8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (2024)

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Learn what is a sponsorship proposal, what it should look like, and how to create one. Explore sponsorship proposal examples and use templates to make yours.

8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (1) Dominika Krukowska

8 minute read


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Short answer

What is a sponsorship proposal?

A sponsorship proposal is a pitch document designed to convince potential sponsors to invest in your project or event. It highlights the benefits for the sponsor, including brand exposure and audience reach, in a clear and engaging manner.

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Does your proposal have what it takes to attract sponsors?

So, you've got a brilliant idea or an event that could be a game-changer.

But here's the catch – without a standout sponsorship proposal, it's like a treasure chest without a key. You’ll be missing out on not just funding, but partnerships that could skyrocket your project to success.

In this post, I’ll dive into the secrets of crafting a sponsorship proposal that doesn't just knock on doors but blasts them wide open. I’m talking about turning potential into reality, ideas into action.

Stick with me, and you'll learn how to create a proposal that's impossible for sponsors to ignore.

Let’s get started!

What are the main types of sponsorship proposals?

When it comes to sponsorship proposals, one size does not fit all. Just like a key crafted for a particular lock, each proposal type unlocks opportunities with the right sponsors. Let's break down the main types, helping you find the perfect match for your project.

5 main types of sponsorship proposals:

  1. Event sponsorship proposals: Ideal for concerts, sports matches, or festivals, these proposals showcase the event's unique appeal and the exclusive opportunities it offers to sponsors.

  2. Media sponsorship proposals: Perfect for radio, TV, or online platforms, these focus on finding advertising partners and highlight the reach and demographics of the media outlet.

  3. Product sponsorship proposals: Used by brands to promote a specific product or service, emphasizing the product's features and the marketing benefits for potential sponsors.

  4. Charity or non-profit sponsorship proposals: Aimed at organizations seeking support for philanthropic causes, they focus on the impact and social good of the cause to attract like-minded sponsors.

  5. Sports sponsorship proposals: Tailored for athletes and teams, these proposals are crucial for showcasing skills and achievements to secure funds for training and competing.

What does a sponsorship proposal look like?

Traditionally, sponsorship proposals have been static documents, often in PDF or PowerPoint formats.

These decks, while informative, often lead to a one-dimensional experience that fails to engage and excite potential sponsors. They're like reading a script without seeing the play.

Interactive proposals, on the other hand, transform your sponsorship pitch into an engaging experience.

With interactive elements, your proposal leaps off the screen, inviting sponsors to click through for more details, watch embedded videos, and truly connect with your vision.

You can see the power of interactivity in action below:

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What should a sponsorship proposal include?

A sponsorship pitch needs to capture the essence of your event or project in vivid detail. It's about blending various elements to create a compelling image that appeals to potential sponsors. Here's what to include to ensure your proposal is both captivating and effective.

8 elements of a sponsorship proposal:

  1. Introduction slide: Start with an engaging overview of your organization or event, setting the tone for what follows.

  2. Objective slide: Clearly state the purpose of the sponsorship and the impact you aim to achieve, laying out your vision.

  3. Benefits slide: Detail the advantages for the sponsor, such as brand exposure and audience engagement, highlighting the mutual gains.

  4. Sponsorship packages slide: Present a variety of sponsorship levels, each with its own set of benefits, catering to different sponsor needs and budgets.

  5. Testimonials slide: Incorporate feedback from past sponsors to build credibility and trust.

  6. Audience slide: Offer insights into your target audience, demonstrating their relevance and value to the sponsor’s interests.

  7. Budget and financials slide: Provide a transparent overview of costs and potential returns, underscoring the financial viability.

  8. Call to Action slide: Conclude with a clear and compelling call to action, making it easy for sponsors to take the next step.

Sponsorship proposal examples that captivate and convert

In the dynamic world of sponsorships, a well-crafted proposal is your golden ticket. Let's explore some examples of sponsorship proposals that have successfully turned prospects into committed partners.

These sponsorship package examples not only inspire but also offer practical insights into what elevates a proposal from good to great.

Music event sponsorship proposal

This proposal is crafted to appeal to companies seeking to maximize brand exposure among music enthusiasts.

By blending strategic planning with audience insights, it presents a compelling case for sponsorship, showcasing how a brand can become an integral part of the event's success and audience engagement.

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What makes this sponsorship pitch great:

  • Dynamic personalization: The proposal tailors content for each viewer, creating a more engaging and relevant experience.

  • Clear package segmentation: It uses tabs to neatly organize different sponsorship packages, enhancing clarity and navigation.

  • Testimonials for trust: This presentation incorporates positive feedback from previous sponsors, adding credibility and building confidence.

Modern music event sponsorship proposal

Designed for contemporary music events, this proposal speaks directly to brands aiming to connect with the youth and tap into modern trends. It's a vibrant mix of engaging visuals and cutting-edge design, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern music.

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What makes this sponsorship proposal great:

  • Engaging video introduction: It captures attention right from the start, increasing viewer engagement significantly.

  • Effective data visualization: The proposal simplifies complex information, making it visually appealing and easy to grasp.

  • Narrative flow: The deck ensures smooth content delivery, enhancing the storytelling aspect of the proposal.

Jazz festival sponsorship proposal

Tailored for the elegance and sophistication of jazz festivals, this proposal is a combination of style and effective marketing strategies. It highlights the festival's unique appeal and positions it as an opportunity for sponsors to enhance their visibility in a refined music genre.

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What makes this sponsorship package example great:

  • Structured layout: It uses running numbers for a clear, organized presentation, guiding the viewer through each section.

  • Customizable branding: The proposal offers logo placeholders for easy customization, creating a personal connection with potential sponsors.

  • Focused highlighting: The deck employs strategic content emphasis to draw attention to key information.

Indie festival sponsorship proposal

Tailored for indie music scenes, this proposal example focuses on niche market appeal. It respects the viewer's time with an indicated average reading time and offers rich customization options for a personalized presentation.

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What makes this sponsorship proposal great:

  • Time respectful design: It indicates average reading time, valuing the viewer's time and enhancing user experience.

  • Rich customization options: The deck provides a variety of placeholders for a highly personalized presentation.

  • Effective call-to-action: The proposal guides potential sponsors on the next steps, encouraging engagement and response.

Golf sponsorship proposal

Crafted for the prestigious world of golf events, this proposal highlights the sport's elegance and the affluent demographic it attracts.

It's an ideal tool for brands seeking to gain exposure in high-profile sporting events. It presents golf not just as a sport, but as a social event, providing unique opportunities for upscale brand positioning and networking among an elite audience.

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What makes this sponsorship pitch great:

  • Annual schedule overview: The proposal presents a timeline slide for clear visualization of events and opportunities.

  • Organized information tabs: It segments content for different offers, making it easy to find and understand options.

  • Intuitive editing: It allows for quick customization, tailoring the proposal to specific sponsor needs.

Tennis sponsorship proposal

This proposal serves as a showcase for tennis events, emphasizing the sport's global appeal and diverse fan base. The proposal skillfully combines the excitement of tennis with strategic marketing opportunities, presenting a compelling case for sponsorship that extends beyond the court.

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What makes this sponsorship proposal great:

  • AI-assisted content creation: It streamlines the proposal process, ensuring a professional presentation.

  • Built-in analytics: The panel offers insights into viewer engagement for data-driven improvements.

  • Enhanced Interactivity: The ability to embed links and videos provides a dynamic and informative experience.

Athlete sponsorship proposal

Centered around individual athletes, this proposal highlights personal stories, achievements, and the unique connection athletes have with their fans.

The proposal goes beyond the athletic feats to capture the human element, making it a powerful tool for brands looking to build a more personal and impactful sponsorship narrative.

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What makes this sponsorship proposal great:

  • Brand consistency: The editor extracts branding elements directly from websites or brand books for a cohesive look.

  • User-friendly design: The deck features a scroll-based layout for an engaging, easy-to-navigate experience.

  • Multiple CTAs: It includes various calls-to-action, providing clear guidance for potential sponsors.

Football sponsorship proposal

This proposal is tailored for brands aiming to be part of the excitement and wide reach of professional football. It effectively captures the essence of football culture and presents it as an attractive platform for sponsors looking to engage with a large and passionate audience.

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What makes this sponsorship proposal great:

  • Professional layout: The deck uses a clean design with ample white space for enhanced readability.

  • Responsive design: It ensures smooth functionality across various devices, crucial for modern viewers.

  • Interactive component library: You can choose from a range of engaging elements for a customized presentation.

How to create a sponsorship proposal?

Writing a sponsorship proposal is more than just listing your needs; it's about building a bridge between your vision and the sponsor's interests.

Here's a step-by-step guide to drafting a proposal for sponsorship that informs, inspires and convinces sponsors to come on board.

9 steps to create a sponsorship proposal:

1) Get to know your sponsor’s business challenges

Dive into the sponsor's business objectives and challenges. Your proposal should be a mirror reflecting their values and goals. If they're big on innovation, highlight how your project pushes boundaries or introduces new ideas.

2) Dive deep into audience insights

Understanding your audience is crucial. Show the sponsor how your audience's interests and behaviors align with their brand. It's not just about numbers; it's about the story those numbers tell – like a tech-savvy crowd for a digital product launch.

3) Link to sponsor’s sales objectives

Connect the dots between your event and the sponsor's sales targets. It's about painting a picture where their investment in your project translates into measurable business growth, like increased brand loyalty or market penetration.

4) Highlight previous successes

Bring in success stories and testimonials that resonate with credibility. If a previous sponsor gained significant social media traction through your event, let that story be told. It's these real-world impacts that turn heads.

5) Weave a captivating narrative

Your proposal should read like a compelling story, not a dry report. Engage sponsors with a narrative that showcases the journey and potential impact of your project. Make them feel part of something groundbreaking.

As Simon Sinek, an author and motivational speaker says, "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."

6) Outline execution and logistics

Clarity on execution is key. Lay out a clear roadmap of how you plan to bring the project to life, from marketing strategies to event logistics. This shows sponsors you're not just a visionary but also a doer.

7) Present sponsorship options

Offer a variety of sponsorship packages and ensure these packages align with the value you're offering. When offering different levels of sponsorship, make the specific benefits clear. This will allow sponsors to choose the best fit for their budget and goals.

Here's an example of a slide outlining sponsorship options:

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8) Highlight customization possibilities

Flexibility can be your ace card. Show your readiness to adapt aspects of the sponsorship to fit the unique needs of the sponsor, whether it's branding opportunities or content integration.

9) Encourage immediate action

End with a clear, direct call to action, guiding sponsors on what to do next. A compelling call to action can be the difference between interest and action.

Make it clear, direct, and easy for sponsors to take the next step, whether it’s a meeting invitation or a proposal review session.

Here's a great example of a next step slide:

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Or, you can nudge your clients to accept the deal straight from the deck with an 'Accept' button.

It's a straightforward way for clients to say 'yes' with just one click. This speeds up the whole process and helps in getting more deals across the finish line faster.

Here's an example of a proposal with an accept button:

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How to design a sponsorship proposal?

Designing a sponsorship proposal is more than aesthetics; it's about creating a visual dialogue that connects with sponsors on an emotional and intellectual level.

A well-designed proposal does more than convey information; it tells a story, creates an experience, and builds a relationship. Here's how to design a proposal that not only captures attention but also communicates your message effectively and persuasively.

8 sponsorship proposal design tips:

1) Incorporate interactive elements

Transform your proposal from a static document into an engaging journey. Use interactive elements like clickable tabs, embedded videos, or hyperlinks to make your proposal more dynamic and memorable.

This approach keeps the sponsors engaged and allows them to explore your proposal in depth.

Here's an example of an interactive deck:

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2) Personalize for various audiences

Customize your proposal to reflect each sponsor's unique identity. Personalize elements like the sponsor's name, company name, and specific interests within your proposal.

This shows attention to detail and a deep understanding of their brand, making your proposal more relatable and impactful.

Here's an example of a personalized slide:

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (15)

3) Utilize scrollytelling

Employ scrollytelling to guide sponsors through your narrative in an engaging manner. This technique layers text, images, and multimedia, unfolding your story interactively and keeping sponsors captivated.

Here's what scrollytelling looks like in action:

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (16)

4) Add data visualization components

Turn complex data into clear, compelling visuals using charts, graphs, and infographics.

You can also leverage data visualization tools like interactive ROI calculators. These tools allow sponsors to input their own data and see potential returns, making the benefits of sponsoring your project tangible and clear and adding credibility.

Here's a great example of data visualization:

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (17)

5) Maintain a clean layout

Choose a clean, uncluttered layout with ample white space. Organize content with bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear headings for easy digestion. A well-structured proposal maintains the sponsor's focus on your key messages.

Here's an example of a deck with a clean layout:

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6) Ensure brand consistency

Your proposal’s design should be a seamless extension of your brand. Extract key branding elements directly from your website or brand book to ensure consistency in color scheme, typography, and imagery.

This not only enhances the professional look of your proposal but also strengthens brand recognition and trust.

Here's an example of a branded slide:

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (18)

7) Make your proposal responsive

Design your proposal for optimal viewing across all devices. A responsive design ensures that your proposal is accessible and visually appealing, whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Here's what a mobile responsive deck looks like:

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8) Use visual cues to highlight key information

Use design elements like color highlights or bold text to emphasize important information. This strategic use of design ensures that your key messages stand out and are effectively communicated to the sponsor.

Here's a great example of using grayed-out content:

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (20)

Interactive sponsorship proposal templates

Creating a sponsorship pitch can often feel like charting a course through unexplored territory. With high stakes and fierce competition, the real test is not only in making persuasive content but also in crafting a presentation that truly captures and retains sponsor interest.

This is precisely where the magic of interactive sponsorship proposal templates comes into play. These templates lift the heavy burden of starting from a blank slate, freeing you up to concentrate on fine-tuning your message and strategy.

Just grab one.

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (21)

8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (22)

Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

Table of contents

What is a sponsorship proposal? What are the main types of sponsorship proposals? What does a sponsorship proposal look like? What should a sponsorship proposal include? Sponsorship proposal examples that captivate and convert How to create a sponsorship proposal? How to design a sponsorship proposal? Interactive sponsorship proposal templates

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8 Proven Sponsorship Proposal Examples & Templates (2024)


How to write a sponsorship proposal template? ›

Fill the template
  1. Start with the cover page. The cover page should provide general details. ...
  2. Introduce yourself and your event. ...
  3. Boast your event's demographics. ...
  4. Lay bare any cold, hard data. ...
  5. Outline your “why” ...
  6. Tell them where their money goes. ...
  7. Show you're at it with a timeline. ...
  8. List sponsorship packages.
Sep 14, 2022

What is an example of a good sponsorship letter? ›

I'm writing to ask you to sponsor [part of your event that needs sponsorship]. With [dollar amount], we'll be able to [insert goal or achievement]. As a thank you, [nonprofit's name] would also like to offer [incentive] and publically announce your partnership with our charitable organization.

How to write a proposal for sponsorship pdf? ›

Start with a statement about how you like to work with sponsors and your philosophy. Most orgs put a statement at the end of their package stating “we are also willing to customize. Contact us.” Don't do this! Instead, open by telling your prospects that these are suggestions to get the process started.

What needs to be included in a sponsorship proposal? ›

The proposal typically includes information about the event, such as its purpose, target audience, number of attendees, number of other sponsors, date, and location, as well as the benefits that sponsors will receive in return for their support.

What is an example of a sponsorship? ›

In-kind sponsorship: With an in-kind sponsorship, a company can provide goods or services free of cost to sponsor an event or organization. A restaurant donating food to a charity event is an example of an in-kind sponsorship.

How do you win a sponsorship proposal? ›

7 Key Elements to Include in a Winning Sponsorship Proposal
  1. In-Depth Understanding of Your Potential Partner. ...
  2. Clearly Defined Objectives. ...
  3. Data-Driven Market Insights. ...
  4. Detailed Sponsorship Assets. ...
  5. Creative Strategy Development. ...
  6. Outlined Benefits, Deliverables, and Measurements of Success. ...
  7. Clear Call to Action.

How to pitch a sponsorship proposal? ›

Here's how to pitch for corporate sponsorship, from start to finish.
  1. Define goals.
  2. Identify opportunities.
  3. Know the benefits.
  4. Create a proposal template.
  5. Build a relationship.
  6. Pay attention.
  7. Follow up.
  8. Seal the deal.
Oct 29, 2023

Who typically writes a sponsorship proposal? ›

Final answer: A sponsorship proposal is typically written by organizations that want to be sponsored and outlines the benefits that sponsors can receive.

How to start a proposal letter? ›

Introduce yourself and provide background information

If you are following up on a meeting, briefly mention the meeting in the opening statements for context. If your business already has a relationship with your letter's recipient, mention this as well.

How do I ask for sponsorship money? ›

  1. Determine your needs. The first step to asking for sponsorship is determining what you actually need. ...
  2. Outline what you have to offer. ...
  3. Create a one-pager. ...
  4. Create a list of prospects. ...
  5. Try to get in touch with an individual, if at all possible. ...
  6. Keep it short and sweet! ...
  7. Follow Up. ...
  8. If at first you don't succeed, try again.
Feb 26, 2020

How do I write a letter of intent for sponsorship? ›

Consider following these steps to effectively write a sponsorship letter for an event:
  1. Understand the need. ...
  2. Research potential sponsors. ...
  3. Include an introduction. ...
  4. Explain the reason for the letter. ...
  5. Provide information about your audience. ...
  6. Explain the purpose of the event. ...
  7. Add a signature. ...
  8. Follow up with the recipients.
Jul 20, 2023

How many pages should a sponsorship proposal be? ›

A strong, customised sponsorship proposal will typically run more like 10-14 pages, or even longer, which is not a deterrent to sponsors, as long as it is in a sensible order, presents the business case professionally, and is formatted to be easy to read.

How long should a sponsorship proposal be? ›

Generally speaking, it's best to keep sponsorship proposals shorter than other business proposals (the structure below should only span a few pages). Using rich media, like graphs and videos, can also be an effective way of painting a vivid picture of what your event will look like.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.