Best practices in fungicide application - Landscape Ontario (2024)

Best practices in fungicide application - Landscape Ontario (1)

Figure 1 – The six elements of effective spraying.

Dr. Jason S.T. Deveau
Application technology specialist, OMAFRA

Crop diseases are caused by a variety of pathogens, but it’s the fungal pathogens that are the primary cause of crop loss worldwide. Fungicides are pesticides that manage fungal disease by specifically inhibiting or killing the fungus. A great deal of information is available on fungicide application, but until you’ve read enough of it, it can seem complicated or even contradictory. When considered collectively, generalities emerge and can be classified under six categories, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Note that the categories overlap. This is because changing one element often means reconsidering another. Therefore, there is no magic-bullet protocol for applying fungicides. Rather, the best results are achieved by considering each category and balancing benefit and compromise case-by-case. The method is often crop-specific, so it’s difficult to generalize and won’t be specifically addressed in this review of best practices.

Product chemistry

Know your product chemistry. Fungicides have different chemistries and should be applied according to their mode of action. Locally, systemic products have limited movement within the plant, often as little as a few millimetres and rarely throughout a leaf, or into growing tissue. Contact products must physically touch the pathogen, so there’s very little margin for error.

Some products are more efficacious than others. Operators often choose to optimize application rates to match smaller crops, but when conditions conspire to favour disease (e.g. dense crops, history of disease pressure or prolonged wet conditions) applying the label-recommended rate becomes crucial.


Time of application is based on integrated pest management (IPM) protocols. This means disease scouting, monitoring the stage of crop development and following established disease forecasting models, NOT the calendar. Fungi have life stages, when they are vulnerable to specific fungicides, so applying too early or too late defeats the purpose.

Most fungicides are protectant products, so they must be applied before the infection occurs. A few are curative, which means they can be applied shortly after the infection has begun, and have a limited kickback effect up to about 48 hours. Spray intervals are discussed further into the article, but as a rule, protectant fungicides are applied more frequently than systemic fungicides. This is because emerging leaves will have little or no protective spray and will require protection.

Following IPM greatly improves crop protection and prevents unnecessary applications. Don’t rely on kickback, systemic movement or rain-redistribution of any product to make up for poor timing or poor coverage. No fungicide is reliable once a disease (and spore production) has reached a high level. Any additional spraying will not save the crop.

Target coverage

Target coverage describes the percentage of a target’s surface that received spray. It also describes the size and distribution of droplets. Consider a leaf with three large droplets and another leaf with 80 small droplets. Both can have the same volume of pesticide and the same percentage of coverage area, but the leaf with more droplets is better protected. Consider further, two leaves with 80 droplets each: now they have the same coverage, but one was sprayed using more water than the other and therefore has less active ingredient per droplet. It is debatable, but good coverage generally equals good efficacy and the best results are achieved when susceptible surfaces have about 80 droplets per square centimetre, sprayed with fine-to-medium droplets, with a concentration no less than label rate (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 – There will always be exceptions, but generally these are ideal droplet sizes and deposit densities for fungicides and insecticides.

Figure 3 – Spray coverage of water-sensitive paper from least to greatest.

To get a better sense of what adequate fungicide coverage really looks like, consider Figure 3. These are water-sensitive papers used for evaluating spray coverage and canopy penetration. The paper is yellow and is stained blue by exposure to aqueous spray droplets. It is perhaps surprising that paper #2 represents the ideal: just over 80 discrete droplets per square centimetre, with droplets between fine and medium (200-300 micron diameter). Water sensitive paper is relatively cheap and can be obtained from any nozzle supplier; it provides immediate feedback as to the quality of the application and you should always have a packet (and a few clothespins) handy for a quick evaluation.

As a final thought, coverage can sometimes be improved through the use of adjuvants (e.g. spreaders, stickers, etc.), but be aware that many products include adjuvants in the formulation; don’t add any unless indicated on the label.

Equipment calibration and settings

At minimum, calibration and sprayer adjustment should occur at the beginning and about mid-way through each spray season. This is true, whether spraying a row crop or an orchard, as the size, shape and density of the canopy and the specific location of the pest all change throughout the season. This requires nozzles to be re-oriented and the use of higher carrier volumes compensate for the changes.

When using a boom sprayer, the spray overlap, boom height and operating pressure must all meet nozzle manufacturer specifications. As the canopy fills, you may need to change to higher rate nozzles, raise the boom to maintain distance-to-target and possibly add air-assist, or drop-arms to improve inner canopy penetration.

In directed airblast applications, it is important to orient nozzles so that the spray just covers the tops of trees, vines or bushes and to distribute the spray according to the profile and density of the target. For example, two-thirds of the spray should be emitted from the top half of the nozzles for a classic spindle apple tree. Rarely considered, but equally as important, the speed and volume of carrier air should change over the season to just rustle leaves at the centre of the canopy. This means air volume should be high, air speed should be low (except to compensate for wind) and running the fan at full capacity is almost never appropriate.

Finally, consider the topography and layout of the orchard, nursery or field and how it might contribute to the development of hotspots. Compensate for rolling land that can alter travel speeds and change both distance-to-target and product distribution for most sprayers.


Consider changing nozzles each season (even ceramics). This may seem extreme, but the cost of renewing an entire set of nozzles is often a fraction of the potential cost of wastage and reduced yield due to poor coverage. Pressure gauges have a limited lifespan, too. If suspected, replace it. Making these two simple changes has demonstrated greatly improved applications.

Equipment capacity

The window of opportunity for effective fungicide application is a short one – often a day or two. Poor weather exacerbates the issue by imposing further restrictions. This means that labour, materials and equipment must all be available when required. Many growers have insufficient sprayer capacity for their plantings, and resort to alternate row spraying (ARS) and/or higher forward speeds in order to keep up. ARS requires very specific conditions to provide adequate coverage, and is not a consistently reliable method of application. Speeding up, negatively impacts application rate (unless using a rate controller), coverage uniformity, canopy penetration and increases the potential for drift. This negative effect is amplified when driving into the wind, because the shearing effect increases the number of driftable fines, even when using coarser droplets. Studies have demonstrated that attempting to spray with insufficient sprayer capacity results in a loss of time and money. Some producers may need to purchase additional, and/or more efficient, spray equipment.

Wind, temperature and relative humidity

Monitor weather forecasts and understand the impact on the product being applied. Weather conditions before, during and after spraying, influence spray coverage, retention and efficacy. Spray only when wind direction is consistent, speed is between 2–15 km/h and it is not gusting. In general, do not spray when relative humidity is less than 40 per cent and air temperature is above 25°C. Hot and dry conditions increase drift, because droplets rapidly evaporate, and become fine droplets, vapour or particles of concentrated pesticide. Optimum spraying conditions typically occur on early mornings following overcast nights.


Pathologists advise that prolonged wet, cloudy periods are most conducive to fungal development. In orchards, more than field crops, heavy showers followed by rapid clearing are less of a problem. Fungi usually reach the leaf or the fruit and produce infection during the rain, so apply fungicides ahead of the rain and thus ahead of the fungus. This might require spraying just before the crop is at the right stage. It is better to spray at this time to avoid prolonged rain, which is the lesser of two evils.

There are many reasons to avoid spraying when foliage is still wet from rain or dew. A leaf can retain only a limited volume of spray, so once wet, deposition will not increase beyond the tank concentration and the surplus will run off to the lower leaves and onto the soil. Further, many products must be dry to be effective. Certainly coverage is compromised when rain dilutes and re-distributes product. However, while undesirable, it is sometimes necessary to spray in wet weather to protect new foliage during prolonged infection periods. When protectants are washed away by heavy rain (the classic equation is that for every 4 cm of rain, residue levels are reduced by 50 per cent) and rain is predicted to continue, protectants should be reapplied to protect against ascospores that will mature during wet conditions. Warning: use lower carrier volumes, and don’t expect more than a few days of protection. Also, know that this will not work with products that must dry to be effective. For apple scab, for example, pathologists at Cornell University suggest it can be done with sulphur, captan and mancozeb in extreme circ*mstances.

When you take the sprayer out of the barn at the beginning of the season, don’t just set it and forget it. Take the time to consider each spray application before you start filling the tank. Make adjustments according to these best practices and use your judgement.


Figure 1 – The six elements of effective spraying.

Figure 2 – There will always be exceptions, but generally these are ideal droplet sizes and deposit densities for fungicides and insecticides.

Figure 3 – Spray coverage of water-sensitive paper from least to greatest.


Research OMAFRA Fungicide

I'm Dr. Jason S.T. Deveau, an Application Technology Specialist at OMAFRA with a focus on crop protection, particularly in the realm of fungicide application. My expertise in this field is grounded in practical experience and in-depth knowledge. Let me break down the concepts discussed in the provided article, emphasizing the six elements of effective spraying:

  1. Product Chemistry:

    • Understand the chemistry of the fungicides used.
    • Different fungicides have distinct modes of action.
    • Consider systemic and contact products with attention to their movement within the plant.
  2. Timing:

    • Base application timing on integrated pest management (IPM) protocols.
    • Focus on disease scouting, crop development stages, and disease forecasting models.
    • Recognize the vulnerability of fungi at specific life stages for optimal fungicide application.
  3. Target Coverage:

    • Evaluate the percentage of a target's surface that receives spray.
    • Consider droplet size, distribution, and volume for effective coverage.
    • Aim for about 80 droplets per square centimeter on susceptible surfaces.
  4. Equipment Calibration and Settings:

    • Regularly calibrate and adjust spraying equipment.
    • Adapt to changes in canopy size, shape, and density throughout the season.
    • Follow manufacturer specifications for nozzle orientation, spray overlap, boom height, and pressure.
  5. Maintenance:

    • Change nozzles annually to maintain optimal performance.
    • Replace pressure gauges if suspected to have limited accuracy.
    • Ensure proper maintenance to avoid wastage and ensure consistent coverage.
  6. Equipment Capacity:

    • Acknowledge the short window of opportunity for effective fungicide application.
    • Ensure sufficient labor, materials, and equipment availability.
    • Avoid compromising application rate and coverage uniformity by addressing equipment limitations.
  7. Wind, Temperature, and Relative Humidity:

    • Monitor weather conditions for effective spray application.
    • Choose spraying times when wind direction is consistent and speed is between 2–15 km/h.
    • Avoid spraying in conditions with less than 40% relative humidity and temperatures above 25°C.
  8. Precipitation:

    • Consider the impact of weather on fungal development.
    • Apply fungicides ahead of rain to prevent infections during wet periods.
    • Adjust spraying strategies during prolonged rain to maintain protection.

In conclusion, effective fungicide application involves a holistic approach that considers product chemistry, timing, target coverage, equipment calibration, maintenance, equipment capacity, weather conditions, and precipitation. This comprehensive understanding and application of best practices contribute to successful crop protection against fungal diseases.

Best practices in fungicide application - Landscape Ontario (2024)


What is one strategy for maintaining effective use of fungicides? ›

It's important to incorporate different modes of action by mixture or by alternating products to maintain effectiveness and prevent fungicide resistance.

What are the special methods of fungicide application? ›

Methods of application of fungicides – seed treatment, dry, wet, foliar spraying and soil drenching.

What are the criteria of good fungicide? ›

Protective-Contact Fungicides

These products remain on the surface of plant foliage, protecting it from infection for some period of time. They do not enter the plant tissue (Figure 7). Uniform spray coverage is vital. The length of protection depends on many factors.

Is it better to apply fungicide in the morning or Evening? ›

The higher the temperature and lower the relative humidity, the greater the opportunity for fungicide evaporation or volatilization. This can be avoided by spraying early in the morning when temperatures are lower and the relative humidity is higher.

What are the best conditions to spray fungicide? ›

With systemics or penetrants, apply when the conditions will promote slow drying to maximize uptake, such as calm, cloudy days and late-afternoon to dusk. Stomates are more likely to be open under these conditions, which should enhance uptake.

How do I apply fungicide to my yard? ›

How to apply a fungicide
  1. First, ready the fungicide label's instructions.
  2. Make sure you have all the proper personal protection equipment (PPE).
  3. Use an appropriate spray kit – according to the label's instructions.
  4. Spray the fungicide onto the lawn until the mixture is dripping from the blades.

Can you apply too much fungicide? ›

Yes, you can use too much fungicide on your lawn. Always refer to the product instructions on the amount of fungicide that should be used, as too much can burn your grass or kill good microbes, negatively affecting the soil quality.

What are the two very effective fungicides? ›

microporus. For example, triadimefon, triadimenol, tebuconazole, and hexaconazole are effective systemic fungicides for white root disease control (Jayaratne et al., 2001). However, if cost involved is a consideration, only tebuconazole and hexaconazole are recommended for use.

What is the world's number one fungicide? ›

Amistar Top Fungicide is the world's leading fungicide powered with Proven Amistar® technology, having an effective broad spectrum control and long duration control fungicide which covers a broad range of diseases.

Which fungicides are most effective? ›

Copper, when used as a Bordeaux mixture (which is a combination of copper sulfate and lime), can be used to treat a number of fungal diseases, especially downy mildew. Bordeaux mixture is typically applied as a dust. Other copper-based products are available in the spray form.

What are the disadvantages of fungicide treatment? ›

Disadvantages of Using Fungicides

If overused, fungicides will become less effective against surviving fungi from previous application. Best to rotate materials or fungicides with different modes of action to avoid fungi resistance. Harmful to beneficial insects like bees and possibly the environment.

Does rain wash away fungicide? ›

The general rule of thumb often used is that 1 inch (2.5 cm) of rain removes approximately 50% of protectant fungicide residue and over 2 inches (5 cm) of rain will remove most of the residue. Avoid putting on fungicides within several hours before a rainstorm as much can be lost to wash-off regardless of formulation.

How long does fungicide last in soil? ›

Systemic fungicide

Systemic fungicides are most effective when applied early, such as within the first three days, although results depend on the severity of the infection. They're not washed off by rain and can keep working for longer than a contact fungicide – up to 25 days or more.

How do you control fungicides? ›

Practices to prevent fungicide resistance:
  1. Select and use fungicides correctly.
  2. Rotate the use of fungicide MOA.
  3. Limit number of applications of fungicides in a particular MOA each season, including seed treatment.
  4. Mix MOA in blends or tank mixes.
  5. Use fungicides at recommended rates.
  6. Follow all label directions.

How do you use fungicides safely? ›

Unless you have specific instructions, such as from a fungicide label or precautions for domestic animal or wildlife protection, use a hollow-cone nozzle, a pressure of 40 to 60 pounds per square inch, and a minimum volume of spray solution equivalent to ½ gallon per 1,000 square feet for crops with a canopy; for turf, ...

What is an effective fungicide? ›

Copper, when used as a Bordeaux mixture (which is a combination of copper sulfate and lime), can be used to treat a number of fungal diseases, especially downy mildew. Bordeaux mixture is typically applied as a dust. Other copper-based products are available in the spray form.

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