5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (2024)

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Are you scrolling through your podcast feed, searching fruitlessly for a finance podcast that doesn’t feature a bunch of white dudes on the cover? You’re not alone. Men have dominated the finance space for decades, and podcast land is no different. Fortunately, this problem is becoming less and less prevalent with so many women in finance starting to create content specifically for female audiences.

When engaging with financial content, finding female voices is important because women do see finances differently and face different circ*mstances. Women are more likely to wait to invest than their male counterparts, they make less than their male counterparts, but ironically, they’re proven to be BETTER investors than their male counterparts. It’s estimated that the combination of starting later and investing less, women will lose almost a million dollars over their lifetime in comparison. The numbers are even starker for women of color.

Now that you know why listening to female voices in personal finance is so important, here are a few of my favorite female-led financial podcasts to check out.

5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (1)

Of course, we had to list our very own Financial Feminist podcast first. In our debut season, we tackled topics like debt, credit scores, investing, MLMs, sustainability, and so much more. There are 12 episodes total, and 6 of them are short and actionable episodes that will help you whip your finances into shape.

We’re so excited to be working on season two next year –– but in the meantime, you’ve got a whole 15+ hours of content to listen to.

Episodes to check out:

Beginner’s Guide to Investing

Increase Your Credit Score

Where to listen:


5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (2)

I guarantee you will love Janesse’s infectious personality and her money and business savvy. Janesse shares stories of her own alongside some seriously incredible guests that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to start your own side hustle or finally open that investing account. Her content is specifically targeted to Latinas and POC, but anyone of any background is guaranteed to learn something from this powerhouse.

Janesse is also a part of the FI/RE (financially independent/retire early) movement and shares about her multiple income streams that helped her become financially independent.

Episodes to check out:

How Investing & Entrepreneurship Can Help You Achieve Rich Auntie Status with Amanda Holden (Dumpster Doggy)

How To Heal Your Money Trauma with Araceliz Gomes, The Latina Investor

How To Invest Like a Girl with Mabel Nuñez, Girl$ On The Money

Where to Listen:



5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (3)

If you’ve listened to the Financial Feminist podcast, you’ll already be familiar with the incomparable Tiffany Aliche (aka The Budgetnista). Tiffany is one half of the duo that runs Brown Ambition –– a weekly podcast that helps listeners live their best financial lives.

Alongside her is Mandi Woodruff –– the executive producer of Brown Ambition. Mandi has a long history in the personal finance industry, previously working at LendingTree and leading a team of writers and editors. She’s also worked as an editor at Business Insider and as a personal finance reporter for Yahoo Finance.

Needless to say, these two are a wealth of information and a highlight of the week.

Episodes to check out:

The Magical Mythical White Man

Girlfriends, Not Gurus

Eff them Student Loans?

Where to Listen:




5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (4)

I’ve been following Farnoosh for several years now and love her podcast, So Money. With high-powered guests like Ariana Huffington, Ramit Sethi, Tim Ferris, Seth Godin, and more, she covers both the financial and business world in a way that’s anything but boring. She also does an “Ask Faroosh” episode every few releases where she answers questions from her community and brings in guests to provide their valuable perspectives.

Farnoosh is one of many women I look up to in the personal finance space, and I think you’ll adore her content!

Episodes to check out:

Black Wealth Matters with Queen Latifa

Barbara Cocoran

Is Cash Going Away? The Future of Payments

Where to listen:




5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (5)

HerMoney media is a creation of Jean Chatzky, who formerly worked as a financial editor on The Today Show and has published 11 books. I love the podcast because it covers so much more than just financial advice– you can find episodes on career, family, love, and of course, money.

The HerMoney podcast is excellent, but it’s also worth checking out all the other resources on their website!

Episodes to check out:

Feeling Stuck? How to Figure Out What You Want to Do

How to Make Your First $100K (featuring yours truly)

The Best Investing Tips for Moms (and Everyone Else!)

Where to listen:




Make sure to support each of these creators, especially if you’re enjoying their content. Like, share, subscribe, tell your friends –– whatever you can do to help more women find financial resources like these.

5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (6)

5 Best Financial Podcasts for Women (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.