Does Tapping the Top of a Soda Really Preventing Spewing? (2024)

We did the experiments so you didn’t have to get covered in soda. You’re welcome.

By Kimberly Holland Updated June 18, 2019

I was in middle school the first time I saw anyone do it: A friend of mine tapped the top of her soda can with long fingernails. I must have given a quizzical look to witness this unexpected hammering because she looked up at me and said defiantly, “What? You don’t tap your sodas?” She went on to explain that tapping the top of a soda can was a sure-fire way to keep it from exploding on you. Because that was something I’d experienced firsthand more times than I’d like to admit, I was on board. I tapped my soda can. It didn’t explode.

And that’s how I became a tapper.

But a few months ago, when I was instinctively tapping the top of a soda before opening it to release that crisp rush of carbonation, my brother asked why I always did that. I assumed, a product of the same household and hometown as me, he had surely been taught the ways of the tappers, too. It seems he had not, and he thoroughly did not believe a word of my explanation.

I assured him I had tapped the top of many soda and carbonated water cans in my life, and none had exploded.

“Do you think it’s the tapping? Or just that the can wasn’t shaken before you opened it?” he asked.

Not one to appreciate when someone points out where I could be wrong, I defensively said it was most assuredly the pre-opening knocks that were to credit for my long-running success. He, not one to let me win any argument, said he’d take that bet.

I should have known the mess that was coming when a quick internet search revealed multiple methods for “preventing” a soda can from spewing: tapping on the top, tapping on the bottom, tapping on the sides, flipping the can over slowly. But, out of naivety or sheer idiocy, I decided to give this urban legend a go—several times. After all, I needed to prove my brother wrong.

Why do cans overflow in the first place?

To understand why some cans overflow while others don’t, it helps to know exactly what it’s like inside a soda can. The bubbles in soda are made from carbon dioxide (CO₂) gas, and before cans are sealed, they’re pressurized to keep the CO₂ from escaping, leaving you with a flat, lifeless soda. When the top of a soda is opened, air rushes in, and CO₂ rushes out.

When the soda is disturbed, some of those bubbles can attach themselves to the side of the can. Then, when air is introduced and the CO₂ escapes, it may take anything in its path (soda, specifically) with it.

But if you tap the can first, you can move those bubbles from the sides into the center of the can, where it’s more likely to form one big bubble that just harmlessly (or perhaps with a little extra fizz) escapes as soon as the can is popped open.

Can tapping keep sodas from overflowing?

My first experiment was to test opening a can that had been jostled from a soda vending machine. I ordered two. I tapped the first one, but not the second. Neither exploded.

My second experiment was to carry two soda cans in a lunch tote and walk several hundred feet to simulate carrying soda from a desk to a lunch spot at work. I tapped the first one. No explosion. I tapped the second one. A bit of fizz came up, but nothing out of the ordinary.

My third experiment was an all out shake-up. I took two soda cans, gave them each a good five-second shake, then stepped into my shower. (I’ve seen soda explosions before, so I needed a safe space.) I opened the first can (no tapping), and soda flowed out all over my hand. It wasn’t explosive, but clearly the carbonation was disturbed. I tapped the second can and out came more soda.

OK, so maybe I hadn’t tapped hard enough or long enough. I did it again, this time giving five distinct taps to the top of the soda can, in the spot where the ring sits on the mouthpiece. Pop—and nothing. No soda, no spills, no explosions.

I repeated it again. Five seconds of shaking. Five decent taps to the top. Punch open the soda top and … Soda came spilling out but not as freely as before. Was this a failure? Or proof that the technique only works sometimes? It’s the latter it seems.

The bottom line

It turns out, tapping your soda really does have some benefits. When you dislodge those bubbles from the sides of the can and send them floating to the top, you may prevent an explosion. The excess bubbles are released faster, which prevents soda rupture. If you hit it hard enough and just right, you may prevent an explosion.

But that’s not to say it’ll help in every case. There is no way to know if the taps were sufficient to move those bubbles. So one time it might calm the pop, and the next, you might be swimming in sticky stuff.

It’s best if you can let all cans rest for a bit before you open them if you have any doubt that the bubbles have been disturbed. We know it’s tempting to dive right in when you’re thirsty, but no one wants to wear their beverage.

Does Tapping the Top of a Soda Really Preventing Spewing? (2024)


Does Tapping the Top of a Soda Really Preventing Spewing? ›

It turns out, tapping your soda really does have some benefits. When you dislodge those bubbles from the sides of the can and send them floating to the top, you may prevent an explosion. The excess bubbles are released faster, which prevents soda rupture.

Does rotating a can actually work? ›

Rotating the container doesn't always help keep the CO2 inside the can nor make the bubbles fall back into the solution. While turning a can may slightly lower the degree of fizzing, it often does not keep the soda from bubbling over when the seal is opened.

Does twisting a can stop it fizzing? ›

There was expert advice at hand from the forum moderator crnaruka , who explained that tapping the top of the can does almost nothing to prevent the liquid from fizzing, and as a measure it is mostly a myth.

Should you tap a beer can before opening? ›

The tapping should release any bubbles that are stuck to the inside walls of the can. These should then float to the surface and dissipate, making the beer less likely to foam when it is opened.

Why do people tap the top of cans? ›

When it is opened and depressurised, the bubbles swell and rise to the surface, taking precious beer with them. Tapping the can, some proponents say, dislodges bubbles from the sides of the can, making them rise to the top where they won't expel beer when the can is opened.

Is it OK to water down soda? ›

Adding water to a sugary drink dilutes the drink and lowers its calorie content, as long as your portion size remains the same. However, if you dilute your sugary drink but still drink the whole drink, you're not really consuming fewer calories.

How long to wait after shaking soda? ›

In most cases, shaken soda settles if left in the fridge for about half an hour. You can always grab another can while you wait. If it's really shaken up or left out of the fridge then it can take hours to settle.

Are you supposed to shake carbonated drinks? ›

Because shaking the can introduces lots of small bubbles into the liquid, the dissolved gas can more easily vaporize by joining existing bubbles rather than forming new ones. By avoiding the difficult step of bubble formation, the gas can escape more quickly from shaken soda, thus resulting in more fizz.

Does dropping a soda make it flat? ›

Given enough time, most of it will be reabsorbed back into the solution due to the extra pressure in the container. It won't go completely flat assuming the container has a perfect seal.

Does tapping a can before opening stop it fizzing? ›

Tapping the sides of the can before you open it might help to dislodge the bubbles, so the gas is all at the top of the can and there are fewer nucleation sites. But it's only partially effective. Leaving the can to stand for a minute works better.

Does squeezing a pop bottle keep it fizzy? ›

By squeezing the bottle then sealing it, the pressure in the vapour space is reduced. The carbon dioxide dissolved in the drink will come out of solution in order to restore the equilibrium, and the drink will lose its fizz quicker.

How do you open a soda can super loud? ›

Rub the lid of the can using a skinny, blunt object.

Rub the object back and forth quickly on this spot until the lid bursts open while holding the can steady with your other hand. This method often creates a loud pop when successful.

Why do bartenders rinse glasses before pouring beer? ›

Rinsing the glass helps ensure that any stubborn dust etc., still left after cleaning, gets lifted away. Also, if a glass is fresh out of the dishwasher, rinsing helps cool it down. This results in the best temperature for the beer, as well as a more successful pour.

Why do bartenders open beer cans? ›

This is for health and safety reasons. If a bottle is thrown on the ground with the lid still on and someone steps on it, they could cause injury to themselves, but if the lid is removed and a person stands on it the bottle will crush under the weight."

Does tapping the top of a can work? ›

It turns out, tapping your soda really does have some benefits. When you dislodge those bubbles from the sides of the can and send them floating to the top, you may prevent an explosion. The excess bubbles are released faster, which prevents soda rupture.

Why do people tap their drinks on the bar? ›

Some people tap their glass on the bar as a quiet tribute to absent friends and comrades. In Ireland, it was believed that liquor contained spirits that might be harmful if consumed, and tapping the glass dispelled those spirits.

Why do people keep soda can tabs? ›

The funds generated from recycling these aluminum gems help offset the House's expenses. Collecting pop tabs is a great program that benefits the Ronald McDonald House families and is easy to organize.

Why not to crush pop cans? ›

Crushed aluminium cans can confuse the system, as they no longer have their original shape. This leads to them being sent straight to the non-recyclable pile, or improperly sorted as paper or plastic; this can contaminate the entire batch of recyclables and send the whole lot to landfill.

Why does ice make soda taste better? ›

What is this? Also, more ice can dilute the flavor and make it taste better. Sometimes, soda may have too much syrup and sugar. If you want a more reasonable amount of sweetness, diluting it with ice can help improve the taste.

Is it better to drink soda or nothing? ›

Well, no. Water, low- or no-calorie drinks, teas, even iced coffees with no sweetener or milk are much preferred over soda. But if soda is all you have and you feel yourself getting really thirsty, go ahead and have some. Hydrating yourself, when you're starting to feel the effects of dehydration, is most important.

What is healthier water or soda? ›

Water has no calories, so it can also help with managing body weight and reducing calorie intake when substituted for drinks with calories, such as sweet tea or regular soda.

What happens one hour after drinking soda? ›

An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing irritability and drowsiness. The body will have cleared the water from the cola, along with vital nutrients, in the urine. According to Naik, the infographic applies not only to Coca-Cola but to all caffeinated fizzy drinks.

What should I drink after drinking soda? ›

Sip water while eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages. Rinsing your mouth with water can be a very effective way of neutralizing acid.

How long does soda stay in your stomach? ›

Liquids leave the stomach faster because there is less to break down: Plain water: 10 to 20 minutes. Simple liquids (clear juices, tea, sodas): 20 to 40 minutes. Complex liquids (smoothies, protein shakes, bone broths): 40 to 60 minutes.

Which soft drink spews the most when shaken? ›

The orange soda spew the most.
The only google chrome,,and
  • Gather materials.
  • Find a place with a flat enough surface.
  • Shake the first, second, and last can approximely 28 times n them immedialy.

Why does soda spew when shaken? ›

The shaking creates little whirlpools in the bottle. The pressure towards the center of the soda whirlpools is smaller than the surrounding soda pressure, so bubbles can develop and, when the pressure drops upon uncapping, bubbles will preferentially form in the whirlpool eddies.

Why stir instead of shake? ›

Why stir then? Stirring merely chills and dilutes a co*cktail whereas shaking additionally changes its texture. The ice, being violently shaken about inside the shaker, also aerates the drink with tiny air bubbles, which are held in suspension in the liquid, giving the co*cktail a cloudy appearance.

Does ice remove fizz? ›

It kills the extra fizz

Water freezes around air bubbles, which leads to cloudy ice cubes. This means that the cubes coming out of your freezer hold extra oxygen. When a carbonated drink hits the ice, it reacts with the gases in the soda and causes an explosion of extra fizz.

Why is flat soda good for an upset stomach? ›

The quick and popular remedy — usually in the form of cola, ginger ale or clear sodas — is said to help settle the stomach with its slight fizz and replenish fluids and glucose lost by vomiting and diarrhea.

Why are some sodas fizzier than others? ›

When soda is cold, the carbon dioxide molecules have less energy to escape, and cold soda can hold more CO2. That's why soda that you buy cold will be fizzier than soda that's been sitting unrefrigerated on the store's shelves.

Why is my soda still fizzing after opening? ›

When the pressure is released by opening the soda container, the liquid cannot hold as much carbon dioxide, so the excess bubbles out of the solution. If the soda is left open, additional carbon dioxide will slowly escape into the air. Under warm conditions, the carbon dioxide leaves the solution faster.

Why does tapping a beer make it overflow? ›

A hit on the top of a bottle sends waves through the beer. The bubbles inside shrink and expand as the waves pass through them. Eventually, they collapse. At some point, the bubbles just can't take the compression anymore.

Why does pouring co*ke over ice make it flat? ›

This is because clear ice is free of air pockets, which creates a smoother surface with fewer crevices for bubbles to form. Cloudy ice riddled with trapped air causes excessive fizziness the moment seltzer or soda hits it—and when that foam recedes, you're left with a flat drink.

Why do you tilt the glass to pour soda? ›

When pouring soda, or any beverage with dissolved gas, tilting the glass allows for less agitation. Less agitation means that less CO2 will come out of solution—the rate at which the CO2 is coming out of solution is lower when poured down the side of a tilted glass.

How to make a soda can slushies? ›

Once co*ke in the ice cube tray or dish has frozen, transfer frozen co*ke to your blender. Then pour in 1.5 cups {or one 12 oz. can} of chilled co*ke from the refrigerator to blender + 8 ice cubes. Blend until well combined, and transfer to Cute Mason Jars, and serve with a spoon or straw!

Why does Sprite go flat so fast? ›

Sodas go flat when the 'sparkle' gas carbon dioxide - which dissolves in the beverage under pressure can escape! The gas is retained under pressure in sealed packaging e.g. can, PET or glass bottle - but if left unsealed or in an open glass the gas able to escape - back into the atmosphere.

Does squeezing a 2 liter make it last longer? ›

Squeeze the Life Out of It

It may not be the prettiet method, but it definitely does the trick. After you pour some soda (maybe around 60 percent) out of the bottle you can squeeze the bottle to remove as much excess air as you can.

Does tapping on a can decrease pressure? ›

But if you're too thirsty to wait, tapping gently on the can and then slowly popping the top (so the drop in pressure is less sudden) will certainly decrease your chances of getting drenched.

Is flat soda bad for you? ›

According to Harvard Health, and other health institutions, most women should consume no more than six teaspoons, and most men should consume no more than nine teaspoons. Flat soda has just as much sugar or artificial sweetener as soda with carbonation.

Does a soda go flat quicker in the fridge or sitting out? ›

They go flat faster at room temperature. The carbonic acid reacts more vigorously at higher temperatures, making more fizz pressure, so the total fizz goes faster. In short, the higher the temperature the less gas tends to be dissolves in a liquid solution, the faster it becomes flat.

How much PSI does opening a soda can take? ›

Carbonated soft drinks typically have pressures from 30 to 50 psi. The actual pressure for a specific container/content combination can vary based on temperature, altitude and shaking.

Is there a way to keep soda from going flat? ›

Solution: The key to keeping carbonated beverages from going flat is to minimize their exposure to air. "Air is the enemy," says Mike Redman, vice president of scientific, technical and regulatory affairs for the American Beverage Association. "As soon as you pour the product, be sure to seal it" with a lid.

What is the best cleaner for soda spill? ›

Pour a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent and 1/2 cup cold water onto the soft drink stain and blot up the stained area again using another clean, dry cloth. Allow the area to dry thoroughly. The enzymes found in heavy-duty laundry detergent are the main components that clean the mess.

Why does soda overflow? ›

Soda water, like other carbonated beverages, contains carbon dioxide that has dissolved under pressure. When the pressure is released by opening the soda container, the liquid cannot hold as much carbon dioxide, so the excess bubbles out of the solution.

Why does soda overflow when shaken? ›

Because shaking the can introduces lots of small bubbles into the liquid, the dissolved gas can more easily vaporize by joining existing bubbles rather than forming new ones. By avoiding the difficult step of bubble formation, the gas can escape more quickly from shaken soda, thus resulting in more fizz.

Does ice make soda flat? ›

Cloudy ice riddled with trapped air causes excessive fizziness the moment seltzer or soda hits it—and when that foam recedes, you're left with a flat drink. (Drinking a soda with no ice at all helps preserve your drink's fizziness, but remember to stick it in the fridge for a few hours before cracking it open.)

Does cold make soda flat? ›

"The gas essentially has more of a push to escape at the lower solubility, so it escapes faster and the co*ke goes flat more quickly," McKinley explains. "But even if cold, the co*ke will still go flat. It will just take longer."

Does squeezing a 2 liter keep it fresh? ›

Squeeze the Life Out of It

It may not be the prettiet method, but it definitely does the trick. After you pour some soda (maybe around 60 percent) out of the bottle you can squeeze the bottle to remove as much excess air as you can.

What gets soda off floor? ›

You could try using water, vinegar and baking soda in combination. In a bowl with baking soda, you have to had water and make a smooth paste out of it. You must then apply it using a dry sponge. Dry water spray bottle with vinegar could be used and the same could be sprayed on the area.

Does baking soda dry up spills? ›

Baking soda not only absorbs moisture but also absorbs unpleasant odors. Baking soda cakes up as it absorbs moisture, making it simple to remove after the fact — just run over your carpet with a vacuum once it's dry and you're done.

Should you tap the can before opening it? ›

Tapping dislodges the tiny bubbles from the walls of the can, and causes them to rise to the top. Then, when the can is opened, all the fizz will be formed near the top and less fluid will be displaced.

Why shouldn't you shake soda? ›

If you shake a can of soda, you end up with tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas that stick to the inside surface of the can.

Can you drink a soda that is bulging? ›

As long as the can is in good shape, the contents should be safe to eat. NEVER USE food from cans that are leaking, bulging, or badly dented; cracked jars or jars with loose or bulging lids; canned food with a foul odor; or any container that spurts liquid when opening. Such cans could contain Clostridium botulinum.

Why do you tilt glass when pouring soda? ›

When pouring soda, or any beverage with dissolved gas, tilting the glass allows for less agitation. Less agitation means that less CO2 will come out of solution—the rate at which the CO2 is coming out of solution is lower when poured down the side of a tilted glass.

Does shaking open soda make it flat? ›

Shaking a soda can or bottle will make the soda go flat more quickly by helping the carbon dioxide within it escape. Shaking mixes air in the empty space of the bottle or can with the rest of the liquid, resulting in bubbles.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.