Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (2024)

Ant-Man 3 is out making a lot of money, and a huge credit for that goes to Kang the Conqueror. Jonathan Majors made his second MCU appearance as yet another Kang variant. But besides the "Exiled One,’" he also played multiple other Kangs in Ant-Man 3.

Spoiler Warning: The following article contains spoilers about Ant-Man 3’s post-credits scene

All the new variants will tie into Avengers: The Kang Dynasty. But one of them will be returning in Loki season 2 as Quantumania’s post-credits scene played a sequence from the upcoming MCU series. It also introduced another Kang Variant from the comics, called Victor Timely.

Ant-Man 3: Victor Timely is the 6th major Kang variant

Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (1)

Jonathan Majors totally came in as a force to join the list of Marvel’s great villains. He played multiple Kang variants, but the final variant, Victor Timely, could turn out to be the most crucial one.

In total, he is the 6th major Kang Variant to be brought to the screen after He Who Remains, the Exiled Kang, Immortus, Rama-Tut, and Scarlet Centurion.

In the comics, Victor Timely is a disguise for Kang Prime. He is an expert strategist and a highly-skilled armed and unarmed combatant. After conquering everything and battling the Avengers, Kang Prime decided to go back to the year 1901, and here he took up the identity of Victor Timely.

Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (2)

When Kang first went back in time, he had conquered ancient Egypt as Rama-Tut. Then, after being pushed out of Egypt, he met with Doctor Doom and became the Scarlet Centurion. He then went forward in time and ended up in the 40th Century, a thousand years after his own birth year.

He conquered everything in that era and came back to fight the Avengers in the 21st Century. But he was forced to flee by the Avengers. And that’s when he came to the early 19 hundreds to regroup and build a new fortress.

Here he became Victor Timely, the brilliant inventor and industrialist who created his own town of Timely, Wisconsin. He became the first mayor of this town and turned it into a technological Marvel. He founded the Timely Industries company, which shaped the technologies of the entire century.

Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (3)

But in the guise of Victor Timely, Kang Prime managed to establish a secret sub-city within Timely, Wisconsin. This massive fortress of Kang is called Chronopolis.

It is virtually connected to every era in human history as it contains artifacts and pieces of infrastructure from several different eras of time. And the whole city remains practically undetectable.

Initially, it was presumed that the MCU’s version of Chronopolis could be the empire that Kang built within the Quantum Realm. But the real Chronopolis could still be brought into the picture through Victor Timely in Loki.

Why Victor Timely is so important

Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (4)

His story is very intriguing as he is actually Kang Prime, which is the main version of Kang the Conqueror. So, Loki is right to be afraid of him because this variant is clearly trying to hide in plain sight. Whatever the Council of Kangs is planning could be coming through him as he could be the new leader of the TVA.

Following his trail, Loki must have reached the city of Timely, Wisconsin. Now, Loki and this variant of Kang will finally come face to face. And the actions of Victor Timely will further set up the events of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, which is set to release on May 2, 2025.

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Edited by Prem Deshpande


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Ant-Man 3 and Loki season 2’s new Kang Victor Timely explained (2024)
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