2024 Job Application Statistics (2024)

HR 101

2024 Job Application Statistics (1)

Pat Brothwell

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2024 Job Application Statistics (2)

A Bad Application Experience Could Deter New Hires

For a long time, businesses interviewed with the expectation that job candidates were there because they wanted the job and would accept an offer no matter how mundane, inane, paint-by-number, or superfluous an interview was.

But things are changing.

A PricewaterhouseCoopers survey found nearly half of U.S. job seekers turned down a job offer because of a less-than-par interview. Reasons given include too long an interview process, not having a good understanding of the day-to-day work culture, lousy communication, bad online workplace reviews, and a lackluster approach to diversity and inclusion (not surprisingly, many individuals cited a positive interview experience, but turned down the role because they couldn’t work a remote or flexible schedule).

2024 Job Application Statistics (3)

The world of work is changing rapidly, and today’s organizations need to consider candidate experience to find and retain top talent. It’s not a bad time to rethink your organization’s interview process and ensure it aligns with what today’s job seekers want. Below, we’ve included relevant stats about the job application process, candidate experience, employer branding, the interview process, and job offers so that you can make data-driven decisions that will shape your job application experience for 2023’s job seekers.

2023 Job Application Statistics

  • Application Process
  • Candidate Experience
  • Employer Branding
  • Interview Process
  • Job Offers
  • Related Resources

Application Process

2024 Job Application Statistics (4)

The actual job application can make or break your recruiting strategy. According to Career Builder, 60% of job candidates will stop an application mid-way through because they find the process too long or unwieldy. CareerBuilder found the average job-seeker doesn’t want to complete an application that will take longer than twenty minutes.

  • Lack of information about pay and benefits (50%) and interview schedule changes (50%) are the two main reasons job seekers view the job application process as stressful—this should tell savvy employers to avoid both of these scenarios to keep job seekers engaged in your interview process.
  • Glassdoor found that, on average, each of their corporate job postings attracts approximately 250 resumes. Only 4-6 will get called to interview, and one will get the job from those who apply.
  • Glassdoor also found that 67% of job seekers believe job ads should contain information about salaries, benefits, location, commute time, and employee reviews.
  • 76% of job seekers want to know how long it will take to fill out an application before they apply.
  • There are some discrepancies between what employers and employees expect. 70% of job applicants feel an online application should be five steps or fewer, while only 40% of employers feel the same. Unsurprisingly, only 40% of employers have gone through their job application process to test it out.
  • Jibe Staffing found that 60% of job candidates cannot complete online applications due to tech hurdles and barriers.

2024 Job Application Statistics (5)

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Candidate Experience

2024 Job Application Statistics (6)

Your job applicants talk—37% of job candidates say they’ve left a negative online review after having a negative experience, and 1 in 3 job candidates have turned down a job offer because of a company’s bad reviews, regardless if they’re true! Better news? 61% of job candidates say they’ve left a positive review after having a positive candidate experience.

  • 76% of job seekers say not hearing back after submitting a job application trumps the frustration of not hearing back after a first date.
  • 63% of job seekers will reject a job offer due to a bad candidate experience.
  • 72% of job seekers who had a bad candidate experience told others about it online or in person.
  • 72% of job seekers need to fully understand the work culture before accepting a job offer.
  • CareerBuilder found that candidates said it would significantly improve their candidate experience if they provided a transparent, accurate depiction of the hiring process. 76% of employers feel they do a good job setting expectations from the get-go, but only 47% of job seekers agree.
  • 66% of job seekers said they would wait only two weeks for a callback, after which they consider the job a lost cause and move on to other opportunities.
  • Employers are becoming wise to the importance of the candidate experience. 82% of employers view candidate experience as critical.
  • 64% of job seekers say that a bad candidate experience would cause them to stop purchasing goods or services from a company.

2024 Job Application Statistics (7)

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Employer Branding

2024 Job Application Statistics (8)

Employer branding is your reputation among employees and job seekers as a place to work. A strong employer brand can reduce turnover by 28%, and 75% of job seekers are likely to apply for a job with a positive reputation.

  • 79% of job seekers will consider a company's mission statement before applying.
  • Businesses with excellent employer branding receive up to 50% more qualified job applicants.
  • 39% of women consider the company's brand as “very important” before deciding to apply, while the same is true for 33% of men—on average, candidates will read six company reviews before forming an opinion on the business.
  • LinkedIn surveyed worldwide recruiting leaders and found that 72% agreed that employer brand significantly impacts hiring. 80% agreed that employer branding significantly affects attracting quality talent.
  • Surveyed small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) report company websites (69%), online professional networks (61%), and social media (47%) are their top employer branding efforts.
  • Good employer branding reduces cost-per-hire by 50%.
  • 86% of HR professionals said that recruiting is becoming more like marketing, and 86% of Glassdoor users read company reviews and ratings before applying for roles.
  • 55% of job seekers who talked to Glassdoor said reading a negative review of a company caused them not to apply. At the same time, CareerArc found 36% of employees say a company’s reputation as a place to work was “very important” when accepting a new role.

2024 Job Application Statistics (9)

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Interview Process

2024 Job Application Statistics (10)

67% of employed Americans say job interviews influence their decision to accept jobs. Interviewing matters!

  • A Glassdoor/Harris Poll found 61% of employees reported the realities of their new job differed from what their interview portrayed.
  • An MRI Network Recruiter Sentiment Study found 35% of organizations’ interview processes lasted 5-6 weeks, 23% lasted 7-8 weeks, 31% lasted 3-4 weeks, 8% lasted 1-2 weeks, and 3% lasted more than nine weeks.
  • On average, a job candidate will get one interview request for every six applications they complete—the average job-seeker applies to twenty-seven companies before landing an interview.
  • 81% of recruiters have claimed that virtual recruitment will continue well after the COVID-19 pandemic and 74% of recruiters say video interviews make their lives easier.
  • Initial phone screenings typically last fifteen minutes, while the average face-to-face interview (whether that’s in-person or via video chat) lasts forty minutes to an hour.

2024 Job Application Statistics (11)

New to video interviews? We’ve been conducting them since our inception in 2012! Here are some tips for a great candidate asynchronous video experience.

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Job Offers

2024 Job Application Statistics (12)

17.3% of U.S. job offers—more than 1 in 6—are rejected. Glassdoor tracks this data and reports there’s been a steady increase in offer rejections over the last few years. This should be eye-opening to employers—assume all your candidates are fielding multiple offers.

  • Candidates are 1.4-2.5% more likely to accept an offer if their interview includes a skills test and 1-2.3% less likely to accept an offer if the application process consists of an IQ or personality test.
  • Job candidates like to feel challenged during the interview process (not unnecessarily, however). Candidates are 2.6% more likely to accept a job offer if they find the interview process suitably difficult.
  • The MRI Network Recruiter Sentiment Study found that candidates told employers they were rejecting the offer due to accepting another offer (32%), compensation (25%), taking a counteroffer (15%), or too lengthy a hiring process (11%).
  • Candidates told the same study that they actually declined offers because of compensation (27%), accepting another offer (12%), and limited professional development (6%).
  • 35% of job seekers told CareerBuilder they’ll turn down an offer if the employer does not offer a remote work option.
  • LinkedIn users say the most important consideration when accepting new job offers are compensation (49%), professional development (33%) and a better work/life balance (29%).

2024 Job Application Statistics (13)

Use these stats, along with the HiringThing Guide to Increasing Your Applicant Traffic to reimagine your recruiting in a data-driven way today!

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An Applicant Tracking System Can Strengthen Your Application Experience

2024 Job Application Statistics (15)

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is designed to help organizations organize, automate, and streamline their recruiting. Organizations utilizing an ATS report quicker hires, better hires, and an improved hiring experience. 94% of hiring professionals say that using recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process.

Related Resources

  • Recruiting Stats to Help Plan Your Year
  • Remote Work Statistics Prove It's the Future of Work
  • The HiringThing Guide to DEI Recruiting
  • Innovative Strategies to Improve Recruiting and Retention

About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting and employee onboarding platform as a service that creates seamless talent experiences. Our white label solutions and open API enable technology and service providers to offer hiring and onboarding to their clients. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere to build their dream team.

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2024 Job Application Statistics (2024)


How many applications to get a job in 2024? ›

Simplifying AI to enable new levels of personal productivity, career growth and upgraded living. In 2024, the average job receives 120+ applications. And it takes ~160 applications to land a job.

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If you can't find a job in 2024, it is likely you are either looking in one of the industries that has seen some decline or have not searched the top job markets for 2024. Perhaps this is a good time to consider a career shift or look into ways your skillset can benefit companies experiencing growth.

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Key takeaways

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the U.S. economy added 175,000 jobs in April 2024, the slowest jobs gain in six months and below market expectations. The unemployment rate ticked up from 3.8% to 3.9%.

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As it does, you can probably expect to see your job search take an average of about five to six months, depending on the industry and job type. With sound effort and diligence, however, you may be able to significantly shorten the time frame needed to get your career back on track.

What is the average number of applications before getting a job? ›

Let's look at the numbers on how many applications it takes to get a job: It takes 21 to 80 job applications to get one job offer, on average. The average corporate job opening receives roughly 250 applications. 61.7% of job seekers get at least one interview by sending between 1-10 job applications.

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These are the Best Jobs of 2024, According to Indeed
RankJob title% Change in Job Share, 2020 vs. 2023
1mental health technician1
2loan officer3
3mental health therapist132
4electrical engineer34
21 more rows
Apr 18, 2024

What time of year is hardest to find a job? ›

The summer (more July and August than June) is generally one of the worst times to find a job. Managers and human resources personnel are more likely to take time off for the summer and this slows down the recruitment process. Businesses tend to avoid making key decisions and focus on the basics over this period.

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How to Jump-Start Your Job Search in 2024: A Guide to Landing Your Dream Job
  1. Assessing yourself and setting goals. ...
  2. Concentrate on companies rather than openings. ...
  3. Research the market thoroughly. ...
  4. Be proactive in networking. ...
  5. Make your resume and cover letter stand out. ...
  6. Establish a strong digital presence.
Feb 1, 2024

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This is usually because age 40+ candidates have a difficult time proving to hiring managers that they can do more of the things that are important to the employer.

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A trio of factors: Layoff spillover, AI and market re-correction. Some experts say that companies and workers are having a hard time meeting each others' needs right now. But Goldstein pinpoints three specific factors fueling the job search drag.

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Nurse practitioner

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Can't Find a Job? Consider These 13 Tips
  1. Take a Break. ...
  2. Go Where the Jobs Are. ...
  3. Spruce up Your Online Presence. ...
  4. Get Skilled or Schooled—or Both. ...
  5. Change Your Mindset. ...
  6. Try a Temporary Job. ...
  7. Build Your Network. ...
  8. Review Your Resume.

Why can't I get a job in 2024? ›

So far, in 2024, the job market has been getting tougher. Layoffs are up, wage growth is slowing down, and unemployment has ticked up to 3.9%.

How many jobs a day should I apply for? ›

"Applying to about two to three jobs a day is ideal so candidates can focus on tailoring their resumes, including specific keywords and skills that connect to the job posting," said Gabrielle Davis, a career trends expert at Indeed. Job seekers should focus on relevant and recent openings.

How many interviews to get a job? ›

You can expect to have anywhere between two and four interviews before receiving a job offer. If you are interviewing for a high-level executive position, though, you may need to go on more than four interviews. If you are interviewing for an entry-level position, you may only need to go on one or two interviews.

How long does it take to hear back from a job application in 2024? ›

On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for an employer to respond to a job application. According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, the average job interview process in the United States takes 23 days.

How many job applications to get a job after college? ›

Taking a look at the average will give you an idea of how many applications you need to complete. So, let's take a look at the facts here. Well, it takes between 100 and 200 applications to land a job, according to information from Lehigh University.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.