5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (2024)

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (1)

We get it. You love your new radical shoes and you want to wear them every waking hour of every day!

While we absolutely design our shoes with everyday versatility and regular use in mind, they are not indestructible. Like most things that sustain prolonged use, a shoe’s materials will eventually begin to wear out with use over time.

Giving your shoes a rest between wears is just one step to giving them the longest life possible. Here’s 5 other important reasons why;

1. Leather Uppers especially need time to air out

As you wear your shoes, leather (being a porous fibre) naturally soaks up the perspiration your feet give off. Whilst we agree this is kind of icky, it’s also totally normal — and a really good reason to give the shoe ample time to dry. We define ample time as around 24 hours – so ideally give it a day between wears.

If you don’t give your shoes a day to air out, the sweat-soaked leather will warp, and your shoes can start to lose their shape — not to mention get musty and start to smell. Damper leather is also more prone to damage like scratches and is one of the reasons real shoe obsessives keep shoe trees in the shoes to help them stay in shape as they air out. You can also just keep the stuffing in the shoes they came with for a similar effect.

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (2)

2. Outsoles need a break from the daily shock of heel strike

In a 2011- 2012 survey, the ABS determined that the average Australian adult walks 7400 steps a day. Even if you are doingslightly less than the average, 5000 steps a day translates into walking anywhere up to 4kms a day just through our incidentalmovements like commuting, going to work and chasing errands (and kids!).

Like the tyres on your car, your outsoles are absorbing all these kilometres as well as the full weight of your heel strike, which formost of us is between 60 – 90 kilos of force. Without a regular break in between, fast breakdown of the outsole is inevitable. Liketyres, shoes need to be rotated to reduce the impact of repeated abrasion points. It’s also worth remembering that thecushioning support in most outsoles, especially trainer styles, can only last between 500 – 800 kilometres before you need anupgrade.

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (3)

3. Your gait will thank you and so will yourOsteopath

Looking at the soles of your shoes and the way they are wearing is akin to a tarot reader reading your birth chart. Your gait (the way you walk) says so much about where you are at in the world. Dragging your heels? Pounding the pavement at the midsole? Or maybe you’re just ‘light on your feet’?

All these expressions came from the reality that the way walk through the world reflects something of our state of mind and true nature. Your Osteo would agree and advise that things like uneven wear (one side more worn than the other), or chronic ball of foot wear could be an indicator of other issues in your body’s biomechanics. Pelvic misalignments, knee pain and lower back pain can all be detected through the heel strike and soles of the feet.

Rotating your shoes can help with this as a variation in shoe shapes will ‘train’ different muscles, tendons and ligaments of your feet and ankles to remain active and not fall into habitual patterns of wear. And of course flat shoes are the only sound choice for your overall physical health in keeping the kinetic chain (from your foot to your knee to your hips and up) stable.

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (4)

4. Rotation! Rotation! Rotation!

Shoe rotation is a more sustainable choice as it will extend the years of use you are getting from your shoes.

Thinking about the maths above – knowing that most people walk an average of up to 4kms a day, and knowing that most outsolesprovide recommended shock support for between 500 – 800 kilometres depending on your weight and gait, you can expect a‘safe’ 200 wears from your shoes. If you break this wear into every second day, and maintain proper shoe care habits, it isreasonable to expect at least a 2 year cupboard life to your shoes.

As Rose Marcario, CEO of Patagonia explains "as individual consumers, the single best thing we can do for the planet is to keepour stuff in use longer. This simple act of extending the life of our garments through proper care and repair reduces the need tobuy more over time—thereby avoiding the CO2 emissions, waste output and water usage required to build it."

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (5)

5. Variety is the key to life – challenging your habitual patterns of thinking

Set yourself an outfit challenge and try wearing different things every day. At Radical Yes we are pretty obsessed with conjuring great outfits and love the idea of using garments to express your individuality and mood. Start from the shoes up and be adventurous – mix trainers with a dress, wear sharp Penny Loafers with denims or even put socks on with your sandals. The idea is to use your creativity to drive your daily choices rather than habitual thinking.

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (6)

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (7)

5 Reasons Not To Wear The Same Shoes Every Day. (2024)


Why should I not wear the same shoes everyday? ›

Due to daily use, our shoes or slippers will end deformed and deteriorated in the same areas, especially inside and on the sole. This damage implies that we start to step correctly, and our feet will start to suffer pain or pathologies (as well as other structures such as the knee, hip, or back).

What are 5 reasons for wearing shoes? ›

1. Shoes Prevent Foot Problems
  • Corns.
  • Ingrown toenails.
  • Fungal nail infections.
  • Athlete's foot.

How long can you wear the same shoes? ›

As a general rule of thumb, shoes should be replaced every 8-12 months for most people or every 500-700 kilometres for running shoes.

How do shoes affect you? ›

Poor footwear can lead to injuries and skeletal pain. How shoes affect your health comes in the form of shin pain, Achilles tendon pain, corns, bunions, ingrown nails, postural issues that include spinal alignment problems and lower back pain.

Why should we not wear others shoes? ›

Some cultures believe you inherit the karma and life energy of those whose shoes you wear, so you risk bad luck by wearing someone else's shoes.

What happens if you wear your shoes too much? ›

Corns and calluses: caused by excessive pressure on the toes. Metatarsalgia: caused by too much pressure on the balls of your feet. Disrupted natural stride: resulting in Achilles tendonitis, arch pain, and pain in the calf muscles.

Should you wear shoes around the house? ›

If you're wearing outdoor shoes inside, you can bring a number of bacterial and fungal infections to yourself. You can catch the virus from a spouse or roommate if they have plantar warts. That's why I suggest having an indoor shoe specifically inside. Do not walk barefoot inside and do not wear outside shoes in doors.

Why are people wearing different shoes? ›

Wearing two different shoes in public typically indicates an extreme disregard for social norms, and on National Two Different Colored Shoes Day it means you completely accept being different, unique, and a little bit quirky.

Why do you need new shoes? ›

Worn-out shoes won't provide enough support and cushioning so generally, you should replace them every eight to 12 months. This is when they start showing obvious signs of being worn out. Also, when it comes to active footwear, the most important thing to keep in mind is the general rule of thumb of the 500-mile limit.

How often should I replace my everyday shoes? ›

According to podiatrists, everyday shoes need to be replaced every 8 to 12 months – or when they start showing signs of wear and tear.

How often should I switch out my shoes? ›

It depends. Most HOKA shoes will last you that sweet spot between 300-500 miles, but that's not where their optimal performance lies. You'll usually kill the cushion long before then. While you can continue using the shoe, you definitely won't feel the springy energy you use to in the shoe's early days out of the box.

Do shoes last longer if you wear them? ›

But wearing your most prized possession can actually increase the service life of the shoe, believe it or not. If you keep a pair of sneakers deadstock in their box for too long, the glue will dry up and the aging process of the shoe actually accelerates when compared to a shoe that has been worn every once in a while.

What problems can bad shoes cause? ›

“Wearing worn-out shoes can lead to foot pain from plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, stress fractures and shin splints,” Dr. Rottman said. “This is because worn-out shoes lack the padding and support needed to protect our feet from damage.

How shoes can affect your feet? ›

You probably already know that ill-fitting shoes often contribute to painful blisters on your feet, but blisters are far from the only foot injury caused by shoes. Wearing the wrong pair of shoes can increase your risk of developing foot pain, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, and more.

How do shoes affect your feet? ›

Most shoes tend to cause a narrowing effect of the forefoot and especially the toes so that the widest point ends up being across the 'knuckles' of the foot. If/when your feet adapt to this position it becomes the foot equivalent of not being able to spread your fingers wider than the width of your palm.

What germs do shoes carry? ›

"Bacteria, including E. coli, is found on the majority of shoes," says Cindy Gellner, MD, a pediatrician at University of Utah Health. "Your shoes come in contact with bacteria from restroom floors and the outdoors. Unless you remove your shoes or clean them, you can transfer the bacteria indoors.

How do you know if your shoes are too worn? ›

Inspect the Insides of Each Shoe

Worn-out padding in the ball of the foot could indicate a number of foot problems including falling arches. Check the back of the shoe that wraps around your ankle. Your heel should not slide around; if it does, it could lead to a lack of stability that could cause an ankle sprain.

How many times can you wear a shoe? ›

The midsole warps with heat, sun exposure and moisture, so if you run somewhere damp, it breaks down faster. As a rule of thumb, Langone said, if you wear a pair of shoes to work three to four times a week, after a year or so they'll either need fixing or trashing.

Is it OK to wear loose shoes? ›

Wearing shoes that don't feel right can lead to other painful medical conditions, such as arch pain, neuromas, and Achilles tendonitis. The way you walk in shoes that don't fit properly will not only affect your feet, but will also affect other parts of your body, like your knees, back, and neck.

Is it better to walk around the house barefoot or with shoes? ›

Wearing shoes or slippers inside is about more than just comfort. Doctors recommend them over walking barefoot at home to prevent injuries and accidents and keep your feet in top shape.

What happens when you don't wear shoes in the house? ›

Exposure to bacteria

One of the downsides to not wearing shoes inside is exposure to bacteria, which can be present on floor surfaces if they are not cleaned regularly. Hence, it's essential to regularly clean your indoor space and floors to ensure dirt and bacteria don't build up over time.

Is it better to wear socks or go barefoot? ›

Socks - a better and healthier alternative

Wearing socks keeps your feet covered and unrestricted. Socks can also help prevent blisters and keep your feet cool.

How do shoes tell you about a person? ›

Practical shoes = agreeable personality

People wearing shoes with pointy toes, those that are obviously branded or expensive, mean the wearer is likely to be less agreeable. Anxiously attached people tend to wear shoes that look brand new. 'Anxiously attached' is psychologist-talk for people who are needy.

What does it mean when one shoe is more worn than the other? ›

When your shoe heels wear out unevenly, this is a sign of a problem. It could be related to a number of different things, including flattened or high arches, lack of muscle strength, or an issue with posture or joint mobility. Abnormal foot structures, such as clubfoot, may also be to blame.

How many pairs of shoes is it normal to own? ›

Women are more likely to keep shoes they don't wear, holding onto an average of seven pairs – while men keep about three pairs. And more than half of females buy shoes every six months or more, with most owning an average of 11 pairs.

What happens if you don't replace shoes? ›

Heel spurs, achy soles and ankles, tender knees, and stress fractures are all common complaints from patients who have waited too long to replace their shoes.

Why do good shoes matter? ›

The right shoe can help keep your feet healthy and your body safe from injury. Shoes should cushion and support your feet, feel comfortable and fit well.

Is it OK to wear old shoes? ›

Old Shoes - Old or worn out shoes are one of the most common problems we see as podiatrists. Usually people use the oldest shoes to do the dirtiest work or hardest work. This can cause problems such as plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis or other foot conditions caused by a lack of support.

When should I retire my shoes? ›

The majority of running shoes are designed to last about 400 miles; however, depending on the runner, shoes may last anywhere from 300 to 500 miles. If your shoes look or feel worn, and fall within the 300-500 mile range, it's probably time to start shopping around for a new pair.

How many hours a day should you wear shoes? ›

If you are walking 30 minutes a day or an average of three to four hours a week, replace your shoes every six months. If you are walking 60 minutes a day or an average of seven hours a week, replace your shoes every three months. Plan on replacing your fitness walking shoes every three to six months, or by 500 miles.

Why do shoes wear out so fast? ›

Shoes wear out over time for good reason. “The average person takes 5,000 to 15,000 steps a day,” Dr. Russ said. “Every time you strike your heel, you are striking with three times your weight and transferring some of that weight through the rest of your foot.

Which type of shoes last longer? ›

If you've got the wrong shape of shoe for your foot, "you're forcing the material of the shoe to bend and wear which will eventually collapse and fall apart." As for materials, leather is the ultimate material for shoes because it is long lasting and will flex to fit the shape of your foot.

How can I extend my shoe life? ›

Shoes that you wear often will likely have more moisture and are exposed to more humidity than ones that stay in your closet. For regularly worn shoes, store them in an open storage area to allow the damp fabric or leather to breathe. Rotating which shoes you wear each day will also help them dry out.

Do shoes cause neuropathy? ›

Primarily, wearing ill-fitting shoes may result in neuropathy. Neuropathy is a condition in which the feet will feel numb. This ailment is painful, and sometimes irreversible. Another side effect of wearing ill-fitting shoes is foot deformities.

Which shoes are best for foot pain? ›

New Balance shoes are often cited as great for people suffering from foot pain. The Fresh Foam 1080V9 Running Shoes for men and women are stylish and comfortable with their mesh uppers. They have a wide toe box that helps to stabilize your feet and their ample cushioning helps with shock absorption.

Can shoes damage your nerves? ›

Tight, narrow shoes cause the toes to be forced into the toe box (the section of footwear that surrounds the toes on closed-toe shoes), which can lead to compression of the bones and pinching on the nerve. In addition, high-heeled shoes put a lot of pressure on the ball of the foot, which also can irritate the nerve.

What do healthy feet look like? ›

A perfectly healthy foot is flesh toned in color and has little to no 'thick', callused skin, McArthur reveals. She says nails should be pinky with a whiteish tip, without any flakes or brittleness, while a yellow tinge on either skin or nails is a telltale sign that something is wrong.

What happens to your feet when you wear shoes that don t fit? ›

A 2018 scientific review of 18 studies looking at shoes and foot problems found that poorly-fitting shoes were associated with foot pain and foot conditions, such as lesser toe deformity (hammer toe), corns, and calluses. 1 Notably, people with diabetes tended to wear shoes that were too narrow.

How often should you change your shoes every day? ›

According to podiatrists, everyday shoes need to be replaced every 8 to 12 months – or when they start showing signs of wear and tear.

Is it bad to wear the same shoes for years? ›

Rotate through your shoe collection.

It's recommended to rotate the usage of your footwear so as to not overuse any one pair of shoes. Wearing the same pair all the time can exacerbate any imbalance within the muscles and ligaments of your feet and increase your risk of a repetitive stress injury, says Canuso.

What does it mean when someone wears 2 different shoes? ›

What does wearing two different shoes signify? Wearing two different shoes in public typically indicates an extreme disregard for social norms, and on National Two Different Colored Shoes Day it means you completely accept being different, unique, and a little bit quirky.

How many days should a pair of shoes last? ›

If you walk about three to four hours a week every day, you should replace your shoes every six months. If you are heavier and walk more often than that, you should get a new pair every three months. Keep in mind this would apply if you're wearing the same shoes day in and day out.

How long can you keep new shoes without wearing? ›

When Will Unworn Running Shoes Begin to Deteriorate? While shoes won't start to deteriorate immediately after buying them, you should begin using them six to 12 months after your purchase. According to Stump, this is when they start to break down little by little. “It may not mean they're completely unusable,” he says.

Does walking barefoot strengthen your feet? ›

Walking barefoot may also help improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles and ligaments of the foot which improves the function of the foot, reducing injuries of the foot, and improving posture and balance of the body.

Should you wear shoes in the house? ›

If you're wearing outdoor shoes inside, you can bring a number of bacterial and fungal infections to yourself. You can catch the virus from a spouse or roommate if they have plantar warts. That's why I suggest having an indoor shoe specifically inside. Do not walk barefoot inside and do not wear outside shoes in doors.

Can you tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear? ›

Yes. Someone's age, gender, income, and attachment anxiety can be determined at an above chance level just by looking at photographs of their shoes. Surprisingly minimal appearance cues lead perceivers to accurately judge others' personality, status, or politics.

Is it better to wear different shoes? ›

“The repetitive stresses of wearing the same shoes day after day, hour after hour, can eventually make us uncomfortable. Rotating in a different style gives the foot and leg muscles a chance to rest by engaging different muscles.

How many pairs of jeans should I own? ›

Depending on your laundry schedule, you might need more than 5 pairs of jeans. But for most people, 4 to 5 pairs of casual pants, including denim jeans, are all that is needed to look stylish and well dressed. Keep in mind that you don't need to wash your denim jeans too often.

How many shoes does the average person own in a lifetime? ›

The other day I came across a survey reporting that the average American man owns 12 pairs of shoes, while the average American woman owns a whopping 27 pairs. That would make the national average about 19 pairs per person. Wow!

How many shoes should the average woman own? ›

A flawless pair of shoes can turn basics into an outfit, and with a well-edited shoe wardrobe, your style is unstoppable. But what does a basic shoe wardrobe look like? And what is the minimum number of shoes that a woman can own and still cover all her bases fashion-wise? In my opinion, 12 is the magic number.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.