Fashion History : Mass Market. (2024)


What is the history of mass market fashion? ›

The mass market can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution, where dressmakers produced ready-made clothing in a range of sizes rather than those made to order. Due to the availability of textile machines and factories, the clothing price fell significantly, increasing bulk cloth manufacturing.

What is mass market in fashion industry? ›

Mass market is defined as, "a market coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences and appeal to the whole market with one offer or one strategy." The mechanism focuses on the fashion innovators found within every social economic group and the influences in response to the couture ...

What are some mass market fashion brands? ›

The top leading clothing brands in the world all have to work rigorously to maintain the position and compete to gain larger market share every year. The top 10 clothing brands in the world based on their brand value ranking in 2022 are Nike, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Adidas, Hermès, Zara, H&M, Cartier and UNIQLO.

Is Zara a mass market? ›

At the very end of the fashion pyramid comes the mass market segment. This is intended to reach the maximum number of people, by providing trendy fashion at affordable retail prices. This includes a high number of fast fashion brands, such as Zara, H&M, Uniqlo,..etc.

When did mass market fashion start? ›

During the course of the 19th century, clothing was to become mass-manufactured. These changes came in slow increments. As we have seen, undershirts and pantaloons made by impoverished pieceworkers were the first mass-produced garments after the rise of textile mills, followed by corsets at mid-century.

What are examples of mass market? ›

Examples of mass-market retailers include big-box stores such as Target, Sam's Club, and Best Buy, as well as brands like Levi Strauss and Gap, and e-retailers like Amazon. Supermarket, drugstore, mass merchandise, and warehouse chains are all considered mass-market retailers.

What is meant by the mass market? ›

The term "mass market" refers to a market for goods produced on a large scale for a significant number of end consumers. The mass market differs from the niche market in that the former focuses on consumers with a wide variety of backgrounds with no identifiable preferences and expectations in a large market segment.

What is a mass market simple definition? ›

Mass market is used to refer to the large numbers of people who want to buy a particular product. [business]

What is a mass market quizlet? ›

Terms in this set (5)

Mass marketing is the attempt go create products or services that have universal appeal. Rather than targeting a specific type of customer, the aims of the product at the whole market. The intention is that everyone should be a consumer of the product.

Is mass market fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion is the practice of rapidly translating high fashion design trends into low-priced garments and accessories by mass-market retailers at low costs.

What makes a brand mass market? ›

Mass marketing is the process of appealing to an entire market rather than one targeted group. The marketing technique uses mass distribution and mass media to reach the widest audience possible. Mass marketing aims to advertise to the highest number of potential customers.

What are the three main market segments of the fashion industry? ›

The textile industry is the largest segment of the primary market. Textile is a broad term referring to any material that can be made into fabric by any method. Businesses in the secondary market produce garments by transforming textiles into the finished products. The tertiary market is concerned with retailing.

What are the 4 levels of fashion industry? ›

The fashion industry consists of four levels: the production of raw materials, principally fibres and textiles but also leather and fur; the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and promotion.

What is the difference between mass-market and ready to wear? ›

However, it is different to the mass-market clothing you'll find in high-street retailers. Ready-to-wear is often described as a way of making haute couture—high fashion—more accessible. Garments are made in small production runs to guarantee uniqueness and quality, rather than mass produced in factories.

Is H&M and Zara the same? ›

H&M is the oldest, has the largest number of physical stores, and has expanded from its budget roots to include seven other brands. Zara is most prominent in its native Spain but has managed to expand globally, expanding its brand to include Zara Home.

Where did mass market originated? ›

Mass marketing or undifferentiated marketing has its origins in the 1920s with the inception of mass radio use. This gave corporations an opportunity to appeal to a wide variety of potential customers.

When did the fashion industry boom? ›

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast fashion became a booming industry in America with people enthusiastically partaking in consumerism. Fast fashion retailers such as Zara, H&M, Topshop, and Primark took over high street fashion.

How did the fashion industry start? ›

The origin of fashion designing dates as far back as 1826. Charles Frederick Worth is believed to be the first fashion designer of the world, from 1826 to 1895. Charles, who was earlier a draper, set up a fashion house in Paris.

What are 2 features of a mass market? ›

The key features of a mass market are as follows:
  • Customers form the majority in the market.
  • Customer needs and wants are more "general" & less "specific"
  • Associated with higher production output and capacity (economies of scale)
Mar 22, 2021

What are 5 mass market products? ›

Many of your daily products, such as soap, shampoo, and detergent, are examples of mass products. Paper towels, petrol, electricity, gas, and news sites are other examples. Manufacturers design them in relatively similar ways. Besides, their prices (or subscription fees) are relatively similar.

What are products for the mass market? ›

Products and services needed by almost every member of society are suited for the mass market. Such items as electric and gas utilities, soap, paper towels and gasoline, for example, can be advertised and sold to almost anyone, making them mass market goods.

Why is mass marketing important? ›

Mass marketing is essential because it exposes a brand to more customers and an unsegmented market at a lower cost. As a result, it can be handy for introducing new products to the market.

How do you target a mass market? ›

Mass Marketing targeting strategy includes selling the same product for the whole market. The company aims to target all people with one product or one strategy without segmenting them into groups. Mass Marketing targets a very large non-defined section of the whole market.

What is benefit of mass marketing? ›

The advantages of mass marketing include:
  • Cost efficiency. Mass marketing is a cost-effective option when companies use it to advertise products that consumers consider necessities. ...
  • Large scope. ...
  • Increased sales. ...
  • Brand awareness. ...
  • Variety in channels. ...
  • Time efficient.
Nov 23, 2021

What is a market short answer? ›

Definition: A market is defined as the sum total of all the buyers and sellers in the area or region under consideration. The area may be the earth, or countries, regions, states, or cities. The value, cost and price of items traded are as per forces of supply and demand in a market.

What size is mass market? ›

The standard mass market paperback size is four inches wide by six or seven inches high. They are lighter and thinner than standard trade paperback books. The font inside may also be smaller in order to keep the overall size of the book very small.

What is a market one word answer? ›

A market is a place where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchange or transaction of goods and services.

Is mass marketing still effective? ›

MMS (mass marketing strategy) is very effective in advertising products presented as necessities, as it is guaranteed that there will always be a high demand. The products or services that are promoted using mass marketing share common elements, such as: Product or service development.

Is Shein mass production? ›

Shein's CEO, Molly Miao has stated that each item is produced only in small numbers, between 50-100 pieces a day, before it becomes popular and is then mass-produced.

Does H&M use fast fashion? ›

With more than 5,000 stores worldwide, H&M is one of the many fast fashion companies known for copying high-end fashion, rapid clothing turnover, unsustainable practices including the use of harmful chemicals in its products, as well as inhumane working conditions.

Which is better niche or mass market? ›

Niche marketing is therefore more effective at reaching new audiences with new products. You have more time to develop trust and a greater ability to entice customers to take a risk. Once you've reached the 'established' phase in a product life cycle, then mass marketing can be more effective.

What are the 4 P's of fashion marketing? ›

The 4 Ps of marketing include product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key elements that must be united to effectively foster and promote a brand's unique value, and help it stand out from the competition.

What market structure is fashion? ›

Clothing: The clothing industry is monopolistically competitive because firms have differentiated products and market power. Monopolistic competition is different from a monopoly. A monopoly exists when a person or entity is the exclusive supplier of a good or service in a market.

Who is the target market for clothing? ›

If you sell shirts and pants for men, both men and women might be your target market. Men are likely to shop for clothing that you offer since it is designed for them. However, women in their lives are also likely to shop and purchase clothing for men, so women will shop at mens clothing stores as well.

What are the 5 principles of fashion? ›

The principles of fashion design include Unity, Balance, Proportion, Emphasis and Rhythm.

What are the 5 elements of fashion? ›

5 Important Elements of Fashion Design
  • Colour.
  • Silhouettes.
  • Fabric.
  • Body Shape.
  • Balance and Rhythm.
Jan 6, 2021

What are the 7 types of fashion? ›

There are seven (7) dressing styles:
  • Classic.
  • Relaxed.
  • Dramatic.
  • Creative.
  • Rebellious.
  • Feminine.
  • Elegant Chic.

How did mass production change the clothing industry? ›

Quality. Not too long ago, when the average consumer put price above all else, cheaply made mass produced garments made sense. Since the dawn of the brick-and-mortar store along with modern-day marketing, consumers became proficient in purchasing garments on sale, with the promise of quality clothing at a reduced price ...

What was the first ready-to-wear clothing that was mass produced? ›

A Brief History of Ready-to-Wear Fashion

During the War of 1812, the US government began mass-producing military uniforms, making them one of the first ready-to-wear garments in history.

What does fashion Mass mean fashion? ›

It refers to :- The market for goods that are produced in large quantities. Ready to wear garments in mass. Cheap material of fabrics creatively used to produce affordable fashion. Uses simple production techniques therefore to sell at cheaper rates.

Who is H&M biggest competitor? ›

Swedish retailer H&M is continuing to come under pressure from fast-fashion rivals and online-only brands like Zara and Shein.

Who is Zara's biggest competitor? ›

Zara's competitors and similar companies include H&M, UNIQLO, Fast Retailing and Reformation. Zara is a Spanish fast fashion clothing and accessories retailer. H&M (Hennes & Mauritz) designs and retails apparel for women, men, teens, and children. Uniqlo is a casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer.

What does M in H&M stand for? ›

Persson acquired the Swedish hunting apparel and fishing gear company Mauritz Widforss in 1968, and changed the name of his stores from Hennes to Hennes & Mauritz. This is when Persson's company started selling men's and children's apparel, too.

Which invention led to the mass production of clothing? ›

In 1794, U.S.-born inventor Eli Whitney (1765-1825) patented the cotton gin, a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber. By the mid-19th century, cotton had become America's leading export.

What are the 3 main theories about the origination of fashion? ›

The three major theories of fashion movement are trickle-down, trickle-up, and trickle-across.

What is the definition of mass market? ›

adjective [ before noun ] (also mass-market) used to describe a product that is intended to be sold to as many people as possible, not just to people with a lot of money or particular needs or interests: a mass market product/brand/car For the first time, GPS navigators were seen as a mass market product.

What are the characteristics of a mass market? ›

The key features of a mass market are as follows:
  • Customers form the majority in the market.
  • Customer needs and wants are more "general" & less "specific"
  • Associated with higher production output and capacity (economies of scale)
Mar 22, 2021

What is the advantage of mass market? ›

The advantages of mass marketing

Because companies that utilize mass marketing are pushing their product or service with such force, the production of their product becomes cheaper when compared to companies that produce products for a smaller, more targeted audience.

What impact did mass production have on design? ›

In addition to lowering cost, the application of the principles of mass production has led to major improvements in uniformity and quality. The large volume, standardized design, and standardized materials and processes facilitate statistical control and inspection techniques to monitor production and control quality.

What is the biggest problem in the clothing industry? ›

Sustainability. Sustainability is still the biggest problem the fashion industry is now facing, despite the fact that it is the second most polluting industry on the planet. The creation of clothing consumes a great deal of natural resources and generates a tonne of harmful waste that is dumped directly into waterways.

What influences the clothing industry? ›

If we check out the historical background of the development of the fashion industry, we will find that from time-to-time, economic factors such as recession, inflation, the national economic policy, and of course, economic growth have profound influence over fashion.

What are the three major developments in history of clothing? ›

the three stage s in history of the development of clothing material are:::: 1. making cloth from cloth fibers.,2. use of animal fibers , 3. the development or synthetic fibers.

What 3 things led to fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion became common because of cheaper, speedier manufacturing and shipping methods, an increase in consumers' appetite for up-to-the-minute styles, and the increase in consumer purchasing power—especially among young people—to indulge these instant-gratification desires.

How did the fashion industry develop? ›

With the invention of sewing machines and cotton gins, clothing companies were able to considerably accelerate the manufacturing process. This resulted in the mass production of clothing, allowing fashion brands to simplify patterns, improve affordability, and increase the frequency of changes in designs.

What are 4 factors that influence fashion trends? ›

Factors That Influence Fashion
  • Psychological Factor.
  • Social Factor.
  • Economic Factor.
  • Cultural Factor.
  • Political Factor.
  • Environmental Factor.
  • Physiological Factor.
Oct 13, 2022

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.