Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (2024)

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Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (1)

The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery

Can J Plast Surg. 2003 Autumn; 11(3): 161–165.

PMCID: PMC3792756

PMID: 24115862

Language: English | French

Nabil Fanous, MD FRCS(C) and Adi Yoskovitch, MD MSc

Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer


A receding chin, colloquially known as a weak chin, is a significant aesthetic impediment to a pleasing face. Multiple techniques exist to evaluate the poorly projecting chin, but most are imprecise when it comes to choosing the proper implant size. This choice is further complicated by the impracticality of commercially available chin implants. Most implant manufacturers offer only three to four categories of implants (small, medium, large, etc) that differ in size from one company to another, making the choice of the proper implant size a real challenge.

The present paper discusses a new approach to precise sizing of the chin implant, based primarily on the degree of chin convexity (curvature of the chin pad) in the profile view. Examples of mentoplasties performed using the chin convexity principle are presented.

Keywords: Chin augmentation, Convexity, Curvature, Implant size


Un menton fuyant est un obstacle esthétique important à un visage agréable. Il existe de multiples techniques pour évaluer cette mauvaise projection du menton, mais la plupart sont imprécises lorsqu’il s’agit de choisir un implant de bonne dimension. Ce choix est compliqué par le caractère peu pratique des implants de menton mis en marché. En effet, la plupart des fabricants n’offrent que trois ou quatre catégories d’implants (petit, moyen, grand, etc.), dont la dimension varie d’un fabricant à l’autre, ce qui transforme lp=e choix du bon implant en véritable défi. Le présent article présente une nouvelle démarche pour établir la dimension exacte de l’implant du menton, fondée principalement sur le degré de convexité du menton (la courbe du coussinet du menton) selon une vue de profil. Des exemples de mentoplasties exécutées selon le principe de convexité du menton sont présentés.

The recessed chin, often referred to as a weak chin, poses an aesthetic problem by disrupting the balance of the face. Several authors (18) have proposed various methods to determine the degree of chin recession and subsequent augmentation, while others have placed an emphasis on the choice of material rather than the shape and volume of the implant.

Conventionally, the ideal chin is thought to be one that extends to just behind a vertical plane dropped from the vermilion border of the lower lip in the profile view (13) (Figure 1A). A chin that fails to do so is considered to be deficient, requiring augmentation.

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (2)

AConventionally, the ideal chin is one that extends to few millimeters behind a vertical plane dropped from the vermilion of the lower lip;BHowever, a potentially exaggerated projection may result in the case of a deep lip-chin sulcus with a convex chin

We propose a method of chin evaluation that reaches beyond the traditional approaches of implant sizing, by taking into account what we feel is the key factor in preoperative planning: the degree of chin convexity (curvature of the chin pad) in the profile view.


When analysing the appearance of the chin, two questions need to be addressed: is the chin in fact weak in terms of its projection? If yes, how large need the implant be to correct this lack of projection?

A weak chin in the profile view can be defined as one that lacks the ideal degree of projection to attain proper aesthetic harmony. According to a popular preoperative evaluation technique, the ideal chin profile is 1 mm to 3 mm posterior to a vertical line dropped from the vermilion border of the lower lip, as seen in the profile view with a horizontal Frankfort line. If the chin profile is posterior to that, it is considered to suffer from inadequate projection.

In correcting the deficiency, one might assume that the size of the chin implant should simply equal the difference between the ideal projection and the present deficient one. However, in practice, this calculation is unpredictable if used alone. Merely increasing the size of the chin to a level 1 mm to 3 mm posterior to the vermilion vertical line may create an exaggerated projection if the lip-chin sulcus is deep preoperatively (Figure 1B). Accordingly, the authors propose a novel approach to assess the degree of correction and the size of implant needed: the evaluation of the chin convexity when the chin pad is viewed in profile.

The relation between chin convexity and implant size

The insertion of a chin implant has two main effects on the chin appearance: increasing its projection and its convexity in the profile view. Most of the past literature has focussed on calculating the missing projection as the basis for implant sizing. However, the main limiting factor affecting the choice of the implant size is the preoperative chin convexity, or lack of it. As Figure 1 has demonstrated, there is a limit on the number of millimetres that may be added to the different chin profiles. A fully convex chin preoperatively may accept an implant of up to approximately 4 mm of central thickness, because a thicker implant will increase the convexity of that chin beyond an acceptable aesthetic prominence, even if the chin is still far behind the vertical vermilion line. On the other hand, a chin lacking convexity preoperatively portrays a flat vertical or even posteriorly angulated profile, allowing the use of progressively thicker implants that will enhance chin projection, as well as increase its curvature to the maximum acceptable convexity.

Chin convexity classification

The degree of chin convexity in the profile view may be assigned to one of three categories (Figure 2):

  1. Convex, with the chin profile presenting mostly as a fully convex line;

  2. Vertical, with the chin profile presenting mostly as a vertical line; or

  3. Diagonal, with the chin profile presenting mostly as a very diagonal (posteriorly angled) line.

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (3)

Chin classification based on the chin convexity: convex, vertical and very diagonal, with the corresponding suggested midline projection (thickness) of the chin implant

Implant sizing based on the chin convexity classification

When determining the size of the required chin implant, the chin must be categorised as one of the three previously discussed possibilities: convex, vertical or diagonal (Figure 2). If the chin profile is fully convex (type 1), a relatively thin implant of about 4 mm thickness (projection or anterior to posterior dimension) at the midline should be used. The vertical category of chin (type 2), in which the chin profile is mostly a vertical line, requires a moderately thick implant measuring about 8 mm at the midline. Finally, in the diagonal category chin profile (type 3), where the chin profile is markedly angled backwards, a larger implant measuring around 12 mm in thickness at its centre is indicated.

It is important to note that it is the thickness at the centre of the implant (ie, the projection of the implant) that has the greatest impact on the final result. The length and width of the implant contribute less to the outcome. Most chin implant manufacturers do not follow this theory. Their ‘small’ size implants are small in all dimensions (projection, height and length), while their larger implants are magnified in all dimensions as well. To confuse things further, the same category chin implants (eg, small) of the various companies are usually very different in measurement. For the surgeon, making a choice between the different sizes and different companies is somewhat of a guessing game. The use of an extended implant (longer bilaterally) may be helpful in some cases of narrow chins or recessed perichin areas. However, the decision to extend or not to extend the implant does not affect the decision on the required implant central thickness.

While the projection, or maximum central thickness of the implant, may range from 4 mm to 12 mm or more as discussed, its length, or horizontal dimension, may run from between 4.5 to 7 cm (depending on the central thickness and on whether the implant is extended or not), and its height (vertical dimension) may vary between 10 mm to 12 mm.

It is very important to note that in many instances, the chin curvature may fall in between two of these three categories. For example, a chin with a very mild convexity is classified between types 1 and 2, therefore requiring an implant measuring about 6 mm in central thickness. As well, a chin that is moderately diagonal behind the vertical plane may be placed between types 2 and 3, therefore requiring an implant measuring approximately 10 mm in maximum thickness.

Implant material and placement

The intent of the present paper is not to suggest a specific implant material, but rather to discuss the sizing of the chin implant. This being said, several different implant materials from a variety of commercial manufacturers are available. The choice of the implant material (eg, gortex, silastic, medpor, mersilene, etc) depends on the surgeon’s individual preference. The senior author uses custom-made silastic implants (Implantech, Ventura, California, USA).

It is important to emphasize that the surgeon may still opt to use the standard sizes (small, medium and large) provided by commercial manufacturers. In that case, the surgeon, using a Number 11 or Number 15 blade, can adjust the projection, length and width of the implant, guided by the chin convexity rule.

With respect to surgical technique, an intraoral or a submental incision may be used to develop a subperiosteal or a supraperiosteal pocket, depending on the surgeon’s individual preference. The authors prefer a submental approach with a subperiosteal dissection. A drain may or may not be used (the authors use the plastic sheath of an 18 gauge angiocatheter). The wound is then closed in two layers.

Figures 3 to to66 demonstrate preoperative and postoperative examples of chin augmentations based primarily on the chin curvature theory.

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (4)

A and BPreoperative view of an almost vertical chin (type 2);C and DPostoperative result eight months later after using an 8 mm thick implant. This size is the most commonly used one

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (5)

A and BPreoperative view of a 30-year-old patient with a deep lip-chin sulcus and a slighty convex chin profile of type 1 to 2;C and DPostoperative result two years and nine months following the use of an exteded 6 mm implant (NB: if the chin convexity was a little more prominent, it would have been considered as a type 1, therefore limiting the implant size to 4 mm. On the other hand, if the lip-chin groove was shallower or absent, the same patient would have had a flat vertical or somewhat diagonal profile and would have benefited from an extended 8 mm (type 2) or 10 mm (type 2 to 3) implant


The main topic of this article is to suggest a modified approach to implant sizing that focuses on the preoperative evaluation of the implant projection, incorporating the chin convexity principle, as well as on the relative importance of implant projection (central thickness) versus length and width.

The indications, choice of implant material and choice of surgical approach for this technique are no different than the ones known for any chin augmentation.

The use of alloplastic and autologous materials has been extensively studied. In terms of cartilage and bone as potential materials, although readily available and autologous in nature, they are subject to potential resorption (9) and require a second harvesting procedure.

On the other hand, the use of implant materials, such as silastic, proplast and others, has its advantages and disadvantages as well. In terms of its advantages, alloplastic implantation is a relatively simple procedure and can be done on an outpatient basis. The disadvantages include the potential for bony erosion underneath the implant, implant displacement, extrusion or infection.

Patient selection is the same as in any other approach to chin augmentation, and is critical to reach optimal cosmetic results. Patients with considerable orthognathic issues, such as long face syndrome, severe microgenia or inadequate vertical facial height are not ideal candidates for simple augmentation (8). The same is true of patients with considerable malocclusion (9). These patients may benefit more from initial corrective orthognatic procedures (812). As such, while patients are preliminarily evaluated for chin convexity, they should be analyzed as well for chin-nose, lower lip, labiomental fold and chin-pad thickness analysis as described by Zide et al (8). It should be noted that the use of alloplastic augmentation may have a role in certain patients with a limited increase in vertical chin height (10), especially in cases where patients are not interested in undergoing maxillofacial surgery. By augmenting the chin, an illusion of shortening the vertical height can be created. As well, important orthodontic issues should be corrected before attempting chin augmentation.

The main intent of the present article is to suggest a simple and reliable way to choose the proper size of a chin implant. This article does not suggest new indications and does not give preference to any autogenous or alloplastic augmentation material.


A recessed chin is a source of asymmetry in the human face. In addition to being an aesthetic detractor, it is also associated with a perceived weak personality. With a properly sized implant, chin augmentation offers an easy and effective means of correcting the deficiency.

To properly augment the chin, the degree of convexity of the patient’s chin in the profile view needs to be evaluated. The main goal of this approach is to estimate more accurately, almost to the millimeter, the best projection (midline thickness) of the chin implant, rather than guess and choose between the usual three commercially available but widely variable choices (small, medium and large).

Like in any other chin augmentation procedure, criteria such as orthognatic problems, long face syndrome or orthodontic problems should be considered.

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (6)

A and BPreoperative view of a case falling in between type 2 and type 3. The chin contour has a moderately diagonal element. The patient also has a slightly inadequate lower facial height, but was not interested in osteotomies;B and CPostoperative result 17 months following the use of a 10 mm implant. This size is the second most commonly used implant

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (7)

A and BPreoperative view of a markedly diagonal chin profile type 3;C and DPostoperative result seven months later. A silastic implant with a 12 mm midline thickness was used


The authors express their thanks to Ildico Horvath, medical artist, Montreal General Hospital, for her assistance in preparing the artwork; to Robert Derval, medical photographer, for this photographic contribution; to Barbara Armbruster MA for the editing; to Stephanie Luetticken MBA for organizing the manuscript; and to Derya Atilgan for the typing.


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Articles from The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery are provided here courtesy of Pulsus Group

Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach (2024)


How do I know what size chin implant to get? ›

Typically, convex chin shapes have small (1 to 3mms) horizontal needs, curvilinear chin shapes have medium(4 to 6mms) horizontal needs and flat chin shapes have large (greater than 7mms) horizontal needs. As a general rule remember that men typically prefer more significant changes than almost all females.

How many mm is a small chin implant? ›

Chin implants sizes are not determined by gender. Instead, the size and shape of your implant will depend on your face shape. Thickness varies from 4 mm to 12 mm, and lengths from 4.5 cm to 7 cm.

What is the perfect chin proportion? ›

Conventionally, the ideal chin is thought to be one that extends to just behind a vertical plane dropped from the vermilion border of the lower lip in the profile view (1–3) (Figure 1A). A chin that fails to do so is considered to be deficient, requiring augmentation.

What if my chin implant is too big? ›

If an implant is too big, it can be resized. For implants that are too small, it may necessitate waiting for the chin's initial pocket to heal up before performing a revision surgery with a smaller pocket for the implant. Patients who decide to undergo a chin implant procedure are invested in their appearance.

How do you determine implant size? ›

Your cosmetic surgeon will measure the gap between your breasts, the broadness of your chest, and the width of each of your breasts. The symmetry of your breasts and the amount of tissue that will cover your implant are also important. Your surgeon will determine if the skin on your breasts is loose enough as well.

How do I know what size implants to get? ›

The best way to determine the desired volume for breast augmentation surgery is by speaking in terms of cubic centimeters. This can range from 120 to 850. The patient's body and tissue type should be considered when suggesting the ideal cubic centimeters for surgery.

How far should your chin stick out? ›

Ideally, when viewing your face in profile, the forward-most point of the chin should be on the same vertical plane as the forward-most point of the lower lip. A chin that ends behind this point is considered a recessed or “weak” chin.

Should a chin implant be screwed in? ›

If the silicone implant is not secured, it might move, buckle, or cause bone resorption when it comes into contact with the mandible. However, they can also be removed easily if needed.

What is the smallest ideal implant? ›

FAQs about Breast Implant Sizing
  • The smallest breast implant sizes available are 145cc, which is roughly half a cup size.
  • Although very rare, it's also possible to request an 100cc or 125cc breast implant.
  • Practically speaking, though, the smallest breast implant size that patients usually request is 250cc.
Dec 29, 2021

What is the most desired chin? ›

Square Chin (a.k.a. The Rocker): The square chin is the most desirable chin type among men, with males likely to perceive them as sexy and attractive. Women, however, are more likely to perceive square chins as stubborn or arrogant.

What is the most desirable chin shape? ›

Women prefer a more v-shaped angle while men love a square-shaped jaw. However, this varies from person to person based on their overall facial features, ethnicity and cultural preferences.

What is the most attractive chin shape female? ›

Square chin - Angelina Jolie

This type of chin is also considered to be beautiful and striking. Completely square at the bottom, it suits both sexes. Dr De Silva said: 'This is the Gold Standard of chins and the one I am most often asked to replicate along with the V-shaped chin like Scarlett's.

What happens to chin implants as you age? ›

Are Chin Implants Permanent? While the results of a chin implant are intended to be permanent and, in most cases, never require further surgery, there is a possibility that they could start to look out of harmony over time with age-related bone mass loss, requiring maintenance.

Does a chin implant change the front of your face? ›

A weak or recessed chin affects your overall facial appearance. A chin implant makes your chin more prominent, creating a stronger, squarer chin. Many patients feel their faces look more energetic, youthful, and fit after this procedure.

What is the longevity of a chin implant? ›

Most implants last for a lifetime. Sometimes, implants made from bone or fat tissue that was taken from your body may be reabsorbed. Because you may have some swelling for months, you might not see the final appearance of your chin and jaw for 3 to 4 months.

What size implant is a full B? ›

What size of implant will give me the desired result?
Cup size increaseBreast implants volume
Cup size A to Cup size B250 to 300 cc
Cup size A to Cup size C300 to 350 cc
Cup size A to Cup size D370 to 430 cc
Cup size B to Cup size C250 to 350 cc
7 more rows

What size implant is most common? ›

After surgery, the most common size of breasts is a small to large C cup, with average implants measuring between 350 and 500cc.

What are standard implant sizes? ›

A standard sized dental implant has a diameter of 3.5-4.2 mm. However, some cases may call for the use of mini or wide dental implants. Mini dental implants, also known as narrow dental implants or simply as MDIs, are only about 2 mm to 3.5 mm in diameter.

How do you know if your implants are too big? ›

Women with implants that are too large can experience chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain as well as frequent headaches and posture issues. Other noted effects of choosing implants that are too big include breathing difficulties or shortness of breath, the result of excess weight on the chest.

Do implants look smaller at first? ›

After surgery, the implants tend to ride hide and appear small due to the patient's skin tightness in the area. There is tightness because the implants increase dimension to breast tissue causing the skin to compress the implant's shape and size.

Do implants look bigger at first? ›

Your breast implants may appear to be bigger or fuller once they've dropped to a lower, more natural-looking position on your chest and "fluffed" into a rounder and softer shape. Changes in the size or shape of your new breasts after augmentation can also occur as swelling and tightness subside.

How long does it take to see chin implant results? ›

You will start to see results from your chin augmentation around the 2- to 3-week mark. However, your full results may be obscured due to swelling. It will take around 6 weeks for the swelling to abate enough that you can see the final results of your chin augmentation.

Do chin implants go through mouth or under chin? ›

Once the person is under anesthesia, the surgeon begins by making an incision either in the natural crease line just under the person's chin or inside the mouth where gum and lower lip meet. By gently stretching this tissue, the surgeon creates a space where an implant can be inserted.

What holds a chin implant in place? ›

The implant is placed inside. The surgeon may use real bone or fat tissue, or an implant made out of silicone, Teflon, Dacron, or newer biological inserts. The implant is often attached to the bone with stitches or screws. Sutures are used to close the surgical cut.

Does skin sag after chin implant removal? ›

With the implant removed, the patient's face generally returns to its pre-operative appearance. If the implant that was removed was very large, it is possible that the underlying mandible (lower jaw bone) will be remodeled (flattened or thinned) or the overlying skin stretched and loose.

How long do you have to wear a chin strap after a chin implant? ›

After suture removal, the incision will be taped for the next 2 weeks. If neck liposuction was performed, you will wear a chin strap for the first two weeks after surgery as well. We ask that you wear it pretty much all of the time except for when eating and showering.

Are short implants better than longer implants? ›

Short dental implants have been suggested as an alternative to longer implants if alveolar bone height is insufficient, which would require vertical bone augmentation. The latter is often associated with longer treatment times, greater postoperative morbidity and risk for complications, and increased cost.

What if my implants are too small? ›

If your breasts still look smaller than you expected six months after augmentation, a fat transfer can enhance your breasts while disguising the edges of your implants. During fat transfer, Dr. Parkins will use liposuction to remove unwanted fat from another part of your body, like your belly or thighs.

What is a narrow implant size? ›

Narrow diameter implants (NDI) have diameters between 2.2 mm and 3 mm and often the implant surface is enhanced to help promote integration. NDI's are also referred to as “small-diameter implants” or “SDIs” but are also called “mini dental implants” or “MDIs.”

Is a smaller chin more attractive? ›

It is important to note that studies of female attractiveness consistently report that a small or narrow chin is associated with a more feminine appearance [23], [26], [31], [32].

Which face shape has the strongest jawline? ›

"A strong jawline usually means you have a square or rectangle face shape.

What are the three types of chins? ›

10 Different Types & Shapes of Chin: A Comprehensive List
  • Square Chin.
  • Short and Narrow Chin.
  • Protruding Chin (Jutting)
  • Round Chin (Double Chin)
  • Long Chin.
  • Weak Receding Chin.
  • Cleft Chin.
  • Wide Chin.
Dec 5, 2022

What is a witch's chin? ›

Witch's chin is an unpleasant aesthetic defect characterized by ptosis of premental tissue and a deep submental fold, which may be exaggerated by hyperprojection of the mandible.

Does chin become more prominent with age? ›

The appearance of the face and neck typically changes with age. Loss of muscle tone and thinning skin gives the face a flabby or drooping appearance. In some people, sagging jowls may create the look of a double chin.

What is V shaped chin? ›

V-Shaped face or also known as V-Line face shape refers to a slim and oval face that narrows down to a sharp end at the chin. Nowadays, almost every Asian woman is craving for V-shaped face where it has become a 'necessity' in term of beauty face in every part of Asia.

How do you know if you have a nice chin? ›

When you look from the front, the line from the tip of the chin out to the mandibular angle is strong and smooth. The mandibular angle itself is well-defined, but it does not look bottom-heavy. When you look from the side, the lines from the chin down to the neck are seamless, and there is no fat or double chin.

Which face cut is most attractive? ›

Square and oblong face shapes are often considered quite beautiful and popular because they have a wide jawline which makes the distance between the eyes quite wide. This makes the eye quite prominent and also emphasizes the smile of the person.

Should your chin stick out more than your lips? ›

Ideally this line should be straight, and your chin should project as far forward as your forehead and lips. However, if your chin does not align with your forehead, you have what doctors call a “weak” or receding chin.

Can you tell if someone has a chin implant? ›

Companies typically make the implant of silicone, and it will feel like your natural chin to the touch. Nobody will be able to tell that you had surgery after you've recovered.

What celebrities have chin implants? ›

If you opt for a chin implant, you will be among celebrities like:
  • Marilyn Monroe. Known as one of the most beautiful women, Marilyn's curves were real, but her chin wasn't. ...
  • Bristol Palin. ...
  • Kim Kardashian. ...
  • Renee Zelwegger.
Feb 15, 2015

What are the problems with chin implants? ›

The possible risks of chin surgery include, but are not limited to:
  • Anesthesia risks.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Bleeding.
  • Chin implant displacement.
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications.
  • Fatty cysts.
  • Fatty tissue found deep in the skin might die (fat necrosis)
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)

Why is my smile weird after a chin implant? ›

Normal postoperative swelling and stretching are the most common factors which can possibly affect a smile after chin implant surgery, which normally resolves with time. Generally, the external approach is less likely to impact the smile, but patients may worry about appearance of potential scar.

Does chin implant improve jowls? ›

Chin augmentation can improve the appearance of jowls. If you're hoping to address jowls with an implant, ask for an extended implant, one that will extend outward from the chin along the jawbone. These longer chin implants add depth to the jawline and can camouflage the appearance of early jowls.

Can a chin implant give you a jawline? ›

A chin implant can help enhance a small or receding chin and add definition and contour to your lower face, profile and jawline. Most people get chin implants for cosmetic reasons, but sometimes, the surgery can help reconstruct your face.

What is the disadvantage of chin augmentation? ›

The biggest downsides to a facial chin implant is the recovery period and potential complications. Patients are usually advised to take one or two weeks off from work to allow time for bruising and swelling to subside if it occurs. Complications from the chin implant procedure are exceptionally rare but they can occur.

How big can a chin implant be? ›

Chin implants sizes are not determined by gender. Instead, the size and shape of your implant will depend on your face shape. Thickness varies from 4 mm to 12 mm, and lengths from 4.5 cm to 7 cm.

Am I good candidate for chin implant? ›

The best candidates for chin augmentation (genioplasty) surgery are those with good dentition and normal occlusion; meaning that their upper teeth meet their lower teeth appropriately. Some patients have a weak chin because their jaw sits back too far compared to their mid-face.

How far should my chin stick out? ›

Ideally this line should be straight, and your chin should project as far forward as your forehead and lips. However, if your chin does not align with your forehead, you have what doctors call a “weak” or receding chin.

Do chin implants come in different sizes? ›

Chin implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

What is the best age to get a chin implant? ›

Age 17-18 for a female, age 18-19 for a male. Balancing the chin and the nose is important, and both need to complete their growth.

What is the most desired chin shape? ›

Square Chin (a.k.a. The Rocker): The square chin is the most desirable chin type among men, with males likely to perceive them as sexy and attractive. Women, however, are more likely to perceive square chins as stubborn or arrogant.

What are the cons of a chin implant? ›

The biggest downsides to a facial chin implant is the recovery period and potential complications. Patients are usually advised to take one or two weeks off from work to allow time for bruising and swelling to subside if it occurs. Complications from the chin implant procedure are exceptionally rare but they can occur.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5728

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.