Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (2024)

87% of companies face skills gaps today or will in the next few years.ⁱ Chegg Skills helps your company grow your talent, led by industry experts and powered by AI.

  • Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (1)

    Solve critical skills gaps
  • Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (2)

    Boost employee retention and productivity
  • Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (3)

    Leverage AI and tech skills to grow your business
  • Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (4)

    Lower costs and raise ROI of learning programs

Let's level up your team's skills

We partner with forward-thinking companies to upskill and reskill their teams.

Solve critical talent challenges

Chegg Skills helps companies build the teams they need with the talent they have.

Whether you’re upskilling analysts or developers, equipping your frontline with power skills and digital foundations, or embracing the transition to AI, you can count on us to prepare your people with the right skills for what’s next.

Designed by in-house instructional design experts, our learning programs surface talent and build durable skills so your workforce stays ahead of the rapidly changing technology.

Let’s discuss your talent and learning goals today.

Book an intro call

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (5)
Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (6)

Bring your team up to speed on AI

As AI rapidly advances, companies have an opportunity to unlock value.Early studiesshow generative AI can boost productivity up to +14% for employees fielding customer service requests, +59% writing business documents, and +126% coding software projects.

Chegg Skills offers entry-level and in-depthAI training programsthat help your company leverage AI tools responsibly, develop AI & data-driven power skills, and map your AI learning strategy.

It’s time to get ahead with AI, let's chat.

Top-rated skills courses designed by industry experts

With online skills programs recognized by Forbes, Chegg Skills cultivates real-world, applied learning experiences that promote mastery across a wide range of skilled fields.

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (11)
Technology & Data
  • Web Development

  • UX/UIDesign

  • Cybersecurity

  • Information Technology (IT)

  • Data Analytics

  • Data Science

  • Data Engineering

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (12)
AI Skills
  • Applying AI for Business Professionals

  • AI Prompt Engineering

  • AI for Customer Service

  • AI for Cybersecurity

  • AI for Data Analytics

  • AI for Web Design

  • AI for Web Development

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (13)
Business & Power Skills
  • Technology Fundamentals

  • Frontline Management

  • Digital Marketing

  • Technical Project Management

  • Financial Analysis

  • Sales Development

  • Language Learning (powered by Busuu)

Companies that partner with us get results

We publish our outcomes annually to provide transparent data for companies and learners. Read our latest Chegg Skills for Business: 2023 Impact Report.1

Closing Skills Gaps

71% of our grads said their program prepared them well to work in the new field in which they trained; 76% reported higher earnings six months or more after completion.

Benefitting Diverse Learners

63% of our learners last year identified as people of color; 28% are first- generation students—and all can expect similar, strong career benefits from Chegg Skills programs.

Delivering ROI for Teams

Our analysis found that employers realized approximately $2.03 in cost savings and financial benefits for every $1 invested for Chegg Skills grads on average.

Career outcome stories

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (14)

Simone S, Chegg Skills Grad

Current Job: Data Analyst, Retail

Chegg Skills was the first data science program I enjoyed and understood. Since graduating, I've been able to apply my newly learned skills and provide additional value to projects at work.

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Let's discuss your team's skills strategy

Book an intro call

Chegg Skills | Skills Solutions for the Modern Workforce (2024)
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Article information

Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6298

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.