Brand Personality: Definition, Examples, and How to Define Yours - The Branding Journal (2024)

Humble. Jubilant. Serious. Charming. Provocative. They might be words that we usually use to describe a person’s personality traits, but can also readily apply to brand personalities.

Our personality determines whether we charm or irritate people, inspire them or send them running for the hills, or beyond! A brand personality is no different. A strong, well-defined personality humanizes a brand, making it both distinctly different and relatable in today’s cluttered marketplace.

Table of Contents

What is brand personality?

Simply put, brand personality is the way a brand is personified; the sum of its emotional, psychological and behavioral patterns that remain unique over the course of its lifespan[1]. They are the human characteristics and traits that consumers relate to.

According to branding expert Jean-Noël Kapferer, “brand personality fulfills a psychological function. It allows consumers to either identify with it or project themselves into it. Brand personality is also the main source of tone and style of advertising[2].”

A brand’s personality is an element of the brand identity. It can be expressed through its tone of voice, communication style, and behaviors, while actively cultivating consumers’ perception through its in-market communications.

Why is brand personality important?

We live in a world where brands clamber over each other to resonate authentically with audiences, almost anywhere you look! Therefore, having an easily distinguished and attractive brand personality is vital to keeping a brand’s DNA healthy.

Providing a brand with specific character traits will make it more human. Consumers will feel concerned by its behavior and values. They will feel like they are talking to one person, which will generate attachment to the brand.

A well-executed brand personality helps to build a brand’s equity, distinguishing a business or organization from its competition while maintaining (or cultivating) an edge in the marketplace.

The Aaker Model: Brand personality dimensions

The Brand Personality Framework was developed by Stanford marketing and brand expert Jennifer L. Aaker. In a seminal article published in the 1997 Journal of Marketing Research, she provides a structure for thinking conceptually about brand personality through a five-dimensional model[3]. These dimensions are:

  • Sincerity: this personality type tends to be ethical, trustworthy, and down-to-earth, such as Patagonia
  • Excitement: these brands are often bold, creative, and spirited, like Red Bull or Tesla.
  • Competence: brands that fall into this personality type are intelligent and reliable. Think Volvo or Microsoft.
  • Sophistication: these brands, like Chanel or Apple, are often upper-class, glamorous, and charming.
  • Ruggedness: rugged brands like Harley-Davidson and Land Rover tend to be outdoorsy and tough

A brand’s personality features further define each dimension with more nuance, and it is this resulting mix of traits that distinguishes and identifies a brand.

When determining where your brand fits on the brand personality spectrum, the goal is to discover the personality traits and characteristics that are aligned with your brand’s positioning, purpose, and values.

How does a brand personality come to life?

A brand’s place in the world, much like a human being’s, is largely dictated by its personality. A brand’s personality mainly comes to life through (1) its visual and sensory identity, (2) its communication style and tone of voice, and (3) how it acts.

  • Brand personality is represented through its visual and sensory identity
    Logo, brand colors, typography, imagery, and other visual elements like illustration or photography styles. A strong personality has an instantly recognizable look. What color do you associate with Coca-Cola, for example? The correct answer is, of course, red.
    The personality of a brand can also be perceived via other senses. For example, the glamorous personality trait of the brand might come to life via an olfactive experience (such as feminine and sophisticated in-store fragrance).
  • Brand personality is expressed through its communication style and tone of voice
    This is how a brand sounds, whether through written or sound-based communications. A brand’s voice, tone, tenor, and temperament are all defined by its core personality characteristics.
  • Brand personality is exemplified in the way a brand acts
    The brand personality identity should be evident in the way a brand acts in relation to its place within the world. This is how brands build meaningful connections with their consumers and clients.

Examples of brand personalities in the real world

Case study 1: Nike

Brand personality: Excitement

If we use the Aaker model to look more closely at sports brand Nike’s personality, we can very quickly identify that it has a character filled with excitement.

Nike’s personality exudes excitement and enthusiasm from its artfully-named “Swoosh” logo and now-legendary “Just Do It” tagline, right through to its product design and color choices. Nike seeks to attract like-minded consumers who aspire to a high-spirited and daring way of life. It’s about so much more than product features and benefits!

In a Harvard Business Review article, Nike’s CEO, Phil Knight says, “Our advertising tries to link consumers to the Nike brand through the emotions of sports and fitness. We show competition, determination, achievement, fun, and even the spiritual rewards of participating in those activities.”[4]

Case study 2: Apple

Brand personality: Sophistication

Looking at tech-giant Apple, we can see that modern brand personalities can be composites of the five dimensions provided by the Aaker model. Apple is all-at-once reliable, exciting, competent, and sophisticated.

However, if we were to choose one definitive personality trait, we’d likely choose sophistication.

From its sleek and often-replicated product design to its premium price point, the way the brand presents itself and is perceived by consumers has guaranteed Apple a fierce customer loyalty rate of 90% for the past three years[5].

Case study 3: Starbucks

Brand personality: Competence

Similarly, we can see several of Aaker’s dimensions coming together to create the brand’s overall personality with Starbucks’.

There’s an element of middle-upper class sophistication associated with Starbucks. Whether you’re a busy parent, a student, or a businessperson, Starbucks is the reliable answer to your “Where can I get a cup of coffee in a comfortable and inspiring environment?” question. For this reason, we can surmise that Starbucks best demonstrates the competent personality dimension. The brand also presents itself as a community pillar; its mission statement proudly states they’re in business “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”[6]

How to create a brand personality?

Creating a personality is an essential step in the brand development process and should be considered at a strategic level along with core elements like a mission statement, purpose, etc. So, how do you get started?

The most important thing is to ensure that your brand’s personality reflects your audience or consumers’ personality and motivations.

To start defining a personality for your brand, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • If the brand were a person, what would it be like?
  • How would it think, feel, and behave?
  • What would be its main personality traits? You can get some inspiration from the list below. Our recommendation is to choose a list of maximum 3-5 adjectives, to keep it simple and straightforward.

Accessible, Activist, Agitated, Analytical, Atypical, Benevolent, Bold, Brave, Calm, Challenging, Charismatic, Cautious, Classic, Cold, Compassionate, Compliant, Constant, Creative, Decisive, Detached, Driver, Elegant, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Extrovert, Fair, Firm, Flexible, Free-thinking, Friendly, Generous, Genuine, Hard-working, Helpful, Humble, Imaginative, Improviser, Impulsive, Inoffensive, Insightful, Introvert, Inventive, Laid-back, Logical, Loyal, Mature, Methodical, Modest, Neutral, Observant, Open-minded, Passionate, Patient, Peaceful, Persuasive, Planner, Playful, Positive, Practical, Protective, Prudent, Rational, Rebellious, Reserved, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Romantic, Sage, Self-critical, Sensitive, Sentimental, Serious, Sexy, Social, Solitary, Sophisticated, Spontaneous, Strong, Studious, Subtle, Sweet, Supporter, Teacherly, Trusting, Understanding, Warm, Wise, Youthful.

  • Under which brand personality dimension would the brand fall? If you choose to use Jennifer Aaker’s five dimensions of brand personality model (see above), you should select the dimensions that you trust would appeal to your target customer the most. It is possible to use only one dimension or a combination of two or three dimensions.
  • What type of relationship/interactions would it have with its different audiences? For example, if a customer would start a relationship with the brand, what sort of person would the brand be (e.g.: a good friend, a role model, an expert advisor, a teacher, a sibling/parent)?

Remember, your brand personality should be linked to the business’s objectives and broader brand strategy. There’s no point in having a personality just to have one! Instead, create authentic and natural links between the way you talk and why you’re in business.

Think about how you’ll align your brand’s personality with its overall identity, actions, tone of voice and communication style. These are the ways your brand will be brought to life, so it’s important to start imagining and creating examples of how the brand’s personality will be expressed – think website, business cards, social media posts, events and email templates; basically every brand touchpoint you can think of!


A strong, well-defined, attractive brand personality is vital to cultivating a lasting relationship between an organization and its audience.

As human beings, we tend to gravitate towards brands that represent our ideals in the world, and represent them in. We look to brands to help define us, whether through the clothes we wear, the technology we use, or the food we consume. A personality helps make it easier for brands to negotiate the purchase decision.

We’ve looked at the Aaker framework, and how that can make it easier for us as marketers to define brand personalities. We’ve also offered three unique case studies that demonstrate the value of the brand personality model (Nike) but also hint at some of its limitations (Apple, Starbucks); perhaps the result of 25 years passing since it was published.

By harnessing a unique set of personality traits, a brand can project itself beyond its products’ mere features and benefits into a far deeper and more meaningful relationship with its customers.

  • [1] Lischer, B. The Psychology of Brand Personality
  • [2] Kapferer, J. The New Strategic Brand Management (2012).
  • [3] Aaker, J. The Brand Personality Framework.
  • [4] Harvard Business Review. Willigan, G. High-Performance Marketing: An Interview with Nike’s Phil Knight.
  • [5] A study finds that Apple has the most loyal smartphone customers in the US.,from%20a%20previous%20iPhone%20model.
  • [6] Starbucks Mission Statement.

I'm a seasoned expert in brand strategy and marketing, with a wealth of experience in understanding and implementing brand personalities. Over the years, I've worked with various brands across industries, helping them define and express their unique personalities to resonate with their target audiences. My knowledge is deeply rooted in both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, allowing me to navigate the complex landscape of brand development.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

1. Brand Personality Definition:

  • Brand personality is the personification of a brand, encompassing emotional, psychological, and behavioral traits that remain consistent over its lifespan.
  • Consumers relate to a brand's human characteristics and traits.

2. Importance of Brand Personality:

  • A distinctive and attractive brand personality is crucial in today's competitive market.
  • Humanizes the brand, fostering a connection with consumers.
  • Builds brand equity, setting a business apart from competitors.

3. Aaker Model: Brand Personality Dimensions:

  • Developed by Jennifer L. Aaker, the model includes five dimensions:
    1. Sincerity: Ethical and trustworthy (e.g., Patagonia).
    2. Excitement: Bold and creative (e.g., Red Bull, Tesla).
    3. Competence: Intelligent and reliable (e.g., Volvo, Microsoft).
    4. Sophistication: Upper-class, glamorous (e.g., Chanel, Apple).
    5. Ruggedness: Outdoorsy and tough (e.g., Harley-Davidson, Land Rover).

4. Brand Personality Expression:

  • Brand personality comes to life through:
    1. Visual and Sensory Identity: Logo, colors, typography, imagery.
    2. Communication Style and Tone of Voice: Defines how the brand sounds.
    3. Behavior: Actions and interactions with the world.

5. Examples of Brand Personalities:

  • Nike (Excitement): Projects excitement and enthusiasm through its "Just Do It" ethos and dynamic branding.
  • Apple (Sophistication): Exhibits sophistication through sleek design, premium pricing, and a loyal customer base.
  • Starbucks (Competence): Represents competence by offering a reliable and inspiring environment, aligning with its mission.

6. Creating a Brand Personality:

  • A strategic process involving:
    1. Defining Traits: Select 3-5 adjectives reflecting the brand's personality.
    2. Choosing Dimensions: Align with Aaker's dimensions based on the target audience.
    3. Relationship Building: Determine how the brand interacts with its audience.

7. Conclusion:

  • Emphasizes the importance of a well-defined brand personality in cultivating lasting relationships.
  • Highlights the Aaker framework and provides case studies to demonstrate its value.

This comprehensive overview underscores the significance of brand personality in shaping consumer perceptions and fostering brand loyalty.

Brand Personality: Definition, Examples, and How to Define Yours - The Branding Journal (2024)


Brand Personality: Definition, Examples, and How to Define Yours - The Branding Journal? ›

Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics that make up a brand. It represents the attributes, values, and behavior that gives brands a human-like identity. Take, for example, the self-confident and timeless classic, Rolex.

What is brand personality and examples? ›

Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name. Common ones are excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence, and sophistication. Brand personality is different than its imagery, though these creative assets should reflect a company's brand personality.

What are the big 5 brand personalities? ›

Identify what fits for your brand, and you'll have a clearer path ahead in all of your marketing. Adjacent, but not identical, to the “Big Five” personality traits, the five dimensions of brand personality are sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness.

What is branding and examples? ›

The key elements of brand and branding are the company name, logo, design, slogan, personality, values, mission statement, and unique selling proposition. They underlie all actions taken by the brand management and team. Some excellent examples are co*ke, KFC, Ikea, and Microsoft.

How to define brand persona? ›

Your brand's persona is an all-encompassing term that includes any and all identifiers, types of messaging, and overall objectives you have in mind. Your brand's personality may include quirks, personality traits, and the tone of messaging you choose to use to best appeal to prospective users and/or customers.

What is Coca-Cola brand personality? ›

As a tagline, this is a core element of the brand identity and features prominently through the messaging in marketing campaigns further emphasising the brand as a source of happiness and shared moments. The Coca-Cola Personality: The personality of Coca-Cola is cheerful, refreshing and social.

What is Nike's brand personality? ›

Nike has an active lifestyle, inspirational, exciting, cool personality. Nike-as-a-person would be exciting, provocative, spirited, cool, innovative, aggressive, and into health and fitness. Since the 1980s, Nike has been endorsing the very best athletes across a wide variety of sports.

What is your brand identity? ›

What is brand identity? A brand identity is made up of what your brand says, what your values are, how you communicate your product, and what you want people to feel when they interact with your company. Essentially, your brand identity is the personality of your business and a promise to your customers.

How to define personality? ›

Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.

What is an example of brand Behaviour? ›

Netflix is a good example of using brand behaviours rather than values alone. They have defined 10 brand behaviours against which every team member is held to account. They have 10 defining words which are behaviour focused and then have built each one out to provide even more specific actions.

What is simple branding? ›

Simple branding starts with a single-minded brand proposition. Anyone who has gotten into a bun fight with a client over matters of taste in an ad can attest to this. You need to move the conversation upstream where you can defend your choices based on strategy, not personal preference.

What is branding in your own words? ›

What is branding? Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity for a business in the minds of your target audience and the general population. At its core, branding consists of a company's name and logo, visual identity design, mission, values, and tone of voice.

What are the qualities of a good brand name? ›

7 Qualities of Great Brand Names
  • 1) Building upon your brand strategy. ...
  • 2) Ensuring distinctiveness. ...
  • 3) Connecting emotionally with your target audience. ...
  • 4) Protecting your investment. ...
  • 5) Paying attention to linguistics and meaning. ...
  • 6) Testing it with your audience. ...
  • 7) Creating the brand experience.

How do you explain brand personality? ›

A brand's personality is an element of the brand identity. It can be expressed through its tone of voice, communication style, and behaviors, while actively cultivating consumers' perception through its in-market communications.

How do you show your brand personality? ›

How do you show your brand's personality in marketing?
  1. Know your audience.
  2. Define your brand identity.
  3. Use your brand voice. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  4. Show your brand story.
  5. Be creative and consistent. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Sep 8, 2023

Why is brand persona important? ›

The Importance of Brand Personality

Brand personality can be used to differentiate a brand from its competitors and make it more memorable. A brand personality can be described using various personality traits such as trustworthy, reliable, innovative, fun, adventurous, sophisticated, friendly, or approachable.

What is Apple's brand personality? ›

In conclusion, Apple's brand personality is a culmination of innovation, simplicity, and exclusivity, carefully crafted over the years. This brand persona has played a vital role in shaping consumers' perceptions, driving loyalty, and influencing their buying decisions.

What is the Netflix brand personality? ›

We could describe the Netflix brand personality as: Warm. Inviting. Inclusive.

What is the brand personality of Chanel? ›

Chanel is a luxury fashion brand known for its timeless elegance and sophistication. As a brand personality, Chanel is often associated with the following traits: Classic: Chanel has a reputation for timeless design, using neutral colors and simple lines to create elegant pieces that can be worn for years to come.

What is an example of a brand attitude? ›

Apple is a perfect example of a positive brand attitude. For years, Apple has been maintaining a consistent brand voice that screams innovation. The brand created a strong relationship with its consumers, based on the perception of offering cutting-edge technology, sleek designs, and a unique user experience.

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