Can Birds Eat Peanut Butter? (2024)

Our bird experts explain if peanut butter is safe for birds and what kind of peanut butter to offer at bird feeders. Plus learn the birds that eat peanut butter.

Can Birds Eat Peanut Butter? (1)Courtesy Mitchel Dickinson

Is Peanut Butter Safe for Birds to Eat?

“What type of peanut butter should I feed to birds?” asks Beth Mucci of Swanzey, New Hampshire.

Peanut butter is a good high-protein food for birds, and they can eat any of the same types humans do. If you’re buying it specifically for birds, look for natural or organic types with the fewest additives. Try offering crunchy peanut butter for an extra nutty treat. It’s best to avoid low-fat varieties, which may not have as much nutritional value for the birds.

If you offer peanut butter stuffed into holes in a log-type feeder, be sure to clean it out thoroughly before refilling it so mold won’t grow on the remains of older contents. Learn how to clean bird feeders.

Can Birds Eat Peanut Butter? (2)baibaz/Shutterstock

Did you know it’s a myth that birds will choke on peanut butter? Go ahead and keep it in your homemade suet mix. You can also smear peanut butter on tree bark, or slather pine cones in peanut butter and dip them in bird seed. Woodpeckers, nuthatches and blue jays love to eat peanut butter.

Next, check out 10 foods you aren’t feeding birds yet.

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Can Birds Eat Peanut Butter? (2024)


Can you make bird food with peanut butter? ›

Cover a piece of cardboard or pinecone with peanut butter and roll in birdseed. hardened mix of fats, which birds eat to stay warm. In winter, suet is a valuable bird food.

Can I mix bird seed with peanut butter? ›

The treats made of natural peanut butter, bird seed, nuts, and dried fruit, are a great addition to your regular bird seed - and your backyard critters are sure to love them. They're easy and quick to make, and good for the birds.

Can birds eat Cheerios? ›

Birds can eat Cheerios and often love to do so. But that does not mean that they are the healthiest choice for birds (or even for us!). Their high sugar content and salt content mean that they are not the best option if you are looking for foods to share with the birds.

What can I use instead of peanut butter for bird feeders? ›

If your child is allergic to peanut butter or you do not have peanut butter, make the feeder as directed above, but with the following substitutes:
  • Suet or lard, softened.
  • Vegetable shortening, such as Crisco.
  • Sunflower seed butter, such as SunButter.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Other nut butter, such as almond butter.
Jan 18, 2020

Can you feed birds crackers? ›

Please don't give wild birds bread, crackers or other human snack foods. Bread has zero nutrition for wild birds. In fact, bread, crackers, chips and other human snacks are, in some ways, WORSE than feeding birds absolutely nothing.

Can you mix oatmeal and peanut butter for birds? ›

For birds, oatmeal is easy to eat and packed with essential nutrients to survive, especially during the winter. The snack is even better when combined with fat such as peanut butter or suet!

How do birds know when food is put out? ›

DEAR SHERRY: Some bird species have a terrific sense of smell, but most birds rely on their vision. They sit in trees or fly overhead, looking for sources of food. A shift in light or a movement can attract their attention and if they recognize it as food, they sweep in.

Can birds eat oats? ›

Any dry breakfast cereal makes for useful bird food, although you need to be careful only to put out small amounts at a time. And make sure there's a supply of drinking water nearby, since it quickly turns into pulp once wet. Uncooked porridge oats are also fine for a number of birds.

Can you mix bacon grease with bird seed? ›

While lard is a safe alternative to rendered suet, avoid using bacon drippings. The chemical preservatives in commercial bacon become more concentrated once cooked. While this doesn't pose a health threat to humans, it can be harmful to birds.

Do hummingbirds like peanut butter? ›

No, you should not feed peanut butter to hummingbirds. Peanut butter is a high-fat, high-calorie food, and it is not the appropriate food for hummingbirds. Hummingbirds need a special diet of insects and nectar and feeding them peanut butter would be detrimental to their health.

Can birds eat bacon grease? ›

Bacon drippings are animal fat just like suet, and many birds will eat it.

Will birds eat saltine crackers? ›

Even one salty chip or pretzel can upset the electrolyte and fluid balance in a bird's tiny body, leading to excessive thirst, dehydration, kidney failure, and death. So, the next time you want to offer your bird a salty treat, choose a bite or two of unsalted popcorn or pretzels or a low-salt cracker, instead.

What can birds not drink? ›

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soda are tempting to share with your bird, but even a few sips of these beverages can be extremely hazardous to your feathered pal. Caffeine may cause increased heart rate, arrhythmias, hyperactivity and even cardiac arrest in birds.

Can birds eat popcorn? ›

It's also perfectly safe to feed popped popcorn to your backyard birds. However, you must ensure that you don't add any salt, flavorings, oil or butter to the popcorn. If you want to pop some corn for the local birds, do so in an air popper instead.

How do you toilet roll a bird feeder without peanut butter? ›

Use a butter knife or spatula to cover your roll in lard or suet, vegetarian varieties are good too. Roll the tube in bird seed so that the seed sticks to the lard. Finally, carefully thread the sticks through to make a cross shape, and thread a piece of string through the two top holes.

What is the best thing to put in a bird feeder? ›

Black oil sunflower seed appeals to the greatest number of birds. Offer sunflower seeds, nyjer (thistle) seeds, and peanuts in separate feeders. When using blends, choose mixtures containing sunflower seeds, millet, and cracked corn—the three most popular types of birdseed.

Can you feed peanut butter to squirrels? ›

Other favorites aren't exactly natural, but the squirrels love them anyway. These additional foods include peanuts, peanut butter, pecans, pistachios, grapes, corn, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, carrots, apples, sunflower seeds and even snack items, such as Oreo® cookies.

Can birds eat scrambled eggs? ›

Can Birds Eat Scrambled Eggs? Leftover scrambled eggs can also be left out as an occasional healthy treat for birds. However, it is important not to offer eggs that have been salted, seasoned, or have other ingredients.

Are Ritz crackers OK for birds? ›

Ritz Crackers: These crackers are made with white flour and are very high in sodium. They should not be given to birds as they can be harmful to their health.

Can birds eat marshmallows? ›

A marshmallow is typically made from sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin. Individually, those are all ingredients that a bird can technically have safely. You will find them in both commercial bird foods and DIY bird food recipes.

Can birds eat bananas? ›

Birds go bananas for bananas! First, remove the peel and cut each banana in half lengthwise. Then, you can set the fruit on a tree stump or skewer it on a hook. Another idea is to put a few chunks in a mesh bag and watch hummingbirds dart around to eat the fruit flies that gather.

Can birds eat raisins? ›

In general, however, most birds can eat raisins safely. Raisins are a good source of natural sugar and nutrients, and they can be a healthy treat for your feathered friends. Just be sure to offer them in moderation, as too many raisins can cause digestive issues.

Can birds have honey? ›

Risk of Botulism and Other Pathogens

Even the best quality honey can harbor bacteria and mold that can be fatal to backyard birds, causing botulism and other serious health problems. It is not the honey itself, per se, but rather the risk from the microorganisms raw honey contains that can be dangerous to garden birds.

Do wild birds recognize humans who feed them? ›

Although many wild birds have been documented, both scientifically and anecdotally, to recognize humans, certain birds are more known for it. Crows, magpies, pigeons, robins, mockingbirds, and jackdaws have some of the most well-documented cases of facial recognition.

What do birds do when raining? ›

When bad weather hits, birds generally seek shelter from wind and rain in dense shrubs or thickets, next to heavy tree trunks, and on the downwind side of woods and forests. Cavity-nesting birds hunker down in nest boxes and natural cavities to ride out storms.

How soon after eating do birds poop? ›

Within seconds of feeding, baby robins back up and poop. This ensures that whichever parent brought the food will still be there to carry away the fecal sac.

Can birds eat cheese? ›

Cheese: Stale, hard bits of cheese will readily be eaten by birds. Mild flavors such as American or mild cheddar are most suitable, but soft cheeses such as cream cheese are not. No moldy or rancid cheese should be offered to birds at any time.

Do birds like Rice Krispies? ›

They love it,” she said. “I occasionally give them small amounts of various dry cereals like Cheerios, Rice Krispies and Raisin Bran as treats.”

Can birds eat uncooked rice? ›

Lots of birds eat uncooked rice in the wild. Bobolinks, sometimes called rice birds, are a good example. While rice is okay for birds, many wedding parties now throw birdseed instead.

Can birds eat hamburger grease? ›

Leftover cooking fat can damage the feathers of garden birds, RSPB warns. The RSPB is reminding Christmas dinner chefs not to put the cooking fat from their festive roast out for garden birds as the greasy mixture can damage their feathers.

Can you feed birds rolled oats soaked in fat? ›

Birds love energy-rich fat balls, which give them all the calories they need to get through cold winter days and nights. You can buy them in the shops but they're easy to make at home. Simply mix kitchen scraps such as cheese, cake crumbs and dry porridge oats with melted lard or suet, and set in the fridge overnight.

Why should you fry your eggs in bacon grease? ›

The bacon fat perfectly topped the eggs with a bit of saltiness enhanced by the taste of micro pieces of burnt bacon. Yum. So the next time you're making breakfast, remember to put that bacon grease to good use and fry your eggs with it! It's the perfect ingredient for versatility and flavor.

What should you not give hummingbirds? ›

Never use honey, corn syrup or raw, unprocessed sugars. Powdered sugar (also called confectioners' sugar) often contains additional ingredients, such as cornstarch. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in creating hummingbird food.

Why do you have to boil sugar water for hummingbirds? ›

Boiling removes impurities from the water, thus making it safer for hummingbirds. Boiling sterilizes the water and minimizes contamination so it will not ferment as quickly. Boiling makes it easier for sugar to dissolve so that nectar can be made more quickly.

What is the number one predator of hummingbirds? ›

Cats, both domestic and feral, are probably the most common predators of non-nested hummingbirds. Reports to the Society come in regularly, for example, of people whose cats carry a hummingbird in their mouth--sometimes dead, sometimes not.

Can birds eat uncooked oatmeal? ›

Are Oats Safe for Birds? In general, yes. Raw porridge oats are safe for species of birds. In most situations, uncooked porridge oats are a delicious treat that many birds enjoy.

Do birds eat fried egg? ›

It might seem strange to feed them eggs, but cooked eggs are a highly nutritious and wholesome meal for many wild birds. They also love crushed eggshells, so you could even cook and crush up your boiled egg leftovers to feed to the garden birds!

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Avoid any foods that are high in salt such as cooked and processed meats, crisps, chips, and salted nuts and seeds, and don't add salt to bird baths to keep the water free from ice in winter.

What birds are attracted to peanut butter suet? ›

Suet is particularly attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings. Wrens, creepers, kinglets, and even cardinals and some warblers occasionally visit suet feeders. Animal fat is easily digested and metabolized by many birds; it's a high-energy food, especially valuable in cold weather.

How do you make homemade bird feed? ›

The recipe
  1. ⅓ cup sunflower seeds.
  2. ⅓ cup nyjer seeds.
  3. ⅓ cup grated cheese.
  4. ½ cup dried fruit, soaked overnight.
  5. ½ cup unsalted peanuts.
  6. 1 cup lard or beef suet.
  7. Hanging bird feeder(s) suitable for fat balls.

What can I use to stick bird seed together? ›

But how do you get bird seed to stick together? All it takes is one simple step: simmer water and a little gelatin and you have a natural “glue” that will hold the ornaments in shape.

Can birds eat bacon? ›

The chemical preservatives in commercial bacon become more concentrated once cooked. While this doesn't pose a health threat to humans, it can be harmful to birds. Bread and table scraps should be avoided, too.

What time is best to feed birds? ›

Typically birds like to eat early in the morning so that is when they will be looking for food. Your bird feeder should be full at dawn so the birds will find it first thing when they are searching. If you don't want to get up before dawn to fill your bird feeder you can fill it the night before.

What can I feed birds if I don't have bird food? ›

Other bird seed alternatives to offer to birds include fruit and vegetable seeds, dried fruits, peanut butter and/or jelly, apples, pears, nuts, and unbuttered popcorn.

What is the cheapest way to feed the birds? ›

Try a Variety of Bird Feed

Cracked corn is available in large bags at your local feed store. Another inexpensive bird food is chicken scratch. A variety of small birds love it, and it's such a bargain. Check out your local feed stores, they are in general cheaper than pet stores.

Can you just put birdseed on the ground? ›

u The most common and simplest way to feed ground feeding birds is to simply toss some ground feeding mix (plenty of millet) out onto the ground. Toss it where you can easily see the birds. In the winter, it's helpful to toss seed onto a cleared patio or cleared spot in your yard.

When should you not put out bird seed? ›

Most birds don't need your help in the summer. When they are nesting and rearing their young, many birds focus on eating insects, so feeding is less necessary at those times. It is also important for young birds to learn how to find naturally occurring foods, so take a break from filling feeders in summer.

Is Karo syrup safe for birds? ›

While many people enjoy the sweet taste of corn syrup, it is not necessarily good for birds. In fact, corn syrup can be very harmful to birds, due to its high sugar content. When consumed in large quantities, sugar can cause liver and kidney damage, as well as problems with digestion.

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.