4 Ways to Manage Business Finances (2024)

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1Taking Payments and Paying Expenses

2Tracking Overall Cash Flow

3Generating Financial Reports

4Filing Business Taxes

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Co-authored byDarron Kendrick, CPA, MAand Jennifer Mueller, JD

Last Updated: March 29, 2022References

Effective and efficient management of finances is critical to the growth and success of any small business. The easiest way to do this is to hire a dedicated accountant or bookkeeper right away. If you don't have the resources to hire a professional, take advantage of bookkeeping and other financial software to track your cash flow and generate reports. That way you can stay on top of your profits and act quickly to minimize losses.[1]

Method 1

Method 1 of 4:

Taking Payments and Paying Expenses

  1. 1

    Create a budget and review it regularly. A budget is essential if you want your business to be profitable. Categorize your business's regular expenses to determine how much income your business needs to generate.[2]

    • Creating multiple budgets can be helpful. For example, you may want to create one with a bare minimum of sales, so you know how to allocate the money when there isn't much coming in.
    • Use your budget to plan for the growth of your business, such as hiring a new employee or expanding your advertising and marketing.
  2. 2

    Open a separate business bank account. Even if you're running your business as a sole proprietorship, you still want to keep your business finances separate from your personal finances. Mixing your assets together can cause problems if you're audited, or sued by a business creditor.[3]

    • Don't take money from your business bank account to pay for personal expenses. If you need money from the business, label it appropriately as a draw from the business and transfer the money to your personal bank account first.
  3. 3

    Decide what types of payment you'll accept. Having a variety of payment options is a convenience for your customers. Each method of payment has its own costs and risks that you'll want to take into account.[4]

    • Cash is the simplest method of payment, but presents security risks. If you're going to take cash, have a secure safe and plan on making regular bank deposits.
    • If you want to take credit or debit cards, look into the different services to find the one that best suits your needs and your overall budget. You typically have to pay a subscription fee for the service, plus a fee per transaction. You may want to require a minimum purchase amount for credit or debit cards.
  4. 4

    Standardize payment terms. You should have a policy in place that establishes rules for payment of your products or services. Apply those rules to all customers, rather than creating payment terms for individual clients on a piecemeal basis.[5]

    • Universal payment terms will make your bookkeeping easier, and can smooth your collections process. If you apply the same terms across the board, you also don't have to worry about remembering the arrangements you made with each individual customer.


Method 2

Method 2 of 4:

Tracking Overall Cash Flow

  1. 1

    Choose your accounting method. To manage your business finances, you must choose either the cash or accrual accounting method and use it consistently. With the cash method, you record sales and expenses when money actually changes hands. For the accrual method, on the other hand, you record sales and expenses when they take place, rather than when money changes hands.[6]

    • For example, suppose you are a construction contractor and you receive an invoice. If you were using the cash method, you would record the expense in your books when you actually paid the invoice. However, if you were using the accrual method you would record it the day you received it, even if you didn't pay it for several days or weeks.
    • Cash accounting works better if you have a small business that deals primarily with point-of-sale transactions. If you deal with larger contracts that aren't paid all at once, the accrual method may be a better option for you.
  2. 2

    Record all sales and expenses. Set up a system so that all sales and expenses are put on the books the day they occur, following the accounting method you've chosen. Only doing the books on a monthly or quarterly basis may result in errors.[7]

    • If you have a store, you can use a point of sale system to track sales and produce reports that you can easily use to reconcile your books each day.
    • When you have employees or other partners buying things for the business, make sure you get those receipts as soon as possible so you can keep your books up to date.
  3. 3

    Purchase bookkeeping software. There are a number of bookkeeping programs, such as QuickBooks, that you can purchase and use to manage your business finances. Most of these programs are arranged so that you pay a monthly subscription fee to use the service.[8]

    • When you use a subscription, software-as-a-service platform, your data is stored in the cloud so that you don't have to worry as much about security or data loss.
    • These programs can be connected to your business bank accounts, credit cards, and other systems so that much of the information is entered into your books automatically.
  4. 4

    Hire an accountant if you need help. If you don't have accounting and bookkeeping education and experience, you may want to hire someone who does. Particularly if you've borrowed money to start up your business, a professional can help you avoid potentially costly mistakes.[9]

    • Check with the local licensing or regulatory authority to make sure any financial professional you want to hire has all the necessary education and certifications, and that their licenses are active and free of any disciplinary actions.
    • If you can't afford to have someone working for your business full-time, you may be able to consult with an accountant periodically, or use a bookkeeper occasionally to go over your books and correct any errors.


Method 3

Method 3 of 4:

Generating Financial Reports

  1. 1

    Download bookkeeping software to simplify report creation. When you use bookkeeping software, you also have the ability to generate the financial reports you need with the click of a button. However, the reports created are only as good as the information you put into the software.[10]

    • Go over your sales and expenses before you generate your final reports. Reconcile your books with your receipts and bank account statements to make sure the information is correct.
    • Once you're satisfied with the information, click through to create your reports. You'll typically be prompted to enter the dates you want the report to cover, and the specific information you want included.
  2. 2

    Create quarterly profit and loss (P&L) reports. Your P&L reports are among the most important tools for assessing and growing your business. Many bookkeeping programs will generate these reports for you if you input the parameters of the report you want.[11]

    • Your P&L starts with your total sales. You then subtract from those sales the cost of the products or services sold to get your gross profit.
    • Take your gross profit and subtract other expenses, such as rent or utilities, from that number. You'll be left with your net profit for the time period.
    • P&L reports are especially important if you anticipate needing small business loans or other outside funding.
  3. 3

    Prepare quarterly business financial statements. In addition to your P&L, there are several other statements, such as your cash flow statement and your balance sheet, that help you determine where money is flowing in and out of your business.[12]

    • Your cash flow statement reports the increase or decrease of money flowing into your business. You can quickly see the amount of cash on hand and what you did with it, as well as where that money came from (whether from sales or other sources, such as a loan).
    • The balance sheet summarizes your business's assets and liabilities. It will be particularly helpful if you have a business credit card, or if you've taken out a small business loan to help fund the start up of your business.
  4. 4

    Update your projections based on your actual cash flow. Your business plan likely includes cash flow and profit projections several years into the future. As you operate your business, you'll want to check periodically and make sure these projections are still accurate given your business's actual performance.[13]

    • Look at your business plan and update it twice a year. You also want to update it any time you're applying for a small business loan or courting investors, so they have the most up-to-date information to make their decision.
    • Depending on how your actual performance compares to your initial expectations, you also may want to adjust some of your business goals and plans for growth or expansion.


Method 4

Method 4 of 4:

Filing Business Taxes

  1. 1

    Get a separate tax ID number for your business. Even if you're running your business as a sole proprietorship, a separate tax ID number for your business will help keep your business and personal finances separate.[14]

    • If you have a US business, you can get an employer identification number (EIN) easily online at the IRS's website. Simply go to https://sa.www4.irs.gov/modiein/individual/index.jsp and begin your application.
    • In other countries, consult a tax professional or business attorney to find out what you need to do to correctly document your business for tax purposes.
  2. 2

    Choose your tax year. For tax purposes, you can use the calendar year, or any 12-month period that starts on a specific date. In most cases, it's easiest to use the calendar year. When you choose your tax year, you have to use it consistently as long as you remain in business. Typically, you can't change it later.[15]

    • Most businesses use the calendar year as their tax year. If you're thinking about using a different 12-month period, you may want to consult an attorney or tax professional first.
  3. 3

    Maintain records of deductible expenses. When you run your own business, you have the ability to deduct many of your business-related expenses on your taxes. These deductions lower your profits and decrease your business's tax liability.[16]

    • Generally, anything you buy to conduct business will be at least partially deductible. The expense must be reasonable. If you're unsure about something, save the receipts and discuss it with a qualified tax professional.
    • Expenses such as rent and utilities for commercial space, computers, and office supplies are examples of business expenses that typically are deductible.
  4. 4

    Use depreciation for more costly assets and fixtures. If you buy something to use in your business that you anticipate using for many years, you typically can't deduct the entire cost at once. Rather, you deduct a portion of it for several years.[17]

    • The amount and length of time you can claim depreciation depends on how the expense is categorized and the length of its useful life. These are defined by the government.
    • If you have a significant amount of purchases that are subject to depreciation, it's a good idea to have a tax professional do your taxes so you can make sure you're depreciating them using the right method and getting the maximum possible deduction.
  5. 5

    Check tax and licensing obligations with your state or local government. State and local governments also may tax businesses, or require you to maintain certifications or licenses if you want to operate your business.[18]

    • Your local small business association or chamber of commerce typically will have information on the licenses required to operate a small business in your area.
    • Visit the website of your state or local government tax authority to find out what taxes you must pay as a business owner. For example, if you have employees you typically are required to pay for worker's compensation insurance.
  6. 6

    Set up the correct withholding for any employees. If you hire regular employees and pay them salary or hourly wages, you must withhold federal taxes and Social Security from their paychecks. You also may need to withhold for state taxes.[19]

    • Many small businesses contract with a payroll service to take care of their withholding and the issuing of paychecks for them. Talk to business owners in your area to find out how they handle payroll.
  7. 7

    Pay quarterly estimated taxes. As a business owner, you typically must pay taxes on a quarterly basis and then reconcile on the business tax return at the end of the year. Your state may have estimated tax filing requirements as well.[20]

    • Depending on the nature of your business, you also may have to collect state or local sales tax for all purchases.
  8. 8

    Use a tax preparation service to simplify the process. Many companies that offer bookkeeping services also have tax preparation services. Connecting the accounts together can save you a lot of hassle because they will automatically categorize your deductions and estimate quarterly tax payments for you.[21]

    • As with bookkeeping services, tax preparation services are only as good as the information you put into them. If you're unsure about whether something qualifies as a deduction, talk to a qualified tax professional.


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      More References (12)

      1. https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/PARTICIPANT_GUIDE_FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT.pdf
      2. https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/PARTICIPANT_GUIDE_FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT.pdf
      3. http://www.dummies.com/business/accounting/small-business-financial-management-kit-for-dummies-cheat-sheet/
      4. https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/PARTICIPANT_GUIDE_FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT.pdf
      5. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/employer-id-numbers
      6. https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/manage/pay-taxes-business-state-federal
      7. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/deducting-business-expenses
      8. https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tips/small-business-taxes/managing-assets/L18WqppFX
      9. https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/manage/pay-taxes-business-state-federal
      10. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/understanding-employment-taxes
      11. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estimated-taxes
      12. https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/files/PARTICIPANT_GUIDE_FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT.pdf

      About this article

      4 Ways to Manage Business Finances (34)

      Co-authored by:

      Darron Kendrick, CPA, MA

      Financial Advisor

      This article was co-authored by Darron Kendrick, CPA, MA and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Darron Kendrick is an Adjunct Professor of Accounting and Law at the University of North Georgia. He received his Masters degree in tax law from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2012, and his CPA from the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy in 1984. This article has been viewed 16,708 times.

      20 votes - 90%

      Co-authors: 5

      Updated: March 29, 2022


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      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 16,708 times.

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      Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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      Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.