Art and Design (GCSE)/ Photography (GCSE) (2024)

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Head of Department: G Dean

What are my GCSE options within Art and Photography?

  1. Art and Design GCSE in school
  2. Art and Design GCSE after school
  3. Photography GCSE in school

What syllabus will I follow?

We follow the GCSE in Art and Design/Photography using the Eduqas (formerly WJEC) exam board.

What will the courses look like?

Art and Design GCSE can be taken in school as a standard option or after school as an additional option. The after-school course is identical to the course in school and will involve the same projects and deadlines throughout. On the course, pupils will work through a series of foundation skills in year 10 before completing a major coursework project and exam project in year 11. The work is exhibited in a display at the end of the course.

Photography GCSE will focus on a range of photography approaches using devices and editing apps. Pupils will learn an array of skills across year 10 before specializing in more individual styles of photography in year 11. Pupils will not need an expensive DSLR and can instead use alternative devices such as phones and tablets for much of their work.

Can I take both Art & Design GCSE and Photography GCSE?

Our options approach advises a broad and balanced curriculum although we will also look at individual requirements throughout the process. Please select on your form either Art and Design GCSE or Photography GCSE. If you would like to do both then consider taking Photography GCSE alongside the after-school Art and Design GCSE option. The qualifications count as two separate GCSEs towards pupils’ overall total.

What homework will I get?

Homework is set most weeks and is an essential part of the coursework. The homework tasks cover all the basic skills required for the GCSE course as well as extending project ideas. Homework activities will also include research work for current projects.

How will I be assessed?

The work for both courses is marked and standardised within the department and then has a two-day external moderation by an examiner. The marks are formed from your coursework project (60%) and your exam project (40%). Pupils will get regular feedback on their current grade levels and targets to improve them.

What jobs or further courses of study might this lead to?

The creative industries are a thriving sector of the British economy. We have been world-leaders in graphic design, photography, advertising and illustration for a long time. There are routes in fine art as well as in the commercial sector. The creative thinking and visualisation that art courses teach you are hugely employable skills across many areas outside the arts too.

We have outstanding A-Level provision, including an excellent photography studio and a suite of iMacs, which for many is the next step on their journey into the creative arts after GCSE.

What else do I need to know about the after-school Art GCSE?

We try and accommodate everybody that wishes to take Art GCSE. For those with a serious interest in the subject and who may wish to study it as an additional GCSE, a two-year course is offered for a limited number of pupils on Monday evenings (moving to Wednesdays in year 11) from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. This follows the same structure as the in‑school syllabus. At present, fees are £170 for year one and £170 for year two.

If I need additional support, what can I access?

We run many art activities after school in which GCSE students are welcome to join in and receive extra support from teachers. Sometimes pupils can use the photography studio, with supervision, outside of school hours.

Mr Feijoo has art examining experience and is on hand to offer pupils support from his experience and expertise. Of course, pupils are always welcome to pop in to speak to our staff at lunchtime too!

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Art and Design (GCSE)/ Photography (GCSE) (2024)


How can I get full marks in GCSE art? ›

I have managed to achieve full marks, so thought that may be I could give some advice.
  1. TIP #1: Spend more time drawing, then decorating your art sketchbook.
  2. TIP #2: Do not worry about your art skills.
  3. TIP #3: Experiment.
  4. TIP #4: Show your process!
  5. TIP #5: Do a topic that you actually like.
  6. TIP #6:Do not be afraid to try.

Is art and design GCSE hard? ›

GCSE Art is a very popular subject but is tough and requires a lot of hard work. Although there won't be any written exams, you will have a great deal to do over the two years and it can take up a lot of time.

Is art GCSE worth it? ›

If you enjoy being creative, want to increase your practical skills and improve your analytical, communication and research abilities, art and design is a great choice.

Is art GCSE fun? ›

Doing Art GCSE, was and is a really fun experience. As long as you stay up to date, the work load is manageable and even if you are in the art room at lunch, it's always fun. The best part of the GCSE, is when you finish a piece and are proud of what you've done and that feeling makes the course even more enjoyable.”

Is photography GCSE hard? ›

Is Photography harder than other subjects? No. However producing each piece of Photography can be a slow and intensive process so it can take up more time than other subjects.

What grade is 60 percent in GCSE art? ›

If a paper is allocated 120 uniform marks, the range of marks allocated to grade B is 84 to 95 (70% to 79% of 120); for grade C, 72 to 83 (60% to 69% of 120).

What is the toughest GCSE? ›

Biography. Prior to university, Fernandez was educated at home, predominantly by his father, Neil Fernandez. In 2001 he broke the age record for gaining a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), the English academic qualification usually taken at age 16, for which he sat the examinations aged five.

What are the easiest GCSE subjects to pass? ›

Here are the five easiest GSCEs ranked by pass rate:
  • GCSE Drama. GCSE Drama has a pass rate of 74.1%, making it the GCSE with one of the highest pass rates. ...
  • GCSE Religious Studies. This is an easy and relaxed subject with a pass rate of 71.9%. ...
  • GCSE Physical Education. ...
  • GCSE Film Studies. ...
  • GCSE Food Technology.
Dec 23, 2022

What is the pass rate for GCSE art? ›

GCSE art, music, drama and design and technology results

The pass rate in art and design was 81.4 per cent this year, compared with 84.8 per cent in 2021 and 75.1 per cent in 2019.

Is it hard to get a 9 in art GCSE? ›

Anyone who teaches (or has done GCSE art) will know it is REALLY difficult to get the top grades and takes a lot of hard work. There are three Grade 9 full project examples on the presentation, including sheets of student's secondary and primary research and artist research.

Is it hard to study GCSE? ›

When taking GCSEs there is a huge mix of subjects, skills, and knowledge. This can be incredibly difficult to manage. Students struggle to balance enough time to be able to do everything they used to do on a day-to-day basis, as well as including revision.

What percentage of GCSE art students get a 9? ›

Here are the trends in the latest art and design GCSE results for summer 2021. The proportion of grade 9 results achieved by art and design subject students, equivalent to a high A* under the old GCSE system, rose to 7 per cent, compared to 6.5 per cent in 2020 and 4.7 per cent in 2019.

What are the most impressive GCSE subjects? ›

GCSEs give you a chance to really focus on subjects which you are passionate about.
We would love to hear your own opinions about the best GCSE subjects to take and why in the comment section below.
  1. GCSE History. ...
  2. GCSE Modern Foreign Languages. ...
  3. GCSE P.E. ...
  4. GCSE Business Studies. ...
  5. GCSE Music.
Feb 8, 2021

Is GCSE easier than GCSE? ›

The GCSE is considered more rigorous because the rules are more stringent, such as the fact that students can only sit for the GCSE exams in June and resits can be taken in November each year. Therefore, the IGCSE is considered “easier” due to its flexible nature.

Can you do GCSE art in one year? ›

Can I do GCSEs on one year? It's hard work but absolutely yes! Half of RIC's GCSE students each year are on 1 year courses. GCSEs or IGCSEs are usually taken over two years but the specialist one year GCSE route allows students to take IGCSEs in one year only.

Is GCSE photography worth it? ›

Photography can be a useful addition to a student's portfolio of qualifications and can also help to secure admission to Art College or university. lthough there is no formal requirement to have studied Photography before embarking on a GCSE course, it helps to have an interest in the subject.

How stressful is GCSE? ›

The lead up to GCSE exams is definitely up there with one of the more stressful moments in life! It is very easy to let stress and worried emotions control you, and when you need to focus on revision and learning subject material, stress is an unwelcome time waster.

How many marks is GCSE photography out of? ›

Each component is marked out of a total of 96 marks.

Is 70% an A in GCSE? ›

Grade 7, according to the old system, means scoring a lower grade A. A student who gets grade 7 (lower A) must have scored approximately 70-82 per cent in their examinations. According to the GCSE 2022 grade boundaries, securing grade 7 is considered a pretty decent score.

What grade is 75% in GCSE? ›

According to this illustration, grade 4 requires 56 - 66 per cent, grade 5 requires 67 - 77 per cent and grade 6 requires 78 - 88 per cent.

What is 70% at GCSE? ›

So 70 would be a Grade 6, but 69 would be a Grade 5. The GCSE grade boundaries are now only being released to students on results day, whereas previously they were published in advance.

How many GCSE does the average person pass? ›

GCSEs are the final hurdle of secondary school life, and should be taken seriously. You need to take the right amount of them and work hard in all of them to ensure your success. The average student takes 10 GCSEs, give or take a few.

How many GCSE is enough? ›

Higher and further education

Most colleges like you to take a minimum of five GCSEs, including English Language and Maths at grade 4 (C) or above, while sixth forms have slightly higher entry requirements, looking for at least six GCSE examination results achieving at least a grade 4 (C).

What is the lowest pass in GCSE? ›

What do pupils need to pass their exams? Pupils will have needed a 4 for a "standard pass" and 5 for a "strong pass". This means that a candidate who gets nine grade-4s has, technically, passed all their exams.

Is a 7 a good GCSE score? ›

As you can see in the table above, old and new grades don't match up like-for-like. However, a 4 is being classified as a standard pass, which can be broadly compared to a grade C, while a 5 is a strong pass. Grades 9-7 are roughly equivalent to the old top grades of A* and A.

What is the most important GCSE to pass? ›

What are the most important GCSE subjects? Maths and English are the most important subjects as they are a requirement for most courses, apprenticeships, jobs and university degrees. You will usually need at least a grade 4 and above in Maths and English before you can get into these.

What are the most useful GCSEs to take? ›

English and maths (sometimes science) are the GCSEs that universities are most likely to be interested in – and you don't get the option of dropping these. So whatever GCSEs you choose, you'll still have a broad range of unis to make up your mind over (if you get the grades, that is).

How many students fail their GCSEs? ›

Half of schoolchildren who do not pass their maths and English GCSEs were already judged to be behind on their education at the age of five new research has found. A fifth of all students in England, or around 100,000 pupils each year, do not achieve the grade 4 pass grade in both English language and maths.

Is passing GCSE hard? ›

The English GCSE is hard, but it is also designed to be passed. Some students will be aiming for a 7, 8 or 9 grade, and to reach this standard, you must write and analyse texts with real sophistication and nuance. However, for many other students, the goal is to achieve a pass grade of 4 or hopefully higher.

How many people passed GCSE 2022? ›

In Summer 2022 GCSE students in the United Kingdom had a pass rate (achieving a grade of C/4 or higher) of 73.2 percent, the lowest since 2019 but still a noticeable increase when compared with years prior to 2020.

How many people get 7 9s at GCSE? ›

The proportion of top grades (7 to 9, which is equivalent to A/A*) has fallen by 3 percentage points – from 30 per cent this year to 27 per cent in 2021. Looking at the actual numbers, this is a 9 per cent fall from last year. But it is up from 21.8 per cent in 2019.

How rare is it to get all 9s in GCSE? ›

Of the 3,606 students achieving all grade 9s, 36% were boys and 64% were girls. Those with straight grade 9s in reformed subjects - does not include any student who got less than a grade 9 in any reformed subject.
All grade 9s in all subjects taken.
Number of GCSEs takenNumber of students
3 more rows
Aug 12, 2021

Can you take GCSE online? ›

Choosing to take GCSEs via distance learning means you can gain a qualification whilst studying from home, at your own pace. We can even book your exams! No previous knowledge or experience is required, making them an accessible qualification for people of all ages.

How long do GCSEs take? ›

Full-time students can complete standard GCSE programmes over two years or GCSE short courses which are completed in just one year. Part-time GCSE courses will take longer, as will evening courses, though the exact length will depend on the individual college programme.

Is it easy to get a Grade 9 in GCSE? ›

I believe it's quite hard. Above an A* from our day. In 2019 around 4.5% of pupils got a 9 grade (exam) That's about than 1 in 22.

Do universities look at GCSEs? ›

Many universities will look at your GCSE grades when deciding whether to offer you a place on their course. They used to look at AS level grades but most students do not do this qualification any more so they are paying more attention to GCSEs.

Is 9 a good grade in GCSE? ›

The way GCSEs are graded changed in 2017. They're graded using 9 to 1, rather than A* to G. Grade 9 is the highest grade. Ofqual's GCSE grading diagrams outline the changes and also provide some useful guide for parents.

What's the easiest GCSE? ›

The easiest GCSEs as ranked by students
  • Geography.
  • Film Studies.
  • Religious Studies.
  • Media Studies.
  • Hospitality and Catering.
  • Business Studies.
  • Drama.
  • Physical Education.
Nov 17, 2021

How to get all 9s in GCSE? ›

Are you aiming for a full set of GCSE grade 9s this summer?
Top tips for GCSE success
  1. Make resources early. ...
  2. Revise for end-of-topic tests. ...
  3. Approach mocks properly. ...
  4. Experiment with revision techniques. ...
  5. Plan your time. ...
  6. Explain the information. ...
  7. Look at past papers.
Feb 7, 2020

What is the most common grade in GCSE? ›

To answer the question proposed, the 'average' GCSE grade lies between a grade 5 and a grade 6 when taking all subjects into account, however data provides specific figures for each subject, and these include 5.5 for Maths, 4.2 for Combined Science, 4.9 for History, 5 for English Language, 5 for English Literature, 6.5 ...

How can I get high marks in GCSE? ›

10 Best GCSE Revision Tips from Past Students
  1. Create a Revision Timetable. ...
  2. Take Regular Study Breaks. ...
  3. Use Mind Maps to Connect Ideas. ...
  4. Understand Your Learning Style. ...
  5. Practice, Practice, Practice. ...
  6. Collaborate with Classmates. ...
  7. Variety is the Spice of Life! ...
  8. Day of Your GCSE Exam.

Why do I study so hard and still fail? ›

The problem: You procrastinate studying, not leaving yourself enough time to absorb the material before test day. The solution: Create a routine that involves reviewing your notes regularly. Each night, take a few minutes to go over your notes from class.

How to get 100 in all exams? ›

To summarise, below are the preparation tips to help you score 100% in Class 12 board examination:
  1. Complete the basics first.
  2. Revise concepts regularly.
  3. Practice previous year papers and sample questions.
  4. Identify and improve mistakes.
  5. Hone time-management skills.
  6. Relax and rejuvenate regularly.
Aug 12, 2022

How can I pass a test without studying or cheating? ›

Read on to learn more about how to pass any exam without studying.
  1. Find the right workplace. ...
  2. Make the most use of your time. ...
  3. Assemble your requirements properly to avoid distractions. ...
  4. Compile all your notes. ...
  5. Avoid cramming for long hours. ...
  6. Prioritize and work accordingly. ...
  7. Talk to someone around you.

How many people get straight 9s at GCSE? ›

Of the 3,606 students achieving all grade 9s, 36% were boys and 64% were girls. Those with straight grade 9s in reformed subjects - does not include any student who got less than a grade 9 in any reformed subject.
All grade 9s in all subjects taken.
Number of GCSEs takenNumber of students
6 more rows
Aug 12, 2021

What is a good GCSE result? ›

However, a 4 is being classified as a standard pass, which can be broadly compared to a grade C, while a 5 is a strong pass. Grades 9-7 are roughly equivalent to the old top grades of A* and A.

Is it easy to pass GCSE? ›

When taking GCSEs there is a huge mix of subjects, skills, and knowledge. This can be incredibly difficult to manage. Students struggle to balance enough time to be able to do everything they used to do on a day-to-day basis, as well as including revision.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.